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I'HASKS OF THE iluuN. JANUARY. (Calculated for :<«»■ L.-an t.tix.f>.

Moori'nv.':;. ''l.'.! => '■■'■<■.'■: '•"' '-■''■ >'•-■'• Hijjli i . .',. "i a.iri. : •.'! P-m. ARK! VEIL uovda'y. •' \\i;.\j: ■•;_ :■'. w'o! t! "(■',,' d. '..';>> 's<A-.-.n'. P.„<-ii;;i-;-'-Saloot \! !'.■■<■. i;«il "a-. S" iii. !!;.■.■<•■ .-! j Mr-f.:;i ilit .. Dclii, >l ;,-;■,, Si-I'v. c Mc-ry j ~..,, m, : .,!;,,„<■■ !I ' r r .';';; S'V;;;', ■! ute.-ra-..- . . _ ■ f.'olliriK>'--"-i-Dinoad". , -.-,.. -■■:>,; ton ■,. L-d's"-. f-oc W'p«).n'irf. I Aorrrc. :=.;•'.., -la ions Tin „'■-.-. ii'-o. Pa I «■-.-.. Pallia, a.-., 10 ton.;, I'Va , >,"• ' Li'-n- j TakaTmna.. ;i.n., .>;;> >:s:;«, U< A r r!,.;.-.; Nphon and Ptclrm. Pa <-~ n-.;---- f•' iv- I < inHion i <!< ; :! ';m!i ; mii. :■;; i-craa. ■. j svilld. I MO'VCAV. .iAV-''.-\l'V ; i- ! Wainm. -.'--■.. I-!' I')'-:-- W- ;". far !.'»> j ton arid NpUim. P.-m....,,-.;p, ,-..-ioor. : ! MisKP* Johnston, '-J). 1.-'M!, il-san,;!■:.-. .>.'«.-:-; damo. M.-.U-C--, .' ;'-!■;- ■<>" i '" :| - awl i-liil.l, iJohLimlli. : '-;;v; ni/. l-<>--: < Dean Marl in. M,,„-,i-'„rl,-.. I--,-.>!,-;,;--,. ; AHontn, Ilnnlc. Stn-c, M"l,k,m, ",P.! (ir.r-rlnn Mc-L'-aii; H "I- fr;;-.'. To \nan k.s. HUM '(in -. !;< ii;!---'i, fur I Napier, dishorn- ami A n.-Un ;:d. 'V,-sv-n- ; ~,.,-s S ; .i-,u„- Mi-.-a-; lirai -an, M'-< aW ay, ! Sister. <;l \!cvv CO. \!esd;a,a-s Hooper. : Tabnlraii, Nixon. I lobf-in it!>, Mi-sr, (Sop!-, smith M:irn«. [-aiui". Ilnnp-i . Tniailean, j Mellon.ifd. UM.. Hampton; II fiM-.ra-c. Rofomaliana. ~.5.. KIJ-l li>>i;i, Mann I n ,e. | for Lvitellon. !'a-sciv.:»i-:V-ya,!oii!i-. Misresi Scott,' Ponnlain. Robinson. Tread-.ypJl '2l. j Lrvs, Harris Peterson. Do v.-If.-, o'lla!b>r-l an" Thorn-on, Smith. .Mcsilfi.riic.--i McDonald. Ti-Paiiu-fcll. rYdton. I-Vnniam; and child/Macksy, I iredii.v.-.-i). Kan,a-ei and 2 children dee. a ehildrir . and maid,! Lamar!,, T:e-fa(ls. Norse Cotlou. Maristj Brother* M), U-v M'-Donald, M. -an-a !'i>n<berton, l/enfon. Leys. Paae';-. A. n-.hti,i T.-.jrnarli, Seville M-.1-iriii,-. < U <■. Hl.i.-l. R.rnluron. WiHiOi-IV.-.y Ifanii.iv. !''oaaiani. Granvill.-; I!- str-r-ni-c. RK» J i:CTKI) AhT.'fVA '.:■■. Tnr.T.vrra. Cm,-,, l,vH-ltn.;, ,-in.y MouiM. In-., AtiH.-lan !. Narirta'. Ilu-- nav riviiri Wa-iara. tin-; rjay Ka'iM i'i''i'.i !■- = •:-{ <'oa-1.. tins -!av j Onaiva. fi.-'Hii [;ic--liyii)i, flu.-i <!--.y Taißt-i. f-o,n Wrstnni-t, Hi::-. -Jay | .Ifawaa. IVoni Tiniifl-ii, L!:!i-I Corruvall, from Kyrincy, '.''inl Wakatu, from !,y ttyllo'i. <'!.rviai, and, K'likoura. -aril j WaiVMto. Irfl launlon '\ (ivriii I "«r .".!;l;lndradevi. \eJl V"-.- York V'.vr-a.1.-r !»h -. . Ahhny Hulme, la''t Nf<r Turk V,,vn-.l>pr Vjlh: Ur.u-ania. !f>l'l J.ofi'dou l.fcfo.n "irr Ist; Pakpli:'.l':l"v r.orirlon Tire. M ! i; ?'.:>r <a \Viv . ?.-nlnivl. !nf London Kh; }:;anfi:/hl"'\ If-fi. I >;■!•'- Jiil-r-r !5< ! i . : Taanloa TV—ui'^r, ;' !Mi; fitar of Aasfralai. Irfl- "NV»- Tor!' TioffijiticT ?alh; Ran-a(ira. l-ft Lomlon Janaa ;-y Sili -. Rimntal-.;-. !cH. Loral-ii)' 8lh; Whakatanc, loft London ;i;a,n:a;- 9Hi. Loch C'l'po, If-t't 'Liverpool Nnvf'mhor 3ri-l; I'Hadva, FoTr Liverpool De-comber 20th; tiaatiaco. i"{f L.ondo-t .lanaary f:;(; Chan. » !• ni'.'P. lot Nnw York ..''an>■.--.r.v psoj.k(' ; ted t>};;j-Ai,-nn'u ; :«. Moura. for Dttriodin via Lvttcllon, this dav, at I p.m. Tarawrj-a, tor Lytt-Uon, thir. illy, at 5 p.iu. Takapima. for Picton and Poison, Ihia dav, a I 11 Opawa, for Blpiilitim, tin:; day. at 10 a.m. .Queen iv tho K.cufli, for this dav. at ft p.m. Stonvhinl.. for Wan-vi.-iiP. I l--i ; dav. at 5 p.m. '. Mana. for T'alta, ''.'lrd • I Wakatu, for LvltcUon via (V,-,.-a, :':;.-d ', iVavrrloy. for Noham and Coay;. -j.'H-d i Tlnia., for W.nnvaiuti, 'Jllrd j Pania, for Blanlieim, ;i.'!rd ' To Kapu, for Ka.vplork and Sounds, 'JXrd Aorerc, for Pa<ca, ?.f[h | ■ Mannroa. for Wnnc r nrmi, I'ltli V.KSSET.S TM TORT, I QUEEN'S WEfA f?F. j Tiivr-ra-iv-ill. shin. 12M\ lou't. Sformbird. s.ti.. i:i"_.toi]n. ! Jluia, 8.5., 00 lons. j OueenoF tho South, s.s., iS-t. tana. j Takapima, K.tu. W>t> toi-is.' ! Opaiva, p.a., 70 tons. '• ■•'-■ BATLW'AT Koniliprn Cross, r.s., 15R tons. Oleninark, harqiie, lii-'iO tons. Koncs'byrd, b.'vrnTtfntine, HfitJ tons. fir»t,\, slii(>, Jlls foiia. JiiOtuma, brigati! iiif-, 211 ton*. BY TKLECaiAPn. MKLn.OUJJjNIi, Monday, Arrived —M.okoi,sv. fvont BlnlV. s NEWCASTLE, Mnntlay. .SniJed -Pareora, A*t_\Vcllinrrtoii. Sailed—Kotuku. for Lyttclton. AIfCKLAND, Monday. K a.m.—Zealandia, froni Sydtipv. • . . To nail. 10; F,Unburnite, for Syd"hYTTKJ',TfI.N, ALonday. Arrived, 7.1 a a.m.—Tuluiickai. i.rn.'n Wellington.

S.iiled—Turn worn, for WeMinghpi. Passengers—Misses Snlwn-k. Eglc's. St-igg, Gordon, Dillon, C’iissin, Roraue. Rnndlc, Wilkie, Wilkinson, Millington, Fiirqnlnu', White, Pnseoe, Lawrence. Harris, Ballant.vne, Brydon, Jeff, Corrigani' Mesdnmes Moore, Mmvnpn, planning, Wilson. Malpas. Smitli end children, Moore. Tlmninson, .Sharp. Oshornt, Sa.wers and eliild. Worhovs and 3 children, Brydon. Stone, Sir G. Clifford, Captain. Andrew. Rev Lairs, Lieutenant, Williams. Don' and Lady Gathorno. Hardy, Dr Gibson, Messrs Gordon, Kay. Graham. Duncan, Miller. Billy. Downes, Ludford, Ea?l, .fi'nseo, Mnwlrm, Worboys, Winkle, Alair, I, B’aeVio, Lawrence, Wilson, MerceivT horn son, Phip son. Davis, De- Clifford, Field, ileinsman. Green, Crow, Hall, Stone, Master Ferguson. WAITAUA, Monday. Sailed, 1(1.24—Mann, for Wellington. e.BLEX HEIM. Mondav. ' Sailed, 5.1.5 j».rn•—Opawa, for Wellington. PI CION, Mondav. To sail, 10.30 p.m.— Waiimi. for Nelson. NAPIER, Momhv. Sailed, I'-’.50 p.m.—Monra, lor Wellington. AKA BO.A. Monday. Sailed, 2.5 p.m.— ILM.S. Mildura, for Port Chalmers. - . BLUFF. Monday. Arrived—Monowai", from Melbourne. Passengers Misses McPherson. Barnett, Twvfofd. Condon (2), HoeksHv, Weir. Bilton,’ Greggs, Golden, l.ean, Chapman, Harcourt,.Abrahams, U-'ason, Gnin, Kinks, Mesdames Bevnie, Twyford.- mirse and infant, Coles and bov, [Toney. Messrs , McPherson, Graham. Kean (2). Chatfield i2); 31 steerage. . Sailed— Awarna, steamer .for Auckland. Arrived-• Hinemoa, from Southern Islands with J ->rd Ranfnrly and early. During' Hie trip liie Snares, Auckland. Campbell, 'Antipodes and Bonn I y Island-? were visited in hiru. The Tnk.'ij'Uno broughl 207 bales of woo! for the Greta from Picfon last night; also 25 baps of chat! and a. small quantity of general piodneo for local markets. The Almira is expected at 8 o'clock this morning from Napier. The AVestralin. leaving Wellington for Melbourne, via South, on the 13(h, will call at Milford Sound. ' The Waihare is duo to arrive at the Bln ft from the Sounds excursion on the -3rd. The Ilawea was f:o leave ’Tiin-ani at, midnight last night for Wellington. She proceeds to Auckland, on Wednesday. The ferry steamer Countess makes her first, business trip to-day, running to Day’s Bav in conjunction, with tho Duchess and Duct). The barque Helen Denuv was In leave ISydney on January tot to* for Wellington! via. Newcastle. | After Monday next the Mawhera will

I b 1 ’ ivilhdrawn from (he Wert Coast coal hade, a.nd niter an’ overhaul will take up the trade with the Islands. Bar 'running will he taken up by the Wainn:. Tho l.arquentiiie Konysbi yd. hauug rakeu in nr;ccs”,ary ballast, vs!) nil to-da,> woa.rher pcrnfiitt./np:. for Kaipara. The dircU boat fro/n Sydney, the Waibora, let) Sydney for Wellington at 0 p.m. on Saturdcv and "houid tjo time on Thursday morning. The Tchna, f„- London tool; r.2SV eoles of v 00l and skin , c*r.k'. of taPow end otlK', t.ale of l!a\ and. If baler, of ham!; and leather from Wellington, The Hub:, went on the slip yesterday morning fo>- an overhaul, and v.-as to mme f.'i'amnn this mor'iing. The Oredi is on the slip. : 'Che ir-irrjuft Gicainark oxpRCP; to gel a.-'.ve.y (~ l.r.ridnii'l.v the ''id of tho week. 5P - ler.biv moriiiii"; aho loci' >n *OO bales of Marllim O’lgh wool from ih<’ Igtliia. ' The ;|,ip Grofe. lias yet to receive belt”,can ),,o in:') Ihrec hundred bales of Iw'-Ol ’ lie tor.” eon,ring her loadire; end 1.,.11 ~.,1 !„■ ready to leave- porl. before ! Ti.madav eyetiing or Friday moming.. v.lit-ri, wealher pennitting, she will sail for j.ondon. TflC ROTUAIA'S PASSAfiE. •ai’li: RfilJG M WEATHEI’. 3 lie brigantine Rctuma met. tvilh very he-, yy weat her on h“r paHaagc from Nciv- [ ,ss fHhe left Newcastle on the ire lies), and met with fair went her Hi! the |.sth, when she ran into a heavy gale, which j proved of such violence I hat Ihe vf-seel •in her labouring;; sprang a leal:. hor (three days the gale raged, and on the 3th ; heavy thunder and lightning were experii enced. Shortly afterwards the gale mode(ridpd. tjiongh !’.r|nalls were frequent. On 'the mil (ho gale freshened, and the ship I was then found tc lie leaking l.adli , so ■ much so (hat it was considered advisable iwhep the next morning broke la jeKcinn 'some of the enrgo, and 307 sleepers were i 1 hrmvn ni. T’liirf i lie •'■joHired effee!. leakage being rcluced; I The weather continued sonatlv until the Ifftli, when Capo Farewell tt:.s reached; . thence to t.lie Strait lino weather mut cxj perienced. , ~ The Kolnma has 1600 sleepers tor ice 1 TP.iihvay Department ami C 8 pieces o 1 liard wnorl timber. She was berthed at i the Railway AVbarf at 10 o’cloek yesterdav I morning. ’From Wellington flic Boimnf i goes to Westport to load coal for Sydney. THE WEATHER. TYPICAL NEW ZEALAND STATIONS The following weather reports were received from t\ pica 1 New /.ealand stations at •'> D.rn. yesterday; Manukau Iteads.-—Wind, north-east, fresh; barometer, 30,25: thermometer. 70. General rernarks—Gloomy; sea smooth. New Plymouth.—Wind, calm; baromei lei - . .30.2 o"; f hermoinetcr, 7L Genera! ■ remarks—dicoray : sea smooth. ! >''istlcpoint.—Wind, north-east, hreer.e; ,ha rometer, 30.21; thermometer, 60. General remarks—Fine; soa -heavy. • Wollinglnn .—-Wind, north-norl Vi-west. i breeze; barnructer, 30.12; thermometer, VI. General remarks—Cloudy. I Westport.—Wind, north, breeze: barometer. 30.18; thermometer.' 71. General remark.! —Cloudy ; slight swell, i Kaikoura.-—Wind. north-cast. breeze; ; barometer, 30.15; thermometer. 69. Grne- : ral remarks-—Fine; sea. moderate, i Oamarn. —Vv, calm; barometer, 30.10; Uierirxinclcr, 6’i. Genera I remarks— Fine: nea smooth . ■ '

Bluff. —Wind, oouth-cast. light; barometer. 30.07: tUcrinometer, 61. General remarks— Fine. Decreased pressure at each of the Australian stations. Low pressure from west due on the meridian of South Cape on this date has been r.Wucnccd by (he prevailing high pressure and followed a. route more to southward than usual, and has also decreased in energy. Low pressure from west will pass to eastward of South Cape on the 23rd. ' R. A. EDWIN. TYPICAL AUSTRALIAN STATIONS. The following reports of the weather at the undermentioned typical Australian Stations, were received at the Colonial Museum yesterday; Albany 101 h.—Wind west; barometer, 20.5. General remarks —Fine; but cnjiidy. Hobart. 10th Wind, north-east; barometer, 30.0. General remarks—Gloomy. Sydney, fltst.—AVind. east; barometer, 20.7. General remarks—Sultry. AVELLINGTON OBSERVATORY. Tlie weather records taken at the Wellington, Observatory at 9 a.m. yesterday were us follow: —Barometer, 30,21-1: maximum shade temperature previous 2-1 hours, 78.5; minimum shade temperature previous 24 hours, 59.5; rainfall previous 21 houva, nil;' wind, calm or light variable and, tine weather. R. B. GORE.

I). II. '■■ Full moon ... ... '■> -' '';' ['•'"• Last quarter ... i: ' >* New moon ... ... '-'1 - : „','"' !,ri " (jwiclf.t ... -'/ " -..'p.:a.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4261, 22 January 1901, Page 4

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SHIPPING NEWS. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4261, 22 January 1901, Page 4

SHIPPING NEWS. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4261, 22 January 1901, Page 4