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A report of an interesting case hoard in the Supreme Cotirt yesterday, and an account of the meeting of the Trades and Labour Conn* oil, will be found on the back page. Tho Cabinet has replied to Mr Jellicoe. that, haring arrived at its decision that Prank Philpott, the bilverstream murderer, must be executed, it cannot entertain any further applications for counsel to make representa? tions ia writing on his behalf. A successful “social** was held in the Oddfellows* Hill at Petone last night in aid of tho funds of St. Augustine’s. A programme of part songs and glees was given by tho choir, and songs by Messrs Kirk, Parsons, Misses Bethune and Walsh, Mr Fanning delivering a recitation. .Refreshments were banded ronnd by the ladies of the choir, and a vary enjoyable evening spent. Another Dunedin firm, Messrs Barr, Leary and Co., have commenced business in Wellington as stock and sharebrokers and accountants, and have secured a prominent position at the corner of Grey and Featherston streets. Messrs Barr, Leary and Co. are very well and favourably known ia the South, their business originating in that of the late Mr R. H. Leary, who was one of the most prominent and respected Dunedin business and public men for over SO years. The firm occupies a leading position as accountants, Mr Barr being a member of the Council of tho Institute of Accountants, and known in Wellington iu connection with tho formation of the institute and as secretary to the Dunedin Chamber of Commerce.

The Ohiro Benevolent Home at present contains 91 inmates.

The Auckland Labourers’ Accident Fund Association has been registered as a friendly society.

A sitting of the Native Land Court has been fixed to be held at Hastings, Hawke a Bay, on the 2nd April next.

The second-class booking by the Alameda for San Franoiaoo to-morrow includes 30 minors bound for the Klondike goldfields. The San Francisco mail, ex B M.S. Mariposa, with London. dates to the 12th of February, reached Wellington by train last night. Mr B. Stevenson has started a new coach service to and fro between Feildiug and Palmerston. The service should prove of great advantage to the settlors and bo wolj patronised.

Influenza caused 22 deaths in Now Zra’and last month, the same number as was recorded in January. Of the 21 deaths due to constitutional diseases iu February, oanoor contributed 12 and phthisis 7. The deaths from “ local diseases ” fell from 93 in January to 50 in February.

The main chimney stack of the Gear Meat Company’s works at Potone caught fire at about half-past 11 o’clock last night. Showers of sparks were distributed over the roofs of houses in the vicinity, but the Fire Brigade, who turned out, were not called upon to do any fire-extinguishing, A fresh summons has been issued against the licensee of the I’anfarly Hotel, charging him with Sunday trading recently. It wih bo remembered that at the first heating the case was dismissed by the Magistrate, bow evidence has now been secured, and the case will be re-investigated on Monday. Mr Allan McLean’s Wakakahi estate (Canterbury), 48,000 acres in extent, has boen offered to the Government under the Land for

Settlements Act, and is at present being ox* arainod by Messrs James Mclierrow (Lands Purchase Commissioner), Sydney Weetman (Crown Lands Commissioner for Canterbury) and valued by Mr D. McMillan. 1 Constable 0. W. Kelly, who went to Syd-' ney a few weeks ago for the purpose of bringing back a man against whom a warrant was issued at Hecfton in connection with an illegitimate child, has returned, but without bis prisoner. Satisfactory financial and other arrangements were made in Sydney respecting the matter, and the man was sot at liberty. A special meeting of the Onslow Borough Council was held last night. Present —Mr Holmes (Mayor), and Councillors Aplin, Lloyd, Trovanna, Harris, Neill,l Trout and Hobbs. The schedule of the J 25000 loan proposals was re-considered, and, with some slight Amendments, was adopted unanimously. The date on which the poll will be taken will he advertised. Mr John Hutcheson, has definitely decided to deliver a political addiess in two or three weeks’ time. It is understood that he will confine his remarks to a resume of his actions during the time he has been in Parliament, and to an explanation of the action taken by him in regard to the different matters which called forth his voice and vote. For the purpose of completing the now wing of the Parliamentary Buildings, and making it habitable during the session commencing in June next, it has been decided to push on the work day and night. To accomplish this, tbfcee eight ■ hour shifts of cooperative labourers Mil be employed. Large aro lights will be employed to enablothe men to work ’twixt the dusk and the twilight. We understand that the conferring of the New Zealand Cross upon an Auckland resident for valorous service in the days gone by.has provoked the resentment of local veterans to such an extent that it is probable that combined representations will be made to the Government on the subject. It is stated that already Colonel McDonnell has put in claims for badges of honour for brave actions admittedly performed by him in actions during the Maori wars. Search parties composed of members of £he 'local police force scoured the bush in the vicinity of Day’s Bay on Thursday and yesterday in quest of the missing man Charles Morgan* who has now not been seen for a month. No trace was found of him, however) and another search is to be made to-day. If unsuccessful all the residents of the adjacent bays will - turn out to-morcow and give a hand in endeavouring to locate Morgan, who, it is feared, has perished, A public meeting was held in the Parochial Hall, Karori, last night to consider whether preliminary stops should be taken to test the feeling of the burgesses in regard to bringing the rating on unimproved values system into operation in tbo borough. The Mayor (Mr K. Bnlkley) ocoupielthe chair, and addresses were given by Messrs McLean, Hevell, Bedford and Stevenson, of the city. It was decided to approach the Borough Council, sufficient signatures having been obtained to justify a request for a poll on the question. The Eegiatrar-GcneraVs report on the vital statistics for the month of February shows that in the City of Wellington and suburbs there wero 59 births and 34 deaths. The total births registered in all the boroughs of the colony during the mouth amounted to 320, as against 395 in January, a decrease of 75. The deaths in February were 156, a decrease of 53 on the number of January. Of the total deaths ma'ea contributed 89, females 67, Fifty-eight of the deaths wore of children under five years of age, and 40 of persons of 65 years and upwards. In accordance with the promise made at tbo conclusion of the Kilbirnie cruelty cass, Mr Gully, the Crown Prosecutor, has made inquiries as to whether Mr Justice Edwards has power to deal with t>o boy Albert Henry Green under the Childr. u’s Protection Act of 1890. He informed Hia Honor yesterday that although ho had no power, the stipendiary Magistrate had full power to give directions as to the custody of the boy, as well as a general power Ito commit him to an industrial school. Mr Gully added that the police would make inquiries as to whether any person could be found to take charge of the boy. If anyone could be found to do this, the Magistra e could make an order for the person to have custody of the boy. A scientific expedition will shortly set out from Wellington for the South Sea Islands. It is being promoted by Mias Hastie, an Edinburgh lady of means, who is keenly interested in the Pacific Islands, their inhabitants, ruins, relics and legends. Amongst those who will acC Miss Hastie are

Messrs T. F. O. Haddloston, formerly of the Hermitage, Mount Cook (naturalist and collector) and Mr F. W. Christian (well known locally as a Polynesian linguist and re'io hunter), who will act as interpreter. An expert photographer, formerly with Marion and Co., the prominent English firm, has been engaged to accompany the expedition, which will leave Wellington shortly in the schooner Sydney Belle, which has boon chartered in Australia for the purpose. Mr Eyro Kenny, S.M., delivered judgment yesterday in the case brought by the Inspector of Factories against W. 0. [FitzGerald, chemist, for soiling tea on a Wednesday afternoon. Judgment had boon postponed pending decision by the Caief Justice in Gatenby v. Slatory, which had established an important principle. In Fitz Gerald’s case tbo ratio decidendi eoomed to ba : - That a chemist selling only such goods as are commonly and ordinarily sold by chemists in general is within tho exception of tbo third section of

The Shops and Shop Assistants Act, 1891, as amended in J 895. The evidence given was conclusive that chemists in general do sell tea in various forms, therefore (applying tho rule in Gatenby v. Slatery) His Worship found that Fitz Gerald on the day mentioned in the information was carrying on business exclusively as a chemist. Tho charge must therefore be dismissed. Dr Findlay appeared for the Inspector of Factories, Mr Martin for the defendant, and Mr Skerretfc for the Pharmaceut cal Society, la tho Supreme Court yesterday further evidence was hoard in the case of Smart v.

Harcourt, before His Honor Mr Justice Edwards. Me Hvifield appeared for the plaintiff and Mr Ollivier for the defendant. The claim is one for £l2O, balance of purchase*money or commission charged in connection with the sale of a property in Cuba street by the defendants on plaintiff s behalf. The instructions given by Smart to his agents were, it is alleged, to sell for £2750, but he afterwards gave supplementary lo we to sell for -£2IOO net. It is on certain compli cations that have arisen in connection with the disposal at £2600 and commission charges that the dispute has occurred, Smart having received £2430, alleging that £2550 should be paid him, na Harcourt and Co. had agreed to act for £SO. Mr Barry, schoolmaster at the Hutt, who had become the purchaser at £2600, gave evidence to that effect, in which he was corroborated by Mr W. S. Grundy, who had been present when the offer was mado. At this point, on the request of counsel, a further adjournment was made till the 28th lust.

A _ meeting of creditors ia the estate of Hapi Puketapa. of Waiwetu, a bankrupt, was held yesterday at the office of the Official Assignee. Mr Bunny appeared on behalf of the bankrupt. The abatement of affiira showed : -Liabilities Unsecured creditors, £209 12*; secured creditors, £11; estimated value of securities, £SO; surplus to contra, £39: total debts, £209 12s. Assets —Lauded property, £300; surplus from securities in the hands of secured creditors, ,£39; total assets, £389. There are 15 unsecured creditors. The bankrupt in a written statement declared that he had been compelled to file his petition owing to his having been arrested at the suit of a creditor at the Hntt for a debt of £75, He bad arranged with a solicitor to pay all his debts upon his assigning to him his interest in certain lancU at the Hutt. As the solicitor had not paid the debts he (bankrupt) had not had the means to pay them Examined yesterday the bankrupt said the above statement was true. The meeting was adjourned till the 24th instant.

A somewhat unique eight was witnessed in 'Wellington yesterday, when an open carriage, completely draped in green flags, on which were emblazoned the familiar Irish emblem, was driven at intervals through the streets, extending over a period of some hoars. The horses were’oaparisoned in green silk, rhe whole turn-out presenting a most novel appearance. Not so much attention would have been p*i«l tho eccentricity on St. Patrick’s Day, but yesterday the turn-out proved a moat effective advertisement for the sale of costly effects belonging to Me G. Massey Watson at Messrs A. G. Taine and Co.’a. The large auction room simply packed with all sorts and conditions of people, including His Excellency the Governor and numerous of the elite of Wellington, who bid eagerly for the various lots offered. It was certainly the most successful sale of personal effects ever held in Wellington. The articles were both numerous and valuable. Diamond rings sold at £4B and £l6; opal finger ornaments were knocked down at £l6, .£ls and £l4. A gold watch went for £47105, and another for £2O, while half a dozen Apostle silver spoons were secured for £l2, and, another half dozen for £5 14*. Lucky farthings were sold at half-a-sovercign each, and multitudinous other articles fetched good and fancy prices. A bid of £ds was made for a fine Highland costume, but the auctioneer would not do business under £l2O.

Dr James will make some observations on the Pub io Health Act to day at the Medical Congress, which aits at 11 a m. Shooting for all classes of the Petone Naval Artillery will take place at the Petone and Kaiwarra ranges to-day. Full particulars appear elsewhere. Dr Stordenr will give a lecture at the Opera House to-morrow cveningon “ Modern Thought.” This subject ought to prove decidedly interesting. The various insu-ance and hv offices iu the city will close at noon on Monday, 21st inst., in connection with the annual cricket match Insurance v. Law.

The decisions of the Hon the Commissioner of Trades and Customs in respect to the amount of duty that is to be levied cn certain articles appear in the last Gazette, The prizes won by competitors at the St. Patrick’s Day spnrU will be paid at >t. Patrick’s Hall, Boulcott street, to.-mgnt. The drawing of the art union has been postponed for two weeks. The following wore the successful tenderers for the year’s supplies to the Home for the Aged Needy: Groceries, X, P. Covoney; meat, Barber and Co.; milk, A. ana P. Crawford; coal and firewood, Thompson Brothers, ■

It has been deemed advisable by the Benevolent Trustees to Extend the time for receiving tenders for the annual supplies for the Home from the 22nd until the 29th March. It is notified that tradespeople who aro desirous of tendering for clothing, &c., may &co samples of the goods required at the office of the secretary, Mr A. G. Johnson, Queen’s Chambers. Mr Kirk’s late committees and the secretaries of all Liberal and Labour organisations were called together last night at Thomas’ Hall. The meeting, which represented the New Zealand Liberal and Labour League, was attended by about 4to people, and was of a most enthusiastic character. The result will be an organised concentration of the Liberal Party throughout New Zealand. The contents of the current issue of the Guardian aro advertised. It deals, amongst other things, with a State Bank incident, the proceedings at the hearing of the petition to prosecute Mr J. G. Ward aud Mr John Fisher, and a charge of conspiracy brought against a constable. There is also a typical election cartoon, entitled 41 Knocked Outj” which is a sequel to “ Toe Lust Bound ” m the previoui issue. To-morrow being Mid-Lent .or Refreshmeat Sunday the annual harvest festival will be celebrated at St. Church. The services throughout the day will bo of a suitable character, and the offertories will be devoted to tbo reduction of the debt on the church. The debt now stands at .£7OO, and it is earnestly hoped by the churchwardens and vestry that this amount may be materially reduced by the results of the collections tomorrow. Messrs J. H. Bethuno and Co held a very successful sale of household furni ure yesterday afternoon, by order of the Public Trustee, when they sold at tbo late residence of Mrs Elizabeth Lawrio, Clifton House, 45, (ahuzuee street, a long catalogue of furnishings aud appointments, including a magnificent upright grand piano by Sprbcher and i-oehino and complete contents of hall, drawing-room, dining-room, throe bedrooms and kitchen, every lot of which was disposed of, excellent prices being 'realised throughout. The Minister for Railways, the Hon A, J. Cadman, has made an alteration iu the regulations with reference to school excursion trains. These will bo run conditionally on the committee arranging the excursion undertaking to place at least two adults in charge of each carriage to maintain order and prevent children from riding on the carriage platforms. The number of adult passengers, exclusive of teachers, carried at these fares by any school excursion train must not exceed the number of children carried by the same train. The committee must undertake the sale of all tickets, and all responsibility for the value of same.

The quarterly summoned meeting of Court Robin Hood, 2lst inst., at 7.30 p.m. ; “ Are you building a new house or altering your present one?” If so, send to R. Martin, Wellington. Mr Geo. A. Jenness (eldest son ot Mr G. L. Jenness) advertises in another column that having started as a watchmaker and manufacturing jeweller at Cuba street extension, he is now prepared to execute promptly all kinds of repairs. To-dav Francis Sidcy and CO. will sell by auction bedsteads, mattresses and furniture of all kinds. Policy-holders of tho Commercial Union Assurance Company are reminded that their insurances should be arranged on or before Friday, 25th Inst. Turner’s phosphorised iron and quinine wine is one of the best known remedies neuralgia, nervous headache and debility. “Bible Conversion—Lydia and Her Household will bo the subject at the Church of Christ tomorrow evening, . . Insurers in the Liverpool and London ana Globe Insurance Company are reminded that 25th March is. quarter day. , , . The Public Works Department invites tenders for the supply and delivery of cast-iron columns for the additions to the Parliamentary Buildings. The Wellington Amateur Operatic Society will hold a rehearsal of “ Dorothy ” iu the Art Gallery on Monday evening next. Quarter day of the North German Insurance Company ia the 23th Maroh.S. Waters, district agent, solicits the patronage of his friends and tbo public generally. The American sugar boilersand candy makers are giving an exhibition opposite the Empire Hotel to* is directed to an advertisement of Messrs Wilkins aud Field’s which appears on our third page. They aro offering special bargains in silver-plated goods. Messrs Finn, Chisholm and Co., having leased their premises in Victoria street, are offering Wolff bicycles at less than cost price. The half-term of the Brougham Hill School, Ellice street, commences on Monday next. Messrs J. H. fiettmne and Co. have an announcement of interest to speculators, investors, capitalists and others.

The programme of fco-d\y’s harbour excursions to and from Day’s Bay is advertised elsewhere. The date for receiving tenders for supplies to the Benevolent Home has been extended to the 29th inst.

As showing the remarkable manner in which the news has spread with reference to the new Tasmanian herbal remedy Vitadatio, we are given to understand that the local agent, Mr J. Aston, has this week received an order lor a supply to be sent to England. To send medicines Home is surely reversing the order of things. Mr E. Pearce, of the Boot Arcade, Cuba street, gives a reminder that this is the last day of the sale of boots and shoes in the assigned estate of G. G. Colville. Every remaining line will oe “slaughtered” in order to close accounts. Boot buyers should not miss this chance of obtaining bargains in boots and shoes at Pearoe’s. For saleGDO acres of land on the north face of the Horowhenaa Block.

Freeman R. Jackson and Co. will sell, at Johnsonville on ewes, wethers. Quarter-day of the Victoria Insurance Company, Limited, is the 23th March. Insurers take note. To-day Hornblow and Go, will sell crockery out of bond, &o.

To-night Hornblow and Co, sell books. The Manager of Railways invites lenders for iron castings. Thompson Bros., Manners street, will sell at 9 to-day, fruit of all kinds. Messrs Dwan Brothers announce that they have a large number of hotels for sale. Mr Chisholm advertises jewellery, watches, plate, eto. Every article is reduced in price from 10 to 25 per cent.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 3387, 19 March 1898, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. New Zealand Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 3387, 19 March 1898, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. New Zealand Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 3387, 19 March 1898, Page 2