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PHASES OB’ THE MOON. May. Calculated foe Now Zealand Mean Time. Di B M. First Quarter.. ..29 4 440 a.m, San 7.8 a m.: sots, 4.87 p.m. High Water: G. 21 a.m.; 0,89 p.m. ARRIVED. Monday, May 23. Opawa, 88, 70 tons, Eoklord, from Blenheim. Passengers—Cabin: Miss Slattery, Mrs Segand and child, Messrs Fitzgerald and Oaiablc, Tuesday, May 24 Waiaaf, ss, 411 tone, Wocrall. from West Coast, Nelson and Picton. Passengers—Saloon: Misses Ryan, Lynch, Weir, Bell, Urwiu (2), Pearson, Webster, Strang, Powles, Prowse, Murnhaot (2), Knap, Fox, Rutherford (2). Buckley, M.esdarnes Mills, Bolt, Weir, Urwin, Hudson, Biernc, Raynor, Caldera and child, Phiel, Prowse, Chittenden,' Monro, Cuttle, Knap, Colonel Cavendish, Dr Hudson, Captain Dalton. Messrs Shunnahun, Eadie, Bolt'Ooldrich, Kugeftn. Baumber, Regan, Nalrne, Flowollyn, Urwin. Blerne. Rayoer, Lewis. Thompson, Snodgrass, Claik, Peary, Ward, Johnstone, Heme, Hunter ■ Hrown, Morrison, Briggs, Card, Glllctfc, Sullivan, Taylor, Booth, Teschmakcr, Low, Rutherford, Melson, Gumming, Izard, Masters Hoggtn, Prowse (2;, Chandler, Monro ; 18 steerage. SAILED. Monday, May 23, Rotomahana, ss, 864 tons, Manning, for Lyttelton. Passengers-Saloon : Misses Foil (2), Bailey, Barnett, Dowling, Mesdames Fell, Hay. Messrs Fadgen, Wright, Mill, Price, Hey, Leighton, Barnett, Millwerd, Whitoornne, Bailey, Frost, Kirkcaldlo, Levy, Cleaver and valet, Piki, McKellar, Trotter, Oliver, Haynes, Lawells, Hill, Fettle; 1C steerage. Mawhora, ss, 040 tonI*, 1 *, Lamliert, for West Coast, via Picton and Nelson. Passengers—Saloon: Miss Naylor, Mcsdames Adamson, Payno and 2 children, MoEwan. Room and 2 children ; 8 steerage. Manaroa, ss, 78 tons, Mclntyre, for Wanganui. Hula, bu, 90 tons, Crawford, for Wanganui.

EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Tutanckal, from Omapere, this day XMngodee, from Westport, this day Taluno, from Melbourne, via Hobart and South, this day Wainui, from West Coast, Kelson and Picton, this day Fanny, from Napier, this day Omapsre, from Auckland via East Coast, this day Rotoiti, from Onebunga and New Plymouth, this day llerulrl, from South, this day Mana, from Marlborough Sounds, this day Rotomahana, from Lyttelton, 25th Walkare, from Sydney, 25th Poborua, from Westport, 25tb Klnl, from South, 25th Ohau, from Westport, 25th Westralia, from Dunedin and Lyttelton, 26th Haupiri, from West Coast and Nelson, 26th M lowers, from Sydney, 27tb Takapuna, from Onebunga and Nfcw Plymouth, 28th

Warrlmoo, from Vancouver via Honolulu and Suva, 28th Mawbera, from Coast and Nelson, 28th Takapuna, from Oachunga and New Plymouth, 28th

Star of New Zealand, left London March 20th ; Waikato, l<:fi London March 01st; Matatua. left London .\pcil 2nd; Delphio, left London April IGth ; Star of Victoria, left London April 21st; Duke of Portland, left Plymouth May Ist; Aotea, left Plymouth May 14th Firth of Clyde, left Glasgow January 81st; John O’Oaunt, left Liverpool March 9th; Albany, left New Vnvk February IGth: Prospero Pa.iro, left Now York April 12th; Sydney Bello, left Sydney Hay sth; Lake Ontario, left Liverpool April 20fch. PROJECTED DEPARTURES.

Sttormbird, for Wanganui, this day Wakato, for Lytteltm via Coast, this day tponguin, for Picton and Nelson, this day To Anna, for Lyttelton and Dunedin, this day Opawa. for Blenheim. 25th Haia, for Wanganui. 25th Kotomahana, for Lyttelton, 25th Tnluno, for Sydney, 26th Herald, for Oroymoutb, 25th Fanny, for Napier and East Coast, 25th Aorcre, for Patea, 35th Queen of the South, for Fasten, 25th IPania, for Blenheim, 25th Omapere, for Auckland via East Coast, 25th Kixii, for Westport, 25th Manama, for Wanganui, 2Gth Waikare, for Melbourne via South, 23th Rotoiti, for New Plymouth and Onehunga, 26th. Wostralia, for Sydney via East Coast and Auckland, 20th

ByTelograph.—PritHaAsaocwtion.—Oovvriah* Sydney, May 23. Bailed—Miowera, for Vancouver, via Wellingtot Melbourse, May 23. Arrived—Wakatlpu, from Bluff and Hobart. Auckland, May 23.

Arrived, 11. Of) a m.—Mararoa. from Sydney. Pasoongers for Wellington-Mrs Kilpatrick, Dr MoRam?, Mr Uoldsworth. Sailed—Evio Reed, barque, for New York.

Napier, May 23. Sailed, 12.10 p.m.—Omapere, for Wellington. Nelson, Hay 23. Arrived—Takapuna (815 a.m.), from Wellington Asterion (at outer anchorage), from London. Sailed, 10 a.m.—VValnui, for Wellington via Plo« ton.

Lyttelton, May 23. Arrived, 8 a.m.—Kaikoura, from Wellington. Sailed, 4 p.m.—Herald, for Wellington and Oroymoutb, Sailed, 5.25 p.m.—Penguin, for Wellington. Passengers- Saloon: Miss Willis, Mosdames Wright. Hart, Anderson, Rev Wright, Messrs Muller, McClerg, Pratt, Wilson, Kohn. Sailed, 9 p.m —Talune, (or Sydney via Wellington. Passengers—For Wellington : Misses Hardoastle, Jackson, Mesdames Triggs and child, Hutchins. Smith and 2 children, Rev Shearman, Messrs Bolton, Smith. For Sydney : Misses Pope i2)« Mrs Cargill, Messrs Cargill (2). To sail, 10.15 p.m. to-morrow—Kotomahana, for Wellington. Westpobt, May 22. Bailed—Kawatlri, for Gisborne; Corinna, for Lyttelton; Pukaki, (or Dunedin. May 23. Arrived, 8 a.m.— Haupiri, from Nelson, To sail, 10 p.m.—Dingadeo, for Lyttelton via Wellington. Sailed, 9 a.m.—Haupiri, (or Qceymontb. Patea, May 23. Arrived, 10 a.m.—Aorere, from Wellington. Sailed, noon—Aororo, for Wellington. Foxton, May 23. Arrived, 10 a.m.—Queen of the South, from Wellington.

Wanganui, May 23. Arrived, 10 80 a.m.—Stormblrd, from Wellington, To sail, 10 p.m.—Stormbird, for Wellington. Omapere, May 23. Sailed, 0 45 a.m.—Tatanekai, for Wellington. Bluff, May 23. Arrived—Sarah and Mary, from Lyttelton. Sailed, 3.20 p.ra,—Star of England, for London, with the following cargo:—2lG bales woo! and skins, 189 casks of tallow and pelts, 1310 cases preserved meat, and 5358 orates of frozen rabbits. Havelock, May 23. Arrived, 10 a.m.—Mana, from Wellington. , Picton, May 23, To sail, 11 p m Mawhcra, for Nelson. May 24.

To sail, 5 p.m.—Penguin, for Nelson. Hokianoa. May 23. Arrived—Kathleen Hilda, barque, from Newcastle. Kaipaiu Heads, May 23. Sailed—Hula, schooner, for Lyttelton. Onehunga. May 23. Sailed—Galrloch, (or New Plymouth. Passengers —Saloon: Messrs Dexter, Leslie; 4 steerage. Sailed— Rotoiti, for New Plymouth and Wellington. Passengers—Saloon: Misses Cushney, Campbell, Webster, Maxwell, Reynolds, Gilen, Walker, Bell, Mesdames Butler, Holt, MoLellan, Prowae, Messrs Hales, Patterson, MoCorqaodale, Browse, Wallace.! Martyn, Clarkson, Lasoelles, Walker, Maxwell, Marshall, McGowan (2), MoLellan, Laurenson, Stubbs, Darby (2), Rev F. G.Dawson; 15 steerage.

The Omapere is to leave here at midnight for Napier, Gisborne and Auckland, calling at Picton to pick up 2500 sacks produce for forward ports; The Warrlmoo is not due here from Vancouver, Honolulu and Suva until Sunday next, but it is thought possible that she might pick up a day, as she has been steaming very well of late. As the Talune (arriving bore to-day from Melbourne via the South) has a large cargo to handle at this port and it is a general holiday, her departure for Sydney has been deferred until 4 p.m. tomorrow. The produce for Now Plymouth by the Herald from South will be transferred to the Rotoiti hero, enabling the former steamer to leave for Greymouth direct to-morrow. Tbo Kiwi arrives from Akeroa on Thursday, and leaves tbo same day for Westport direct. The barque Kinfauos was towed into the stream yesterday morning, and will sail for Dunedin as soon as it is convenient. The freezing hulks Prince of Wales and Jubilee are berthed at the Wool Jetty with full cargoes of meat awaiting the arrival of the Tyser liner (Star of England, due here early next week. Fears are expressed that tbo steamer in question will not have sufficient room for this large quantity. The Government steamer Tutanekai is expected here this afternoon from Omapere with the force of. Permanent Artillery which were dispatched to the recent native trouble at Rawene.

Tbo Mana, which is engaged in transferring 700 sheep in (he Marlborough Sounds, is expected back to-night, and is to leave for Patea to-morrow. Captain Connor has been appointed to the command of the Wanganui Freezing Company's tender, recently bulU at Auckland for (bo express purpose ofv tendering direct liners in the roadstead. Captain Connor was formerly in charge of the schooner Enterprise and more recently captain of the steamer Napier at the Bluff. A dock of lit) sheep were shipped for Lyttelton by the Rotomahana. last evening. Mr Carson, lata second officer of the Walbora, Is now acting in the same capacity on the Monowai. in place of Mr Holford. Mr McLeod, formerly third orllcer of the Rotorua, has left for Tasmania to join the Mahlnapua as second. The work of overhauling the steamer Kahu was commenced yesterday morning, a gang of workmen being engaged in the fore-hold, where the angle lines are to be renewed. The Patent Slip is nob available until Thursday, consequently she will not ho taken up until that day. Messrs Luke and Sons have been entrusted with the irouwork in connection with the overhaul. She is expected to coire off tho slip next Saturday. The fine coal hulk Ottalina, which has been undergoing an extensive overhaul at the Wool Wbart for some time past, is now almost ready for i work, hut is to be taken up on the Patent Slip to h-vVe her bottom inspected and repaired beforn bcius put into comtiusAioa again. A number of planks on cither side have been replaced, the copper- renewed, and the vessel strengthened generally, making her one of the finest bulks in tbo harbour.

Tbo Now Zealand Shipping Company have been advised that the barque Silverbow left Dunedin for Wellington on Saturday. She comes hero to load woul, tallow, Ac , lor London.

The signalmen at Beacon Hill reported a vessel off the Hoads at 5,45 last evening, burning bine lights* the signal for a pilot. Shortly after 7 p.m. the Duco, with Pilot ShilHng.on board, left part to pick up the sailer, but alter proceeding as far as Sinclair’s Hoad and burning about a dozen “ flareups" and blue lights with no result the tug returned, the sutler having evidently put to sea again. The w&uthor was clear and there was a fresh north-westerly breeze blowing et the time. The vessel is probably the barquentino Sydney Belle, now 18 day's out from Sydney. The Mararoa, which, arrived at Auckland from Sydney yesterday morning, sighted a barquentino on Sunday, steering . east. She is probably the River Haute?, bound from Newcastle toKolpara, coil-laden.

The Auckland steamer Kia Ora was taken over by tho Onion Company yesterday. She is to be doomed at Auckland for an overhaul before taking up the mast Coast running. Captain Worrall, of the Wainui, reports seeing a barquentino off Jackson’s Head at 4 o’clock yosterday atternooD, bowling along with a fair breeze behind her in tbe direction of Wellington Heads. This Is in all probality tbe Sydney Belle (which left Sydney for Wellington on May 6th), and tbe vessel which signalled for a pilot later in the evening. Nothing was seen of the sailor on the trip across from Picton. THE UNION CO.’S COMMANDS. The Dingadee, bound from Westport to Lyttelton,'calls in here to-day. when Captain Kerr. lato of the OrowMiti, will take command. Captain Shaw, of the Dinyailcc. relieves Captain Adams, of the Omauere, the latter gentleman having been appointed to the command of the Kia Ora, recently purchased at Auckland. The Kia Ora is to ran between Auckland and Napier, calling at all tbe bays and'porta en route. Her running will not affect that of tbe Omapere in the slightest degree, good evidence that there is a rapidly-growing trade along the East COust of our island.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 3441, 24 May 1898, Page 2

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SHIPPING NEWS. New Zealand Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 3441, 24 May 1898, Page 2

SHIPPING NEWS. New Zealand Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 3441, 24 May 1898, Page 2