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KUK MUS IS UUIU'A. i:;.s bi'iiuyi:' if, of - A’.m iiiv- ::<■ ill. !i.i},r.H-d Pcb.-M id. Urn ->u ■:' I; nj.: -serf 'I t*> ■ i;> k: ' i.K ."V • I■: r ! Ii:- ■ fi.ij t .11),'-:-, (i i t. bo mm; nd--1 !■: iln- i.. my; ipiiM.!.;/ bo - i i -i, v, if h iii--, m I c, !: nr , cxorcisr ■■Uolfi-;i-i.! Ml l-i i i.; c-lur- il . made :iI f■; i < V 1,1 i I'l.iMi".' iiUM'IIMX. A Mf-y ■■■ < ii' - 1 - f jp.,: 11 ihc yumd, I i - i •) • • ■>: it ' ‘: ' i rjf’ii |r;r cit 1./ ■ ; ■ ' if,’ : , i -ji'-icr:-. !.-=■- Hi ’l’, fMM • .- i i I ’.’,,:: 1 MM. iii - ■ m.;- i,,„ ■■ j |, it yu ' - ■■ .1 -,i i i, iff ( -J. ■ ... .I it. i .. I.: 1 < amV Wiv 1,-i ’ .mm it) ; Ii ■ iri' iI ’ i ' m..■■■■-iMi-v;-’: At.-s I : 1,.- i-.f-l. iii. .<=■}• ' . , i. ■ . i-< cmm.-l. K-f. ’ ; Ml- ii. mm f-i n f ..,11 M> ’MI cr M 1,-M- !i ft Im ' ’ I i’M C.M m I’, "'<■ ■ mmmmm'i. f im! -I, ■ f - ■ -imi; iii.. fi :ii’M-i !m.m ■ f ■, ■! i. MM M !; ;;m :My m! o f ’ mm.. by HA, I" , !m, . t ;v-l :’i;|irojiM ;m ' ■ . ;m m ! f.' i ‘ i ■ i-tj’.i; ! i‘f ■v. 1.,' ’1 s’ i: If-M ' . ■ : Mi ;in y .. 1;; ir.ti !y <11 ■ll ‘ 1111 .it : I I i.’illlU-iif! . ami W, I;: •-1 ; i,,M y cm, ’,;ii IMi ly aero.- - (he Cm. - to. ; ■ : i, .fill Ui-M. it. OfiMi'Mli .1 tin ,- iin.V. Mm I! iiV .' ffi'iis from the ;-;i M,|- i’’ ill'. : i'c MI to i,y lit'’ i 'ii}' i■- rn’iiM Of I i : M f.)ifli!liyi!«!l<-‘r ; b,C It ~m , A t.i .Mu -oil. and JUf.. v.ns .0-A.;nA.;KAN v.-a. n. iV. im Hr lliMi'-u, I li.- Hi- nil.-! n Arnlim -m’l.i m I:;) |,• nrf ft la Mv ll'-y. St •• i•• A-.-.', i In- c.'ji'i!!., iiy (i; rm.iu MilijMi'l I ■ l ,; ■!: io >i:-; 11 i'ai !nr (1; i; iiaj: ■-i , If;, ff fin■■ 1 if I ■ Ifii ’. i. ill 1-aM •I ’ 1 1 11 f| 111 of Ilf’.’ Hi Mil’., I;; ■. v. M r if!! ll V 1 iI- |. I'M ,’i’(i i iiy Im I’M MM! 1. V. I•f■: I. ■ Al-i'i’ III” f■!oa(’ i: I i i: | i :11 ■■ i, 11 i ,|t ! if,- 11 iM-i i 1 r i; I;i rf : I ti.'i'i ii ''ri’fi!, • iSl.ii ’*'. i”i a mil iicc i’i r<‘-t-..’if ;, .:in . . i . '’ oilii-i - (!<-vcrnmcntH I'MVI- l CMV I Il'ifn irllfirils ’.’a'-crl i:;i 111’.’ iuiixi ami lln> viuu;.*i>fl:it-4 iitiil-, v.’li'fii,. In••,v(’Vir. v.-ii'i ini ’;r ii.ii;',rKio’ic/.l mt account. <■ fijc u‘- Hiiidi' of the United iStiuc.-i, i;ui vriil lu.' held, it is expected. cm mlie,'. ,n;i v ii.tiil Cuba is !ifde|H'ii;ierit, v.i’.i’n I- v.dll In' i*rci-.cnl-cd to (lie Govvroinet't of Calm. : '•! (?•,■'f7;i!<KS'l ! S IX PHiRSIA. • s.. .Per: inn (.'oi-f nnnenl. i/iiibiiv.; ar.'iiiii,l' 11.f-(it tin' piiynieni of British cam’iif’f'i ,i ctiijii-’, rite of wliicli have, iu I f’ l , alvc;’’.ly been, -lettled, inul uIm:: fir |,o)i IM'j a step In i !,(-> v. 1 il fill i : !.’UlKir<imi: iif iif-i'iii i cl< ;Gi lines in Parsia '.'•i.'C’b i ;.' .fi’M’ii:’, 1 ;,”] .snoievlmf ||i' i;i|M, .M.’iMll-.’y IM ’l bl (m/I'M jn l( t r i.. y - ij, i! j.. ‘ I” IMl”, ” fi/M.ll in I’’ i'l’lV.’i I'l’ I: fIMOjIC IflKl illill.l. Tim i'l’.'-.iiiii Gcvvi •■.’iieiil im - nnv.ii-. e e a bi'iiii■ if i i'b’l'liiy liicml (-.'(iverivir . In : iic-.-l:.i niMiMi'in s to ibe lim’s. Mini liabiiin; them respuiisiiile for i'liy \rill’ul <l:tin!!;;e done in tlicir sever;,! di-iudel THU ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION. Tim i>i-Mfi'. cry. -.yjii-th i - in course of ciiii-f.trui’iiou fit Dundee for the British cxin'dition io !lm Aaitavctio, is expected to im Hnnehed in next. It is de-bin-f| trial', ths expedition shouid leave imi Infer Gian \ho cud of duly. Satisfneior.v prooresf. in aiso benig niado ivitli flio (ionium eypi’ditiou, u’h iuh is to ro-) oporaJe with the British. A suggestion has l.'cr ii put fr,nvard that, otlier countries should .join tiermany and -Britain iu ’.viiat is hoped to bo (bo most successful attempt, yet uirulo to reach the South Polo, iiii !y i ‘■aid to view Ilia stijr^es-

lltm v.'iih Fa vour. In the event of only tho German and British expeditions startin';; the arc a of rroenrch will lie m equally divided as posaible, tho German expedition. taking one side and the British the other.

ST. LAWRENCE POWER SCHEME. The crush-notion of the power works at. Messena, on tho St. Lawrence River, is urogres&ig rapidly, and this plant will probably commence tho supply of electricity about tho month of July next year. Since 18bo there have been installed at Niagara ten v. estinghouso elocl ric generators of 5000 hersa-power capacity each, and fer the St. Lawrence Power Company fifteen Westinghouse generators of 5000 horse-power each are under construction. The power-houso is being built oa the bed-rock of the Grasse River, and will ho about 700 ft. long by 160 ft. wide. -K ick of tho turbines will consist of a set cf six wheels, produce GOO!) horse-power, and ho directly coupled to or.o generator. Tho canal conveying i l»o water from the St. Lawrence to the power house is large c-nOUs?.■ to acconimod.:;‘o largo lake vessels. It is 15,20(Jft. lung, JU2ft. wide at the water line, and If'l’r. deep. To develop 75,000 horsepower the canal will need to be widened t;> a. width of 2G3G;., arm tho Grasse River will have to bo deepened.

A V/OITAA’3 CPAI'IE. A harrowing :cene took place the other day in the cabinet of hi. Joliet, examining niagUt-ate cf Paris. Soma time ago jj. l ci clinand Celias, at the earnest request of his mother, broken oil r. liaison with a middle-aged woman named Jeanne Moro. The latter awaited him on the sktircase anil literally drenched his face with vitriol. The victim,■ who was led .•door: ' corridor, is quite Winn, nothing Ik uia; lett cl ii:eyes hut two- hideous c.r.-irh--. The prisoner, on being cjii-f*-(.sited with her former lover, serr-amed wiia hosror nml then Hung herself upon kr knees- To her request for pardon* AI. (Adas replied: ‘Tuscead of lorgivenoss lake my malediction.” DA. RETAKS AMI' THE ATOMS. Xews has reached London of an exciting rdv idii-e whirls Or. C;s> 1 IVE-rs has had with linns in the Fnra ct .’'!'he's coins u-.v in mid Africa, ’(he doctor slate-, tint ho win sitting at breakfast one iiwruiiij', when news was l.ior ;hi bin that four hens were in an ndjocuiv.'; villaire. where they bad cominittedV.mss.v demredationv, besides killing one smut and several nigs. Tie went to'‘lie .syat with all hash*, and found finite 1 :e. brother of Alr.kmnbc. and sente natives who were not oropcrly aimed. 'IT 10 lions were concealed in thick grass, but as scon as he approached one of them attacked the party. The doctor, who was armed with a sporting express,

fired V.e"l) 0117:' t. . :l:r . aV ;y. !; l!' did not know ■..!!;r ■■ i-od hi- ) colloid, wideii knocked '■ n Ji.nod lli.-llllc-d liini Wit ll Ij, ' I-',-?;- : ij'i ;rc>.,!. Tin- df■ j oi' fircd_ 1 n:;„- ■ hid!, • «r the • iifiirintcd iinhiicd. om- oi v. lu.-ti ( d;;- .sod:; , ran nyy k _ro_ den I'i ! r:! J. Xoievi; o-taP-Jiny i• i j i;; i .i: n lion rrowio.'l rrv Jill') .. i o ;.h, kiiecr:in;< ov, r Cuntei.c oo i., . The chief v.-o-; f-:-dad door , o ;ho -vioid vio-re it iva, l ji:• j■ t - e i, v. n ; . ; - iy 1 1 • ir l . JEWS '; Xt-ii) (•;■'■ i'A i.i.M'l i>i];i. A< - diii" lo int<oii-o-rc.- i'oci (.’on-i-limt ii;r:;j!i•. the i J o;; • .-. i c our iy r;;faei to :i’! o,v vi lion Ji ro -Joy oi Tide-line lonno;' then I'lri'i' t.'iom iifi, y;id tin- I'ijiiV -to plireiia.c f'K- oro--11-Tly i . ids') drilk-'l ■..(!>•:•!. A, 11 ;,roU.:l> iiy ;);o v. t ions Anions,: oytiji-: these oo ov!;**’., have hoy:; io eoie. ’I. lie t.■ ( a-.lire-, arc Ini,;■ to pr ))cn!i;:;i> nt hef tinmen t ■. of .j 'rUc IV.r! c > Pi. ij - ■ in! i n rj- i'nuhhs i;; < cur., ■ - lion ,vj Mi i he oioni-o toovoicon’ . ividch i.-; f rdc'l as t'-ndinc to ;he oolitic,d n. - lo'.tj.;om of .jidi’n. i'o.Tjs.’u.o(y v, ■ ” is* Portuguese (ii is cs i. -jv ('jicnovi on January I'ud by rh" if in,;: whose Speech I roiu the I'll; oik- cnii'i'iuod l!.c foi/tiv. ioy; •) i-.sere : h-■ ions of I’ortngitl with other's are iViciui ! y. Tin- Qumoi of i'audi. nd v, :■ s ph-.0-ud ;-i send I'o'io'iMy th Lishon a powerful ;-.,ie;.droil on. 11, special tnir, don., treinriy tigroctihlc to 'no. and irili It oiiiuiliy :-o lo you. 'l'iic p;c.-.oie • ef iodKrcvit 'iiuiroii in. (i;<. To tor; ‘.iynally I'nipiiiirtisod tlio 'lo’cimi pnolic a/Uvmatiouj then nindn lo li:o do.-fr:■ ■;;;isiil.p midi rliii'iico which uailrtl ii-.i r.vo ;:;i‘.iu.i| ami v.’iiieh I'oCi-i:,- ;n-:'.'■ive more Mrouri.v i.eeontnato.l. j am oo:iso;| to stare that dm in;.' I'n* sl roy-o t o;.. 1 , > 1 >■ •[-n enri-rrtl upon in. So;;’ h /ii it ii, l , n;-tlet ii has s! i;t(ititioly nont'hl, < .i si'.e in loir p0,..;.-oiiiiM ill- mici' ('o' I'itd'.l-t of -overoitnity and the dntio-t of hc-.pii;iiiLy onjoined l,y kindly iul ei-vioi iI eiiotoiin;. 1 n toie - i a j/biee on n-rnnl Uit> lofty r.ihnir, iiolf-tienial. and •■n’nincv-i of orr s:',i!i;rs and soiflicis v, hciMvr ,■ the lionoar nod pivM-ico of the poituyiio-e fiiyy Irui lo In- mtauiained.’’ i’APKH MAKfN(.: !X O.'STAR-iO. TJto Oaliirio eiovej'iiiiiciiii'o .'toy- toy in Livco-pool lias issued a pi .npliiuc deser'!)ing e.-flniu iudu-struil pfoeasr-f, in fsorUteni Oiihirio. It conhiin,-. the sulntaiino] of an iuidn :ss (ielivered i i Toronto iiy -Mr K. It. Clei-oue. iJic iiiiun'oyer of a ■ pi.iin-paper-makii.ig (.onipany in (iiaipvcvineo. In it Mr Gieircuo iitirrates hoiv ho iva-; led iiy the oboervuf.ion of the imr.iense •.vutcr junver of (Jin district to devise flu- means of utiii-.nno that power fur work milk, for the rmiiiufactiiio M

wood-pulp for Clio purposes paper. But to make v.■ood-puip into paper an infusion of sulphur i necessary, and. ns the importation of snip hi*- from Sicily was a easily proofs:-, .v-.r CTergiio »-ohceivcd I la.- idea, of procuring iii- sulphur from the snlphuron - '.si:; ; brown •■.if by die nickel cro t.v. • at Si.dbi.Tv, Ontario. Tin- next .-:(i, u ,nr at ta':;-nii-iii. of certain alkalies rc.(iii-iU' for tbc sepnraviou nf the sulphur ;ro:u ibr c;,w, sind these’ lie. found ;i;w; in Ontario. Eventually a railway wa • found to (n ! an absolute necessity to r the] filll.\-manufactured cum modify to ’.he markets of Canada and the llmt.’d! States. Now this is completed lie nulnrally claims for iiis crenpuny die credit of having taken the first steps for the, fall dev< lopmcnt of tho resources cf the Algoma district of the province of Ontario. STEAKGE DOAllUillL STUlli. .Maurice Eltcnbaud, I w°n I y-sev 'cn, a well-dressed man, described sis a commissi eu. agent' nf 66, Kcsinho read, Keasalrise, was charged at Wiliest; ivi with stealing jewellery and ether articles .0 tho value'of -£l2O, tho property cf Grat e Zahkn, cf the same address. Tho prosecutrix, a young married woman, said she had been living with the prisoner -at 66 Kesiako road, and 0:1 September 23rd left on business, and Jui not return until December 22ud, when she found prisoner had k>Tt a note for her in which lie stated ho was afraid to faco her, as lie had been through her boxes, and pawned a lot of her property. Prisoner pleaded guilty, and said ho took the articles because ho was unfortunate in business. j, no prosecutrix had been .very good to him ever since his business fell oil: at Manchester, mid! they left there with tho intention Sjfj going to South Africa, but tho war broke out, and they remained in London. His business—the sale of inventions—continued bad, and in September she took a situation as a saleswoman' in Soumamptou, leaving their e.ulcl with him. Tho babe was given over by the doctor, and he pledged seme tilings to vet further medical aid, with tin- result that their child was saved.

Mr Bird told him it was a pity he did not. write and inform th«* prosecutrix as to his position, and said the least lie could do would be to .soulonce him so six mouths’ hard labour. Prisoner, as bo left the dock: “God bless you, Grace, and look after ttie baby for me, won’t you 7” Mrs Zalska denied that, the money was spent on the. baby, and. an order was made fer the goods to be returned to her. INCOMES OF ROYALTYRoyalty and riches do not always run together. There havs been I; n'gs who have pawned their crowns arid queen, who have begged their bread; and there are those who speak of England, the richest country in the world, my if it were mean to its monarchy. Y hdo the Chair of all tho Russian, and oven the Red Bui tan, count their wages in millions, tho Queen c e the British Empire received, as wc nsett to be trthl at renooi. onl v “a, thousand .pound;, a day and-£20,-000" ou her birthday.'’ The Queen’s official lucerne oi iIHBo,OPO a your is half a million less than the Eraporci- of Austria’s. £200,000 less than King Victor’s. £100,009 less than the Shah of Persia’s, and only half as much e.s tue Kewer :. Her Majesty has received t.2 >,000,000 since her accession, or 170 tons of-sov-ereigns. or enough to icek‘y a _ c.oideu pathway round tho world. It is jW' hirly imagined, for sonic reason or cducr, ,'Jiai. flue Trinco of Wales was poor. Poverty is. after .all, a purely comparative term. Tiiis man may be poor witu _ a thousand a year, that men may be "icn on a pound ;i week. The public income of the Prince is_ £l-36,000 a year. but that huge sum is within tho mark. It has beenyventodj that tho Prince has a private income of it hundred 'thousand rounds a year, which would makij, his total income something like a quarter of a inilliim: but. not haring the authority for that scacc-j moat, we may 'rare it out of our reckon-, iug. Tvo know, hcvvc - ;r. that baednughara, which, he purchcsad cut of h.s

f-iirlv -v. /v' :■ roiiMil ,>[ £;. 00‘J a ■ yoar. AAV PH iii' P.r.'.ST.VX LAW. A 1 i.-sl in-i ; "!i-ii u Ly fill name oi ./oliniM! Aneer-!'': ha-, n of'jdlv given 111,. Bri’.i..!! and jAe,n iispi:. aenls mvoh tronoJe- ami aii.'re.'ly. J-,;iri... j|. iiv v-.r idlAi dohanu AaderL ( .,| ; -r n; I MMI.M 1 ii, ten imyir;Mm,i.ient for mum iyc tiio ,;: ".iii or ail lin'd is h Ini' » Lee during a dninkeii i.'r.iv.’l a; AdeL’ida- When rim new:-: id' the .cmu net •■•'•■ached St. Poter:-.-J.urgii ( aim’ f,i 11 vim"A thou tiro A 11..-stii'-T i iii'ei'ii MiiiMf.itr. wrote to Sir Oi.'fii - ’"r-ei 1 , the British Ambm.sador at i~ ;t i’ei epdjurg, pointing our ciie circuiiritM' f ". in vviiicii Ivo met his death. He im.- l Ae a. point of a clause in the linyiin enniinal law winch states that if deaill oMMuivi in a, fight I)C”UP. without, any pr.-.nieditavion of inurdcr, the parties iJarriMipatiug in the acts of _violence e.Miv eendi'miieil to imprisoninciii lor noia to ten months. m.m. tuci’DiOie demanded a' atioii of tm t iTi'ice. To tiiis tho Australia a (ioveriviti! refused to agree, :ind it is culv now. erter lengthy negotiations in wi.iVii the .'lariinis of Salisbury and other hVcign -Mini iters vun'n oid.'.cd in in discs's t ie. e.i'Lii!' ihai- a ;hh ’ Icwak has )))■":! ari"’.M'(! ;d. .’ind Hie : atlov ] :ms neon rehira nd. Fo." t : 'H ! K . i;;c I■„ lined; the jn ciliariiy of lin* ivMSsiiii. lav ajii Jiord Sidishnry’-i jgrrei.Tul advi-c to the nation';; v.iM'd ;u iho Air.ipodc '■ V, id - T; i (.’KXTPIiy IDEALS. V. I,im (ii M- tl.e century now begun mo -i iy mC it PeOi'.ii'Mii talii'c ('ivnu'S, fd , ;1 . . and ,}(>;■;■ i ■ i)is,i ■. i');v;i M.y.iyci.l to .ni'-wer tile in 1 i:c "Tiniipio Magazine. ’’ !)(.•;;!! .!■’.• for more stivna&us■jU”. i, i.ic-M .-"rii’-deniu!. a doeyev i,uu\ivlinu of the, mi Hi tiH-Tc ’> oiu* tiling only--- iLioiteossncs"—for the porrmiiiMii.::: of I;JMs;iis-. Air .Liehavd tViuA'iiig. the e.iii.lior of ii, .Jotiii siroi C.' eonsio’cr.s I tic syivid,est nevii is a, word of limeiy waruin;.; against the 'oolistiue'-s of trying to iiml i;;■ v,' f i be he-S!'. of the old ones will do. let the c; atiir.v bend ils back to the task ;v which i;s x>mlec<?s.s.'rs linvu only hogoicti as yet. Air P. (.'• dni'Miind savs emnlnd ieap y. '•Jlone.y " " Vih.-A: is needed more than 'iisy'-U'n:.' (aevoriLng to tke Lev Silas Hii'.’-ungi A a, genniue e! Ideai 'revival—the Ci'eation of a liner moral i-oi'se, of a. purer inoroi atmosi 'ier: • Ai.r Keir-i 1 rirdie, ’Aj.P., says emphatically and tersely - -"Men.” in the opinion of Air Gemyce .ManviDo Fcnu, tho gri atrst need of tlu> new century is a iborone c'loansinM' of t he rad'onal hive by memr.; of a short Act of Parliament -one iviiicli v.onid enable i.bc Aiagistr,icy to work in co-operation with I lie army ami navy in making a clean ■sweep of iho Ui'iiiauduru existent in, our large (awns. Aiaro prophets, fever parrels; more I lionghl, leai talk; more fad, less fancy; .mere faith, less ior.n, .says the Alov id. IL ilaweis, Ai.A., bcloru his death. j'iie.Pev I l '. B. Aioycr, 8.A., longs for a revival of the iiensu of llcvci’cnoo, “hy which I moan the .habitual iieknowlc'dgomcijii' on the part of ns all of 1 he reality ami worth of the unscou and eternal. Out’ mndent life the rays) rooms utterly iini.erfieial. Wlicn rcvc.reiico for things whic.'i lie hciiiml die lualorial and out-v.-rird lauijdsca. die dry rot han already .struck its i.ings into the foundation of our naiionai life.’’ PE.OPIU)oED ALL-FE'E-XOTi CABLE. Mho (’’reach Govcnnnenfc rcoontly prepared a .Bill for iiio creation of radons snbiiuirins telegraph lines to he under purely French control. About forty members of the Chamber of Deputies found ; >iv. rchuEio unfeatisfactory, and

proposed instead the laying down of an immense network of cables, which would make. Franco independent of other existing lines. The plan, which it is estimated wouldi cost IiJO.OOO.OOOfr., is aimed especially a I completely freeing French foreign telegraphic communication from English control. The “Figaro” comments upon the subject, and regards the, enlarged proposal ns an excellent * cue. It, however, is convinced that it is too expensive a. scheme to oc carried out, and urges the adoption eS the Government Bui.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4295, 2 March 1901, Page 7 (Supplement)

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COME AND FOREIGN NEWS. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4295, 2 March 1901, Page 7 (Supplement)

COME AND FOREIGN NEWS. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4295, 2 March 1901, Page 7 (Supplement)