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INSECTS. There arc no loss than 200,000 spooioa known. Some, of course, are useful,' aud others mere postfj. -A poculhvr species of the latter kind exists in Australasia—they taka empty Wolfe’s Schnapps bottles, and rc-C.ll thesn! with cheap pin, and well them as the original liquor/ The public should beware of such bisects, and buy whole bottles, taking care to deface the labels or break the bottles alter, use. hi It is proposed to produce in London, in May, 1893, the Trilogy of ASschylus, consisting of the “ Agumemnon,” the ** Choephori,” and the “ Eumenides.” The performance will bo in English. Professor’ Stanford, who wrote the music for the performance of the ,f Eumenidea” at Cambridge, has consented to compose music for the other two plays. Keating's Prwder destroy bugs, fleas, moths o<etlos f *nd all other Insects, whilst quite harmless to domestic animals. In exterminating beetles t be success of this powder la extraordinary. It it perfectly clean In application. See the article yon fiurchase Is Keiliug’s, as imitations are noxious and aeSectu&l. Sold In tins, (V) and v Is ear). 1,e., with the signature Thomas Keating oh each tin, uy obomuits. ThC Scor.ET op Success. Sterling honesty of purpose ; without 11 life Is a sham. A r.ew Invention is brought before the public and commands auccoss. A score of abominable Im tattous are immediately introduced by the unscrupulous, who In oopving the original closely enough to deceive the public, and yet not so exactly as to infringe upon legal rights exercise an Ingenuity that, employed In an original channel, could not fail to secure reputation aud profit.—Adams. Eko's “Fruit Salt” Is the simplest and best -remedy yet introduced. It is a pleasant beverage,' and can be taken with perfect safety at anytime. Caution. —Examine, each bottle and see . that: the capsule is marked Eno’s “ Fruit Salt/ Sold by all chemists. Prepared only at Ego’s “ Fruit Salt" Works, Pomeroy st eet. New Crocs toad London, Kw . . Holloway's Ointment’ and Pills are beyond a doubt the most valuable, and /most convenient medicines that travellers can take'across the seas k .l distant climes. Lr change of'Climate and then vs condl ions and surroundings of I fe to which tbty will be exposed will assuredly give rise to crest dls turbances of the system and to such especial morbid states of the blood an l constitution generally as will render tho use of these effectual remedies highly necessary, for they will find in them a ready and safe means of relief in mo t of the diseases which afflict the human race, and with them at baud those may be said to have a physician always at their call. INDIGESTION And Liver Complaint CCKF.O BY VSIKG Ayer’s Sarsaparilla (\nr. T. J. CLONE, - ot "VValkcrvlllfl, S. Australia, writes: “Six years ago, I liad an attack ot Indigestion nfid Liver Coinplaint that lasted tor weeks; X was nimble to do any hard work, had no appetite, food distressed me, and I suffered much from headache. Mysklnwas sallow and sleopdld not refresh me. I tried \A Apr’s SS,°, Sarsaparilla several remedies and consulted a doctor, without obtaining any relief; finally, on© ot my customers recommended Ayer’s Sarsaparilla; it helped me thb first,—in fact, after taking six bottles T was completely cured, and could cat anything and sleep like a child.” , , '* The Only Admitted at the World’s Fair Sin do by Dr. .I.C.Ayar Jb Co.', Lowoll,Masa„tLS.A, DRESS PATTERNS. LADIES. Madame Weigel’s Press Patterns for Home Dressmaking : unequalled ' for simplicity and practical isolulncssjloweat prices, ■•nd very- best value of Uny Paper' Patterns j no toohnioal'knpwledgo required. Send 4d stamps for large fully illustrated catalogue to Sole Agent— PEI NODE’S, . THE FANCY REPOSITORY, Lambton quay, Wellington. 947 WATERPROOFS. 3-SB Ml e-s oca TRME MARK ”3\vs Note Trade Mark—Pear Tree. The only thorough ventilated HEALTH GARMENT is thoono with the PEAR TREE BRAND. All Garments manufactured in our Wellington Factory aro sown throughout and taped over the seams to make them perfect against all weathers. NONE are our manufacture boro unless they have this superior finish. See that all seams are sown and taped. Only buy this make, which will not come undone, and the', garment that gives ovory satisfaction is the on© with tho. * ' PEAR TREE BRAND. , For health and oomfoW, tho only good Waterproof garmo: t yju can got is acknowledged to bo tho one with tho PEAR TREE BRAND, which is odourless and thoroughly well ventilated. 1 . STUDY YOUR HEALTH. This make is . tho host to wear. All are guaranteed waterproof, and have tho PEAR TREE BRAND Registered Trade Mari on the inside. Wear no other make, and see that the Trade Mark’ PEAR TREE BRAND is on each garment. Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s garments with tho - PEAR TREE BRAND are unequalled for Fit, Style, and Finish aud can be had in oil patterns and weights of cloths. . Once tried you will always wear PEAR TREE BRAND . Manufacture of ' WATERPROOFS., PATENT PILLS. 3 3® Nervbus Disorders, fucb as Wind and Pain inthcSlomnch, Sick Headache, Gid- : diness, Fulness and Swelling after. , Meal*.Dizziness and I Drowsiness, Cold •Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, ’Shortness of , Breath, Costiveness. Scurvy and Blotches cm* the Sklitu-Dis-turbed Sleep,Frightful Dreams, ahdall Nervous and Trem- > bling Sensgtions,&e. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. 1 :.t Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box ofthese Pills; and they will be acknowledged to bs ' WORTH a GUINEA A sox . . For Females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry off all humours, ahobring about all that Is required. No female should be- without them. '-There is no Medicine to be found equal to Beecbam’s Pills for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box, they will soon restore, females of- all ages to sound-and'robust health. This has been proved by; thousands who have tried them, and ionnd the benefits which axe ensured by their use. ’ . ' "For a Weak-Stomach, Impaired Digestion, and all Disorders of the Liver, they act- like magic, and , a jfew doses will be found to work wonders on the Tpo&t important organs in the human machine. They strengthen’the waoltf muscular system, restore J tne long lost complexion; bring: back the keenedge of appetite, and arouse into action with the rosebud of health the whole physical energy of the human frame. There are:FAcra testified continually’by members ef afi classes of society; and'one of the best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is, BEECHAM'S PILLS hm the Urgest Sale of w/ Patent Medicine In the World. BEECHAM’S MAGIC COUCH PILLS. r . . . any person give I COUGH PILLS x trial, and the most violent Cough will in a short time he removed. . Prepared by the Proprj ghaieat BsechxaySt. gelgas, Lansasb!r{, England,*, in Cozes. Is. lid. (containing Pills),apd at 2s, 9i- - (treble quantity). • • - * - -Sold by all- Drugg.s'fi an<|; Patent-Medicine Dealers everywhere.' " :' f- - N.D.-rFull-Directions are given with each Bo^

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New Zealand Times, Volume LVII, Issue 2415, 22 January 1895, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Times, Volume LVII, Issue 2415, 22 January 1895, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Times, Volume LVII, Issue 2415, 22 January 1895, Page 4