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The New Zealand Times ia to he rub-' lishod ns usual to-iUol-row. Tho offices willb«closed at at. f p.m. for tlie loccipt‘rif advertisements. X riuriib'er 'ol loiters are crowded out of, the fircSout issue. The English and foreign cable.{ I again interrupted, q break tyiiyiriw Occurred outho Port Darwiii $)Vc through heavy floods-. _ t'llh Premier did not return from Napier on Saturday night. Ho will most probably arrive to-day, accompanied by tho Hon Mr Carroll. Sir P. A. Buckley came Uncle on Saturday night. j The Minister Labour has gone ,|.o 1 Christehlirch. ire is’expected back rin 1 Wednesday. .The Premier 1 ) IRS Seddon and family iriteri'd W rake up their residence shortly Ytt Wellington, and the Ministerial residence in Molesworth street is now having some necessary repairs effected to it so as to fit it for their occupation. Nothing has been done to it for a good many years past.

By some error, for which the Tele|foph Office is hot responsible; a stateirierit by the Premier iff Ills Namier speech,, to i tho effect that the would Make gorid any deficlon'ey on ireijjht and in’snriifice incurred by shippers, of..timber to London) did Lot appear in our report. , Mr J. ID. Ritchie,, Chief Inspector of Stock, has returned his Visit to, tho Softtri. His trip . through part of Canterbury, Marlborough, Nelson and Westland,, arid, . everywhere the stock appeared to be in good condition. , , The Mahinapua, which arrived item Onehuriga arid. New. fjyffioutli on Saturday mprniagi breuflit 64 oases cheese and %08 .packages, of butter for shipment to England.

A special meeting of tho Bakers’ Union was held on Saturday night, in the Trades Hall, Mr A. Col.Uns (president) In the .ehftir, wheri it. was uaanimoilsly resolved to register under the Industrial Conciliation ftrid Arbitration Acth.

“The Princess of Trehizondo” was repeated at the Opera House on Saturday by Pollard’s Juvenile Opera Company. The opera went well throughout. To-night the company will revive one of their groates* iUo • cesses, ‘ La Mascotte,’ Miss Cissy SaridfOrd appearing ns Bottiritt> . “ La Mascotte ” is always popular with playgoers, and there should be a largo audience. Tho Shaw, Savill and Albien Goillpaiiy’s fine cargo steamer TcKOrilal'Ui.whicll arfiv'ed here from LOhll&ri late oil. Friday night, was berthed at the.ri’hart oh, Sallxl'day. Yesterday slip Vmis jfiiip&Bf'ed by a large number bf Visitors. Her officers are—Captelli Maxwell (late of the Mamari) j chief officer, J. W. Innes (late of the Eangatirq); second, J. MoPheo; third, W; .Hiitelungs (late of the ship .Wdlimgton); fourth J. McClongli (lat'e of the ship Taranaki); Chief cAVgincer, C. McEachran (late of the Rangatira) ; second, J. Fraser; third, G. Campbell j fourth, J. Berthwiok j chief refrigerating engineer, R. Latta j second, A. Atkins; third, G. Williams) boilermaker, F. Beaton; chief steward, A, uosekn. At the Magistrate’s Court on Saturday Julia Sparks was fined 19s frit drunkenness, the alterhaliVO being 48 hollfs; A boy of 14 yßahs named Henry Hearle; who pleaded guilty to breaking ihto Mr PlirCell’s boUse ill Hawk'er Street, rind stealing X2, was remarided, te gnoi fob eight days in Order that enquiries, Might b'e Made concerning hhh. Will. Smith was fined 5s for leaving his horses and cab unattended. David Henry Guff, convicted of having assaulted, hill ivife, was sentenced to a month’s hard labour, and his wife was granted a separation order. The charge against Robert Aitken of failing to comply with an order to contribute to his wife’s support was dismissed on his paying XI arrears. The Customs duties collected at this port last week amounted to XBOB4 13s Id, and the beer duty to XlO9 7s Bd. Madame Mere is likely to form a ladies* Liederkranz, arid a meeting of those interested in. the, establishment of the society is to bo held at the Dresden Piano Company’s rooms ou Wednesday next, 23rd; at

2.30 p.ul. The Missionary vessel Southern Cross arrived here yesterday morning from Norfolk Islands and Napier. At the latter port she landed tho Bishop of Melanesia, the Eight Rev Cecil Wilson, who is coming to Wellington to take part in the consecration ■of the Rev Dr Wallis, Bishop-desig-nate of Wellington. The Bishop of Melanesia will come on to Wellington by train, and will probably arrive this evening. The Southern Cross is commanded by Captain Bongafd, | and the minister aboard the vessel is the Rev Mr Brittain. The crow number 13, and there are also 22. Melanesians on the vessel. From Wellington she will proceed to Nelson, where the meeting of the General Synod is to b'e held. She will then visit Lyttelton and Dunedin, and will probably call hero on her way north. The vessel will probably be berthed at tho wharf to-day. At the Birmingham Druids’ Athletic Sports, the Birmingham Handicap was won; by I. Watts, with 12 points,- J. Carell, 11 points, second; and W. O’Brien, 7 points, third. The Friendly Societies’ Demonstration on Anniversary Day promises to be a great success. The various societies and the bands will meet at the Government Buildings at 10 a.m. and march in procession to the Basin Reserve, whore the usual sports will take place. Besides these all kiuds of minor attractions will be provided for the public, such as merry-go-rounds, swings, &o. The committee have accepted 1 the tender of Mr George Bedford for refreshments. Yhe Caledonian . Society have kindly granted the coriimittee the use of ropes, hurdles, &c. If H.M.S. Ringdove is in., port, it is probable that several of her crew will compote in some of the events. In our obituary column is announced the death of One of 'Wellington’s oldest identities, Mrs Writes, relict Of the late Mr W. Watts. The deceased lady arrived in New Zealand with her husband in the ship Arab in 1841, landing in Wellington, and residing hero • ever since. Mrs Watts’ last illness began only, on Wednesday. Death was really due to old age. She leaves a grown-up family of three sons and five daughters.

A man named Alfred Doble, who was wanted by the Christchurch police on a charge of stealing 5s on the New Brighton Racecourse, was arrested by Detective Gantley in Wellington on Saturday night. The annual Meeting of the Wellington Typographical Society took place in the Exchange Buildings on Saturday evening. There was a large attendance of members. The president, Mr E. E. Yaney, occupied the chair. The report and balance-sheet were adopted, as printed. Mr H. C. Jones gave a summarised account of the workings of the Trades Council for the past six months, This report was adopted, and a hearty vote of thanks accorded the delegates. The election of officers for the ensuing term resulted as follows President, Mr H. G. Jones; vice-president,Mr A. Grigg; secretary, Mr -W. P. McGirr; treasurer, Mr G. A. Pope; trustees, Messrs F. A; Vaughan and J.Yan deßurgh; hoard members, Messrs Jos. Bvoritt -and E.--E.--Vaney; - Trades Council delegates; Messrs Jones, Haggett, Yaney, Grigg, Mclntyre and McGirr. A hearty vote'of thanks to Mr E. B. Yaney, who has filled the office of vioe-p'residont for the past four years with credit, concluded the meeting. Mr C. A. Knapp, tho local representative of the New Zealand Amateur Athletic Association, has been informed by tho secretary of tho Association! that a man .-/ill lose his status by accepting a pair of running shoes as a trophy. J An application j for the reinstatement of E, Oliphant, Auckland, late of Wellington, has been granted. George Waroup, who also desired to be reinstated, ia to apply again next January. .The Union Steam Ship Company advertise special and reduced fares to Lyttelton, Dunedinrind the Bluff.

We are requested to state that the CoaritesS of Glasgow’s At Home, which Was postponed on January 18th, will now take place on Thursday, January 24th. The Official Assignee held a meeting of the creditors of Samuel Coot, licehsed interpreter, at Otaki, on Friday last. Under examination, the bankrupt said he had not earn'ed more than from XlO6 to Xl2O a yeah for interpreting,, and that ho had Aoiwrio money. He had kept rid books. The bankrupt was directed to. make up a statement of .Ms receipts arid expenditure for the past twelve months. He consented to pay X 46 (spread over 18 months, In quarterly instalments of X 6 10s) in order to give his creditors 5s in the pound. This offer was accepted, and the meeting was adjourned sine die-.

The membe’rS of .St, Missionary Guild are invited by advertisement elsewhere to meet tho Melanesian lads from the Southern Cross at the parsonage at 3.30 p.m. to-day 1 . There Was a large attendance of the public on the Basin Reserve yesterday afternoon, wben the Wellington Reed Band gave a performance in aid o£ the widow and family ,of LaWfeuce Gosling, who died from injuries received on the wharf some time since. The hand played a good selection of music under the oonductorship of Mr W. Poster, bandmaster; and the sum of Xll 12s 4d was tepiiectea.

The KafoVl Rifle (Sub held a competition on Saturday last for trophies presented by Messrs Gillespie and Lewer. Ranges, 500, 600 and TOO yards, 7 shots at each. Tho following were the highest scorers:—J. Murphy, 77 ; P. Lissington, 76; E. Eandell, 74; W. Williams, 09; A. France, 60; O. Lewer, 03.

There were eight s'tattote fob the TYqU lington Cycling . Girib’A Handicap Jtoad Race .erinSaturday, viz., T. M, Lucy, scrritcil ) W. Chegwiddeu and D. Brand, 20sco; 11. Smith and J. D. Avery, 40seo; Henry Jessup, Imiii; F. Fabian, finite.; B. Arnold, 3nn>,.The ...cowteo Was.iftom trio Lower -Kulfc Eailiw ( .StaHo‘A.' w the Telephone., BxoriaSgci, a distance of eight piilre arid a half. Fabian woq the race in afimin, whioh is very fair time, considering tho head wind. Lucy was second, his time being 30miu 30soc; ond Chegwiddon, whoso time was SOrain 50soo, third. Smith and Brand also did tho distance ill quicker time oh an the Wirillol'i tllt'ir lilri'Cs respectively beltlg (UMm fiOscc and iHuliri 40spo. Ml' W. F. Christie,, the captain of the CrriL A i,,,aotbct ,'as riW.-tSi', and Mr J. aa judge and timekeeper.

The twenty-second annual general meeting of the Wellington Tuist. Loan and Investment Company is to 1)0 held on Friday, Ist February, at 8 p.m., at the Chamber of Commerce.

In order to prove hie abilities US ft stforig man', Greek QObvge Will givri .aii exhibition of his skill at the B xehange Hall td-riiofrdjri bight at 8 o’clock.and 6b the. bVeiling;, following. . A Iffitbt the feats to be jierforriie'd appears in bur adVertisirig coliirisris'. , , At the mdetlng,p£ tbb Airiaterir, R'dgatta A'Bsbqiatiori, ,Jhe followipgi! officers were elected; —President, Mr S. T. Fitzherbert;. viee-presidepts, .Messrs T. ',p. .Cjvpimte 3 . ’M. M- iGpurdlo and W. Mout'gorncry ; judge, Mr,C, J. McCarthy; starter, Mr T, D. Cummins; -timekeeper, Mr. ,B,; Haokett'; clerks, of: the course, Messrs J. Quin amlC. Pope; hen, secretary and treasurer, Mr W. Eodwell;. auditor, Mr F. Powell j committee, Messrs Atkina, Bates,. .PowilalL G.i Marshall,.. Taylor, Foster, Cattell, Day, Jackson, Perry, Ball, Comyns, Gray, Neili, and the captains and secretaries of the local clubs.

A small steam launch, the Pinafore, in charge of her owner, Mr H. Walker, arrived hero from Nelson yesterday afternoon-. The vessel Was purchased by Mr Walkdr, Who Belongs to Christchurch, and hq ■'decided to bring her across the Strait to Wellington, and then ship her to Lyttelton. Mr Walker has spent about a week in the Sounds in his little vessel. Grossing the Strait yesterday she encountered a tough sea, bnt she behaved admirably. Mr John Duthie, M.H.R., who is leaving this week on a trip Homo, was entertained at dinner at the Wellington Club on Saturday evening, by a number of his mercantile and political friends. Mr John Ross (Sargood, Sou and LWen) occupied the chair, and Captain Babot the,vioe(chair, while-the HoU N.jMitchelson, M'H.E.) afitt Mr w. C-. Buchanan; M;ii.iii, Were amongst, theite. pferehb; YYo ririderstarid that Mr pUthiri leaves d& Wedriesday next to catch the .Mossageries . Maritimes steamer -at Adelaide ori the 2nd FebruriiMririd that he will probably iieturri vid Sari Francisco, in June;

The following are the latest additions to the Telephone Exchange;—Fresh Food and Dairy Produce Co., Cuba street j H. Savage, Charlotte street; Aulsebrook and Co., Queen’s Chambers; J. M.‘Butt, Terraco; Railway Station, Ngahauranga; W. J. Salmon, Victoria street; W> J, Lankshete, Lsmbton quay, t

Mr James Todd; who is going out to the Ghiria inland Mission, preaehOd yesterday movriirig at the Molesworth street Wes-; leyan Church, basing Ms diseotitSe on Sfe Matthew, chapter x., v 5, “ Freely ye have received; freely give.” In the evening he preao|Uid iri the.Viviaii stfc'et Baptist Church; Tile Nov William Malcoliri, of the same missiori, .arrived yesterday from the South, and conducted service in the evening at Kent terrace Presbyterian Church. There was a full congregation. In the course of his sermon he stated that about 800 millions of the world’s'population never heard the name of Jesus, and that a million a month in China are dying without'God. Mr Malcolm gives a missionary address at Webb street Primitive Methodist Church to-night, and Mr Todd will be present, at a missionary prayer meeting at the Hunter street HalL

Saturday Was a gala day fob -tile patients at Porirua Asylum; A pionio had been arranged for them in a paddock near Plimmerton, kindly placed at the disposal of the ASyluni authorities by Messrs Sinclair Bros., aUd a right merry day was spent. Dr King, Dr Mills and the staff were indefatigable in their efforts to make the hours pass pleasantly for all, arid Saturday’s picnic will be a bright reminiscence in clouded lives for many a long day.As announced by advertisement in another column, a social gathering is to be held in the Drillshed on Saturday next to welcome the new Bishop, Dr Wallis. It is expected that the Bishop of Salisbury and the New Zealand Bishops who will be here on their way to the General Synod at Nelson will be present, and will speak. A great musioal treat is in store for the New Zealand public. The Leipzig Instrumental Concert Company, consisting of eleven instrumentalists all of them coloists of the celebrated Liszt Society of Leipzig," and said to be the best instrumental soloists who have ever visited the colonies—are making a tour of Australia, and are now drawing crowded houses in Adelaide. The business - manager, Mr Marcus, who was last here with the Belle Cole Concert Company, has written to Mr W. McLean (secretary of tho Opera House Company) stating that .the Leipzig Company will visit New Zealand shortly. ' Excursions arranged by tho City Brass Baud are to be run to Lowry Bay to-mor-row (Anniversary Day) by" the Duco and Mana. • The Hon W. P. Reeves is to address a public meeting at the Skating Rink ori Friday evening. The ineeting will be under the auspices of tho Federated Trades Union Council.

The Nestor Gianaolis is! described as the best ana purest cigarette made. It is also the cheapest because it reaches the smoker .without having first-passed through the hands of some half-dozen .middlemen, it comes direct from the factory in Cairo to: Wellington. It is the acme of Egyptian cigarette production, and is smoked in all the loading clubs of the world. The Nestor Gianaolis gained first prize medal at the great Chicago Exhibition. It is to be had from the leading tobacconists in 9d arid la boxes.

Townsend and Paul sell frmt, potatoes,' onions, ducks; to-day at 9 a.m. 1 Laery land Co. sell fruit at 9 a.m. to-day.

The first term’ of the Girls’ High School begins on Monday, 4th February.- ’ ' Mr C. D., Mackintosh, mutio master Wellington College, will receive pnpils for piano; forte, singing. Ante, oboe, clarionet, ini The quarter commences on or after the 23rJ instant.

The first term of the Wellington College begins On Friday, Ist.February,.

A property is advertised for sale by Mr Alex. Bell, Halcombe, whioh should attract attention from investors. The land consists of 2300 acres. 1009 acres being in grass and 1300 acres suitable for sawmill purposes. The timber includes totara, rituu and matal, and one sawmill ia already at work. Full details, -will bo found in the advertisement. ’ An unreserved sale of household furniture ia to be hold by George Thomas and Co. at Dr Webster’s residence, Carlton House, Cuba’ street. ’ ' : ■ 5-V’

•Abraham and Williams ate to hold their; annual ram fair on tho MauawatuA. and P;i Association’s show ground at Palmerston North on January 31st and February Ist. In our advertisement columns appears a further list of entries for the Lean and Mer_hantUs Company’s sale at the ram and ewe fair. Mr McGlashan is to resume teaching on Monday, 4th February. Claims and accounts against (he Star of Victoria must be rendered by noon to-day. Abraham and Williams advertise thoir annual clearing salolof horses for Saturday, 26th inst. - I 1

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New Zealand Times, Volume LVII, Issue 2414, 21 January 1895, Page 2

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NEWS OF THE DAY. New Zealand Times, Volume LVII, Issue 2414, 21 January 1895, Page 2

NEWS OF THE DAY. New Zealand Times, Volume LVII, Issue 2414, 21 January 1895, Page 2