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PHASES OF THE MOON. AUGUST. . (Calculated for New Zealand mean time.j

Sun rises, 6.24 a.m.; sots, 5.10 p.m. High water. 11.30 a.m.; 11.5 S'-m. ARRIVED. SATUUDAi’, AUGUST 18. ' Eotoiti, s.s.. 029 tons, Robertson, from Onchunga and Neve i'lywoutii. f gers—Saloon Misses Spicer. Anidu. u annam and c-luJ-J, Gillies <2), ! leh/es, ravloi, Mesdaim.B Hands, Whilohoiisc. -‘»oyef ami 2 children, Grown, Gillies. Messrs < U aterBon, Blaekmore, Stock, Fal'a, R ft cu, Dickerson, George, Miller, Harris, Crea;;li, Mubin, .Johansen; Id steerage. Mapout'ilia,. s.s., 71V tons, Spence,-H-om Nelson and Id. Inn. Piigsf ngcTK—Saiocu : Missu, Ulrich, Ladloy. Lonisso.i, Ransom, Ballinger, Mesdumes KasterficH, 3 children and nurse, Green, White’, Ruigcnt, Johns. Malcolm. Messrs Cook, .Somerville, Coombo, .iohns, Grow ther id), Bust, ladlo£, Hradslnw. Bums. Chittenden. Kenijerloy, I'oMer, Ballinger, O’Leary, Heager, Men tea'll, Brown, Cato; 5 sleerage. Kalin, s.s., 20 tons', McAlister, Horn East VVcstraliii. s.s., 1810 lons. Thorps, from Melbourne via. Hobart and South. Passengers Saloon: Misses iStevfnson, Hart McDonald, Lynn, Orange, Wise, Finch. Macfarlaiu!, .Scudding, Mesdames O'Neill, 'ruin Wbailp and child. Messrs Richardson, O’Neill, Dougins. Walker. Magelby, Sperry, Tnln VVlmile, Whyte, Hart, More■wcalhcr, Sheri, [tu'im.-l I, Thompson, Mala! is. I.overidge.. Power, VVardeli, Baxter, Fielder, Adair; 47 steerage. Opawa, s.s., 70 tons, Clark, from Blenheim. SUNDAY. AUGUST 13. Pania, s.s., 10 tons,, from Blenheim. • : Storrnbird, s.s., .137,.t0n5, Jarman, from ■Wanganui. Wailmra, RifiT tons, Smith,, from Sydney via. Auckland, Gisborne and Napier. Passengers—Saloon; Misses PenTier. Stickle. Ryan. 'Mesdomes Gumming. Muliliton, While, Maseru Stickle. , BrookeSmith, Pasmore, Joyce. Gumming, Bayly. Levin, , Hodgson, Baiharry, Niven; 13 slccrago. Janet Nicoll, s.s.. 11l tons, Brown, from South. Wakalu, s.s., 05 tons. Wills, from -Lyttelton via Gnash. pa, ssengers—Saloon ; Mifscs Herbfrtson, Howard, -Whitaker, Sedwick, Mesdmucs Jones. Evans, Messrs Evans, Sod wick, .Konn Hi wait, Master Manlrston. Manaroa, 5.5.,-78 .tons, Collins, from Wanganui. y i- . , . . . , Ttatomnh'ana, 834 tons. Manning, from Lyttelton. Passengers—Saloon iMisses Bird, G cel ton. Kories, Collin,'McLennan, Comics,' -Mesilumen > Mills; Jones, Hurley, and 3 children. Snook. Young, Clarkson and child. Bradley, ..Bailer, Johnson, Caddie ami child, Rhodes,' Taffe. Gifford and child, To Nrn, Me Do wAdl■ ,M mmy B row 11 , Jackson. .Fuller. MVFortane, Brown, Hyde, Dnnford, Haw. Palmer. Zohrab, Alexumli-r, Jenkins, Smith, Wi.-Pero, Hands., Pratt., Ellint.t, Cask. Garner, Smitli, Qnane, Mills, Buff. Hawkins, Flounders, Balk Duncan. Prendcrgasl,, Oliver, Lom-thle, Coilc. Bradley. Wilson. Holden, T.von, Barnett, Barnclt, Reid, Beveridge, Phcer, Johnston. h'mjtli. Bramah, Mends. Moore’ Sapsford. Hudson. Jones (2), TTur’cr, Snook,, \ rinm;. Cfnrksou, Qudl ami 3 bovs, Wood. Telford. McMillan.' AVinlcr. Hunt, Nicholson. Cochrane, Mnlono.v. Hart gill, Patac. S'lvlymv. fTnDcnsHin, polt. NiohoHon, AVaddd, Clifford. Birth, Mowall.. Fleming, Thnrn"«. Hausen, Manm Burns. Goodwin, Williams. Pm-Ver. Will son. Snodgrass. Cart. Nn!C Bird. Alassey, Hawkins. -,o'’viud. Boyce. AHHcr, Gen nor MeEwan. Wilford, Gamier. Goro. fo-ri pnfc’-Son. Freeman.' A’ievnrd. k'-t.l). chi’d.- Tanks. Duuf'md. Mm’dov. Rnfhorford. Hannah Te Nru. Gr-s, hv, Dougl-ns. Reid. Moor, r.v,...,. r ff I'lnrlst Brother, ITr.r.s Twnmov and Ormond. SAILED. SATURDAY, AUGUST 18. Haupin, s.s., 4oi tons, Nordsuum, for Pictuu, Nelson ami West Coast.

MupouriKa, s.s., 'll'i tons, Spence, for Piftoa and'Neiaon. Passengers—Saloon: Aliases Armstrong (2), NankerviUe, Bayiis, Vi adhamy-Mrs ■ Mayes and 2 children, Messrs Waters, .)clumseii, VVaterson, ifeiu, Blackuiorc,'’ Gray, block, Mabin, Pongmsl Hayward, Ziclio, ,Sinclair, Little, Wood, Fenwick,. Brocket!, Canterbury football team (IV).; 2d steerage. , \V estraiia, s.s., Ifct 19 tons, Thorpe, for Sydney. Passengers Saloon; Misses Bradford, Wrigglesworth, Willis, Audrey, Kerr, Hunter, Brown, Mesdames Murrell and family, Johnson, Lane, Audrey (2), Keys Leroy, Carew, Ur Pcstrc, Marist Brothers (a), Messrs Murrell, Basket! (2), Chambers, Bruce, Lane, Pocke, Bus thorn; 21 steerage. Te Kapu, s.s., 50 tons, Allman, for Havelock and Sounds. Hinemoa, s.s., 260 tuns, Bollons,. for Southern lighthouses. SUNDAY. AUGUST 10. Rotoiti, 5.5.,, U2O tons, . Robertson, for Nelson,New Plymouth and Ouehunga. Pas-sengers-—Saloon: Misses Fielder, Corn-, v/all, Boycs, McDuwull, Dunn, James, Hart, Mesdamcs Mackie, Horton, Smith, Crease, Hample, Mackic, Messrs Hurray, Marton, Adair, Kunuersforam, Murray, Sperry, Magetiy, Abbott, 1 Loveridgo, Cato, Keimerloy, Goldstone, Hill, Winter, Lester; 20 steerage.:, . Pakeha, s.s., 20G5 tons, .Prosser, for Timam. Vis-ion, schooner, 159 tons' Molsaac, for Mercury ,Bav.‘ EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Queen of the South, from Buxton, this day r Aorero, from Patea, this day Mana, from X’atea, this day Talune, from Sydney, this clay ■ , Pukaki, from Westport, 21st. Waiuui, from VVesc Coast, Nelson and Picton, 21st Gothic, from London via Plymouth, Tenoriil’o, Capetown and Hobart, 21st • Mapourika. from Lyttelton, 21st Flora, from Dunedin and Lyttelton,'2lst Moura, from Auckland, Gisborne and Napier. 21st Te Kapu, from Havelock and Sounds, 21st Takapuna, from Ouehunga and,. New Plymouth, 21st . . " Mawhera, from Westport, 21st Papanui, from Waitara roadstead, 22ml Kotomahana, from Lyttelton, 22nd, Star of New- Zealand, from Napier, 22nd Kennedy, from Wanganui, 22nd Waihora, from Lyttelton, 23rd Haupiri, from West Coast, Nelson and Picton. 23rd

Hangntira. left London July Ist; Indramayo left New York July 12th; Ludraghiri; -left London July 25th; Whakatane, left London July 21st; Waimate; loft London August 4th. , b John o’Gannt. left Liverpool April 21st; Olcnhurn. left Glasgow April 21th; Corollo, left Liverpool June 2nd; Alice, left,New .York May 2nd; Loch Trnol, left Glasgow June 21at; Star of the East, left Now York July 10th; P RO JECTED I)EPARTURES. Mnnnrou, for Wanganui, this dav * Wakatu, for Lyttelton via Coast, this day Opaxva, for Blenheim, this day Panin, for Picton. this day .‘Rotomahnna, for Lyttelton, this day Guceu of (ho South,: for Foxton, this dav , ..■■■, ■ Janet Nicoll, for Greymouth, and Westport, this day 1 Dingadee, for Greyniouth, this day Ptormhird. for Wanganui, (his day Kahn, for Napier, this day Star of Victoria, for Lyttelton,'’'this- day Manourika-. for Picton and Nelson. 21st Tf.M.S. Pprpoiso. for Auckland. 21st Mourn, for Lyttelton and Dunedin. 2lst v Flora, for Napier, Gisborne and Auckland, 21st ■Mawhora. for Westport, 22nd Rotomahona, for Lyttelton. 22nd Wairmi. for Picton. Nelson and West Coast. 22nd Wo thorn, for Sidney via North, 23rd; ’ Takapnna. for New Plymouth and Onchnnga, 23 rd Alapourika. for Proton and Noloon, 23rd Pananni. for London. 23rd Tnlune. for Melbourne,-’;'via i Sontli ‘r.nd’ 1 Hobart, 24th ", ■ , I

LONDON, Friday. Arrived —Delphic, from Lyttelton. Sailed —Menahtic, for Wellington. SYDNEF, Saturday. Arrived—-Handa Isle, from Kaipara. . Sunday. Arrived —Victoria, from^Kaipara. NEWCASTLE, Saturday. Sailed—Rio, for Napier. • ■■ NEW PLYMOUTH, Saturday. Arrived, 5.45 a.m.—Comma, from Wellington. LYTTELTON, Sunday. Arrived—Mapourika (2 p.rn.), Hinemoa .’2 45 p.m.), trom. Wellington. GRE YMOUTH, Saturday. Sailed, 7.33 a.m. —Wainui, for AVestP ° lL AUCKLAND, Saturday Arrived, D a.m.—Rakanoa, from Fiji Sailed—Moura, for Bast Coitet and Southern. , ports. , Passengers—Misses lliigiiow. Watson, Pearson, Watkins* Phillips, Hunt, Mcaßunes Watson, Mclntosh, Messrs Case. Coates, Harris, Hyamg, Green. PiUar, Goer, Bond, Pearson, McLean, Fergus, Aickon and >«) aloerage. NAPIER, Saturday Arrived—Slav of Australia U-15 a.m.), from Wanganui roadstead; Star of New Zealand (11 p.m.), from Gisborne. NELSON. Saturday Arrived, 11 a.m.—Waverlcy. from Wellington. To sail, 8-JO n.m. Monday—Wainui, 'nr Piclou and Wellington. Sunday. Arrived, i-.i5 p.m.—Hnupin, from L’icton. FOXTON, Saturday. .Arrived, 2 p.m.—Queen of the South, from AVelliugton. iWIEA, Saturday. Arrived, 2.40 p.m.—Aorere, from Wcl-i lincton. PTCTON, Saturday. Arrived, 5.30 p.m.—Haup:r!, from AVclßngton. . Sailed, midnight—Haupiri, for Nelson. WESTPORT, Saturday. Arrived, 7 p.m.—Mawhera, from Wellington. ' _ PORT CHALMERS. Sunday. Arrived—Tarawera j(10.15 a.m.), from Newcastle (in quarantine): Viking, barque 4.30 p.m.), from Lyttelton; Gleaburn, ship (5.20 n.m.). from Glasgow. - ' AVANGANUI, Saturday. ■ Sailed. 3 p.m.— Papanui, for AVnilara roadstead, , < GISBORNE. Saturday. Sailed, 3 p.m.—Star of New Zealand, for Napier. BLUFF, Saturday. Sailed, 5 p.m,—Mokoia, for Hobart and Melbourne. AVAITARA. Sunday. Arrived, in roadstead, 9 a.m.—Papanui, from Wanganui roadstead. Tho Janet Nicoll has 300 tons of cargo for AVellingtou, 80 tons for Westport, and 100 tons for tho Grey. She leaves for the West Coast io-da,v. Air cal.-" Hales, late-third officer of the Mnrniroa, is now second_ officer of the Eastern and Australian Company's liner Guthrie. ' '

The British India Company’s steamer Obra, of 5-156 tons, left Calcutta on the 13th inst. with a full cargo of Eastern products for New .Zealand ports. It in presumed that she will visit Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton... and.. Dunedm in that order. The Obra will be followed by another of tho British-lndia Company's fleet in December, and in January ths Union Company's new steamer,-Whangape will load at Calcutta for this colony. As usual, the Union Company will act as agent for there steamers. A ren irt from Capetown .dated June 28th, ro U.S.S. Co.’s Kafcapo, says:

“Attempt lay anchor properly-; failed. Unanimousl.v agreed proposal trial refloat bows first useless. Harbour Board .considering further measures. Ship undamaged. Broadside beach, dry shore side high water springs. Opinion possible refloat stern first if necessary applianccs obtainable.’’ .. The. schooner Vision sailed for Mercury Bay yesterday morning. The schooner Clyde is to load produce at Lyttelton for Wellington. The Waihora fell in with tho tail cud of n big easterly gale two days, before reaching ■ Auckland, ...which; affected the passage disagreeably. Fine .weather was experienced on the; run down the coast. The steamer has 172 tons of cargo for this port, and 59 tons for Lyttelton. She is due here again on Thursday, and will sail the same day for Napier,'Gisborne, Auckland and Sydney. The Mana. is making a special trip between Baton' and Westport with coal for the former port. On her return to headquarters, the Waiknre will lay up for an overhaul. Her running will bo taken up by the Tarawei’a, leaving Dunedin on tho 27th. and Wellington (for Sydney),on the 29th inst. Air Stock, late purser of the Pukaki, went South hv the Mapourika on Saturday under orders to proceed to headquarters.. THE HUDDAET-PABKER COMPANY. The Westralja. from Melbourne, Hobart and South, bad. 325 tons of cargo for Wellington and 1200 tons for the. Australian . market. Mr Chambers, late, 'assistant' purser, has been appointed purser to the Elingamite, and Mr Ceruity, formerly of the Zcalandia, is to take up the duties of coastal purser to' the k company, now that the two vessel .service between Sydney and Dunedin has been reverted to. Air. Ceruity. who came from Alclbourne by the Westralia, passed through Wellington last week, on route to Auckland to meet the Klingamito.., Tho Westralia sailed for Sydney direct at 7.45 p.m. on Saturday. ' ' • ’ ' . ; .

r>. H. M. First quarter Full E100U Last quarter ... New' moon. ... 4 ... 11 ... 17 ... 25 4 ? 11 3 15.0 59.9 10.3 22.6 a.iti. a.m. p.rn.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4131, 20 August 1900, Page 4

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SHIPPING NEWS. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4131, 20 August 1900, Page 4

SHIPPING NEWS. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4131, 20 August 1900, Page 4