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A report of the proceedings at yesterday’s sitting of the Police Commission will be found on our fourth page this morning. The Commission will meet again to-day, when the evidence of Constable O’Rorka will be beard in rebuttal of the charges preferred against him by Francis Rnmsay, A varied and carefully selected collection of readable matter will be found in the Supplement published with to-morrow’s issue of The Tiiufis. lioVers of fiction will find the opening chapters of an original story en titled, “He is the Man.” “Scrutator’s” Notes, Newsy Notes, Dramatic Notes, aladies’ column, Personal Items, Poetry and Sporting Notes will also bo found in the Supplement, The Colonial Treasurer gives notice in this week’s Gazette that On Wednesday, June Ist, he will be prepared to consider applications from local authorities for loans under the Government Loans to Local Bodies Act.

At a meeting of the shareholders of the Collier Two speed Bicycle Company, held in Mr S. Robinson’s rooms, Hunter street, yesterday afternoon, a resolution was passed that the company be voluntarily wound np. Mr S. Robinson was appointed liquidator. At the reqttoet of the Maoris the Premier has consented to defer big Visit to Papawai until Wednesday, tho 2Sth inst. The alteration in date was necessitated by the faot that several important chiefs will bs unable to reach the meeting place until the previous day,

The full Court of Appeal yesterday unanimously refusid the injunction prayed for iu the removed oases Russell v. tho Minister of Lands and Sainsbury and another v. the Minister of Lauds, in which the plaintiffs sought to have the defendant restrained from compulsorily taking the Hatnma estate, Hawke’s Bay, under the Land for Settlements Act,

The weekly meeting of tho Star of Wellington Lodge, 1.0.G.T., was held last evening, Bro. E, lligarlaford, C.T., presiding. Two candidates wore admitted and several proposed for membership. The District Lodge repra.entatives gave a report of tho last District Lodge meeting, also gave notice of the proponed new lodge to be opened in Petone next Wednesday. Several visitors were present, including brethren from H M. ships now in port. The rest of the evening was r pent in table games, which ware much appreciated. Tho Drainage Inquiry Committee reported to the City Council last night that the aocident at Messrs Bing, Harris and Go.’a warehouse was caused by the forgetfulness of Engineer Hastwell, who omitted to restore the flap valves of an ojeotor after they had been removed in order to empty the pumping main. The committee recommended that the best thing to bo done to indicate tho Council’s sense of tho gravity of this act was that Mr Hastwell should be severely reprimanded, and that his salary be reduced from ,8310 to £3lO per annum during the pleasure of the Counoil. The report was adopted, but several Councillors expressed tho opinion that it would be inadvisable under the exceptional circumstances to prese too hardly on Mr Hastwell. The second annual meeting of the No. 3 Co-operative Building Society of Wellington was hold at the Society’s room list evening, Mr Wright presiding. Tho report showed that in the year ,61305 16s had been received as subscriptions, being about £lO more than the amount for tho previous year. The amount received as repayments of loans iu the year just closed was £lB3 10s. Eleven loans had been appropriated to members in tho two years of tho Society's existence, the loans amounting to ,62900, nearly the whole of whioh had been raised. After allowing for all the subscriptions paid by members, the profit and loss account to date showed a profit of .36') 15s 2d, Messrs Wright and Heatle wore unanimously re-ap-pointed directors. Mr Martin also resumed Ms position in the directorate, he having Withdrawn the resignation tendered by him a few weeks ago. Mr C. E. Chitty was unanimously re-elected to be the members’ auditor. Hearty votes of thanks to tho chairman, tho directors, the secretary, the solicitor, the valuer and the auditors were carried by acclamation, and the proceedings terminated.

The case Soler and Soler, dealt with by Mr Justice Denniston, Mr Justice Conolly and Mr Justice Pennefather in the Court of Appeal yesterday,was, in the main, an appeal from so much of a judgment of the Chief Justice, delivered in December last, as related to tho custody of fiapbael Soler, aged nine years. Mr J. P. Campbell appeared for the appellant, now Mrs Tucker, who desires the custody of tho child, and Sir Robert Stout appeared tor the respondent, Joseph Soler, the petitioner in the matrimonial suit in the Conrt below, who has tho custody of the child under tho judgment of the Chief Justice. Mr Justice Dannietou, in giving judgment, said he must decline to interfere with tho discretion exercised by the Chief Justice. He did not wish to interfere with the rights of tho applicant to make any further application she might be advised she had power to make Mr Justice Conolly thought the objection a& to form was fatal. Mr Justice !Pennefather, who concurred, quoted a statement by Sic George Josael that it was in the beat interests of children of the one family to bo together. For that reason alone, apart from others, the decision of tho Chief Jnstlca should stand. The appeal was dismissed with costs.

Judgments went for the plaintiffs as follows at the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, Mr H. Eyre Kenny presiding : —Stock Inspector v. Baldwin Brothers, claim 14s, costs 10s; Wellington. Loan Comnany v. H Inglis and C Buchanan, £3l 12s, costs £1 16 ', solicitor’s fee £1 lls ; Commercial .Agency v T. E. Edmonds, £9 2* 46, costs l.'s, R'dioit.or’s foe iss fit; sains v Mrs M. Knight, £6 Us sd, judgment for £1 Us sd, coats Ba, solicitor’s fee 15s 6d ; same v Mrs H. Griffiths, £6 2s Bd, costs 10a, solicitor’s fee 15a 61 ; same v. H. Xzol, £3 13a Bd, ousts lls ; same v J. Minifie. £2 0s fid, oosta 14a ; same v. J. Gordon, £l7 ss, costs £1 2,, solicitor's fee, Isa fid ; same v. A. Barnes, £ll is 2d, Oorts £l, solicitor's fea Jss fid. Empire Loan Company v Geo. Howe and Mong Chong, £lO 2s 3d. Judgment for plaintiff against Howe, with costs £1 3s, solicitor's fea £1 Is; and for defendant in tho care of Mong Chong, with costs £1 la. Goar Meat Company v. A. G. Morton, £2 3s lOd, with costs 6a ; the Mercantile Association V- B. J. Harkham. £lO, oosta 10s, solicitor's fee, 15s Cl. Judgment went fur the plaintiff in the action J Caloinai againsc H. BrAwn, claim lls fid. but the case was reinstated on' certain terras. Judgment summouses—Wellington Loan Company r. It. J. Bkelley, £lO 10 s. To be paid forthwith, or 11 days’ imprisonment. Commercial Agency v. F. Barnes. Order for payment forthwith, or spyon days’ imprisonment.

The Customs duties for yesterday imounted to .£2511 7a 3d.

The case of Maugham and Hammond will be taken in the Court of Appeal today.

Ic is expected that the new additions to the Parliamentary Buildings will be roofed in to-night.

A general meeting of the Wellington Rowing Club gymnasium class will be held at the boathouse to-night. The Government has accepted the tender of Messrs Kallenatein Brothers for the supply of police shakos, helmets, &o. The northern portion of the Wainui Fore-t Reserve. n»-ar Paraparaumu. is absolutely closed fteaivst shooting a t-cfc which sportsmen would do well to note.

Th"» following bonr>s «dll heob«e-7£?l ly th 3 Tsitg-a h j.hie o.i Q= cVs 11 rth 24U Muy—Morning, 9 to 10 ; evening, * to 8. The Telephone Exchange will bo open continuously. Mr Sinclair, of Moleaworth street, intends running a four-horse coach to the Otaki races right through from Wellington. Particulars relative to the proposed trip appear in our advertising columns.

At the weekly meeting of the Self-Help Society, held in the Foresters’ Hall, Tory street, there was a large attendance, and good work was done. All mothers arc invited to attend these meetings.

Detective Broberg yesterday arrested a man named Henry Harding on two charges of alleged forging aud uttering, the amounts beteg £5 11b and £5 10s He will be brought before the Magistrate’s Court to-day.

We are [asked to state that the time for receiving applications for the Accountants Institute examinations close to-day. Application and all information can be obtained from the secretary, Mr C. D. Morpeth, at Lambton quay.

The Drainage Engineer reported to the City Council last night that he was makine additional harbour connections to carry off the sewage, and thus preventing the flooding of premises in the city such a< recently experienced by Messrs Bing, Harris aud Co. A building case, T. Upton against F» O’Connor, occupied the attention of Mr H. Eyre Kenny yesterday, the bone of contention being three buildings in Ghuznee street for which Mr J. O’Dea was architect. The claim was for £44. Mr E. G. Jelliooe appeared for the plaintiff, and Sir Robert btout for the defendant.

Ten applications were received by the Wellington Harbour Board for the post of pilot at this port. Only five came within the limit of age fixed, and of these the Board yesterday decided that Captain James E. Dawson, second mate of the steamer Wainui, be ashed to submit himself for examination in accordance with the by-laws. Captains Edwin and Johnson were appointed a board of examiners;

At tho Magistrate’s CoUrt yesterday morning William Wylie, charged with being a rogue and vagabond, was j emended until tod»5 r . George Fulcher, for assaulting James Spiro at Ncrahatiranga, was Sued 10s and costa. William Doyle, charged with having no lawful visible means of support, was released on bail, himself in £SO and two sureties in £25 each. Kate Moore, an habitual drunkard, was remanded, and a first offender was convicted and discharged. Councillor Austin has given notice that ho will move at the next meeting of the Petone Borough Council(l) That alter tho Ist July the hours of the Council's employees be not more than 4t per wees, and that ordinary labourers bo paid not leas than 48s per week for 41 hours, and that casual employees be paid for a stated pefiod, and that no outside work be allowed; (2) that the Council take steps to promote a Bill through Parliament to terminate the power held by the Wellington Gas Company to erect gasworks in Petone.” The Wesleyan LitGrary and Debating Society held its weekly meeting in the Taranaki street lecture room last evening, the Rev W. Baumber in tho chair. There was a large attendance of members and visitors. A mock parliamentary election was held, and excellent speeches were delivered by the candidates, HeeSrs H. D, Bedford, J. W. Collins Hud E. L. Burgess. Numerous questions were put to the candidates, several of which provoked considerable mirth. On the candidates going to the poll, Mr H. D. Bedford was elected to represent the Society in Parliament. Next Thursday evening Mr J IT. Helliwell will provide an evening with Macaulay. A deputation from the Brewers* Conference, at present sitting in Wellington, waited on tho Premier yesterday and eakod him that in the event of licensing legialat : on coming before the House during the forthcoming session ho would use his influence in the direction of modifying certain penal clauses in the existing Act which were felt to press unduly and unfairly upon the trade. It wa* represented that tho deputation was quite favourable to the Act in a general way, but that there were cases in which the enforcement of the penal clauses mentioned indicted Considerable hardship on those coming under its operations. The Premier admitted tho justness of tho claims of tho deputation, and said that their views were moderate and reasonable, and promised t) do all in his power to bringabout an equitable adjustment of their grievances in the manner indicated. Steps wore taken by the Wellington Harbour Board yesterday tho procuring of a steam fire float for this city. The committee appointed at the previous mouth y meeting to report upon fire appliances presented the>r report at yesterday’s meeting, recommending “ that they should be permitted to approach tho Government, tbe City Council and tbe Underwriters’ Association, with a view to obtaining from each a contribution of £SOO towards the cost of a steam fire float oapab’e of pumping 1800 gallons of water per minute under a pressure of 2001 b per square inch; and that farther inquiries be made from the English manufacturers with a view to tbe supply by them of plans.

bo that the vessel and propelling machinery could be constructed in this colony.” Toe report was adopted. A float of the capacity stated could throw water over any of the warehouses in the vicinity of the harbour front.

At the meeting of the Harbour Board yesterday Mr j. Hatche-on, M.H.R., said there was an impression amongst the employees of the Bjard, suggested he did not know from what source, that the Board was suffering from such aii entbarras de richestes that it had found it necessary, for some mysterious reason* to dispense with some of its accumulated wealth, and accordingly gar© them the recent rise in wages. The Board In committee agreed to the increase, and When on resuming the Work done in committee was approved of no reason was given to the press for the increase. He would now Jilfe to make it public that the increase was resolved upon in consequence of the Board’s taking into consideration representations made by the men through him. In its wisdom the Board thought fib to accede to the request made by the men. Mr

j. ft. Blair said it seemed to him to be a waste of time to discuss a thing in comm’ttee and then discuss it iu meeting afterwards. The Board had to make provision fop its Depreciation Bund; it had no plethora of money.

The Mayor explained to the City Council last night that he had* in accordance with a resolution of the Council, discussed the question of the Mount Cook Gaol site with the Premier, who had given him (Me Blair) the impression that he considered the present building unfit a penal establishment. The Premier h-d left the impression on his mind that, subject to the concurrence of Parliament, the building would not ba used for that purpose (“ Hear, hear ”) This, he (the Mayor) took, meant that the Premier was in favour of it being turned into a university. The conversation satisfied him that the Premier’s desire was bo assist the citizens of Wellington in the diresticn in whhh they desired to go, and he thought the Council should give the Government every assistance in the matter. (“ Hear, hear.”) The provision of a Dniver ity for Wellington was the best work that U ;d been done for many years, and when the din of battle over b inking and other Bills was a moro echo the Government would be remembered for what they bad done in this matter —the establishment of a University redounded to their credit more than anything oUa they hid ever done. (Applause.) On the motion of Councillor Devine, seconded by Councillor Willeaton. a vote of thanks was passed to the Premier for his courteous reception of the Mayor, and it was also decided, on the motion of the former, “ That this Council, on behalf of the citizens of Wellington, begs to convey to the Government and to the Parliament of the colony its strongest protest against the Mount Conk. reserve and the buildings thereon being permanently uliiLod as a convict prison, gaol or other penal establishment, to the depreciation of property iu the vicinity and the detriment of Wellington generally, and further begs to request tb it the Government and Parliament grant such reserve and buildings as a tit* for the Victoria College; and that the co-operation of the public bodies interested and citizens generally bo obtained for the purpose of agitating to that end.”

The annual meeting of the Wellington Acclimatisation Society was held even* i r -g, Me *. J. Rutherfard being in the chair. The report and balance-sheet, a precis of which has appeared in The Times, were road and adopted. The subject of increasing the country representation on the council was discussed, Mr Morris moving that one member be appointed for North Wairarapa, one for South Wairarpa, one foe Manawatu and Horowhenua and one for Pabiafcua. Mr J. J. Signal, of Feiidinar, in speaking in favour of the resolution, alluded to the suitability of the Folding district for partridges, and to the disappearance of pheasants in that county. Ho reminded members of tbe fact that it was necessary to encourage acclimatisation in the country, where the Society’s revenue had ao greatly increased of late. After farther discussion the motion was pat to the vote and (with proxies) resulted in a tie- Mr Rutherford gave hU casting vote for the motion. Mr. L. G. Keui moved that proxies bo abolisoi alto get-be* l , Mr Perxrson seconding. Mr prcmoieJ fch it *h» numb r o* pr'oeVi he limited to two. Mr Re'd’e motion was passed. The election of officers resulted as follows President, Lord Ranfurly ; vicepresidents, Sir James Hector and MajorGeneral Schaw ; council. Messrs W. Beetham, J. Holmes, Forster Pratt, W. H. Bayly, R. 0. Brace, A, J. Rutherford. L G Reid, W. H. Morris, N. J. Tone, W. B. Pearson, J. B. Smith, C. H. Izard, J. C, Andrew and Majir Midocks. The salary of the assistant secretary (Mr Lowe) was increased from .£25 to .£SO, and it was decided to obtain an office for tbe tr msaction of the Society’s business A bonu» of .£lO was also voted Mr Lowe in connection with hia services for last year. Votoa of thanks were accorded Messrs }:u*boiunr.i. Held aud Morris in recognition valuable work performed on b half of tors Society , during the year. A similar compliment was also paid the Society’s rangers, particular mention being made of Mr Moorhoase. At a meeting of the council afterwards Mr Rutherfard was elected chairman, Mr Morris secretary, and Mr Reid treasurer,

The first meeting of the Victoria College Council takes place on the 2 3rd inst. The St. Andrew’s cross will be played for by members of the Hutt Golf Club at the Halt links on Saturday afternoon. The bakers’ and carters* combined ** social “ has been fixed to take place at Whitaker’s Hall on Monday, tha 2.»rd lnst ; Mr Fischer’s string baud has been engaged for the occasion.

A dramatic entertainment is to be hold at the Convent Schoolrojm. Guilford terrace, to-night, and it will bo repeated on Monday. Music is to be given at intervals by a firstclass orchestra. At the Mount Cook Police Court yesterday, Mr Hildreth, J.P, fined an old offender named Henry McCormick 60s for drunkenness, two mouths’ impri being the alternative. Toe man went to g*ol

A “ social ” i; aid ut the ;vMj.y »u J children of the late Mr >V. MclOostry, who recently lost his life in the harbour, takes place to-night in Whitaker’s Hail. A strong committee was recently formed for the purpose of carrying out the necessary arrangements, and it is to be hoped that its efforts will meet with the success which this very deserving case demands. Among other items of a programme arranged appears the names of Mr and Mrs Sc. George, who have kindly offered their services. The Mitchell town Band will match from the corner of Cuba and Abel Smith streets to the hall. Mr Fischer’s string band will supply music during the evening.

The weekly meeting of the Trades and Labour Council was held night, Mr Id. McKenzie pre iii g. Arrangements were mide for Mr M. Flursoheim to deliver a lecture next week, the subject of which will bo “ The policy most conducive to the welfare of the working classes.” Particulars as to the date, &c., will be duly advertised. Mr A. Collins, who is leaving on a visit to the Old Country, was granted six month*’ leave of absence, and also given a letter of introduction to the trades and labour organisations in England. The Council decided to extend irs patronage to ihe combined “social” of the Bakers’ Union and carters in Whitaker's HUI next Monday evening, when farewell will be taken of Mr Coliins,

The excursion steamer Duchess will run her usual trips to Day’s Biy on Saturday aud Sunday, leaving tho Perry Wharf at 2.30 p.m. As the service will be discontinued at the endx>f this month the chances for a trip across the harbour are limited. On Queen’s Birthday the Duchess and Duco will make frequent visits to Day’s Bay, the first steamer lea/ing the Ferry Wharf at 10 am. This being the last holiday of the season, there will be no other opportunity of a day’s outing to Day’s Bay until the eummer. On Sunday afternoon tho Duchess will run trips to the flagship, tt.M S. Royal Arthur, from the Ferry vVharf, tho first trip being mida at I p.m. and every half hour up to 3 p.m. Fall particulars will be found in our advertising columns.

A daring case of theft took place last night, when a caahbox containing about £22 was appropidated from Mr Darroeh a v lub Hotel shortly before 9 o’clock. The box was taken from a cheat of drawers, which had evidently been prized open with a jemmy. Detective Broberg happened 1o bo passing at the time tho thief emerged from the hotel, and seeing him tuck the cashbox under his coat he went up to accost rum. The man took to his heels, however, and ran down Johnston street, running from thence into Foatherston street. When within nine or ten yards of each other tho runaway turned and throw his booty at the detective a head, and subsequently got clean away Detective Broberg scoured the money, which had been picked up by a passer-by, and took it back to tho hotel, tho proprietor of which was absent at the time of the occurrence.

All claims and accounts against the barque Kmfauns must bo rendered to Messrs Johnston and Co. before 10 a.m; to-morrow. Messrs A. G. Taine and Co. hold a sale at their horse bazaar, Harris street, to-morrow afternoon. The annual meeting of contributors to the Wellington Sailors* Rest takes place on Thursday next. The Concordia, from New York, met with very heavy weather after leaving port, which strained her considerably, resulting in salt water getting to her cargo, amongst which was a large quantity for Cameron and Christie, the well-known ironmongers, and in another column they advertise clearing prices for these damaged goods, which must bo cleared, and advise an early visit. TO-DAY’S AUCTION SALES. Messrs Ritchie and Co. sell a quantity of furniture at 2.30 p.m. Mr W. P. Shortt auctions bedding, chests of drawers, carpets, &o , at 2.30 p.m. Messrs Macdonald, Wilson and Co. hold a horse sale at 3 o’clock at Sinclair’s stables, Molcsworth street.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 3438, 20 May 1898, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL New Zealand Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 3438, 20 May 1898, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL New Zealand Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 3438, 20 May 1898, Page 2