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PUABIfIB (WTMJiI iVIUONi JANUARY. »jAltmlatod tor Low 'M 'ami Mean T'lraei m 9* M. Last Quarto*., ..5 a 51*6p.m. <W .Uui/ti .. .. 1« lu iU'/tfc.lil. *• M’lfur. uiiifrbur .. LI 4 B'lam. Fall Moon .. .* 27 7 4*2 a.m. Elan riJQB: 4.28 a.m. i setB f 7.M p.m, ARRIVED. TfWUf»JM», Januahy 12. \Vaihora, bs, 1269 tuua, ii. floiLh, from Duno* fl{ . Kll(1 jjytullon Busaengeri—Huloon: Misaea B otmjuiJ).Orcenlandi Bell, Allen, Aimers, Wutoher, >L mint. McUobbio, Harlow, Fenwick, bimpaon, Hu-ware. Biimu, Wise, Hood, iUendumeß Dralfln, 5J , UU ,J. oiotl, Crabbe, Haylook and 2 cbiidron, \V miMijßH. White, Buttle, Scales, Drummond, iitthuno, ohild and maid. CliiToid, Drs bKiidori, l*'i ,i.*v. Ottotiiiu Aioiiotii, Alu:»b** Ronkrugo, O Uono* Luj. Aiaup, Clayton, Drown. Uibbona, WainhoiiHe, Dolan, lintUo, Crubbo, Waterman, Quano, White, Deis, Lockhart, Vale, Ward, a’ul.ton, Parr. Me Do mid, Wardlu, Patrick, Scales, Marshall, Munro, ItbLiiuue. Davie, Robertson, iilcuarda, Bpenco, hu tre, McNeil, Fisher, Drown, Jones, Riley, Boost, Drafiln; lOstoerago. . „ , . . Rotorua, 88, 570 tona. Spence, (tom Nelson via Pinion. PaEsongers—Bntoon : Missis fc.nriglit, Loo, Hniilli, Colo, Noalo, Ilaftso, Driscoll, UUOs (2), Doekoo, Dull, Cage. WulUer, Hoiilkor, Wallace, ba.Ul, Woniyss, Muir, Adams (2), Callender, Hobo, M isaamea Hawker, Hunter, Uotnman, Marshall au.l child, Hammond, Deck, Uadclllle, Crosby and la,oily 18), Wills and 2 children Altken, Point, Robertson, Mattls And child, Bewick, Drydon, Rev Fuy, Messrs Crosby, Baker, Clooston, Dickson, H .ynes, Krlpo, iilvans, Kennedy, Dodgshun, Hammoiid. Wlx. Ballinger, Fabian, Wither, Burnett, Collide, Gibbs, Boott, Hosting, MoJlonl (2), Worby, ft ,bertsou, Bowies, Candwell, Ward, Wallace, Hutchins, Mathuson, urydon, McKenzie, (Unas, Morris, Jobaon, Johnston, dmolaii:, Muster Lambert: 7 steerage. . , Hula, as, 90 tons, Huggins, (tom M anganui. lororo, as,do tone. Tlnnoy, (rom Baton, Pollerua, as, 900 tons. Rutter, (rom South. PBiDAlf, JiMOABVIS. opawa, ss, 7b jdcklord, (tom Blenheim. UAILHIU. Tudusdav, JaiiuaiiV 19. I2i Host (‘2). klwora, Kggoru, Keeto, Halsiono, wii 11 tins? B Walker, Bathnm, Grant, Mesdamos MoG iithy. Klngdon, Cooke, Wing, Messrs Klngdon, Coote. Shore, Spence, Hankons, Lloyd, Clark, Bod, Udines, Oatraolougli, Koheto, Hasloni, Parr,Jdm Cmhy.Talt, Wing, Cooke, Sharp, Grant, Matter tomb Robertson, (or Onehutnm via Now Plymouth. Pnasengera—B^oon. MiSsoß MoAndvew (2). Buttle. Gray (3), Mathloaon, jJlfroy. Mottoßblo, Da Lalla, Moidames Mor oy, Gray. Ingram, JJrowh, Montague, family and mEiid, i>ii»L«r«on. Messrs VToung, Gray, Blundell, Colbeok, Price, I'urkpr, Powlok, Dickuon, UIoNoII, Hunter, O’Donobuo, Camp, Clouuton, Bkaka, 11 es. 1901 tons, Rlobordson, for M'olboarna via Bonfch and Hobart. PauaengonHaloon: Misses Watt, Alport, Biss, Btubbs, Bailer, Friuser, Clark. Walton, Martin, Grogan, 'Xurnbujl, Wilson (2J. Mofldamoo Kstilt. MoKajn, CaldwiJ . Captain Newton, Messrs Naihan, JiiStill, Muuwjl,. Hlives, Huutor, Letham, Wilkinson, Karr, BagnaU, Uiihay, Brinkman, Leether, Abercrombie, Wyho, Hneody, MuliUohon, boundfl oxoumiem passengers; aG W°lhom,' ss, 1209 tons, H. Smith, lor Napier, Gisborne, Auckland and Sydney, t'as3oijߣr , iy.iloon : Misses Jones, Cametou, Hill, Moatrs Gruenflold, Barry, Baker, O’Neill, Cohen, Dodder, Riahworth, Master Klmnn ; 11 strorugo. Mima, as, *1 tona, Wcetrup. (nr fntoa. V/airoa, ss, 15 tona, Rlokotts, 'or Haveloik %tanatoa a ss, 78 tons, Mclntyre, (or Wanganui. Omaporo, ss, BO’2 tons, Adams. lot Napier, Gisborne and Auckland. . Panla, ss, 19 tons, Fisk, (or Blenheim. fchorus, SS, 900 tons, Rutter, (or Woalport IST TELEGRAPH. PRESS ASSOCIATION., SiinnoOßNii, January 13. Sailed—Taluno, lot Hoburt and Bluff. " ° ' Svdnet, January 18. Sailed—Adana, (or Dnnodln. saueu Auana, U wanoanoi, January 12. Arrived, 11 a.m.-Oroti, (rom Westport, To sail. 11 p.m.—Orotl, lor Qreymouth. y VVB3TMIIT. January 12. Bailed, 8.15 a.ra.-Hauplrl, (or Wolllogtoa. To sail, 4 p.m.—Moa, lor Wanganui. ‘ * 1 Lvxnii.ron, January 12, , Arrived, 8 a.ra.—Botomehana, (rom Wellington Delphic, (or London; Joseph 81ms, lohoonor, lor Wellington t Kahu (noon), (or Chat--11 a'aded, 10 p.m.—Rotomonana, (or Wellington. J’aasongots—Misses Cooper, Milne, Peppier, Alexander, Richardson, Campbell, McGowan, Bowden, Hutchens, Pukaskl (2), Wilson, Tuubridgo, Mesdamos Buddlooinbo, Emerson, Ash . to(t, Tail and child, Dawson. Ei agio, Elliott, Molllnnon, Fraser, Wbltohousa and 2 ohlldion. Tunbridge? Sir John Hall, Commissioner Tunbridge, Meases Hull. MoOowan, Ehloson, Forßylh, Mamidland, Boddou, Jacobs, |Plgott, Mlmmins, rlumIng, Whitohousa, Ftasor, McKinnon, Klliott, Buddlcurrlbo, Allan, Bucltland (9), Btomloy, Edwards, Uevens, Lalng, Meason and j“'- Jfinu „ ry 12 , Sailed, 7.45 p.m.—Queen o( the South, (or Wellington. Nelson, January 12,_ Arrived, 7 a.m.-Tatanekal, Irm Sailed, B p.m.—Tntanekal, (or Wol inston. To sail. 11 p.m,—Charles Edward, lot VValtapa. y 1 OastXaKFoinTi January 12. Arrived, 10 a.m.—Fanny, (tom Wellington. Piotoh. January 13. Atrivod, 5.20 p.m.—Rotorua, (rom Wellington. To sail, 11 p.m.—Rotorua, (or Nelson, ’ 1 . Nafibn, January 12. Sailed,2,Bo p.m.—Bllngimite, for .Wellington. ’ v Aooeland. Jannory 12, To sail. 6 p.m.—Tavlunl.lot Samoa via Russell. ' FAnswsLL Spit. Jannory 12. Roloklno passed (or Wellington at 180 p.m, * Waitaha, January 12. To sail, 0 p.m.— Rlmutoko, (or Lyttslton. ’ New Plvmuuth, Jonuary 12. Arrived 7 45 p.m,—^Takopuna, (rom OnohuUga, To sail, 10 p m.—OalHoon, (or Onobunga. 1 v BldW, January 12. SaHod—Buloshiio, lot Pott Chahnots. Tho local offloo ot the New Zealand Shipping rompany has been advised that the Kuahlao ar» rived at Monte Video on the 10th Inst. Tho local agents ol tho Tyset Company, Messrs Bannatvne and Co., have been advised by oable that the Howkos Bay, (rom Now York, is a lull ship, and is carrying measurement cargo at 27.3 dd. The rates lor tho February steamer ore not yot settled. The Aorero arrived from Patoa yesterday with 100 Italosof wool. . Tho StorrnWrd transhipped 188 belos of wool to tho Oohtertyre and 68 bales to tho Norfolk Island J justorday, Her passengers from Wanganui were Mrs Goss and 2 children, Misses Finney and Pope and Mr Johnston. , « . . Messrs Huddatt, Parker and Co.'s steamer Elm* samite Is duo hero from Sydney via, Auckland bo tween 8 and 0 o’clock this morning. She soils for Dunedin and Lyttelton at 5 p m. Tho Tyaor Co.’s Star ol Victoria has been fdetalned at Wanganui for the last two or three days by a heavy south-west gale, which Impeded her loading.’ She should arrive In Wellington on the 25tb, where she will ship 12,060 boxes butter and a number of bales of wool, hemp, &o. The brigantine Ocean Ranger was passed by tho Omaporo about 60 miles west of Stephen Island on Wednesday. She was bound westward. TboOmai pare called at Farewell Spit lighthouse, on her way from Westport, to pick up ono of tho keepers. Tho Aotca should arrive on Monday morning. Bha has 2600 tons cargo and 450 tons transhipments for this port, and a balance for Lyttelton. Mariners are notified in this work’s “ Gazotto ' that tho harbourmaster at Knlpara reports that the bank in tho Otamafiea Channel has extended both \ north and south, and tho position i hown owthe ‘ chart is now covered in parts with only Bft of water : .at ebb tide. i . _ . . , The rook in Dsgg’s Sound, on which (he Tutanekai touched, has recently been examined by the captain of the llinomna, whoso report is published in this week’s “Gazette," and deserves the attention of mariners. SOUNDS EXCURSION, Tho Wdikaro left at about 5 o’clock last night for the South. Tho excursion will last about: two weeks; the steamer visiting all places of Interest on tho coast of (ho Middle Island. Following arc tho passengers booked at tho local offlooMesdamos Howell, Speedy, Castle, Pry, Chapintn (2), Lewis, lUgaall. Laldiaw, Dunn, Husband, Wostmaoott, Syrnonds, Hutchison, Palmer, Maokin, Revs Wal* J.*r, Bower, Drs Maokin, Wilson, Messis Hutchison, Mudd, Groves Palmer, Speedy. McMetmmln, Chapman, Booth, Pearce (3). Leitnor, Brownlee, Sohauz, Woatmacott, Wilson, Wyndoyer. 3 WRECK OF A SCHOONER. According to a telegram received yesterday from ; the signal station at Farewell Spit, the schooner Sir Henry Is ashore three miles east of tb s Spit. The eecamor Charles Edward was standing by to render Resistance. The schooner belongs to Sydney, and is p-ipnoßed to have boon coming from Qc«ymouth or Westport. - PKKSB ASSOCIATION. Nelson, January 12. Tho Charles Edward oarao Into port to-night to report that the Sir Henry went ashore on Wednea<ay night at 10 o’clock.. She was bound from Lyttelton to Groyruonth with a hundred tons of procuoo. Sho was sighted by tho Charles Edward at 8 o’clock yesterday with the ensign reversed. Tho b earner made several attempts to ton her off, but the lino broke, ami she left the vessel high and dry, < Tlio steamer returned this evening with a longer tow lino to make another attempt.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LXIX, Issue 3639, 13 January 1899, Page 2

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SHIPPING NEWS. New Zealand Times, Volume LXIX, Issue 3639, 13 January 1899, Page 2

SHIPPING NEWS. New Zealand Times, Volume LXIX, Issue 3639, 13 January 1899, Page 2