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One of the deputation of AVcsleyau ministers and laymen who-interviewed Air Scddon yesterday addressed tho Premier as “ Your Honor. ’

“ The law ought to cope with it, and put it down,” Sir Seddon, declared yesteaday, speaking of sly grog-semng. “They say it is impossible, but it is not so. Ido not believe wo arc powerless to carry out our laws.” The Minister for Public: Works slates that there about a thousand men (including sleeper-getters) employdl in connection with the iNorth Island Main Trunk Railway works, which are progressing in a .satisfactory inannei. The special committee appointed by the Wellington City Council to consider the abattoir question met again yesterday, and heard the evidence, of a number of butchers. Tho report of tho committee is likely to be presented at an early date.

The draining of sheep supplies of the North Island by thb_ Canterbury province) continues. Yesterday another mob of 550 .shoop from the. Hatnma Estate, Hawke’s Bay, was shipped by tho Rotomahana for Lyttelton. They are to bo used for breeding purposes.

The following additional subscriptions have boon received towards the Queen’s Statue Fund;—Public AVovks Department, £lO os; Captain Babot, £2 2s; Gaunawav and Co., £2 2s; Or. B. Davy, £1 Is; Claude AI. Banks, £1 Is; McGregor Wright and Co., £1 Is. Total amount received to date, £1317 ISs. Air Balfour Kean, of the Tnuoru School, has been promoted to be third assistant master in the Pctono School, to succeed Air Mead, who Ims been appointed headmaster of the Rangitumau School. Mr Herbert Price, of Brooklyn School, has also been promoted, and is now third assistant master in the Clyde quay School, to take the place of Air Lynskoy, transferred to Pctono. With reference to the subscription raised at tho Homo Mission, mooting at AVcsley Hall on Tuesday evening, on behalf of tho eloquent Maori missionary, Air Robert Hadden. (Rapata Tabu Potiki). Dr Alorley announced at the AVesleyan Conference yesterday that the amount subscribed was about £SO. This was supplemented by the sum of £2O, subscribed privately by members of the conference. It was then stated tlxat it had been decided to raise the amount to £IOO, and to erect a residence for Air Hadden at Patea. ,

The affiliation, case against Patrick Toohill for the maintenance of the child of a single woman, was called on again at the Magistrate’s Court yesterday afternoon, before Dr McArthur, S.M. Evidence was called by Mr Skerrett to disprove statements made by witnesses for the defence as to plaintiff having been given money for tho support of the child by a person employed in the Government Buildings. The Court reserved its decision until next Monday. The case against Edward Pierard of indecent assault was further adjourned until next Wednesday, on which, day Mr Wilford will cross-examine the principal witness for the prosecution.

A lady whose attendance as a witness was desired at tho Magistrate’s Court yesterday morning did not appear - . A friend, however, said she had a medical certificate which explained her absence. With a scepticism born of some years’ experience of litigants, a lawyer asked to sec the certificate. The ' piece of notepaper was handed over by its unsuspecting holder. A broad smile suffused the countenance of the solicitor as lie perused what the doctor had written. And there was great merriment in Court when he read it aloud: ‘'This is to certify,” said the humorous medico, “that Mrs X is suffering from an excessive loquacity.”

The adjourned .fourth game in ' the chess match between Messrs W. 13.

Mason, champion of New Zealand, and Mr R. J- Barnes, an ex-champion, was eon tinned: and concluded in the social hall of the Working Men’s Club last | evening. Mr Mason, who at the adjournment, hadi passed two pawns to the good and a strong attack, succeeded in vanquishing his opponent; and now the position is that in the contest to win the first seven games, each player has won two games., Play will be resumed on Friday evening at the Wellington Chess Club’s room, and on the following Tuesday (by the request of tho Sports Committee) at the social hall of the Working Men’s Club. Visitors are cordially invited to witness the match at either or both institutions. Play will commence each evening at 7.30.

The Government has received a cablegram from the English police authorities stating that they prefer that the man Lillywhite, now in custody on a charge of having muroored Mr A. Welch at Colchester in 1893, shall be sent to England direct. The cablegram has been commuiTTealed )n . ‘ V ' soli,*'*! i ov.s AJ {/ r v - \ Aflji'. The a.,:,-used a ill. theiviore. not he, per.' mined iii go !o England by way ol \ ans‘Oliver, ft will be rtmembmvd thal hr ( uv-bed in do so. In order that lie might be identified by friends and acquaintances at Tacoma, U.S.A. Lillywhite will go to England in one of the direct steamers. It is not. yet known wluuh one ho will travel by. He will bo taken to . England by the police officer who came . here from; Colchester for tho purpose. ; The necessary warrant has been issued.

Mr R. M. will be a candidate for re-election to tho City Council.

The tenth annual meeting of the Metronolitan Permanent Building - nvestment Society will be held on Tuesday, 19th hist.

Among the visitors to the "Wesleyan Conference, last night, was Mr Justice Cooper, iv ho was wc-Jcomod by the president amidst applause. An address of condolence to King Edward VII., on the death of the Queen. and of loyalty to bis -Majesty, was- read, last night, at the Wesleyan Conference.

The following gratifying announcement appeared in a late .issue of the London “Grocer,” the leading organ of the provision trade in London:—“Colonial butter is now rapidly superseding all other descriptions.”

At a. largely-attended meeting of tbe shareholders in the City and Suburban Cooperative Building Society, held last night, in the TTocadero, the appropriation of £3OO fell to Xo. 30. This is tho second ballot of tho society held within four weeks.

In accordance with statute, the following members of tho Victoria College Council retire;—Dr Chappie (Parliamentary representative), Mr J. P. Firth (graduates’ representative), Air T. R. Fleming (teachers’ representative) and Air G. Talbot (Education Board’s representative). The election to fill the vacancies will bo held ou Alonclav, April Bth.

Recently the Palmerston Borough Council obtained a loan of £IO,OOO from the A.ALP. Society for sewerage works. Tho society has now written stating that owing to a technicality in tho loan proposals, it is necessary that a Irosh poll lie taken, otherwise the money cannot 0o advanced. At a meeting of the Borough Council on Tuesday evening, it was decided to agree to the society’s roil nest that a frosli poll be taken immediately-

Tho number of nominations received

last night for tbo St. Patrick’s Day Celebration, to bo held on the Basin Reserve on Saturday, March 16th, is as follows ; —looyds, 21; 220yds, 19-; 440yds, II ; half-mile, 9; mile, 11; Empire City Athletic Club race, 11; two-mile bicyclo handicap, 13; three-mile bicycle handicap, 13. Among the athletes engaged aro such well-known performers ii.s L. J. Furric. F. H. Somers, Luke.

AVard, and H. Payne. ' Among 1 cyclists C. C. Burton, T. Dwyer, A. AV. Humphreys, and Bennett have, entered. A Glcnorcby correspondent of tho “Otago Daily Times” telegraphs: —“A successful ascent was made of Alount Earnslaw (9165 ft) on 1 Saturday, 2nd inst., by Aliss Smith, Aliss Aladge Smith and Miss Ethel Mackenzie, of Sydney, under the able guidance of Mr Harry Birloy, assisted by Air Joe Hall. The party, after cutting over 500 steps in the ice, reached the top, but were unfartunately deprived of the view by a blinding snowstorm, which compelled them to descend without loss of time. The young ladies are the first Australians to succeed in reaching the top. A Bench of Justices consisting of Messrs John Kays and 11, C. Gasquoino. presided at tho Magistrate’s Court yc»terday. Antono Gamanosi and Frederick Swanson were each fined 5s and costs J7.s) for having driven vehicles at other than a walking pace round the corner of AVillis street and Lambtou quay, an alternative of twenty-four

lours’ imprisonment being allowed. Jaurico Alautel was “convicted and dis•harged” for having ridden a, bicycle afcr sunset without having a. light there-

on. Throe first offenders wore convicted for drunkenness. One was fined ss,

cl, the remaining two discharged

The annual swimming sports of the Girls’ High School were held yesterday at tho Thonidon baths. Following arc particulars of tho various events 'and winners:—Championship—N. West, 1; A. Berkeley, 2. Girls of 14 and under —J. Curtis, 1; D. Pollock, 2. Swimming on back —B. von Dadelszen, 1; D. Pollock, 2. Girls over 14—D. Gillon, 1; A. Berkeley, 2. Egg and Spoon Race—A. Berkeley, 1; B. Fitzgerald, 2. Foot-first Plunge—E. Holmes and W. Pollock, 1; S. Van Staveren, 2. 30yds Handicap—D. Gillon, 1; F. Hannay, 2. Headers —W. Pollock, 1; S. Van Staveren, 2. Old Girls’ Race—S. Nathan', 1; G. Nathan, 2. Seahorse Race—First heat: T. von Dadelszen, 1; A. Berkeley, 2. Second heat: E. Holmes, 1; E. Simcox, 2. Final; T. von Dadelszen, 1; B. Holmes, 2. Consolation Race—E. Simcox, 1; D. Wilson, 2.

A lecture on *' Evolution and EJthics ” was delivered last night at the New Century Hall, Kent terrace, by the Rev W. A. Evans. He 'reviewed the lecture of Professor Huxley on this subject, andl combated the theory that roan was part of the cosmic process, or what is known as the ordinary processes of nature. Man, we wore told, he said, was a natural product, void of anything like spiritual hopes, and much of this spirit pervaded the literature of our day. This literature was described as artistic, but it seemed to him to be inartistic. The higher literature never forgot, as Pascal had said, that man was nobler than the universe. Huxley had declared that social progress meant the checking of the cosmic process at every stage, and the substitution for it of another which might bo called the ethical process. Mr Evans described the ethical end of man, synonymous with the spiritual cud of man, as the standpoint from which to view all the facts of time and space, and to co-operatc with them, and especially with that Eternal Spirit which constituted _ the very soul ns well as very nature, feomo questions were asked! at the close ol the address, and Mr Evans was given a cordial vote of thunks. Mr W. MeLean presided.

A mooting of creditors in toe estate of Thomas Chapman, of Porirua, carpenter, was held yesterday at the office of the Official Assignee. Mr Freeman (Stafford, Treadwell and Field) appeared for tho bankrupt, whose liabilities were sot down at £lO7 3s 9d, and his assets at a very small amount. The bankrupt said the debts had been accumulating for live year.?. Some of them represented medical expenses for his I wife and one of his seven children. He owed money to four doctors, who had all received something on account. He had been earning 10s a day at the asylum, where he had been in regular work. Five of his children were dependent on him. During the last ten weeks his .average earnings bad been £2 14s a week. He had previously been adjudged a. bankrupt in Christchurch, and was undischarged. The Assignee said he would require the bankrupt to furnish a statement of his receipts and expenditure for the past three years. In reply to further questions, the bankrupt said Shat for six months his. wire had a boardint:-ii.iu:-r- in Wellington. During than rime he kepi. ! !ir-_ hoiwe at Poiivrsi. 1 going. Kirriilthiv which his wile pj'M\ssed was allowed her hy the creditors in his lan bankruptcy. !t was not worth than In the cour-w of discussion, some ol the creditors pro. I sent asserted that the bankrupt had • wasted his means, and expressed cott- : siderable indignation, at his conduct. ) The Assignee, in reply to a. creditor, t said that none of the debts in the pre- . sent bankruptcy amounted to £2O. The . meeting was adjourned sine die.

The annual meeting of the 'Welling-j ton Football Club will be held to-mor-j row evening. i

It is intended to erect a town clock at Greytowu as a memorial of the late Queen‘Victoria,, and a subscription list has been .opened for the. purpose of raising the necessary funds. The annual report of the directors of the Palmerston North Gas Company,, to be submitted to the annual meeting of shareholders on the 1-ltb , inst., states that the total amount available for distribution is £1951 6s 7d. Ihc directors recommend the payment of a dividcncl at the rate of 6 per cent, on the naid-up capital, which will absorb £1260, leaving a balance of £691 6s 7d to be further dealt with. The directors also recommend placing the sum of £560 to the reserve fund, the balance, £l4l 6s 7d. to bo carried forward to next year’s accounts. The directors who retire in accordance with the articles of association are Dr Collins and Mr J. M. Richardson, both of whom, being elicable, offer themselves for re-election. Tiro retiring auditor, Mr Kember, offers himself for re-election. Mr Walter Rutherfurd, of Palmerston North, has also applied for the position.

Our Hutt Valley correspondent writes • —At the Hutt Magistrate’s Court, before Dr McArthur, S.M.. iudpment was given in the following civil cases; —J- Cotton v. S. Francis, claim £1 14s 3d; same v. \. Conlxn, £3 ids; Pringle and Reid v. Mclntyre, £3 7s; R. Short v. M. Hyde, £7 10s.— Cfcicflv through the instrumentality of the Rev J. D. Russell, the popular Anglican clergyman, a young men’s debating society, called au “At Home,’ has been established at Pcfconc, and, from present bids fair to become a. very successful institution. Tho meetings, which, arc bold at the vicarage, are open to the young men of tho town, the organisation being undenominational. Lust Sunday the .subject chosen was “ War: Is It- Necessary?” the discussion resulting proving particularly instructing and interesting.

Tlio Oddfellows’ Hall, Jolmsouville, was crowded to overflowing last night, wlicn a ''‘social" was tendered to four returned soldiers belonging to the district, viz., Privates Gcstro, Willis, Reiter and Orr. Mr W. Cook, chairman of the Town Board, presided, and there were also present the Premier, Mr W. H. Field. M.H.R., and Mrs Field, ana Captain Hughes. On behalf of the residents of Johnsonville, the Premier presented each of the troopers with a watch. In doing so, he refuted the impression that participating in the war would make the soldiers restless and prevent them settling down to work again. They deserved a holiday after their experiences in South Africa, but would soon settle down again to work. Private Retter was also the recipient of a purse of sovereigns from his ‘Wellington friends. Speeches were made by the chairman and; Mr Field, and an enjoyable programme of vocal and: recitative items was carried out. The room was afterwards cleared for dancing.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4299, 7 March 1901, Page 5

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LOCAL AND GENERAL New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4299, 7 March 1901, Page 5

LOCAL AND GENERAL New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4299, 7 March 1901, Page 5