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CONTINUED KEEK DEMAND AND HIGHER PRICES. From Our Special Correspondent. LONDON, December 8, 1899. After being fog-bound for two days, the sales re-opened before a full house, all sections of the trade being most eager for the fray. From the outset it was apparent that those sales would be short and sharp, so buyers at once put off any latent reserve and delved into the work at once. The result has been that the utmost enthusiasm has; prevailed at every sitting, and best of all prices generally show a hardening tendency on opening rates to the extent of 5 per cent, for the finest clips and: those taken on American account, the comparatively, extreme prices realised for the best wools being fully warranted by their fine, condition. The catalogues daily submitted, while in no sense bulky, have contained some choice selections of New South Wales and Queensland clips of new season wool, which at the hands of all sections of the trade have been severely sampled and afterwards sold at some “record’’ figures. These wools brought forth much American competition, buyers operating especially among the fine: greasy combings, and securing some decent parcels. Scoured merinos throughout the week have caused groat animation on the part of Home and Continental buyers, and the former paid the extreme price of 2s 9d per lb for Victorian Clydes, and 2s 7ld for F.D. and Co.’s, whilst the German and French section bought heavily of the fine-, haired QuOenslands at the highest level’ the aeries. Scoured locks and pieces are very much in demand, and in some cases rule comparatively dearer than the fleece. The call for crossbreds continues unabated, and both greasy and scoured parcels arc selling very well, chiefly on Home account. Competition is very frequent and persistent from Americans, who are taking both medium and coarse grades with considerable freedom at very top prices. West Australian new clip wools are in active request on Homo account. The quantity of Cape wools is evidently 7 affected by the war, but what is on offer realises extreme rates with snow whites 5 per cent.' dearer. .. Sold by Messrs Du Croz, Doxat and Co., December I:— I Three crowns over GEAR: Slipe. ■lB crossbred Ist com 15d ; 10 do, do, do, 24; '37 three-quar-ter-bred do, do, lid; 37 do, do, do, 10.)d; 13 do, do. do. lOd: 22 Lincoln Ist M, lOd; 233 do. do, 9d'; 249 do, do, 84 d ; 8 crossbred, 8d; 57 do do, 7jd : 6 do, dc ; S, 61d. These were very good lots and straight. When there was quality they , sold very well indeed. ! J; 'in itriangle: Slipe. 21 three-quarter-bred Ist com, lid; 79Lincoln, 9d. Marainanga: 21 grse half-bred, 7Jd. M.F.; 12 grse crossbred, Bjd. ZO; 8 grse crossbred Ist, 7jd; 11 do. do 2nd, 7fd. C and P: 9 grse crossbred, 8)d. Mount Florence: 8 grse crossbred com, B,Jd. N 3; 8 grse crossbred, Bd. WO :11 grse crossbred, Bd. WE : 5 grse crossbred, 7Jd P: 7 grse- crossbred, 6|d. RD : 12 grse crossbred, 7fd. Oriko over RE : 7 grse crossbred, 7jd. LT: 10 grse crossbred Ist. 8. K: 4 grse crossbred fine, Bd. Sold by Messrs H.. Irwell and Co., same, day ;—Pukenui: 3 grse crossbred, 7-ld. Wirokine : 1 grse crossbred, 6}d. BK : 2 grse half-bred, 10£d : 9 do crossbred. 8d: 2 do. do black, sjd ; 8 do, do Ist pcs, 6d. Bin heart; 3 serd crossbred, 9d ; 5 do. do Ist pcs, lOd; 8 do, do 10ck5,.7-id; 2 do, do lambs. 71 d. B: 4 serd crossbred, 9d. i Mawaroa ; 3 grse crossbred lambs. 9d. R. in circle over M; 4 grse crossbred lambs, 84d. H in diamond: 2 grse half-bred, lid; 2 do.-do crutchings, sd. MM: 15 grse crossbred, 7d. MD over Goal: 9 grse crossbred. 7d. ND ever Nokio: 30 grse crossbred, 6i*d. WTW over Ashburton : 4 slipe Ist com, 161 d : 3 do do, 15-jd; 8 do, 12U1: Bdo crossbred, 9d; 4do half-bred lambs. Hid; 2 do crossbred d0,>9.1d : 4 washed half-bred. Did; 2 serd half-bred pcs. Hid. Saudon : 6 grse crossbred, Bd. CBP over Hutipea: 28 grse .crossbred, 9d. , Hokoroa :21 grse crossbred. 7ld. HW over TR; 15 serd crossbied, lOd. All these wools showed the advance nicely, and sold readily.

Sold by Messrs Williams and Oyerbury, December 2 : —WMECo : Slipe. 13 Ist com crossbred, 14^d; 4 dodo do, 121-d; 6 do; do, do, 9^d; 90 do com do withdraw:)’ : 53 do, do. do, 8d; 25 do, do, d o. 30 do. do, do, 7|d; 31 Ist com crossbred G, 7jd;.. 45 do. do, do, do-T-jd; 39 do. do. do. do. 7d; 7 2nd do. do A, B,d; 32 do. do, do C, 7Jd : 23 do.- 'do, do, dp, 6jd; G S do, do, 63d; 29 do. do, do, Old 32 Ist do do B,

mixed do. Gd; 19 Ist lambs do A. lod ; 19 do. do. do. do. 131 d ; 4 do, do, do. do. lid; 15 do, do, do C. Sid-; 4 do c-.o do. do B. withdrawn : 5 do, do, do,-do C 7 id; Washed* 5 pcs crossbred, 9Jd; 23 do, do. 6ld :' 28 do, ;do, 6d; 27d0, do, 5Jd; lb lambs pcs do; 9d ; shpo, 9 Ist com crossbred A,- lod,;' 5 do. do, do, do. 13Vd: 5. do. do; ' ddf,; do, 131 d; 17 do. do. do B, lid; 49-,’dd, do, do, do,; Old; 50 do. do. do. do. 9d : 43 do. do, do, do, Od; 26 do, _do, do. do. 8d; ; 10 do, do. do, do, 7jd;, 34 do. doi do C, 7Jd ; 2G do. do. do, do. 8d ; 10 do, d0,,d0, do.:8d; 47 do. ,do. do. 7-id ; 1C do. do. do. do. 7UI ; 13 do, do. do, do. 7;'d : 30 do 2nd com crossbred C, Fid : 32 do, do. do. do. 7d : 8 do, do, do, do, 6.1 d ; 21 S do. do, 61 d ; 4 do, do. do, 6d ; 11 Ist lambs do A, 12d ; 9 do, do, do,, do. lOld; 3 washed Is:- pcs crossbred'. 8d ; 39 do. do. do. Cjd p 33 do. do, do. Old. This was a very largo line of wool, and well classed.' The varied lots s;old readily enough, but seme of them were very coarse and rough, Sold by Messrs Buxton. Ronald and Co.. December 4:— MATAMATA ; Grsv. 8 Ist half-bred com. lid: 20 do.‘do. lOld 47 Ist three-quartcr-bred do hgts. 9-1 d: 32 do, do. do, lOd: 21 2nd do. do. 9d; 37 crossbred do, Oil; G 8 crossbred Lester and Lincoln. 9d: 72 da, do. 9d ; 48 do. 9d; 22 do, 81d : 73 do, 8d; 5 Ist crossbred pcs, 7d; 25 do. do. do. 6ifd : ,33 do, bellies, Gld ; 2 do black. Gd ; 24 Ist do lambs, Old; 37 2nd do, do, 8d; 12 do, do pcs, Old ; 18 crossbred M three-quartcr-bred com, 9d; 25 crossbred. 8d ; 9 Ist do pc=. 6] cl; 3do bellies, Gd. This was a, very good, useful lot of wool, and bad been well classed. Every lot sold well and some went to America Keep up quality as much as possible.

Triangle over QMGoL: Slipe. 11 halfbred, 16d; 41 three-quarter-bred, 141 a ; 6 do 13d; 47 sup Lester, 9.jd; 42 do. do, 9d; 73 do, do, Bid ; C 7 do. do. 8d; 15 do, do, 9d ; 10 do, do, 8d ; 1 three-quartcr-bred lamb, 13d; 46 sup Lester, do, lOd; 31 do, do, .do, 9.Jd ; 18 throe, quarter-bred . lambs Bid. ' The above were nice, clean' average lots of useful wool for Bradford top makers. Jin diamond ; Grsy; 55 crossbred 7i‘d ; 55 do, 7icl: 53 do, 7',d ; 53 do. 7cl; 10 do, Giid; 17 do bellies, Old; G do pcs, old ; 6 do locks, 3;*d ; 4.0 do lambs, Gid; 21 do, G’.-cl; 4do lambs. Bd. ' Condition, and quality here wants improving greatly.

Sold by Messrs Charles Balmc and Co, , December stb :—Dumgreo : Grse, 3 Ist com 12u ; '2 crossbred lambs crutchings, 4',d. Aotea : 9 grsy com. 13d: 2 do 2nd pcs, 7:jd : 3 serd bellies, 20d : GMG ; 1 slipe Ist three-quarter-bred com, 10id ; 3 do, do. do lambs,lOd. Tima ra : 1 slipe Ist half-bred com, 101 d ; 3 do. do threc-quavter-brod pcs, Hd. GN; 10 grse icrossbred dom, 7sd. Circle: 4 grse crossbred com. 7Jd. T. 5 grse crosbvcd com, 7,',d. AN : 2 grse crossbred. 6'd. ' F-: 3 grse crossbred lambs, 9d. • Y 6-: 2 grse crossbred com. 7jd. RHa 2 pise; crossbred com, Old. When above lOd’ was realised the lots were goed, the’-; remaining ,vcrc coarse and wasty. ■WD : 4 ; grse Vrossbrcd com, Bd. Namoi: 10 grse crossbred com, 9d ; C do, do, do, 7id. Whitland : 5 grse crossbred com, 7id. ( A 4 over Rhyaui over K in diamond: crossbred lambs. 63d. AMcBHlt over G’: "2 grso crossbred coin, NL: 2 grse crossbred ‘ com, Old. ■ MA ovbr Kawatau,:. 3 grse crossbred' coni, 7.',d (W): 4 crossbred .com ,_ 7jd. ,JJ over M in box : 11 , grse'; crossbred com, 7d ; 3 do, do lambs, 7jd’ YX:_ 4 grse crossbred com, 7ijd. There was no ,salc again yesterday owing to, fog; , , The position .of wool in Bradford is relatively unchanged-, from last week and that is saying a. great deal. During the last week wool, has continued perfectly 7 firm at the highest point, and there is strong'evidence' that there are no free sellers at the best prices yet made on. this market. In this respect holders are checkmating spinners, who likewise seem disposed to buy only from hand to moutlr and just to ,cover what they 7 see they have sold in the shape of yarns. Some who have not had faith in the permanence of, the high prices for tops have actually' contracted for the future delivery of ysinisi and l not there aiul theiv covered themselves with raw material,, and now when they are compelled to buy-they find themselves in a very 7 tight corner, for they are actually 7 paying as much for- the tops as they 7 have agreed to deliver the yarn for. This market seems .move than ever to be fixed on. a, firm basis, and prices may almost be described as impregn 'ble. The action of the London market has simply' had the effect of making men feel they have nothing to give away and among merino holders there is a strong ter/doncy to ask for more. The feeling-, seems general that fine grades will yet be dearer before there is any reaction, and in 64V and 70’s quality tops, there is great scarceness, and as high as 2s, lid to 2s car. be made for a.tip-top 70's, Some seem to think that the crossbred situation is being lather over-done in point of rise, for with the tremendous stocks of raw material in . first! hands, and trade in coarse textiles yet in the experimental stage, there is no solid reason why crossbreds should move up 20 per cent. However there is a big and expanding consumption, and the future will show wlsat the real actual position of affairs is. Prices are just about where they were and top makers are carrying very light stocks indeed.

yarn spinners' ate still full steam ahead, and so are manufacturers, the difficulty being a scarcity of hands. In other respects matters are unchanged.


(From Our Special Correspondent.) BRADFORD, December 15. 1899.

We arc just upon the. point of bidding good-bye to 1899, but the year will ever stand out as. unparalleled in the history of the colonial wdol trade, for. deeds have been done in the article and achievements accomplished ryhich never entered into the mind of man'to conceive. Not since the year iS/SHias merino wool been so dear as it is to-day, and some.arc sanguine enough to'.believe that even yet the article has not reached the top. Be that as it may.Vwc can ■ only, aay that we lias.-for-prices are now at « dangerous height, and factors are looming in the distance which, can easily bo the means of causing values to seriously suffer" ’ The bityjk" rate of discount is 6 per cent., and probably will get to 7 before this secs print, while mere seriously still; there is a very strong tendency and movement to go -on to crossbreds, merinos now having got beyond the reach of the million. Wo say bettor by far let- present values remain steady and-firm: and the benefits accruing therefrom bo spread right ' over drought-stricken Australia, than prices make another desperate move forw.-rd, only to bring almnt an untimely fall. Sine™ we last wrote-the last series of London sales for this year have finished, and buyers have gone back to their respective centres to make the best ■ of what they say is dear wool. Up to the finish interest, enthusiasm and competition remainedtat the maximum, and values kept fully up'to the end. Perhaps we cannot do better than show readers ta.wUat extent morhjo wool has

risen since the artici/ tooii ;11! upward

Looking at tli» sa^es -- there seems to be no now featw'c to bo mentioned m addition to whaV has boon already given* in past letters, so 1 will give the following e table showing the increase in valncs.vhieh have just been established : -


The future outlook is now-of supreme interest to colonial growers, and Messrs Charles Bnhne and Co. state that ‘‘the present position of supply and demand appears to justify the expectation of an easy, maintenance of existing quotations for merinos and fine crossbreds, while the possibility of increased purchases on American account in tho immediate future is a factor which must not ho lost sight of. The prospects for medium and ccarse crossbreds also, in a measure, depend on the action of American consumers ; should,, however, their operations in this class of staple during the January auctions reach the dimensions expected in some quarters, there seems to be every reason for anticipating that the larger supplies will he readily absorbed at current, if not higher, prices.” Sold by Messrs H. Irwoll and Co., December 6:

Waitangi; 4 serd crossbred, Bid: 4do halfbred pcs, 12{. ’ O over club: 16 serd C crossbred, lOd ; 1 do fine do pcs, 7-Jd. Rangipo : 7 grso crossbred. 7Jd. Cheviot: 3 halfbred hog, 9d. Tanawha: Id grso Crossbred, 9d; 0 do do. 7d ; 8 do Lincoln, 7.1 d ; 8 crossbred pcs, sjd ; 2 do bellies, 4('d;.,-3 do lambs, Gjd. This wool was well grown, plenty of length, but coarse. .•••'■ .■ .• Taipos: 16 grse crossbred, 8d: 6 do do pcs, 6}d ; 4do do lambs, Gjd. A clip similar to the previous one. Sold by Messrs Charles Bahnc and Col, December 8:-—■•• •■ ■ t Peninsula: Serd, 12 A halfbred com, ]0d; ; 15 B do do, XBd; 2 halfbred pcs, 171 d, Just average medium wools. Fairly well scoured. J ifc S in circle : 12 serd crossbred com, Bld ;• 3 do do lambs,' withdrawn ; 4 do do pcs. sd; 6do do locks, Gjd. Northbank : 2 serd Ist crossbred pcs. 9}d. WE: 51 grse hgts crossbred Com. 7,’id. Sold by Messrs Buxton,- Ronald and Co., same day: Ayrburn over Horse Slide: Sent, 19 Ist' com, 2nd ; B do' clO’,' 25d V 11 do "do, 24d ; 1 2nd do, 24Jd:'9 Ist pcs. 2!d;, 21 2nd do. 23j-d; 7-bellies, 22-Ul; 0 cross-: bred, -113 d; 4 Ist do pcs, 13d; 7 2nd do do. 13d; 2do do, 10Jd. These lots were well scoured, nice ■ quality, but rather yolky in handle.

WJESTDOME over Horse Shoe: Scrd, ’ 7 clo, 24Jd; 8 crossbred. 10j-d ; 12 do pcs, 9d; 2do locks, lid; 3 do DW, 7.]d. The first lot here whs the best.

MOUNT SOHO over Horse Shoo; 10 seed pcs. 21-Jd. 1 CMCoH ; Slipe. 20 halfbred, lo.Ul; 63 do, led ; 5 sup three-quarter-bred, lod; 70 do do, 14d ;' 22 do do, 14d; sdo do,. 12d ; 136 do‘do, lOd ; 8 do do; 12id ; 16 do do dgd;.-105d ; 39 do Leicester, 9(1; 61 do do, &jd; 1 13 do coarse crossbred, 6;k!; 43-halfbred lambs, lod; 11 de do dgd, Hid; 31 sup three-quarter-bred do, lid; 30'do do 00, withdrawn; 11 do do do, lid 14 do Leicester do, 9d ; 4 do do do,- 9d ; 13 three-quarter-bred 2nds, 7-Jd; 3 do do, 7od; 8 halfbred lambs do; Hid; 14 washed- crossbred 3rd, Gd; 10 do do lambs do, 6jd; 9 do do do do, 5;Jd ; 5 scrd halfbred, 15Jd ; 7do three-quarter-bred, 12d; 6do halfbred pcs, 15d; 6do do dp, 12id. These wore very nice lots, and were well looked into. They showed a good condition, and when there was quality they fetched excellent prices. Sold by Messrs Windeler and Go., same day : H in diamond; 3 grsy crossbred, 7id; 12 slipe Ist crossbred com, withdrawn; ■1 do do, 8d; 14 do' Ist Lincoln com, 8d; 6do do, 8d; sdo crossbred P, withdrawn ; 10 do do do, 6jd; 15 do Lincoln do, 6jd; 3 do crossbred ires, withdrawn : 11 do do lambs, Bjd; sdo Lincoln do, 7;]d. TW: 14 grsy crossbred, 91d. This was a nice lot, finer than many. - RD : 2 grsy crossbred lambs, 6j. Triangle in circle over CT: 2 grsy crossbred, 7Jd. HR over O: 10 grsy crossbred, Bd. M over G: 2 grsy crossbred, 6Jd. AM over G: 4 grsy crossbred, Bd. RH: 3 grsy crossbred, Bd. BS :■ 5 grsy crossbred, 7jd ; 2 do do lambs, Bid. Win diamond ewer Mangaatua: 2 grsy crossbred, 6^d; 11 slipe crossbred com, 8d; 4 scrd Ist crossbred com, Bjd; 4do 2nd do do, withdrawn; 5 do df pcs, 74d; 5 do do, 7jd; 2 do do do and locks, 6jd. RO in diamond over AVrcwce; 9 scrd. crossbred. lOid. Bell over Terabo: 5 grsy halfbred, lid; 11 do crossbred, 8-Jd; 4 do do L, 8d; 2do do lambs, 9d. T over BB : 4 grsy crossbred lambs, 6d. BL : 2 grsy crossbred lambs, 6jd. FJ oveq T Coy C over L in diamond : 3 slipe Ist crossbred. 7,U1. JB : 2 grsy crossbred, sd. Arapata : 6 grsy. Ist crossbred, ojd. Meaneo: 8 scrd crossbred clo A, 9jd. -BL over N in diamond: 14 scrd halfbred B, 14-J-d ; 2 do thi-cc-quartor-brcd A, lid: 2 do crossbred do, lOd; 10 do do fi, 10 jd. Sold by Messrs Du Croz, Doxat aud Co., December 9: Three crowns over GEAR : Slipe, 8 halfbred Ist com, 14id; 20 crossbred do do, 12d; 69 three-quarter-brod do do, 9ld ; 10 halfbred do do'iambs, 12d ; 26 crossbred do do do, BJd; 63 Lincoln Ist, Bjd; 126 do do, 8d; 187 do do, 7jd; 2 do do, 8d; 13 crossbred, 8d; -13 do clo. 8d ; 4dodo S, ojd; 6do brands, 6ld ;2 do black, bred Ist ccm, lOd ; 30 Lincoln do, 9d. These were good lots and made full market rales. The halfbreds were specially good. - - ■

The dcvclopmcn'in * oimcction with wool during the week under review have net been many nor important- In Tact, the story of the week is very much the same as for the previous one. The present is a period of activity at the mills, and manufacturers have their time well taken up with diversified duties such as looking after deliveries, answering requests for the hurrying up of sample piece deliveries, making preparations for the coming spring season and locking after the demand for stock goods. It is exactly here that wo find the Alpha

ami Omega of the present strong shoM - ino- of the jaw material, and m ilic unparalleled consumption ?oi wool we him' the kev to the whole situation. .-Dune is about the Bradford market imriliy ■that outward demonstration of new noss which one saw three weeks ago. inu wool ianci trade is none the less act n<■ and healthv. . The firm finish in London, has preiktod a very sound impression ■ the entire maniuactui mp; district* that we may not expect to see anv relief in present price . .tPL jJ. SPCo Tong *wli!le. and this is making holders, very stiff to,doal with- Top makers especially are not forcing ss. for they see that their best policy c; to wait de.velonmcnis. Many are muiing that on s tops are costing them 2s 10d. and this price has not yet' been made in liradford. Many combers arc hardly as busy a« they were, solely owing to the scarceness cf the raw article, stocks being; light, till round. In crossreds there is. hardlv so buoyant a tone as in roomu weeks, but their position is none the less strong. Most: attention is being paid to medium sorts, and 40 s are sclUu,'{ fairlv well. Mohair is very firm. .'Ut not so active, though, consumption is at'll at the maximum.

In the yarn branch there is not a great deal of business on expert account, ami it is probable that this department "ill be quieter for some time after the heavy contracts which have lately been placedHowever, work is plentiful. .AooktaUing is genorl among warehou.-eaicn. but looms are fully run.

turn : — I Pci cc lit. During-‘1898 -"I - "' to 10' January' scries. l9 1J • - March .scries. 189a — .. 71 to 10 Mav series, 1899 /■ — .. 20 to Julv series, 1899 j •) to 71 < r September series,"99. .. 10 to 15 • 15 Total rise .. 70 to 95

i ' Por Hi. \ dearer. i d. d. Grease. mj9‘i)io super ■2 Grease, mirino medium ... 14 to 2 Grease. miriuo inferior ... 1 Scoured, iterino super ... 3Scoured, Torino medium.;. 3 Scoured, Sicrino inferior ... 34 Scoured, jambs sunerior... If. Scoured, lambs’ medium 1 Grease, crossbred fine ... 11 to 2 Grease, crossbred medium 2 Grease, crossbred coarse ... 14 to 2 Grea-se} crossbred lambs ... 1.. Scoured, crossbred fine ... 1 Scoured, crossbred medium 2i Scoured, crossbred inferiorH to 2 Sliped. crossbred fine .11 Sliped, crossbred coarse ... 1 to 11 SOUTH 'AFRICAN : Snow white super 24 Snow white medium 2 Fleece, washed — 1 to H Grease, light 1 to 11 Grease, wasting 1 to i

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New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 3957, 24 January 1900, Page 2

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LONDON WOOL SALES. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 3957, 24 January 1900, Page 2

LONDON WOOL SALES. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 3957, 24 January 1900, Page 2