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avellinc;ton Facing club. SUMMER .MEETING. RENOWN WINS THE GUP. Th'’ Wellington iC.ucin.j4 Club was well Favoured yesterday iu tho matter of ii'Ki'inT. A light breeze from the ; 1 ii'iTvvrst, and a Gil.; Elm of smoko from inn- -listall's Sash Pro, lemnerocl t!ic lart, rays, and prevented a pleasant summer il.i.y from dr-L^oji«• 1 ;>-fing into a '•-cart’ll!;!'.” The lawns wore. l in ■-pleniiiil order, and the course, though "ia.t orally it little laird, was a, groat deal latter than laid heen expected. The, racing iva., well conducted, the fields being of the best. The AttendOiice was a very large one; and the •lacing 11 nod, t bough some of the finis;'.' - ., lucked e\( i; ein”;:'. owing to th.' fact I ha!. I licy win e those of '‘one horse ’ races A characteristic of the assembly vas ! he, except ionally artistic gowning i.’i many of I lie lady visiters. Displayed on line lawn they gave pleasure to a'! beholders; hot when, at the close of th;! day, the tired wearers had to plough through the waste of sand separating those famous races’jurse br-i’lges from the rail way carriages, the earlier effect was to .1 grout extent, destroyed. It was in fact a piriahie 1 xbibition. The catering was in charge of .Mr V/alt',. r freeman, and though the demands made upon the latter and his 'call wen; naturally of an exacting :m. InrCj both eamo our of the ordeal snt'.slac’.a.i’ily. The Garrison Hand is to bo '•.redded with having (routed the habitues of tlie lawn to a really enjoyable programme of music. Nmo horses were saddled for the opening rvont, the Anniversary Hand cap, and that 'the public considered the liandic'inper bad .sot them a hard task was evidenced by the fact that each competitor had a strong following. On tlie sf rength of “information received,” .Spider was made favourite. .Mehvood on recent racing performances was also largely in demand; whilst a ■section of investors had not forgoH u ITiooka’s previous performances at Huft Park, and made him a strong order. •Perfection also was put about as n “good thing” and well backed. Almost trom Hagfall it was Melwond’s race. Spider performed well in the earlier ntaae.s, and I'hooka, running into promicncc’ round Hie back,- looked to have the race in band, but, when Lbe. St. ‘ Ecgcr colt was called upon, lie exhibited all bin old dash of pace, and ran homo an easy winner in imiu 4!sec. The ; .Maiden Piute brought out a smart field, J tne I ip. fit I;, weighted Fashion being . made a hot favourite. Tim Sornnun colt t was prominent throughout, and redeemed ( bis earlier promise by beating Ids field ] oil before the straight was readied, and < wincing somewhat easily from Cadet and! 1 liimrestina in Imiu 41! I-dsoc. it

The public woro naturally on tip-too * l l expectation to know how the Forinta, :mil Hawke's Bay stables wore going to; dispojm their forces lor the Cup. The scratching of Boreas ira.s followed by the removal ci 1 1 !oni from, tho list of com■pcthors._ and everybody felt a glow of satisfaction at knowing they wore about to see tho celebrated Renown measure paces with some of the best gallopers] iu the colony. Paraded on the lawn, I tho whole of the contestants left little) to ho desired in tho way of appearance] —they were all a.s lit n.s hands could; make them. Every horse in the race per-! lormcd well at various .stages, but tho! ultimate) pace was too hot for tho ma-) .iority of them. Renown’s machino-liko momentum pleased all lovers of a racehorse. Holding a good position through-; out, and having the pace made by Ibr-' In,lla, just as ho liked it, it was no trouble to him, when called upon at tho river-s'.do stables, to leave his field, and iTin homo a winner, it was a magnifi'ocnt exhibition of pact) allied with stand-' na. and Mr Ormond is to be congratula.ted. nob only on having won the Cup,! •hub on being tho possessor of such a; splendid piece of borpellcsli as Renown,! Ccour do Lion, another Hawke’s Bay re-! •Jire.scnlalive, justified bis cognomen by j nbo gamenoss of his finish in_ tho race. | Both tie and Paladin wore very unlucky! to bump against such a phenomenon ns | Mr Ormond's representative. The time I in which the race was run— 2miu S 3! ‘-’-■Lee —is a, record tor the race, and! equals tho best time ever made in thisj ■colony. Contemporary performances arc] those of Tire in the Hawke’s Bay. Cup last year fMr (.Sol lan's horse carrying 7st' till) to victory in 2min bo 2-osec) and of, ••Merganser iu the Great Autumn at 1 Christchurch in 1833 (the iN'ordenfeklt more winning in 2miu 3o;pcc, with fist; 81t» on her back). Tlic best time in which the Wellington-Cup lias been previously won was 2inin 86.1 see, by Brooklet, in ! 1836. ' |

Mr O. Cl. Stead was destined to win a nice double at this meeting. Cruciform •beat a fashionably-bred field in tho Nursery Handicap with ridiculous ease; and Monschikoff made a runaway r-ace of the Wellesley Stakes, Indian Queen being the only performer to got anywhere near the Stcpnialc colt. Cameo, who was much fancied for the President’s Handicap, was made second favourite to t'he •speedy Queen’s Guard, and non the event somowbat easily at tho end of a severe race in Imin 56 3-oscc. Strathnaira. who was placed third, ran with unflinching gameucss. but tho weight found him out. The well-bred Conspircr, an old habitue of Hutt Park, and an indilforent performer over a. series of years while under the ownership of a. Chinese proprietary, followed up bis prominent running in tho Wairarapa with a rather sensational performance yesterday. Going out in bandages, and doing a rather M dotty” preliminary, he nevertheless, finished up with wonderful, just managing to snatch victory by a neck from the much-fancied Dartmoor, and paying a dividend ol £23 2a to hia per enty-uinc supporters, one of whom, a Ctiimuniui, bad £5 on thy. machine., who was made faveurito. won tho last race, the Telegraph Handicap, with ridiculous oases beating a smart field in good time. Tho amount put through the totalise, to'r during the day was £TG,743, an increase of £177!) on the amount dealt with on Cup Day last year

Appended are details of the racing: Anniversary Handicap, of 150 sovs. One mile. 362 Mr W. Davies’s Mel weed, by St. Ijegor—Ladybird, 7st 121 b (G. Price) ... ... ... ... 1 279 Hon J. 1). Ormond's Phooka, 7-st Tib (S. Ncary) ... ... 2j SO Mr V. Harris’;; Magnificent, 7st 2!l> vL. 11. Hewitt) ... 3 71) Mr Bupulia to Hianga’a Whiti- I rca, 7-t 9ib i.J. Gallagher) ... 0, 381 Mr J. B. Reid's Spider, Tst 81b (J. Pine) ... ... ... 0 i 152 Mr K. J. Platt’* First Blood, I 7st 71b (T. Wilson) ... ... 0, 291 Mr’ J. Pool’s Perfection, 7st ! 51h (T. O’Brien) ... ... ... 0 100 Mr ifi. Hunter's Sirius, 7sl (Tv. King) ••• ••• 0 5,3 Mr W- Spring'-., Hypnotist, 7st (Scoullar) 0 1242 I Snider led out from a good start, bntj was* immediately joined' by Mel-wood. Phooka. ran out of 'ho ruck. and. going, alone- the back, had half a length’s a vantage. At the stables, however. Milwood was let out. and, 3 mining to the front without clVort, drew away from Phooka and Magnificent, and won by a

(length and a half from the, former; J Magnificent, chr-c up, third. Time, fnim ‘Msec’. To! aiisator, 1*12; dividend, 11 IGs. -Maiden Plate, of 100 so vs; for threc-ycar-olds and upwards that have never won nil open race oi tne vahio of 80 .-:ovs; v.cigld-for-agc. One mile. Air P. E. Haldwin’s Fa-bio. 1, by ‘•Vimnii. —I nine, c.t 4111 ft. A\il- ;,„)■ ... ■ ... .. 1 140 Mr A. K. Harrisons, 8-;t Iljib (M. Donovan) 2 31') >[j- |J• jss Campion's lainrrsrail fist 1 :;!b to. Jen hi os) ... f ‘tda Air \V. Crossu.n’s Proposal, 6st Hill. 0 87 Air W. Bnckeridge’.s Oudonardc, /■.,t nib (A. AlePherson) ... 0 28d Mr K. Laurent's Full Cry, Bst 11! b r--108 -Mr G. E. G. Richardson’s Rtb'U Gray, 3. t 41b (IE F.llern) ... 0 1801 This race practically resolved jtvß: into a duel between Cadet ano 1 asbion. Cadet led at the cnt-.ei, ml Fa-lnoe took charge at Mm back. and. cem'n;.' aw'a.v full of i’.inning, won by threr lem.d.l: I '. Lame-Jina ch”..'; I'-s-'at >be latt'-r oii(l, and beat off several competitors for the remaining pi i” ’Dm” Imiu 43 4-osec. Totalis-.vior, 1811; dividend, £2 12 s. Wellington Cup (handicap), of 050 rov?; second horse to receive 100 so vs, and third horse fiO so vs from the .stakes. One mile .and a half. 1495 Hon J. D. Ormond’s cl» c Renown, by Dreadnought—Lyrebird, 3yr.s, Bst ! OIL fF. Davis)... 1 200 Captain J.uu;sell’s cli h far de Lion, aged, 8-4, iklb (Whitaker) + 129 Air V.'Harris’s ch g Paladin, (iyrs. 7’.i 12ib (Ralclilfo) ... i 410 Mr Douglas Gordon’s Elk rn Tortnlla, svrs, Bsb 81 b (Jenkins)... 0 521 -Mr J. A. Harding’s b m AJateroa 4 vrs 7st 12ih (Holmes)... 0 104 Mr I’E ,L Watt’s b rn Palaver, r>vi*3, 7st JOib ('Neale) ... u 3Go Air G. G. Stead’s br g Skobcloff 'dvrs, 7st 7lbs (Jones) ... , 0 355 Air G. P. Donnelly’s Hr f Kahuwai. 3yrs, 7st 6-u (Kemp) ... 0

1707 Tlio field ins sent away on even, terms it llie rise of the barrier, Kalmwai iv -as slow lo begin, end lost about throe iona-ths. Torlnfla and Uonowu wort) in 'lie' lead as limy turned into the ,fiaudit. Passing Jio- stand the order ‘vas Tortulla, ATatcroa, Itonown with Ivabmvai and Cronr do Lion last. Tina nalor was maintained to t,ho back of l;o course, whore Skubcloff was fourth nd Paladin last. Tortulla continued to eml roundinp; the bend, where, Pcuown vent up on the outside and led into lie straight. Tortulla and Matcroa hero iropped back. Kenown finished ttvongy, aiid won by three lengths from Paiajin and Cconr de Lion, who deadicated for second pi ace. Matcroa was omTh. Palaver fifth, Tortulla sixth, Skobclolf seventh, ami Ivahuwai last. Time, 2miu 3o 2-uscc. Dividend, £2 4s. The Wclh&ly Stakes, of 300 sovs; second hort-o to receive 30 sovs; and the third 10 sovs from the stakes. For two-, year-olds. Four furlongs. 070 Mr G. G. Stead’s b c Monschikoff, by Stcpniak Pibroch Bst 71b (Hewitt) 1 2GO Air E. J. Watt’s hr f Indiun_ Qncon, Bsfc 21b (Neale) ... 2 101 Sir Geo. Clifford’s b f Windwhistle, Bst 21b (Pino) o 97 Air J. Jl. AlcDoindd's hr f Aietcor, Sst 2ib iJenkins) ... 9

1103 , Mciischikoff hopped off the mark, and quickly hud the field in difficulties. Windwhistle was second to the entrance of the straight, whore Indian Queen caught and passed her. Air Steads colt won without an effort by eight'lengths, a length between second and third. Meteor lost some ground at the start, and finished some lengths in the rear. Time, 49? cc. Dividend, £1 9s. President’s Handicap, of 100 sovs; second horse to iccoivc 20 sovs from the stakes. One mile and a furlong. 469 Air A. E. Harrison’s ch _ g , Cameo, by Medallion -- Miss Webster, Tyrs, 7st 91b (Donovau) ••• 066 Mr F. Walcott’s gr m Queen s Guard, aged, 7st (including Bib overweight) (O’Brien) ... ••• 2 277 Air V. Harris’s ch g Strr.thnnirn, Cyrs, 9st (Ratcnffef ... 3 430 Air F. Barry’s b g Ruamahanga, .-mod, 7st 101 b (Fowler) ... 0 203 Sir Geo. Clifford’s ch g Scottish Minstrel, 4yrs, 7st (Pine) ... 0

1915 Mr Piper effected a beautiful start m front of tho stand. Strathnairn and Scottish Minstrel showed tho way out of the straight. Queen's Guard, on tho rails, appeared to be baying a bad passage. Strathnairn continued to lead along the back, where Queen’s Guard van into second place. Rounding tire bend tho latter passed Strathnairn and led into the straight. Tho grey marc looked all over a winner, but Cameo put in a late run half-way down the .straight and won by a clear length, Strathnairn four lengths away. Kuamabanga finished last. Time, Imin 56 3-oscc. Dividend, £3 14s. First Hack Handicap, of 100 sovs: second horse to receive 20 sovs from ■the stakes.. One mile and a furlong. 70 Mr AV. Smart’s b h Conspircr, by Catesby Spring Creek, o.vrs, 7st 71b, including 71b overweight (Hewitt) ... ... ... 1 653 Mr F. Watson's clr g Dartmoor, 6yrs, Ssb' 61b (Gallagher) ... 2 70 Mr I. James, junr’s, br g Art Jewel, 6yrs, 71b saddler) ... ... ;.. ... 3 370 Mr J. R. McDonald’s br g Ngatihuia, 6yrs, 9st 7ib (Jenkins) 0 431 Mr AV. jjavis s br g Waterford, 4yrs,• Bst 91b (Price; ... 0 134 Mr H. Lawson’s b g Sir Redvors, 4yrs, Bsfc 21b (Fowler') ... 0 108 Mr A. Peters’s b m Dcwdrop, 4yrs, 7’st 131 b (Wilson) ... ... 0 115 Mr J. Paul’s b g Artisan, 3yrs, 7st 101 b (O’Brien) ... ... 0

2029 From a good start Artisan was quickest on bis legs, and was attended by Conspirin' and Dewdrop as they raced out. of tbo straight. These three continued to lead along -the* book, where Sir Redvers was fourth. Rounding the bond Artisan dropped back, and Dewdrop was joined by Waterford. Ngatilmia and Dartmoor wore also prominent as they turned into tbo straight. Dartmoor came away in the- straight and looked all over a winner. Conspirer, who had lost his position, camo again at the finish and won on the post by a head, Art Jewel, close up. third. Time, Irain 58 4-oscc. Dividend, £23 2-. Nursery Handicap, of 2uu sovs; second horse to receive 20 sovs and third 10 sovs from the stake; for two-year-olds. Five furlongs. 836 Mr G. G. Stead’s oh f Cruciform, by St. Legor—Forme, Bst 121 b (Hewitt) ... ... ••• 1 89 Mr R. Connop’s hr f Rcre, Bst (Holmes) ... ••• ~ 213 Mr J. Brett’s c-h c Red G mintlot (O’Brien) 3 53 Mr Geo. Hunter’s hr f Kowhctc, 7st 121 b (Gallagher) 0 IS Mr i-. Jackson’s ch c Shelter, 7st 121 b (Saddler) 0,

24 Air P. E. Baldwin’s ch g Benefactor, 7st 121 b (Wilson) U 168 Mr E. J. Wutt’.s b f Destroyer, 7st 101 b (Alex. Neale) ... 0 68 Air S. Solomon’s ch g Battler, ,7st 91b (Wingfield) 0 42 Air W. Rath bone’s br f Aprcs, 7st 91b (Price) 0 144 Hon. J. D. Ormond's br f Alenura, 7st 71b (Alf. -Neale) 0 1674 Cruciform and Red Gauntlet were juickcst on their logs. After going a furlong the field was spread out over ;i considerable distance. At the entrance to the straight Cruciform was in front, and was attended by Red Gauntlet and Here. Cruciform went on and won easily by half a dozen lengths. Rare finished /strong and beat Red Gauntlet by three lengths for second place. Time, Imin 2 2-ssec. Dividend, £1 16s. Telegraph Handicap, of 250 sovs: second horse to receive 30 sovs, and third 10 sovs from the stakes. Six furlongs. 1249 Air 8. Solomon’s b g Blazer, by St. Clair—Alountain Lily, 6yrs, 9st 121 b (Jackson! 1 87 Mr G. P. Donnelly's br g Oingo, oyrs, Bst 91b (Fairbrotlier) ... 2 159 Air F. Watson’s b m Okoari, G.yrs, 8-t lib (Gallagher) ... 3 210 Air Douglas Gordon’s ch g Ostiak, 4yrs, Bst 21b (Jenkins) ... 0 120 Air T. Godfrey’s b g Gcldspur, aged, 9st 101 b (Godfrey) ... 0 154 Air J. T. Mooro’s br h Chasseur, Gyia, Bst 71b (Higgens) 0 12G Air ’E. J. Watt’s br rn The Shannon, 3yrs, Bst 61b (Noaic) U 2-jo Mr J. R. Corrigan’s b m Cora Linn, oyrs, Bst 41b (Brown) ... 0 101 -Mr J. B. Reid’s ch m Hcrmosa, oyrs, 7sb 121 b (Pine) 0 98 lion. J. D. Ormond’s blit c Paphos, 3yrs, 6st 10i - (Ncary).,. 0

2592 The colours of Okoari were the first to show in front, but before they bad gone a furlong Blazer whs In command, attended by Okoari and Ciiasseur, Paphos last. Three furlongs from home Cora Linn and Oingo joined the leaders. The latter came very fast in the straight, but was beaten a clear length by Blazer, Okoari the same distance away third. Chasseur and Goldspur were the last to finish. Time, Imin losec. Dividend, £1 17s.

HANDICAPS FOR TO-MORROW. Following are the handicaps Tor Thursday:— January Handicap, one mile and a furlong. st. lb. st. lb. Torlnlla ... 9 5 Cherrystone 7 7 Strathnairn ... 9 0 Whitirea ... 7 5 Blazer ... 9 0 Donovan ... 7 5 Cameo ... 810 Qn’s Guard 7 5 Battleaxe ... 8 ft Hotu ... 7 4 Vateroa 8 3 Lnnrestina ... 7 0 The Shannon ... 8 0 Whitney i ... 012 Ruamahanga ... 7 8 Perfection ... (5 11 Fashion ... 7 8 Sirius ... Gll Will-o’-the-wisp 7 8 Hypnotist ... 6 10 Electric Handicap, five furlongs. Blazer ... 11 4 Phooka ... 7 12 Goldspur ... 10 0 Spider ... 711 Chasseur ... 812 Ngaparu ... 710 St. Dennis ... 810 Sentry ... 7 7 Cora Linn ... 8 9 Kissniary ... 7 ft Ostiak • ... 8 5 Full Cry ... 7 2 Hormosa ... 8 0 Paphos ... C 10 Antaia ... 7 12 Hiamoe ... 6 7 Wellington Racing Club Handicap, one mile and a quarter. Advance ... 10 12 Palaver ... 7 7 Boreas ... 910 Skohehiif ... 7 7 Renown ... 9 3 Ostiak ... 7 6 Tortulla ... 9 0 Phooka ... 7 5 Coeur do Lion... 8 13 Fashion ... 7 4 Ideal ... 8 9 Kahuwai ... 7 3 Strathnairn ... 8' 5 Volley ... 7 0 Battleaxe ... 8 4 Rubin ... 7 0 Paladin ... 8 0 Macintosh ... B 10 Mel-wood ... 8 0 Sirius ... 6 8 Materoa ... 7 13 Paphos ... 6 7 Okoari ... 7 9 Proposal ... G 7 Juvenile Handicap, six furlongs. Cruciform ' .... 9 9 Westerly - ... 7 9 Red Gauntlet... 9 0 Oorrick ... 7 7 Rere ... 8 8 Battler ... 7 5 Goldenmore ... 8 ft Destroyer ... 7 ft Canteen ... 7 12 Benefactor ... 7 5 Windwhistle ... 711 Apres ... 7 5 Spungold -... 710 Kowhete ... 7 3 Laureate 1 ... 710 Momira ... 7 O Comfort ... 7 10 Shelter ... 7 0 Welter Handicap,' seven furlongs. Strathnairn ...10 10 Proposal ... 9 0 Whitney ... 10 8 Rebel ... 9 0 Whitirea ... 10 7 Kent ... 8 7 Cora Linn ... 10 G Robin Gray... 8 7 Hotu ... 10 5 Paphos ... 8 4 First Blood ... 10 0 Scot. Minstrel 8 4 Ruamahanga ... 10 0 West Guard 8 2 Donovan ... 10 0 Oudenarde ... 8 0 Autaia ... 9 7 Kohunui ... 8 0 Cadet ... 9 6 Bowsprit ... 8 0 Laurestina: ... 9 3 Metropolitan Handicap, three-quarters of a mile. Blazer ... 10 It Cherrystone 7 10 Bo>-eas ... 912 Hennosa ... 7 7 Goldspur ... 9 7 Spider ... 7 6 Oingo ... 9 0 Phooka ... 7 6 Formosan ... 8 9 Scot. Minstrel 7 2 Melwood ... 8 6 Magnificent 7 0 Paladin ... 8 5 Hypnotist ... 7 0 Chasseur ... 8 5 West Guard 7 0 Okoari - ... 8 3 Kissinary ... 7 0 The Shannon ... 8 3 Full Cry ... 610 CoraLinrt ... 8 0 Hiamoa ... C 7 Ostiak k.. 7 12 Second Hack Handicap, one mile. Ngatihuia ... 9 ft Transport ... 7 7 Tukapa ... 8 13, Heritas .... 7 Dartmoor ... 8 9 Ngaio ... 7 / Waterford ... 8 7 Artisan . « 6 Conspirer ... 713 Katnona : ... 7 0 Rata 7 13 Gipsy Jack ... 7 0 Sir Redvers ... 7 13 Moreen ... G 12 Somnolent ... 7 9 White Heather 610 Bewdrop ... 7 f) Jemima ... G t Horooka ... 7 8 Eaparapa ... 6 / Passion Fruit... 7 7 Art Jewel ... 6 7

FOXTON RACING Cl JIB. (Sveciai. to the “ Times.”) FOXTON, January 22There was glorious watliw. for the second day’s racing. Following are the results : January Hack Handicap, of 40 sovs; seven furlongs. 149 AVnnvick, Bst 31b (F. Stowe) ... 1 71 Heart Whist.’7sb 101 b (Gosnel)... 2 37 Somnolent. Bst 51b (Raynor) ... Also started—24 Mcvngonui Bst 41b. o 7 Horoeka Bst 21b. 16 Elusion Bst, 112 7st 51b, 12 Pastime Gst 101 b, 15 Despatch 6st 71b, 34 Te Pake 7st 91b. To Pake was left at the post. At the bond all the horses were bunched- a good race home. Time, Imin 31 3-sscc. Dividend, £3 3s. Maiden Hack Hurdles, of 30 sots; one mile and a half. 9 Morning, Sst (F. Garment) ... 1 218 Jones, 9st 31b (F. Cochrane) ... 2 129 Madman 9st 51b (Alexander) ... 3 Also started—63 Myra 9st 131 b, 37 Firing Colours 9st 61b, 41 Molar 9st, 30 liukn. 9st, 24 Nat Gould 9st. 13 AA T ce Guard 9st, 2 Birckshot 9sl, 35 New Zealand 9st. From a good start Molar went away with a big lead, but tired at the bead, when the outsider came through and won bv two lengths from Jones; Madman third. Time, 2min 56sec. Dividend, £6O 16s. , President’s Handicap, cf 100 sovs. A mile and a distance. 131 Bona Fide, Bst Sib (McAllen) 1 23 AVaingawa 7st 31b (J. Ayres) 2 157 A r olley, Sst 81b (O’Leary) ... 3 Also started—ll 3 Hotu 9st, 60 Daphne Sst 31b, 62 Famous Sst, 34 The Hempie Sst, 31 Man-o’-war, 6st 91b. AVaingawa led to the bepd, followed by Hotu. The field thru closed, and Bona Fide came through and lasted long enough to win. Time, 2min 0 3-ssec. Dividend, £3 19s. Grandstand Hack Handicap), of 50 sovs. A mile and a quarter.

90 Illumination, Sst Gib (J. Ayres) 1

156 Tukapa, 8.-t 121 b (C. Cochrane) 2 0 45 Rata, Bst 31b (Wright) ... 3 Also started —11 Warwick, 73 Gipsy 0 Queen Bsb 41b, 45 Passion Fruit 7.vt

lUlb Rata led past the stand, and Warwick was in front going round the back. At the bend all were bunched, and there was a grand race homo. Time, 2min 3 4-osec. Dividend, £3 12s. Second Hack Hurdles, of 40 sovs. One mile and a half. 135 Grcv Ribbon, list 71b (O'Leary) 1 26 Xoa, olb 2 31 Rimii, 10st slb ... ... ••• 3 Also started —118 Kaiwhakaroa list 71b, 39 First Shot list 101 b, 14 Hail 9st, 69 Sudor 9st 131 b. 2/ Tarrivcnto ft?t 51b. A good start, and a good race. Time, 2miu 53 l-oscc. Dividend, £3 Is. Carnarvon Hack Welter, of 30 sovs. One mile. 116 Ngapulii, 9st 131 b (Cochrane) 1 35 Gold Cord, Bst 8!b (Reed) ... 2 49 Hard .Work, 9st 10!b (McAllen) 3 Also started —-124 Bones lOst Bib. Geld Cord led to the bend, where Ngapuhi caught him, and thcio was a grand race between the two.' Time, Imin 47 l-lsco. j-»ividcnd, £3 ss. Railway Handicap, of 50 sovs. Six furlongs. 77 Lady Agnes, Gst ißb (Cress) ... 1 150 Urilliantinc, 7st Sib (W. Price) 2 69 Dcrringeottc, 51b (IVright)... 3 Lady Agnes won by half a length. Time, Imin 17 2-sscc. Dividend, £3 9s. Electric Hack Race, of 30 sovs. Five furlongs. 2G In the Van (AlcConnor) ... 1 38 Aldhiga.lC. Cochrane) 2 113 Nioti (Reed) ... ... ... 3 Also started—24 Weo Guard, 57 EuroTell. 11 Emulation. William Tell led to the bend, when In the Van came through, and won pasily. Time, Imiu sscc. Dividend, £l9 13s.

BLOOD STOCK PURCHASES. {Received January 22, 10.29 p.m.) SYDNEY, January 22. At the stud sale-s Air L. D. Nathan, of Auckland, purchased Chlorine (110 guinea;;), Cautatrice (200 guineas). Orchestra (220 guineas), Toi - toi (35 guineas) and the Sweet William Storm filly (55 guineas). Mr T. AI. Williamson bought Epine for 25 guineas.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4262, 23 January 1901, Page 3

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SPORTING New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4262, 23 January 1901, Page 3

SPORTING New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4262, 23 January 1901, Page 3