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The members of the Coal Mums Commission will leave Wellington for the West Coast by the ilaupiri. to-day, anil will hold their first sitting in that part of the colony at Westport on Monday. The state of the . road along Waterloo quay was referred to at last night’s meeting of the City Council by Councillor Anderson, who asked wha-t.was going to be done with the road. now that 'Government. had completed its part_of the contract, and done it well, by widening the road, and putting a stone facing on the embankment. In reply, the Mayor said .that the work would be attended to shortly. , A proclamation appears in last night's “Gazette'’’, dividing the new County of MaSterton into six ridings- The number of members of the County Council to he -elected for each riding is to be os follows : —Two each for; the Alfredtojj. "Wainuioni and Opaki ridings, and one each for tho upper Taueru, and Te Whiti ridings. The election of the first County Council will be held on the 9th pros. Mr F. G. Moore has been appointed returning officer-

wwwmiimiiMwawgMMßaMaMwtawHßWMwaMß n ;' r■■i s•' \ "I ibe Government Lift* i'i - Department hii:- been opened ih" Bo -t Office at KimboUun. 'I /!•■ ('iiy Council, a:; it;-, meeting last ah-.';, fix' 'l the dag-tax at the Sil'no r-'-le last vea/—ten shillings. Ti'e Public Ti ir-t lias filed oleelion.; :e ; >1! ini-i it the e'-dates of five do--pc'.-anw. the e-Tale of ■ h.'-'cli it. Mil'., ca-ilv.-ay clerk, .velI ■ i:; - J ou. I:> reply te q, ic■ -: inn. the City Imi"iiic. i- cl a!; (1 he; u iy-. 1: t !h T ti- ur-.i-y ni Ihe i:i;v re."l I run Oniro in Brooklyn, bylf-co. t of udiirti lie. 'ielro-o Horeuee !: ri /1 .ereed Pi h:ar. lied h-ce complel ed, inn! I hi'l -l( vei" heine lisk'-i: I-I on; f .'if r-erlt n? formation in (rnil., i■ :i i,ii>- fi-icgr-ipii and leieI" ;mie; in the city with poslei.-:. Tie: ec .i.i'l aid eoi'itilliiro notified them ,I Sidoing o they have laid themei Kc. open lo a. li/i". ami have ordered the oh;ee* ior; : 1 ...h■ placards to he r«ii:v.'d. The ■ ing-Ptciniev having notified (die *,V'• I!in tell it.ieing (July I !iat lie ■.veil'd reijiiiro t!;o ;clegrapli etidion kept e’en, e i the llntt ratei'onrsti, the stoward, of lee elu'h have ashed leave to wail upon .Mr Ward, end place their vio’.vj hetore him. at t i o'eloex t.liis triornind'l eoi'sv.o been agicod (,o by Mr

MT'.sr.s .lolly and Go. report the following sides of freehold property during (la- week; Karen ei'eseenl. land about y.df), (e-id hei- with four-roomed , 1,1 jI hereon; Daniel Mnaat, latul ii.hoii, ~nie fiit.ii of an acre, with eightnil till:'., and _ live- roomed cottage ; 11 ia! pnrchi'so money, hetween XM3I)O and lldbd. Alt ini ei'ceting fnnetien is to lake plan- at ! ’iuui id;.miii. on Tuesday next, wlii'ii a. “snchd” will he held in honour oi (he f<tinin;r departure of a, popular Venn;'; re.-iidciii. Mr Charles .Stewart, ef • Indy lord, who has been chosen a menilii r id i in- Sixth Conl.iiigent- Mr Stewart is f o he mad" the recipient of a parr of iieid ola.-vsc:). '[ e pi i; 1 1 ini is under Iho Municipal 10r],..ti ions Aid , Odd, appear in this week'- (lav.el!c. V., is provided that tho ib-lriel elei.'lers' li s rtcill he made out on :!"■ dlh Millet'. With reran I to pcliliini", jl is laid down that except v i;-r; oi l;envi.--e expressly provided, .-very pH it ioo lei! 1 he signed by ar he ■! I brr’c-liif ’is of the eleetr.i'S of tin' bcmir.p,, if Hie subject matter relates in i!k \. ni■>ii l borough,, or by thrneIdl l ls of (ho electors of such wards an nmy be alleeted by the petition. Tim -results of the examination of pupils for Iho QueciTs scholarships of Iho Victoria College "Council has been again to give the acl vantage to candidate:. from- city schools. On the first year in which competitions were hole four Wellington district pupils obtained sclnd.iiships in comparison with two from outside. Tim second year showed the same resnll . This year the pre-portion is livi lo one respectively. It) order to ■■pi'pad till,' .scholarships over n larger .surface and to give encouragement to the country schools, it is proposed to obtain legcdiii ion next session to enable din sehohir.diips to be awarded to the scholars; obtaining the highest marks in. tin’ various ilisti’if.l.s undo** the Victrivia, ('nili'go Council’s jurisdiction.

T!u- l|.,u J. G Ward (Postmaster(lnu Ims ii'ccu'fld letters ironi Hio Itivi'.i iiuv-C. u< ial, of the Commonwealth, (he Governor of Queensland, the 15’sli- , ■ ) of Ale! bourne. Newcastle and Go ill-, hum, thanking him lor his Now Years card in collection with the inauguration of the peniiv postage system, in New Zealand. The Bishop "of Goalbum “hopes (hat, the Australian Couuaonweaifcli may soon >ci‘ its way to (fdopt tho system.'' Tin- Pi.hop of Newcastle says :—‘'l hope that. Australia will soon adopt the, same wim. ;nnl desirable policy.” i’he Govi>, iiiii 1 «(• Queensland cordially reciprocate.; (he iten Air Ward’s wish that "during ihe new century tho complete e r iiTen i ii>p; of the Empire will be ao-eumpli-dicd.''

Tin- raini'a! i statistics for the month df Orcnilicr show that the heaviest fall • f.’i- -tlii! North Island was 8.85 inches, at. Wainui-o-mutii. .Other heavy _ fails registered were 7.65 inches at Waihi iiiul 7.26 inches at. the Summit. Tho io-.veat fall m-tmled was 0.95 inches, at Uiuniake. The heaviest fall for twcutyloui' hints was at Pnrun (Auckland), where 2.89 inches tell on the loth. In .Smith Island the highest aggregate fall for (h.) month was 5.06 inches, at Glmlbrook Station, South Otago. At t 1,0 Cl 1 1 at ham Islands rain foil on 22 ilnys, and at Dunedin on 15 '.lays, but at bath of these points tho aggregate irll was very light. The heaviest falls during a period’ of 21 hours wore 3.5(5 inches, at Pakawan, 3.50 inches at Collingwowl, and 3. 47 inches at Motueka, all ’on tiio Kith hist. The lowest aggregate fall for the month was- 0.b2 inches, at Timarn. The Puysogu-r Point returns for November show that an aggregate of 23.83 inches of rain foil on 25 (Isvs.

Tin; vital .-.talistios. for December show lii,:-!. the births ami deaths and the death-nvio per 10CO of population at the four large centres, with their suburbs, iivw as follow : —Auckland, 100 births, ■II deaths (0.84 per 1005): Wellington. 92 births, 25 deaths (0.52 per 1G0D): Christchurch, 03 births. 39 deaths (0.«6 per 1000); Dunedin, 103 births, 40 deaths (O.SO per 1000). By excluding the suburban boroughs, the Auckland death-rate is increased to 1.02 per 1000, file CVistdhurch rate is not altered, and the isles at Wellington and Dunedin are reduced to 0.51 and 0.59 per 100 C respectively. The total births in the above boroughs amounted to -102, against ■IO3 in November—a. decrease of -1. The deaths in December vide 118—a decrease of 21 on the number in November. Of the total deaths, males contributed 09. females 79. Forty-two of the deaths were of children under live years of age, being 28.38 per cent. of tho whole number: 38 ,of these were under one. year of ago. There were thirty-six deaths of persons of 65 years i.-nd mw-ards.

At. a. imoetiing of creditors of Miss Acidic Garner, refreshment-room keeper, there were present tho Official Assignee and MessrsTurnbml(\V. and G. Turnbull amt Co.). JL’o Is 3u: Bardsley (Scotillar and Chisholm), £ll-1 7s 4tl; Vance (J. Wilson). 4:75; and Wardrll (Waruell Bros.), ..CIO 19s 7d. Mr E. B. Williams appeared for the bankrupt. Mr 'Wjlliiuns said that Messrs Scoullar and Chisholm had certainly been hardly dealt v.dtli. They had allowed the question of securing their claim by a bailment on (ho goods to drop, preferring, under tho circumstances, and to avoid expense, to rolv on an offer of assistance, which, however, ultimately fell through. Miss Garner had taken every care of .no property, and done her utmost to keep the place going. It was a pity that too business had not been sold as a going concern instead of closing down. There had hern offers for the place, and somej hinf might ho done yet in that direction The Official Assignee said tho estate would not pay more taan 5s or (is in the £. Tho bankrupt was ordered to make a proper statement of receipts and disbursements within ten days. Mno meeting was then adjourned sine die.

IA special and important meeting of the Masonic Institute is to bo hold tonight. The annual meeting of the Wellington -Typographical Union will be held 1 tin/Trades-’ Hall to-morrow ovcu- ( The City Council has decided to obtain a report Irom tlio Inspector of Nnimmes on the alleged Insanitary condilion of the grounds of the Newtown school. I’li,in information which has boon received in Wellington, it is practically c< rliiin chut the Indian troops will not accompany (heir .British comrades C New Zealand. Urien-and Co., fruit and produce brokhave n moved to their new prcia'-ii-cs in Jervois quay, next to D. Benjamin and Co. A description of the buildings, where the firm’s business will now bo conducted, recently appeared in this paper. Tim City Council will ho asked at its next meeting to consider the question oi tramway extension, on a motion o: ; which. Councillor Barber has given ni(ice—“That the Tramway Committee he instructed to consider and report to the Council as to the host means of furthering, the scheme of 'Greater Wclling-

.’udgment hv default of defendants wax given in tfie following cases yestmd.:y morning by Dr McArthur, S.M.:--.James Mountstophon v. L. C. Crahho. -Id 1./H 4(1; Commercial Agency v. Daniel Billows, ,C2l 5 s hd; "Wellington Loan Company v. A. G. Owen. -£9 Tk■hi ■ same v. J. Gillespie, £l(s 3s 8«1; I ■ 11 1 I Kan tiers’ Co-operative Associalion v. P. Colonial), CO 13s h>!; Cook and Gray v. John Moggie, £IS, In the .judgment summons ease of D. Black v. 11. Canning, claim CIO -His. defendanv was ordered to pay 10s a mouth.

At a- meeting of the Trades and LaIcin' Council last night a fitter was rend fiem Mr John Burns, M.P., acknowledging tli" Council’s- congratulations on his election for Battersea. A report with n.p/irtl to the proposed weekly labour paper was received. The unions of the following trades have agreed to- suppert. the publication: —Plasterers, bookbinders, coacbworkers, building trades labourers, painters and decorators, bootmakers. furniture makers, plumbers, printers, tailors and wharf labourers. The president and tho secretary were iix-.lructcd to draw up a statement- of the Council’s attitude towards unskilled labour.

The motion regarding the lighting of private streets, winch Councillor Tolluirst had given notice to move, was ruled out of order by the Mayor last night, ou tho ground that it could not bo put unless the Council was unanimously in favour of its being considered. Councillor Izard emphatically dissented therefore tho matter ended for that meeting. Councillor Tohurst ’ntimated that lie would put himself in order on the subject at a subsequent meeting. His motion was to the effect that in consequence of the number of private streets already lighted at the Council’s expense. Mr W. McGill be not called upon to furnish a light for the extension of Walter street; or, as an alternative, that existing lights be removed from all private, streets and rights-of-way, unless the owners pay the cost.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4258, 18 January 1901, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4258, 18 January 1901, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4258, 18 January 1901, Page 4