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Mr W ( J. Colville .concluded liis- lee • ture season in WeSiuetdn last, night, ' j , ... r ° fi At the Mount Cook . Polide Station yesterday morning, Mr 11. E. Bannister, •J.P., fined an old-offending drunkard named-William'Bait 10s, or forty-eight hours’ imprisonment. Mr Harold Beauchamp, of Mcsm-' Bannatyne and Co., has been offered, and lias accepted, the position of three- . tor on the New Zealand board of the 3 Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corpora- , tion, Limited. , i Mr McKorrow, chairman of the Lam! - Purchase Board, and Mr Gill, Govcrn- - meat Valuer, have this week inspected - and valued Mr Te Crosse’s Kumcrou . property at Woodvillo. and Sir George • Hoslop’s farm at Victoria, both of which - are under offer to the Government. f Included, in tho stock of Messrs 1 Wrigglesworitih and Binns’s destroyed in 1 yesterday’s- fire was a collection of over fifty thousand negatives, dating back for tho past thirty-five years. Those formoil perhaps the most interesting com. nection with Old Wellington which, existed in the. city. The Deputy-Governor has informed tho Acting-Premier that ho !ia« received a cablegram from the Admiral on' ihe Australian 1 station, stating that in accordance with a request made to him, he has ordered H.M.13. Mildura to be at Popfc'OhalntcTs when the Orient with the returning Now Zealand troopers arrives. The shop of Mr A. Wchh, bicycle dealer, at Pet-one, was broken into on Thursday night. The burglars made a clean sweep of the contents of Mr Webbs shop window. The value of the goods stolen, consisting of bicycle gear and accessories, amounted to £SO. The police have the matter in hand. , Settlors along the Manawatu Railway are in good heart on -account of tho favourable season they have so far experienced. Feed is luxuriant, and cattle were never in better condition, the result' being that the dairy factories arc having a very busy and prosperous time. Right along the line the cry is for more land to ibe thrown operf, the opinions being, general that if that we re done, it would readily be taken up. - A special meeting of {lie Hut-t River Board was held on Thursday night. Present—. Messrs D. Sladdeu (chairman),. Pltzherbert, Stevens and Foster. Correspondence in connection with river improvements was referred to the Board’s solicitor. Mr E. P. Bunny. The Board was advised that £SOOO of the £IO,OOO loan would be available on Friday. The Board then went into committee to confer >wxth its engineer (Mr Laing-Merson). It was decided in committee to call fentenders for the river work at the earliest date, and to allow four weeks for the perusal of plans and specifications. Tho engineer was also directed to airange that the work should he completed as nearly as possible simultaneously with the completion of the'new bridge.

Tii>- .<UiV nm-it (Aiimni'surv Day) \v I; 1 he Mr-iuved as ;; 1 »;itil-: ii<,•!icl.i' - . 'I in- United Building Trades picnic « ill !ic held on tin: Government ground-. :■ i 1 lie Coper Hull, on Saturday, I’fu■ tu.i’v '..'fin Tho Dairiviii liand will [day at. Ilm t■ ’inj-fti par !■.!•> at Newtown cninloiinin <i'.v moniiii": and will aKo conI riimW - ohefioiis in inn Pmk denar; Itm aMernoen. Tin' annual j>i<• I’t; and . J p<;ri of 111” Maii'T I bol. hor',’ School.-;' (,’ld bay-;’ A ociatinii are to ho held rd the new niday picnic; ;/njmid", Upper liuD, on A;iJiinraivy Day. The grim mU arc ;■«! ndraldy Frl on! ami have ivory ranv i.iiicm-c for tin r-in.iforl cl vUi tor-.. Willi ooiiim* nidaido hii-Jm-'-s onLcrin iti; I lie Singer Scv. in/ Machine Company i'i.i’iiiml lemporary premises ye--(,i relay, so flea! I Imir <• I i ■ /i' - will not Pe ilTi’ii v.■:!ii•,i< •«•<l liy c •.i.orday'fire, ’lac.' c-.aip;, n '/■ll i ] f;i i'y pI'C 111 i- WS ,'II‘C IP Dec 11 ii ■ ’ 11 m 11' 1; > i <;Willi; street.' ’flic ,dr; ions to S f, a.moil a.iiilndaiic" lc I un; ivn.i well at.U nded Inst evening, ■.■ hen Mr Janie-! .Moore ".poke on “Mi.takes liiiif. Oau.-:e Pain.” The coinpotit.iou '• Helping the .dick” great inI I rc.-al. Bright il'nn.s of music were . given l y ( ln, Misses Pedersen and .Tolm•.on ! o.i Aiocsr- IJirdi and Turner. i lie- at c’ a I a’c’s; oi tin' l iale Riv.d (.lu 1 ; !n Id c M 'n’mi :o toe Ire c.adf ro la t even'”;', .Mr J. Bachman ([ire; -;de;it). preen I i ii". Doner' Ihe 'veiling Mes-r-. ,r. Mill ray ! .•'■ret ayv i and Mira ms (rrcisnrcri '.vi’i'e pi'wenl cl 'vitli Iropiii"-. in reniioiii ion o! Dn-.r pa ‘ > to tn' chip. A convivial evening was spenta and reudui -eeiiees ol old (imes--1 aet. and ‘,.,1,1.; -were given l.y Diddle, Dayilm, .Mc.Madd- and Fuller. Tin- \do, of the orga nDa I ion known a, 'he 1-1 :■ ■ Police was fully proved at I ia■ lip- ill Willi ■ ..I reel, ye it ei-hiy inoriij, i. i. A I a ei'dicet iiiojneid they volunteered 1 lo In in;/, lie new lire ladder to Ihe /poi, and i --marlly got it on I he, seine and in position. their prinl iyal uiirh, however, was in keeping the e;. u d h.iek. and (id-, (hoy Mure-/fully nei inn| 1 1 ■!; -d In. means oi a rope barrier, It is a pleasing sign to ace the 11 ;i-ahli h a.'i'i 1; of (he Inigado seconded by I!e;i a valuable <• i 1 i;',eii corps.

A -uircting of Maoris was hold at Barcwanui last, wool: for tiio election of members of ilin Native Council mid the Native Land Council, udder the provision'; of Iho Arte of la.-.r session. The nicel in;; lasi oil'"’ days, and over 17(1 veiling natives were pre-amt. Mr Lrnera Sul liorlaud presiding. Representatives were appointed to represent, most of the fourteen tribe; present on the Native Council, and nominations were received for the illative Land Council, the election, for which will he held shortly.

At the Magistrate's Court yesterday morning .Mrs Condi was fined £2, and, for having employed a female contrary to the provisions of the law. A permit had hern obtained lor a. nv.inlier of girls, ail’d in Iho absence from wor!; of i.iie of the number, a- girl for whom no permit had been obtained was put on in'her place. Or Findlay prosecuted, and, Mr Izard appeared lor the defendant. John McGiiuiity was charged with having stolon ».«, the .property of Emily White. Or McArthur ordered him to be imprisoned for three months with hard labour. Hubert McManu was sent to gaol for seven days for having '-tolen coat Irom .Jolm’Carling.

!l i :: ii int-,trusting foot —ami one nob known lo many coaxial navigators—that (bo bar across the entrance to Poriiiia Harbour did not exist, at least to any noticeable, .-extent, before 1855.. It was thrown up by the earthquake of Jr.unary. 1855. bp to that time the harbour was commonly used by coasters. It is believed by several skippers who have navigated in the waters of the bay, and even in Pori nut. Harbour itH’ii, I bat Ibo bar could bo easily dredged, as nothing bid' sand is to bo found on Ihe bottom. Given a. safe entrance, and nioii- dredging inside, Boririui 1.1 arlu.ur could bo in ado a perfect little port. _

11 niiiih Keircoz and llabid Abdullah Uncos, Iwo Syrians, were charged yrslerday id the Magistrate’s Court. before Or Mcjidhur with having wilfully set lire to a. shop in Manners street, on the 71h inst. The shop in which the fire occurred' was leased and’ stocked by Massed door, aiv uncle of the accused Pamdi Kcirooz, but the business never pa ill. .Several witnesses spoke of noticing a. strong smell of kerosene about, the premises, in which that, oil was never used' in l.ho ordinary way. On the arrest of Keironz, lie made a confession to Detective Prober" to the effect that lie had loft a candle burning among some papers on the evening on winch tho fire occurred, before going home. He also implicated the other accused (against whom,-, however, the charge was dismissed). Koirooz, who oxonoratoed bis uncle Massed Geov from any complicity., was committed for trial.

Knetniragincr, advance has (icon made in rcrout yo.tra by Messrs Peter Hutson and Go. at their Wallace street factory, in the manufacture of bricks, fancy tiles and ornamental and economical potteryware. This linn is now capable of producing tho best in each department, and equal to anything turned out _ in the southern hemisphere. Special pains have boon taken to serve tho home with

practical ami necessary articles, included in th,nu being litters* jam jars, ami bread crockery. The filters are of such a superior character that already, i he Government is using thorn m several departments of the public buildings, while private people are flattering in their praise of the jam jars and broad erockery. These branches of the pottery are' attaining considerable industrial prominence. Messrs Hutson and Co.’s establishment must bo reckoned among the most important manufacture iug institutions of Wellington. The charge against George Scott of wilfully representing himsolf_ to be a duly qualified’ medical practitioner, ira< (■•died on in the Magistrate’s Court yesterday before Dr McArthur, S.M. Air Myers prosecuted, aud Air Men tenth appeared tor accused, who pleaded not guilty. Evidence showed that defendant had been practising in Wellington since Augiist 13th, aud had represented hr nself to Dr C. F. Scott ns an Af.B., C.M.. Motley, and to another doctor as A 1.8.. G.M., London, there being nc such degree as M.B , C.AI.. Motley. Dr C. F. ,Scott stated that defendant had a.-ked witness to ‘‘cover” him in case of death, as ho had not his diplomas with him. Counsel for accused submit* ted that accused was really a qualified medical practitioner, but for reasons which counsel was not able to divulge, be was travelling under an assume;,! name. Rcmitli.i ccs bad failed him, and be hiui been compelled to fall back on Ida profession. "His Worship said a, broach of the 1 yiv bad been committed, and accused; would be lined CIO, with, costa £1 Bs. A second information against accused for having used a description implying that ho was recognised by law as a inodical practitioner, was withdrawn.

At the Police Court yesterday .John Cooper, a prohibited person, charged with being found on licensed premiseon the 20th, was fined ten shillings. the alternative being forty-nig'-p hour-,’ imprisonment.

The .statistics of the first year':, operalions at the Invercargill .Mi.mif.dpa! a lint fob's .show that cattle to the; number of -11, or 1.2 per cent, of those slaughtered, were condemned. In sheep the avi rage condemned was; 4 per '.OOO and in mgs 2 tor every 493. These figure'; included diseases communicable and I:an-ini.ssible from beast to man, while imMcrous portions of carcases where ike disease was of a, localised nature were condemned. Tuberculosis and various forms of parasitic diseases were the most prevalent, in the case of cattle an' 1 , suppurative glands and pleurisy in slice]). Not r. single case of swine fever was detected among the pigs .slaughtered.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4259, 19 January 1901, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4259, 19 January 1901, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4259, 19 January 1901, Page 4