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On our back page will be found sporting intelligence and letters to the Editor. Hunterville people are moving in the matter of erecting a cottage hospital. The Mart-on Operatic Society have decided to produce tho opera “H.M.S. Pinafore.” An offer has been made to the City Council to lease the section upon the Exhibition cycling track stands for a year. The Harbour Board contemplate extending the reclamvtion 97ft wide from the J shed to the foot of Johnston street for reclamation purposes.

The case against Ho Kee, a Chinaman, for committing six breaches of the Bankruptcy Act was further remanded for a week by Mr Kenny, S.M., yesterday. There were 126 saloon and steerage passengers for London by the Gothic yesterday afternoon. A full list of the names of these passengers appears in our shipping column.

An accident occurred at the Kiwitea saw* mill on Monday, resulting in Mr Holland, one of the proprietors, losing the thumb and forefinger through contact with the planing machine.

The Union Company’s new steamer Hawea, which is daily expected to arrive at Port Chalmers from Glasgow, is bringing out new boilers for the To Anau, and new shafts for the MArArca aud Flora.

Oh Thursday evening, at C.olyfon, Sydney Jacob, eight years of age', the .son of Mr H. Jacob, was.rovurning home from school when by some means lie, fell fato ,3. .gravel,pit, whioh t ia full of.water, .on the Feilding-Ashurst road, and was drowned*

A meeting of the Anglo-French Society was held in the Trocadero last night. Nine new members were proposed, and the rest of the evening was spent in playing cards* chatting in French, er reading the FrenOh literature which has been provided.

H.M.S. Lizard, ffonl Nelson* dropped anchor in the harbodr IS minutes after noon yesterday. To-day tile warship will leave for Lyttelton, and she is timed to leave there for Auckland on the 13th hist. At the northern port the Lizard will bo docked for cleaning.

Mrs Nation* mother of Mi; W. C. Nation, proprietor Of the Shannon Fanner, and well known in Wellington, died at Shannon On Thursday night. The deceased lady was Si year* of ago. She had been slaking slowly lor Weeks past, and passed avVay very quietly.

The committee of the Horticultural Soeiet met last evening and arranged to hold the usual autumn and chrysanthemum show in the Skating Uink on the 271 h and inafc Schedules may be obtained Of M»:si*s Cooper, Gibbons*, WOodgdri and the secretary, Ale A. Boardmah.

The report in tho local paper of the Briinhor coal rhino disaster case G soglic gan ve'raua Gceymouth and Point Llizab th Coal Company, at present beirg heard at. Hokitika, states thAt Mr J, Grattan Gray, tfhiet of the Haiunrd staff, tfas swOrn iii as official shorthand reporter. ** Tho Labour Bills of the present Government,” said Mr Charles Wilson at Newtown last night, “ arc being copied in every part of Australia except Western AustralU, aud Western Australia has not yet come into line because at present it is in the hand) of the squatter Hug.'* The tSfffnS fonts', Rowing Cldb, which;, pwihg to an unfortunate accident to the boats, had to be postponed, will bo rowed off this afternoon. Fresh entries are to be called, and, given fine weather, this event ought to prove a great success. Tho entries close at 2 60 pirn.

“ I believe the Shipping and Seamen's Act of New Zealand will be in force lb Australia before the next two years are bver, and that it will he in force in England before the neib three Or. folir years fere over, if the liberal Party ootiio back to power In that country.” —Mr Charles WiUUn At Newtown. A shark-, Lilly twelve feat long. Was Seen awiminingabout close to the odd of the Queen’s Wharf early in the morning a couple of days ngo. ’ Several sharks', large and snlall, have beeh seen near the shore of late, and Bathers in the open sea had Better tike warning and nbt ventb.rß tbo far away front the land. At tire drawing of, the Wellington Rawing Club’s art ttiion next Saturday night, the 10th Inst., the Rowing Club intend holding, a concert, halt of the proceeds of Which Will be given to the Victoria Operating Ward of the Hospital. The concert will bo, held ,in the Exchange Hill. Farther particulars will be ad’voitised next week. Twelve blocks, of 21,027 acres in ill, have now been passed through the Native lands Court at Uawene, north 61 Anoklapd. The Ihni is In |ho. Hojuapga. The Awaron block and amongst other areas included in the land are the Rotokakahi, Mangamuka Hast, and Pnnakitero No. 2 blocks. Mr D. MoKarlane, of Wanganui, has seoared the tender for supplying hoop steel t» the Wellington Harbour Board, the pfioo being £ll3l. The snooessful tenderers for oonl supplies were the engine-room, Blackball Goal Co.; for dredges, Groymouth Point Elisabeth Coal Co. | Board’s offices and signal station, Mr B. Duignan. Preparations ate being made to raise the hulk Woodlark, which sank near the new ferry jetty a few nights ago-. Mr Dauinl is superintending Opetalidßa;, aim Whbn the Work Of ffiaking the hulk’s docks Watertight has been finished, the Water Will bb pumped Oi\t of her hold. Steam will probably bs got up on the Southern Cross to-disy tb work the painty. A \veli-knowii local, post ofliiG pffioial, over-zealous in the execution of his duty, remained on hoard tlyi Gothic long alter the ganjweyJidjd been let down yesterday afterlloott, ana only discovered that ho was on the way to England wuon the steamer was a little distance away from the wharf. The gentleman, however, did not appear to bo perturbed, and ho was subsequently enabled to disembark by moans of the pilot’s beat. By the Tokoa, a shipment of slid ip Was sent to Monte Video. The consignment comprises 30 Lincoln rams and 20 Lincoln eWes from the Now Zealand and Australian Land Company’s MocrakilioOk, and 20 Lincoln rams from Mr J. S. {fairies’ Awamoa flock: The bams are two and four-tcoths And thUoWCs are tWO-tOoths-, and are all iron', pedigree stock-. They gO to An Atgfeiltino pUstoralist. A klrfe dumber of bUyets alieiidod Messrs Sidojriud Oq.’a sale of properties yesterday. The leasehold propcHy id TarAnakl. street in of the late Mr Bowie was passed Id. Ml’ Ilojiba’ freehold sliqp and dwelling in Adelaide road was keenly competed for. Shafting at £lO9, it was run up quickly to £SOO, nt which figure it was bought by Mr T. G. Maoarthy. Mr Archie Thomson’s property in Tasman street was bought in at £l7O. No less than .£90,675 worth of gold was shipped by the Gothic for London yesterday. The gold included bullion and defaced o >ins. Wellington contributed seven boxes valued at .£16,516, shipped by the Bank of New Zealand; Auckland, six boxes valued at £21,661 from the Bank of New Zealand, and five boxes valued at £6200 from the National Bank; Dunedin, six boxes valued at £10,200 from the Bank of New Zealand, and two boxes valued at £12,093 from the Bank Of New South Wales.

A cycling mooting in aid of tha Unomployod Relief fund will be held next Saturday at the

Exhibition traok. An inviting programme, has been prepared, both for cash riders and amateurs. Entries oloae at Mr A. Q. Johnson’s office on Chnsday evening next. The committee, having made satisfactory arrangements With tha City Council and Exhibition Executive, intend holding oyoliilg sports and other amusements from time to time during the winter evenings. All sorts of novelties have been suggested, and no doubt a considerable amount will bo raised by these gatherings. Mr H. Eyre Kenny, S.M., presided at the sitting of thu lower Court yesterday. A first offending drunkard named Wm. Milford Was remanded for medical treatment. James McGuire, alias Hannigau, on remind for using obscene language, was' brought up and dismissed without prejudice, Inspector Pendei explaining that there was some doubt as to whether a leased was the right man. Mr Kenny refused to make an order in the case of Elizabeth Bolland v. Richard Bolland, an application for a separation order on the grounds of cruelty, as he regarded the wife’s story as an exaggerated oils.

The Hon W. Hall-Jonos has obtained a report from the Marine Engineer in reference to tha strengthening of the light on Somes Island, which goes to show that to increase the power of the existing light would not secure much hotter results than at present, as to widen the sector of white light would increase the risk of -a vessel’s picking it up too far to leeward of Barrett’s Reef, and so getting into a perilous position It is now suggested, therefore, that o more _ satisfactory plan would be to place another beacon oh Somes Island as a' leading or guiding light. Tet another attempt to raise the sunken barque Coromandel has proved futile, yesterday morning three centrifugal pumps wore set at work, two in the forward part of the vessel being worked by steam from the Mana and the Flower of Kent, while the engine on the lighter Spec supplied the motive power for the pump at the stern. For a time everything worked smoothly, but in the afternoon, when.the tide was near its highest, and when about 6fi of water had been pumped out of tha vessel’s hold, her decks proved unequal to the strain from the autside, and once again the water rushed in.

Few companies have achieved more popularity in Wellington than Pollard’s Opera Company, and it was therefore to be expected when the box plan opened yesterday morning for their farewell season, which begins on Wednesday next, that there would be a great rash for seats. Tha opera to be produced ia “ Falka," which was an immense success in Auckland, indeed it is described as the most meritorious performance this clever company has ever given. As this will be the last opportunity of seeing the company for at least a year the season is sure to be a successful one. Many other novelties will be produced daring the season, which will last eight nights. The fortnightly meeting of the Workers’ Union was held last night, Mr K. Patten injthe chair. A letter wac received from Mr O’Brien, secretary of the Workers’ Union'at Waimate, in connection with the annual conference. The secretary was instructed 'to make the necessary arrangements. Consideration of the question of calling a public meeting to lay before the workers of Wellington the advantages to be derived from joining the association was deferred until after the annual conference. Mr D. Spence (general secretary of the Workers’ Union, Sydney) wrote forwarding copies of the rules of the New South Wales Tai m. a resolution was passed approviug of the ac’.ion of the committee set up by the City Council ia deciding as it had done in connection with the Corporation cartage, and it was decided that the secretary should write to the Council accordingly. A long discussion took place as to whether the Union should amalgamate with the Trades Council, but the matter was finally deferred,

The sulphur deposits, of the North-Island of New Zealand (says the Sydney Morning Heroic?) are finding a profitable market m Sydney. On Saturday, March 22nd, the barque Kmpreza, with a full cargo (320 tons), arrived, and another vessel, the Alexa, with COO tons, is to follow. The shipments are for Messrs Elliott Brothers, of this city.

Some interesting particulars of life 111 Western Australia are given in a letter received by Mr F. Maguire, of the Boys’ Institute, from one of his brothers in that part of world, who says “ X am at the Great Boulder, about three miles from Kalgoorlic. The living is very bad here. This is an average bill of fare : —Two or three inches or preserved ’bus horse, otherwise known as steak ; two or three teaspoonsfuls of peas or cabbage ; one potato cut in half to make it 1 >ok a lot, and some bread and jam, washoi down with two cup* of extract of ' salt busn the lot. It’s very hot here ; there a a red dust always rising, and you can’t keep anything clean. Kalgoorlie prices : —Bread, la 2d; tomatoes. Is; apples, la; pears, Is 6d ; potatoes, 3d; onions, 4d; cabbage, 6d; water, Is (a kerosene tin full). Judging from the eager throng which filled the Dresden rooms yesterday morning, and from the fact that every seat in the dress circle and almost every seat in the stalls were taken within an hour of the box plan being thrown open, the .Festival Choral Society s edreert on Tuesday prouiiseS to.have, (t “record’’ , . Tl;ero,j co* remains tile .and pit, for public accommodation, and seeing that.the nominal charge of Is only made.for these .parts of the house,, they ought to .be packed. The final rehearsal • will take place in Thomas Hall, Monday, 730 p.m. Special interest is lent to. the present, production, of Abe Creation ** In that it will be • a centenary performance —the work having been composed by Haydn in 1797.

la oonnootidn with the sale of Mr Buicks sections at feioae, a representative of the vendor will be at the Victoria Hotel this afternoon from 2 till 5 o’clock td meet purchasers; ~ _ , , The Nelson Jdokey Club Will alio* no bookmakers cr spidlei'S On their course at their forthcoming meeting. . , .. Mr James Henderson, Of 43, Ijatribton quay, has a large number Of shares for sale. At St. Paul's Pro'Cathcdral 10-niorrow (the fifth Siinday in tiont) the services will he appropriate. The order of services at St. Peter’s Church touiorrdw arc advertised. . At the Church of Christ, td-morrow. a collection Will be taken up in aid of the Indian Famine Fund, All claims against tlie barque Collcssie must be sent fii in duplicate before noon to-day. Owners of vehicles are reminded that licenses expired on the 31st March and must be renowed. This afternoon the Duco will ply JO Days Bay, and on Sunday both the Mana and Duco Will take Up the running. , „ , • The Superintendent of Electric Lines colls for a supply Of telegraph aynis; . .. .. .. A practical denipnstratidn di Ashworth s invert: Udils in Wool-washing and drying is now being Carried oil at Mr T. Collier’s Wool-scouring Works, ! Mastcjrton, pud will be working lor several days. A notice of interest to Melrose ratepayers appears elsewhere.. . . , . , ..» Messrs Dalgety and Go. have been instructed to sell the barque Dilpus.-uitldi ; Freeman, 11 C<\ ydl, ayll .fcimod.ts, alUap, bacarters anA limbs t a the 6th April., : Tc-day. W. F. Shortt will sell furniture and sundries at bis mart. • Matthew Henry will sell a fiaxmill plant next Wednesday. ■ Next Tuesday A. G. Taino and Co. will soli furniture in Wooloombe street, A partner is wanted for a remunerative baemessi Dennis Byan, notice cOnstabld, is Wahtad: The duardian is filll Of all kinds dt nov-s. “ Ddn’t hesitate bub V is the jhdsdtii£ OX an adverbisqntent ovdi; the name of the add (jpnes Company. This, firm is now so Cppiplotly. associated with high, grade American bicycles that the public will give due consideration to the matter dealt with in the advertisement mentioned. It will be seen that the-testimonials published all bear testimony to that now well-known wheel, the Victor, Joh. E. Lindborg, the cheap draper, Cuba street, directs special attention to a great number of very cheap lines he irt offering lc-day» At 2 o’clock this aftaradoii Messrs HarcoUtt ilnd Co. Will sell without rcseryc tlie wlvilo qf tW building materials rio* dUnlan.tled and lyins cn tfib Site df the Eifiihltidri. The ,6d|hi bo hpld. on the ground, ana will iiidludo a large quantity of SCantHng, battens, .tough boarding; a few tons of Corrugated iron, ridging, ladders and, sundries; also about 40 dresses used in , the touruar ifieot. The.tower and offices-will bo sold as. they £tau4 > too rest of the material is all lying ready for Great cate having boon taken Wpe.r erecting these ihateriaVb, they Will be found to be little, if at all, Impaired by their use during the las! fcW months.

Thompson Bros, and Co. call attention to their stocks pf coal apd produce. Messrs Thompson Bros, have niado arrangements. for supplying, a special Quality of ki.adling wqo4 which is entirely dittqrertt to that ordinarily. supplied, it la is dVy, as tij*aor, and can be split vrithakrufe.. The sustala tile reputation they have gained for the supply Of flrst-tlaasluel.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LVX, Issue 3094, 3 April 1897, Page 2

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TOWN AND COUNTRY. New Zealand Times, Volume LVX, Issue 3094, 3 April 1897, Page 2

TOWN AND COUNTRY. New Zealand Times, Volume LVX, Issue 3094, 3 April 1897, Page 2