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■ rf > r -" '<■ ' ■ v; iMi v i\i'\ n')\, !i.ivG U) ! ■» in ; » if* .j j I ;i 1(11-1 ' I** ■ .v c -t!, A ; ' ? -.'Ml I-( i; 1 ■ iii.f. . NM,” MM 1 i ” ip. ; !p f;. 'flfi.-i ;i- “ i:j, r .p. '■ Vf.-l HciviH. J Me M : ilp r ; . “i it • i: ■ ... M.- t'.iN ” Mk- -ini •V... . i(V X vMi.M, (.■ >nr i-a f 'h • :i •Ml c j. (■. \\<lK I inv - ■ ■i ( . .-! ■! •. -,nl <•? I L<- h-M f li.i '' ''■ n , f IT ! I'll'f] 1r J j nr l>o| 'l' l ' ; •! 1 !;■•■!/;, n '/'• •;icn.'iK-nM-iI 'i !■ • ; '.n-i ) 1 1 1 , v. I) , v.oiv ;« u.-M c MM.. H!!'l i' ! : ' i: j p |;, r f?\ n‘:••.,j un. i! v. •r - * : : 1m- - . ti • 1 ,I,' In' I j • ‘' ■ ■ : ’l u? ■>. ‘;i !. ;*, v, j;,, • (n ;; i.n !-, *" 111 ■* nn, '■. i.■ i o( hr Ikjti - ; c|inM ni - i ' 1 '-' "! '<• i■ 1. ''! \:c r(i cit :i! I v,‘II ■ <:>.! i ij «.11 J. 1 v-P;i i fif •t. M i jj; / ; intn-i h u • m; .i - r ■' *! i ■ 11; 11 1 1 f-’li urj T 1 :-1' r .■ ■ ‘ ; !i * i; ; ;i Mi- r\ i■ p i I’.;, ” !n’i|, J I »•»■’«! ;■ i • ; •• I ,' i■ ■ . 1. ” li'" 1 ■I . 'i .'p.‘ In.;- ilp- •■Mr, in, . : ...m;. 111, ! t:i ■. •*! ~ ;r-<! < f , «■<»!•<*• !"1; r • V : 'i’ - '") nil n !■:.>; f *- : Jp;- ,p' -vo:! . n’nl Jipil M,o <ti ■ i PM n;, \ },f. p!cnln,i I;' t «., !. pll'm! .mi'! 1 fif< ’! • ucnjiln ii'vifmf lon ! : ... I■, , ~. niy f**x In, ;»■ ■ Ii: I\ , 11 1 n« ni' , (ri: li >ri i iin f. fhi M I /c “I ‘Ml'! :i I: i, c 'MI ;- !■ ()I‘ (■: I I' in ;», ’ ’ ni li I- - 1»i 11 ! 1 >r in '• ! p.,h;-n>;i in ; ‘ n-ini J n,;. in mn in; v .i • r;, ;>ln. : ’ ■’Kni. ;! ( Mi.:!, n.'i'ilf] (.ni;; !j<r oiu-r 11 r n 'viiilr. ; 1 1 ‘ nljjpc' ni ii,n -;••( I ij» Mnl.i.i. " 1 r " nn ,li ' . " i’ttii ! nil (In- on** »»S' *,\ rT'ci" »• . ! Piin"- sin.ivmpl I >■ ip l -i '!.-<■ vMi‘"i I v n.-; p f i \-f{ v nU'v.’n-. Mt- -l.p •.%:>■!!.} iinnT.-; nnnn»)nu-: .MP? In ip ! ji- i<. i -ip ni' In- ! r;> ins iijl I v. ( ..I P, niPPfv. Snr. u-n-iili l;i:! lu Ijuv nm > ‘linn •vhf'ii ii, 'vn-i (n-r him. Slio v;o'il<] re mI in;. mnl iinnen- Iniy.nnn <»*' nnr "ivn. S|,p vm .i'll ip '.it !>j h*;.; lininn I'niii ■’!’ Mm- ir ■, Min', -i ln>\ nil. Ini in:. v>-' -.MI mi {’■'/ ;;: i: I < I!: * mF ;iii isivn I i 11 ••:i •<• <) •' M*.' i■i "• n;! '• l\ am! i !>u li i : mu un f . • fin v. I,n ( '* mu M \n-n j Ilia!. :j r n! «! In,- -,vn;f> in my In vm!, n;. li.!■ i i . \ f: 1 1 uiniv, as if i! Jiaa M' ■! *" ■ a ; , linn’. - .jmj . , (l! , na 11.' < :."l i, |ii l ‘Mi i ;i •• i;m! imiiml yun. Tin! I; 1-.■;•'n !li -- t :n-'.ra , ' , l 111 nctiiji;' (o UlO pl* * ■ 1 1 ' •' * : mM h. > i *!,••• In- : : hronm on ni, i : ‘n tm! ran; u.».» all i |jo watr r, ’CUnn (h'n;P M : ,p l;nn-(.n,-. iijp'. .'•-•inl'-. i»- »i:i{ pins, money. Oh.''’ nanl h e yirl she mu'laur.i, “yun fyuht h:h :m':- aijoul iuouj-iuaterM*' T { tc im; mcnrnrnci't nar (bun. on Iho rA ho- IniiPr rjrj TM’nnd IICT dejection. 'iio •' i .Jjj ?i f. h'.iMr <1 h mJjc v.aiJod, ,r th.’l; I ;»to yoriy In fin one or all v\ hiaao MtMv/-;/ ami • v it; i;t( rn.aniv to a«|: you (°f '» *■!'■ ; im hati-i’f'd'. Yrto :nir, my Ia: iin I y - - - ’ '‘s h, mih }-n:h” :--:hd htr- rui-l.ain girl, hri-IJv ‘ 1 i oii'l! hod I hfan in hit' iop dm w- , Mu* ch;iln ■: i ir. No. han't'! Help yn:.j : f. I! \ :i ’ I had r•; r ,or irn - t of fha.i ! n.-l. iraih ■ ’ ' ; hn mmordy rdipyiiy , If, \y a Ihc Av/mlmv final, and fdaiany nll > --n ihe a!t'’r!. •' [)nn’i yon Know Mnrf n, Ino' fnayin M- m y j)no nl fly. y ton: hail (<;••• \\- ! ra; ;• ~! { In; >•' 1 - si! pp.oid 'Mg u-oim; ; ,| >■< In I’;: i* f f'ni'io ••opy aial yh;! Vv lo.nn - h r ' i-.M, s,> halvr-;. in a i/ncou Ily aiv.od rnmu, ami mil linycli* jti a, 1-alhroOPi U'dn 'in- li,i{ j.hi'i to ah-rp mi ''oHy limo/i ’ orn on-111 ii, “ 1 ini an? rpoyooial, ;am liumv,” ohjcc-h-d <.!»:• jinriiuoM I, t'enldy, hi fho curhup KM I* “ vt)u y o\ir:tfl!' have I. a oil ly admiilod ih Wh-- uni aa'nr. f,(‘ ( I,p jxsl: of ,r, i’hn only v.'oy.” wool on !hc girl .in l.ltc iviiiilruv ;mah “h>r a yirl with a. small inroi.ip— •' it lo livo romhudahl v—ia lo lino mi ino oih'M' girl, aha* rmalora IMy inr.ii;ii'ij, i<* hd-M' a room vMMi her. Tlie

nr?*!liciM !.; 1 f .\ hiwl uie f ;irl. "Wi 1 '!, >iV comi-uc, sc id (.Up ox pertinent. “oil- 1 1 :■ : io pul up wilh things." "(Hi. I cun i!d Mini.” said 11 > 1 j ilisKoiilrr, feelingly. "j can aland Ipudiur;. and even ! f;■!U(*<l In wiuui ! want to ;q> to hueyi-, luii i here urn amno 1 1 ' (Iiiiipf. I cntiuoi aland, nauullv i hin <r;i (hat could lie avoided. I i lakes eeuiuLi led. In lie nocdlead.v diyppci'alile, and n ganina which not many ilet; pnesnss nr think in cultivate, ( rcutein he iy ” ah” iipiil. on, wilh the lildlc laugh which they hdd her would make her lamnua alder uiiiurr some time- "I rememher a red liaired room-mate I once had v.dio 101 lin hive. i never wiiv (he man. • 1 was spared ihal. Bid I suppose I carry as accurate a dcacri;d inn of that niau'n charnel crisl ica and virtues and looks and wise sa,\ ill!;;-: (irmly iiahcddcd in iny grey mailer as any niyiies’ gallfly would need. r:he lalkcd cimot him ail the time—talked In ine i.h .iit him. II is a g veil I. burden Ic }e'-;r rooiu-innto fall m love. '"l'licii jiieiv v as another, a maddening phihisnjdier. She was really very pretty; one vnuhln'i. have believed she could he sueh a dialrsclediy calm person. Trcmcmher one ni"hl we tipped over the ink—l think I did i(---on a. dear, Urieoial spread ue had just hone Id tor (he couch. I said same Ihi'igs. and respectfully and expeelanl!;,- waited for her (n echo (hem. She sal by (he window and went on with her drawing of a Minerva's ear, and she said, wdh the eahnesl delil/ertition : ‘Bui, my dear yir!, wind is a bottle of ink in Ihe soai id year conscious' experience? And what a very lit lie thing Is a spoiled spread in ‘he universe!’ And another flay 1 missed a call, just missed il; by ten minutes. and came in soaking wet from the rain besides. And she was in .a veil hath ivhe liv Ihe (ire. and when I stopped scoldin'; lo pel ,ey b.vidli. sho looked up and said : ‘ \ (idle v a I er, dear girl. in the sum Intal of lime, when nothing mu tiers I And what is a caller, more nr less, to you, who are mind?' V.,u can draw no idea of how uauhh’n'ag I dial sari of I bin” is. She Rat if a!! IKmi an ail treeher of hers, who ulI■■ I'l e spoiled her for a sensible girl. I li> have tad some college course, 1 Mipp. s”, lenn ” 1 canid he said to he hmadened : I It.-1 weiild ha ve edoeated me no In I railing uhoui ill wet skirts and a Ib'Ppr hal. end ,'u.viiig (hat nothin”' mal-

"hV.iilv, Iluun;h." ventured lhe;;ii-l who v; ;s visiiimt. “t lial: is a bountiful doelrino. 1f olt;' AN ouhl !l', e Up In if. "i/lvf up to if." repealed the Kiri who I’..’:'! iT'f.n ii. "I. rliouidii'l. have pond's! Ik'.- living u.;> !•> if. Where I dim a'filled win; h,:r hulling it (. Ine ail illC linns She riviv. ved in pliiloaoph , . Well. .( hr’ie',e im le,iui"-'ly ami j.u ordinary ••((imreui's-.;, ami that I look best in rod: loti i dee 1 feel dr.nvu to impart three I hue'', |j, r vevv * a -dy around me. A roommate. fe lie a specess, haa gut (o keep id ill men.* Ilian hair (he lime."' Vml i'cii," -rid lie- experiment, kindle, “helf-N - in nis-im; vour lui-v half lliriuurh, ilm’l you ?" I! 1 ' usd ie (he window seal, lining a philosopher herself, did uni mind. ■•Some Kiris, you know,'* she said, traupiiilh'. "eeeiu in IV.-el it ill the air when yep Avan I I help le veep siiil. Other.'! you have |n led. and either hurt (heir feelings, or ■nssl.e Ihciu an;y. Some know just hmv lureh jn give up. and lion often it is (Heir him In sJruiyhh'ii the room, and Ilia I they elu brush Ihnv owe. shirts before they )u;| l.beai on je-d ; ; e.uivciiicul Iv an yon ea.n do it far (diem afterwards. Some girls are horn with all this, an they arc v.ith .l.dl at doing op Ihciriial noil,'or making duniiy (jrcst'Co. or s.'iyua;; the right thing. D lakes." concluded the woman with ev ppricnee. ''a so;'-an of talcp! to lie a roornipale. The Ter.- experiment .raised a woebegone fare ivorn the couch pillows and addressed he s sy.yi, have lly talent:' chr- ached her. upsi'iu nngly-"pi-ra yon. no answered the other girl a Hacking the vurtein.* again. “What mad*' vnp 1 ['.ink t ha f : " "Wp both gathered (be idea," said (bp pjrl ip (he hat. honestly. "And I truly plan am! pmuedileie doing rpv lies!, ’ preoj rt'.'.d (h.o new e\r>minrul . "tiv dear," wid (bo woman behind !*■'’ curtain.’, "top have one of Urn dcared. prettm-.t fa.eea T ever jap-, and Hip eolte.-* voice I know. Do yen oppose, really, that you ouf;-i *'■ bo ected have any-

fh,;iy f;[~r:; \y;, 1 J ni -:orjy, h-\l J lonrjl love yr.M O) h'M>h hhoao. ,Vad v.-oold ’-r' t.-tjpd. fi(:T v/' 'ha an a!n. j.-nirmri r* ; , P i- hah “nr:t broadi?ty ryv -kirt for rr.n. ..'f*- cl "- f lom ‘ ‘ ‘v r r 'i hoorv-s r{r -

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4259, 19 January 1901, Page 5 (Supplement)

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THE SEARCH FOR THE CONGENIAL GIRL New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4259, 19 January 1901, Page 5 (Supplement)

THE SEARCH FOR THE CONGENIAL GIRL New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4259, 19 January 1901, Page 5 (Supplement)