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GENE UAL BUSINESS woxni: rf u l teas. STEONS, SIGH, RED LIQUORS AND PHENOMEN L STEENBTE FOR SEVENTEEN TEARS HEME AND SON HAVE SOLD THE FINEST TEA THE WORLD PRODUCES. THESE Teas are Unique in Quality. Never Before has Such Value been Offered to the Now Zealand People. Evert Pound is Fbs3hlt Drawn from the Chest. Evert Pound is Bursting with Succulence and Youthful Vigour. PRICES—2g Xg iod Is 8d DON’T WASTE TIME AND MONEY BY BUYING* INFERIOR TEAS. BUY HUME AND SON’S TEA, DIRECT PROM SUNNY CEYLON. EVERT POUND GUARANTEED GRAND VALUE. The public are cautioned not to buy Blended Teas, as they are made up of the poorest quality. HUME AND SON, THE LARGEST TEA DEALERS IN NEW ZEALAND, 63 and 65, WILLIS STREET, WELLINGTON.

GENERAL BUSINESS. PIA N O S BEOADWOOD AND SONS’ Piano ia undoubtedly the best instru mont over introduced into this district, and can be recommended with the utmoal confidence. LIPP AND SOHN’S Unrivalled instruments stand overj variety of climate, and are unaffected bj heat or oold. BEARD’S (Makers to Her Majesty the (Queen) Pianos are too well knows by musicians to need any praise. OOLLAED AND OOLLAED Have been manufacturing pianos for over One Hundred Years, and are standard instruments for tone and durability. EOSBNKEANZ PIANOS (Same as supplied by the Dresden Company to His Excellency Lord Glasgow) are models of elegance and perfection. BOHM PIANOS Are preferred by the greatest Pianists of the day for their concerts. MEISSBNER PIANOS, The same as used by Madame Patey, Madame Stirling and Mademoiselle Trebelli. WQ by practically every loadO i n g. m akor in the World, TIME PAYMENTS, From 20a Monthly. iffii DRESDEN PIANO CO., Wellington. M. J.JBEOOKES, Manager. (And at Dunedin.) (Q-EO. pEICHARDT, MUSIC AND PIANOFORTE WAREHOUSE, Lametok quay. NOW~OPEN IN THE NEW 1 PREMISES, Adjoining £fce Company's Buildings, Inspection is invited. AVIS. m/ra WM. E. WOODS, Chemist, Cuba Iv B street, respectfully calls the attention of the pabllo of Wellington and its Suburbs to the.fact that io has. opened a Branch Establishment of his BtiainOaiJ in fifpleaworth street, situated; in. those new buildings adjoining Mr Eigarlsford’s butcher’s shop. In appointing » Manager for the same He‘ has been careful to select oiiq wjio. is particularly adapted for the responsibility. .Mr R, Burn, a member of the Pharmaceutical Societies of Groat Britain and New Zealand, will be in charge. The many years that gentleman has devoted to Chemistry—in London, particularly, also the colonies—qualify him as a thoroughly reliable Chemist, and experlenoedpreseriberinall minor complaints, -pith an entire knowledge of all the details of the modern drug {fade, . While a i sill tim'pS paying particular attention to keeping only the Very, (jest quality of Drugs, .Chemicals arid Sundries, the Prow prietor has always recognised that rdtosoriablfl charges ensure continued support. The Dispensing of Proscriptions will receive at riot and careful attention, night or day (Manager living onpremises). Telephone communications promptly attended to. Goods delivered to any party of the city, N.B.— Teeth Carefully Extracted. 677 “IT’S NOT ALL GOLD THAT GLITTERS.” THIS was never so true as applied to anything as to Cycles, and don’t be led away with puffs when selecting a bioyele. There are only three or four really good makers in the world. There is all the difference in the world between a good and badly manufactured bicycle; this ia not always visible to the eye. S. LUKE & CO. (LIMITED) Are Agents for the most up-to-date and best Cycles made. There is no mistake in this. Their names are THE RUDGE WHITWORTH THE SPALDING THE HOBART BIRD Call and Inspect at LUKE & CO.’S (LIMITED) Manners street. (Machines Let Out on Hire. Repairs a Speciality. 721 THB RICHEST IN CERAM. NESTLED SWISS MILK C AN BE USED FOB ALL PURPOSES OF FRESH MILK. ONE QUALITY ONLY—THE BEST. Of All Grocers and Storekeepers, Wholesale Agents: W. M. BANNATYNE AND CO. 74rl J. G. LETHABY, UMBRELLA-MAKER, GLASS AND CHINA-RIVETER, CHAXB-CANER AND CUTLER, 26, Willis street, Wellington. All classes of Umbrellas and Parasols made to order. Ladies can have their Umbrellas made with own material to match Costume. Umbrellas covered with Italian Cloth and Silk from 3/6. Repairs promptly executed. -m/TR J. G. LETHABY claims to be the lYi first Glass and China Riveter in N. Z., having practised here for 24 years. Before coming to this Colony J. G. L, had 10 years’ experience with H. W. Henry in Exeter, Devonshire. Scissors and Knives carefully ground and polished, and put in perfect shape. Razors made a speciality of. Chairs reoaned, the frame-work put in perfect order and varnished —a trial solicited. Note the Address— J. G. LETHABY, 26, Willis street, Wellington. 819

'MERCANTILE & FINANCIAL. SHAKE .INVESTMENTS. ME JAMES HENDERSON, STOCI AND SHAREBROKER, 43. Lambtoi quay, HAS FOR SALE : Banks, 500 River Plato Land Mortgagee, 3( Napier Gas, 20 ‘Wangranui Gas, 50 N,Z Shipping, 100 N.Z. Drugs (£2 paid), 50 West pore Coal, SO Opera House, 75 Wellingtoi Gas (-£lO paid). 81 MONET TO LEND IN SUMS OP <£loo«>.£2O 000 On freehold security at lowest bites oi interest in Town or Country. The money is available immediately. (N.B. — Over -£IOO,OOO already advanced.) Apply personally or by letter to FRED. G. THOMPSON 12, Grey street. 735 AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY. MONET TO LEND. THIS Society is prepared to lend money on First-class Freehold Oity and Country Securities at PER CENT. Apply direct to tho Society’s Branch Office, I Wellington, or to any of the Society’s District Offices. EDWARD W. LOWE, Resident Secretary. Wellington, 27th February, 1897. 478 CHEAPEST MONET IN THE MARKET f*~f /“hjTh Y'tiWe are prepared owXvV/j't/U'V/ to advance nlonoy on FIRST-CLASS Freehold Securities iu Now Zealand at the following very low rates : 4100 to 45000 ... 4sooo to 420,000 ... 41 per OEKT. Apply at once for further particulars to KIRK, ATKINSON AND WILSON, Solicitors, Panama street, Wellington. 889 JLjondon JLoan and Discount BANK. Established 1875. 410 to 410,000 advanced at moderate interest for short or long periods, on personal oonrity, deeds (no mortgage ooste), shares, bills of lading, *O., &o. Bills Discounted Daili. OFFICES „. ... PANAMA STREET, Wellington. Addeess—THE MANAGER. INSURANCE, Liverpool and London and GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANT, Estaplju;- jd 1836, A Invested Funds 7,521,949 Claim's Paid . 20,816,928 Fire Reserve Fund 1,850,001 This Company offers to insurers the security of invested funds amounting to over SEVEN MILLION BOUNDS STERLING, BESIDES THE UNLIMITED LIABILITT OF A VERT WEALTHT PEOPRIETART. BT A SPECIAL ACT OF THE NEW ZEALAND LEGISLATURE, THE COMPANT ta IN A POSITION TO SUE OR BE SUED IN THIS COLONY. Tn.a Company has ever been noted fer its promptitude and liberality in settling claims. Lowest current rates for all classes of Fire Insurance. LEVIN A CO, (Limited), Agents. -^BW ZEALAND INSURANCE CO. FIRE AND MARINE. Capital, 41,000,000. Paid-up and Reserves, 14460,000. Unlimited liability of shareholders. Fire and Marino Risks of every description accepted.. Offices —Corner of Grey street and Lamhton ABX UNION THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME! /T\ RAND ART UNION (by permission of tho Colonial Secretary). Ist Prize, —Oil Painting valued 410, and a present of a Business bringing in 4250 a year 2nd Prize.—Oil Paintings valued at 440 3rd Prize. —Oil Painting valued 410, and a present of a Gent’s Bicycle valued 420 4th Prize.—Oil Painting valued 410, and present of Lady’s Bicycle sth Prize.—Painting, and present of Gent’s Bicycle valued 430 6th Prize.—Oil Painting, and present of Lady’s Gold Watch valued 440. A purchaser will be found for the business at 4200 if the one drawing the first prize wants to sell it. Books of 25 Tickets, at 2s each, may be obtained at all Chemists in Wellington and Auckland. Bicycles supplied by F. J. W. Fear, the oldest established Cycle Expert in Wellington. The Business is known as Mrs Mclntosh’s New Zealand Hair Restorer and St Mary’s Ointment. Sold by all chemists in the Colony, and wholesale of Sharlaud and Co, and Kempthorne, Prosser and Co. TICKETS 2s EACH. 623 By Appointment to His Jfilt Excellency the Governor. W. LITTLEJOHN AND EON, WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS AND OPTICIANS, 85, Lambton quay, Wellington. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! Ex Enapehu and lonio. London-made Pearl Necklets and Pendants, very heautiful designs and moderate price Solid Sterling Silver Candlesticks, Waiters, Afternoon Teapots, Sugars and Creams, Table and Dessert Spoons and Forks, and Tea Spoons, Napkin Rings, &a. Silver-mounted Wine Bottles, Claret Jngs, Toilet Bottles, Russian Lizard and Crocodile Card Cases, &o. All the above are special quality, suitable for Wedding Presents. A considerable shipment of best English Plate, including a splendid range of Pocket Flasks A small shipment of English Eight-Day Striking Clocks, Vienna Clocks, superior quality, and numerous items of Jewellery All goods markedin plain figures. Inspection is cordially invited. Only Address': 85, Lambton quay. 0. G. SHERWOOD, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, 92, Cuba bteebt. JUST ARRIVED A Parcel of Rotherhams and other English Lever Watches Electro-plated goods Gold and Silver Jewellery Silver English Lever Watches, from 42 10a Boys’ Silver Keyless Watches (backs do not open), 17s 6d Ladies’ Silver Watches, from 20s; gold, from 40s. Repairs of all kinds at Lowest Prices. 272 CHAHPORE. jp USE INDIAN UNBLENDED. TRY IT. TEA, All Grocers Stock it. OLIVECEONA, MoDONALD & CO., Sole Wholesale Agents. TRY “K” Jam I CURE COENS. To prove it, a sample box of Bareaclough’s Peosandra posted free to any address in the colony upon application by letter. Price, Js per box. All Chemists, and at 131, Adelaide road. 173

FOR SALE, FOE SALE.—A compact, s-aall Farm within easy drive of Wellington • aboxxi 200 acres, free of encumbrance ; title. Land Transfer ; only about 30 acres in bush ; good fivo-roomod houso, quite new; ahods, stable and outbuildings ; several acres in crop; balance in grass. A really nice Property, aud to be sold a great bargain, together with stock, tools, furniture, &o. Large porf tion of purchase money can remain at por • cent., or the owner is willing to take**city property in exchange. Address, Box 43, Post Office, Wellington. 729 jjlOR SALE, on easy terms, a General Store; good steady business; splendid opportunity for a young man with small capital to mate a start. Apply, F.N., Times Office. 090 O T I C E 2 unsold sections, 30s per foot 1 unsold section, 20s per foot 1 corner section, 40a per foot 1 now cottage, 5 rooms, £195 Easy terms arranged. No City Bates. Mr. CAMPION, Surveyor, Mount Pleasant, 391 Mitchelltown. FOE SALE. "| “1 yf ACRES. All sown down in grass, JLJLrjD Ohau No. 3, part section 18, with woolshed, known as the property of the late Thomas Seymour, For further particulars, apply to THOMAS EANSFIBLB, 837 Manakau. FOE SALE AM AIL Contractor and Carrier’s Business and Plant, with first-class Stabling, Paddocks, Horses, Vehicles and all requisites for carrying on the business. A safe and profitable investment. Full particulars on application. THOMAS KING, 379 Commission Agent. Ji 1 o E SALE. THAT DESIRABLE BLOCK OP LAND with a frorifa'gs of 109 feet to Codstbnat place by a depth of 2Ct feet, extending through to T ork street, which bisects it towards the back, together with Fifteen Dwellinqhodses thereon. The Freehold is known as part of the Estate of the late John Mackenzie, and is adjacent to the large three-story brick building being erected by Messrs Rouse and Hurrell for their coachbuilding business. The Houses are all well let at present, but the Executors are anxious to realise to close accounts. This is a first-class opportunity of obtaining a compact property in an advantageous position, and is a first-rate investment, as from its situation it must rapidly increase in value. Full particulars can be obtained from WM. HOPKIEK, BS, Majoribanks street, 88$ Or City Steam Sawmills. TO BAKERS, STOREKEEPERS, &o. I AM prepared to build on a good corner section a Dwellingbouae, together with Shop, Bakehouse, Stable, Storeroom, &0., in a good rising locality, to suit tho requirements of intending purchaser. Will accept small deposit, interest on balance at 5 per cent.- Apply early. Three ihofo 6-roomed Dwellmghouaes, exactly the same as previously advertised, now nearly complete and ready for occupation. Terms to suit intending purchasers. Don’t purchase elsewhere until yon inspect this property. References can be had from any former purchaser. Must go. Apply at once to WM. HERBERT, Painter, 234 Eevans street, Newtown. BARGAINS. ~jj~|~ OTELS FOE SALE. Splendid Hotel, city, doing 20 hogsheads Hotel, rising township, large area land, easy terms Hotel, Hawera, doing splendid l trade Hotel, Manawata, good trade, estey -ferine' Four Hotels, Wairarapa Two Hotels, Eangitikei district Drapery business in rising township, whore no other draper. All information on application to Bollinger &Co. Clients Assisted; Loans, &0.. Negotiated. BOLLINGER & CO., 740 14, Brandon street. HOTELS FOE SALE. FIRST-CLASS Money-making Hotel in the Wairarapa District. Hotel, Woodville District. Hotel, in suburbs of Wellington; small capital required; good trade. Two Hotels in Eangitikei District Hotel near Hawera; doing good trade an can bo increased. Good Hotel. Forty-mile Busb. Two Hotel in Taranaki District. All the above are free houses, and good investments. Also, numerous other hotels in Wellington and West Coast of North Island’ Arrangements can be made for a good portion of tie purchase money to remain if desired. 147 ZOHEAB AND CO. Foe sale, By Private Contract, Owing to Dissolution of Partnership. THE PREMIER CARRYING AND FORWARDING BUSINESS In Palmerston North, now in full working order. This is a good opportunity for an energetic man with a small capital. For full particulars, etc., apply to ABRAHAM & WILLIAMS, Auctioneers, gjl Palmerston North. -pi OR SALE. 39. 1750 Acres; situated about 15 milesfrom Palmerston North. All in good grass ; fenced and subdivided. The land is all level, and of good quality, and includes a considerable area of rich, fattening land. Price £i 10s per acre. Terms as arranged. 40. 1195 Acres, good grazing land. All level and mostly ready tor the plough. About 12 miles from Palmerston North. Carries two sheep to the acre. Price, £Z 12s Gd per acre. Terms as arranged. 28. 270 Acres, well improved. Mostly rich, level land. 70 acres ploughed. Good house and outbuildings. Close to creamery, telegraph office, &o.; six miles from railway station. Price, £l2 per acre. Good terms. 180. 383 Acres, eight miles from Feilding. All in grass; fenced and subdivided into three paddocks; rich, loamy soil. One of the best farms in the district. Price A 9 10s per acre. Terms as arranged. 34. Town Section 926, Palmerston North, containing 1 acre, with frontage to Church street. Price, -CSO. A bargain. 41. Town Sections 9C4,1018, fronting Fitzherbert street, and comprising 2 acres. Price, iglOO. 37. Sections 125 and 120, Town of Feilding, containing half an acre, with buildings thereon, and including goodwill of the best livery business in that town. Will be sold on very reasonable terms. 42. One hundred capital shares in tho Manawatn Building and Investment Society (.£lO paid up). This society has never paid less than 7 per cent. For terms and further particulars Apply to ABRAHAM & WILLIAMS, PALMERSTON NORTH. 737 IT TO HHOIiTTT AUCTION KOOMc

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New Zealand Times, Volume LVX, Issue 3129, 15 May 1897, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Times, Volume LVX, Issue 3129, 15 May 1897, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Times, Volume LVX, Issue 3129, 15 May 1897, Page 1