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W. AUSTRALIAN "“S®“SSSkSHr‘ EXHIBITION (Under the Special Patronage of the W.A. Government), TO Bi OPENID AT COOLGdRDIK (A’. A.) ON THE 21st MARCH, 18D9. If.B —The Exhibition is a Bonded Warehouse. All exhibits railed direct from the soaboai'd into the building. Perishable go ds may be sold and replaced periodically. For particulars, schecules, certificates of entry, &c., apply to . . , v F. JMuTLEY MEADOWS, Christchurch. SEE THE POINT? bMaLL POi-NTfc’—. ovet looked may do in somo kinds of business, but it won’t do in tho Optician’s. IP YOU go on allowing you’re eyes to smart, and ache, and annoy, you may never bo able to make them strong again—neither can I. DON’T PROCRAS'iTNA'JE. Any imitation about the eyes means something. Come to me and find the Cause. If it’s Glas-es you need, I’ll tell you so,and prove it. Accuracy and results are what 1 claim and guarantee. TELESCOPE?, FIELD GLASSES, MICROSCOPES and ACCE St OKIES in great variety and prices. alfbbd xbyi, CONSULTING OPTICIAN, 39, Lambton quay. (CORRUGATED COPPER CYLINDERS, FOR BATH, BOILERS AND DOMESTIC PURPOSES. ARCHITEH S AND " BUILDERS DESIRING 'i HE BIST bPECIiY OUR MA o 'I"-' Sv.f-r-PORCELAIN ENAMELLED BATHS, SIENNA ENAMELLED' BATHS; PLATE zinc baths, galvanised ieon baths, > I avalory Tops and Bapins, Gas and FJcctrio Light Fittings, Water'and Steam Fittings, PKNRRRTKY INJKCTTOh'S, Euglsbort's Lubriating Oil ENGINEERS AND IRONFOUNDESS, COPPERSMITHS, BRASS FOUDhI S AND LEAD PIPE MANUFACTURERS. GAS AND WATERWORKS CONTRACTORS, , GOLD. SILVER AND NICKEL PLATERS, ELECTROPLATERS. OnrlP anufactures are. the Vc-RY -BEsT that tho Most Approved : Machinery and Hig cit Skilled Labour can Produce. . -A. & T. BUIIT (LIMITED) MANNERS STREET,WELLINGTON. .. ! BKOOKE’S MONKEY BIiANB, ,/. •» SO AP.,. ' : , WT I'ASH, CLOTHEF. FOR'CLEANING/ISGOUEINGg AND SCRUBBING FLOORS! AND KITGHIN TABLES ‘ V ' ’ : ' FOxl. POLISHING METALS, MARBLE, PAINT, "CUTLERY,(CROCKERY, MACHI NEET, BATHS, STATE RODS FOE STEEL, lEON. BRASS ( AND COPPER UTENSILS,'FIREIEONS.’MANTELS FOR MAKING BICYCLES LOOK LIKE NEW. REMOVES RUST, DIRT, STAINS, TARNISH, Ac, QOLLIN ACCOMPANY, Melbourne, Sole agents for Australia, Tasmania andJNew Zealand CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUBED. / : ISI -Brunswick St., Fitzeoy, Sept, 23, 18P8. 0 W. WEBBER, EBQ,, PROPRIETOR OF VITAD i.l'lo, Launopston, Tasraahia, BEAR Slß,—Believing that this testimonial will bo the means of inspiring some pon sufferer with hope, and knowing it to bo my dutv to let others know 0/ the benefl X have received from yonr medicine, I gladly do so. On the 39th day of November, 1891, was suddenly seized with a violent hemorrhage from the lungs ; I at once sought medioa aid, and ryes obliged to remain perfectly quiet. ' Two days after I had another bad attack of hemorrhage, and;thi« time a piece of my dung: came away with the blood. Once more, a fortnight later, I had ano'her attack, and the doctor held out nn hope of my recovery. However, with fkilful attention, I slowly recovered, and wont back to business. I often after that time expectorated blood, but not in very lapge quantities; 1 would fool well for a month or two, and then I would have another bad turn. However, to make a long Story short, r 1: started studying under tutors with a view of entering .the ministry, and whilst doing to had another bad turn ; 1 went to the doctor, who said that I must reduce my hours of study, a friend of mine asked mo to consult another doctor,: who, niter examining me, said, ‘‘ Mr Wylie, I ant very sorry for you •!. yon arc in consumption.” Ho also ordered me away to Eobuoa. 1 went away to Pluhnca, and the doctor who examined me said that he agreed with the other medical men, and that I was suffering from consumption, eumo home from Kohuoa, and a week after I was seized with ano'her violent hemorrhage My Father;, who knew Mr Palmer in New Zealand, and know that Vitadatio bad cured him, wrote to me whilst in Fohuca, telling mo about your medicine. I was very sceptical, and only laughed at the idea of a patent medicine doing mo any good. However, I consented to visit Mr Pa'mer. and did so : directly he saw me he said, “ I can cure yon-;’’ I laughed at him, and told him about ray health, and how long I had suffered, He said, “ Mover mind, I can oureyou,” and he pen-naded me to take a bottle of Vitadatio homo with me. I had taken six bottles when I, dislontinued it. I received great benefit from the contents of the six bottles, but as soon ns I discontinued taking it I drifted back into a bad state of ea-ith again The hemorrhages came on, and I was exceedingly weak and ill. Mr Pa.tnei ence more urged me to try Vitadatio, and to give it a fair trial. I consented, and started to take it again. The result is all I-could wish for ; l ean truly say I never felt better; I have increased in weight fourteen pounds (one it inn), and my friends aie unanimous in -praise of Vitadatio./ A reverend friend of mine, speaking about me, said, “Thanks to God and Vftadatio, he is a perfect miracle.” Another friend said to me just a day or two ago, “Y on never looked better in your life.”’ I lhapk God that Mr Palmer persuaded mo to take the medicine, and I do most strongly urge upon others to try yonr marvellous remedy, Vitadatio.: To show you how ill I’ve been, I may mention just here thatl have kooeived over JCBO from my lodge, and on the 13th day-of September (this year) my dootorMeclared me off the funds of my ledge, 'end laid I was fit to do light work again: I need hardly say that you are at perfect l.berty to make what-, use you like of this testimonial.—Believe me to be, faithfully yours, *. " ARTHUR J. WYLIE. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEBCHAM’S PILLS For Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and Fain in (be Stomach, Sick Headache Gtdoiriess, Fullness and Swelling after meals, Diasinbss and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite,,Shortness of Breath, Cosfivoneis, Blotches on the >-kin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, &o. Tub j-tkstdose will give belief in twenty minuteb This is no fiction. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box of these Pills, and they will he acknowledged to be “WORTH A GUINEA A BOX.” ' UKECEAM'd PILLS, taken as'directed, will quickly restore females to complete health They promntly remove any obstruction or irregularity of the system Fora ' WEAK STOMACH; IMPAIRED DIGESTION; DISORDERED LIVER; they act like magic A few doses will work wonders upon .the Vital Organs ; strengthening the Musojtlar fctj stem; restoring the long lost feomplexion ■ bringing hack the keen edge of appetite, and an -using with the Rosebud op Health the whol* physical eneboy of the human frame. These are “facts’’admitted by thousands in all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is that Beecham’s Pills have the Largest Sale of any Patent Medicine'in the world. Full directions with eaohbox. Prepared only by THOMAS BEECHAM, St.Helenh, Lanchashfre, England, t fold everywhere, in Boxes; Is and 2s 9d each. In all Par s of the World t' c NATURAL FOOD FOR A DABE is MOTHER ’S MILK, and THIS DOES NOT CONTAIN tTARCH, Young Infants .CANNOT digest STARCHY FOODS, a perfect Artificial DV>od loi -'lnfants must, therefes**- <SJOT CONTAIN S t ARCH. % FOOD CONTAINS HT .STSSCH. , BUT MAKES A PERFECT FOOD FOR TH& YOUNGEST CHILD M2LLI.V t FOOn lor Ir.hntj -nd Invnli !< rr/.-- i... cr.l-.inrd ..f JVr.lrr- Ihr-achnot the Wat Id. HELLIN’S F9OD WSSKS:-- PtSKH.fiS, i SKBOB, ÜBliWlr

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New Zealand Times, Volume LXIX, Issue 3647, 25 January 1899, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Times, Volume LXIX, Issue 3647, 25 January 1899, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Times, Volume LXIX, Issue 3647, 25 January 1899, Page 3