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Tho Premier is etpOSled to address his constituents at Hokitika, this week, and will jtfohably arrive in Wellington on Sunday next. Towards the end of the month he is likely to speak at Napier. The Colonial Treasurer ft, ’expected to arrive by ‘the Hin'enioa about noon tomorrow

Kr H. J. H. Blow, Under-Secretary for Public Works and Railways, left for Pabiatua yesterday morning, having been subpeonaed to give evidence sfi a 'civil action brought by & Bftbicontraptbr fpr the erection of the Pabjatiia Nost 'o’if.po Vi recover frdift Hie GpV’eriiS'i'ii't his claim against the'c6h’t-v‘ctor. Mr Blow is expected back to-night.

Advice has been received to the effect that the Shaw, Savill and Albion Co.’s Pakelia left London for Wellington via Port Chalmers and Lyttelton on the 3)st December.

Tho Junior and Senior Civil Service examinations a’ro to commence at the] "Education Board offices to-day." Thofo Ure j 39 candidates for tho Junior >Ad tf for tho ■ Senior Civil Service. The examination for; teachers’ cieirtiStates Will take place, at the same tiiffe. The ntiifibor of candidatei fit theE certificates is 21 j for the’Cdinpletion. of E, 14; for p, 231 foi.' bu'e completion of D, 14. Mr Fieri mg 'and the Rev H. E. Tuckey bill act as supervisors, and Mrs Francis and Mr R. Parker will take sewing and music respectively. Tho first meeting this year of tho Loyal Wellington Juvenile Lodge, 1.0.0. F., M. took place last evening in the Oddfellows’ Hall, Lamblon quay, I!to, Pearce, N. presiding. The district officers paid an official visit, the representatives being Bro. Jordan, D.G.Mv, Bro. Kershaw, P. 0.5., and Bro, R. Smith, H.W. After routine business had been disposed of, the district officers each made a few encouraging remarks, and befoie leaving woreVcdirded a vote of thanks for their Visit. During the. evening the D.G.Mv, oli behalf of the Lodge, presented a Mt of P.G.’s regalia to Bro. A. AstridgO, P.G., for his services as secretary dbSing the past four years. Bro. Astridge thanked the members for their handsome

gift .in a few woll-oliosen words. The newly-elooted officers were installed for the half-year, and a voto of thanks given to tho visiting brethren. At inquest was held at the Hospital yesterday, before Mr Ashcroft, Coroner, and a jury, of which Mr 0. E. Luxford was foreman, on the body of a late Asylum patient named Mary Boyd-. PeeeUs'od Was admitted to tho Asylum on March 22, 1893, from Wellington, and died on the oth insti from apoplexy. Her ago was 46 or 48 years. The jury returned a verdict of death from apoplexy. ‘ ’ Some little misunderstanding apphara to have arisen in ChriatehUrCh and Dunedin on the part of factory-owners with respect to that clause of the new Factories Act which prescribes that “ in all factories and work-rooms situated on tho third or fourth stories of buildings one or mor- nv C . OPea ‘ 11G3 connected with jj‘ ro . Tf.. ■ -'“rtaia faqlaC-.y-OWiiefs considered ,-.<»<! flick 1 gfffnilset.idi'd, nOt fequito these IllbmMapeSi blit the tpea.l idCpßotdrs, taking a COnti-ary vieW; i-efcrted the matter to hbadquai-tefa. As a consequence Mr- J. Mackay, of the Labour Department, went South last week to settle the point. In. both Christchurch and Dunedin 'ho was

successful in convincing tho faotorjyoWners, not only that the Act applied to thCir premises, but of the desirability of complying With its provisions as speedily as possibleDuring bis vjsit hews arrived of this recent, fatal fire ih BofidOUi and It proved to be a timeouS illustration of the importance of takibg all possible stops to prevent loss of life by outbreaks of fire in factories. Mr Mackay has uow returned to Wellington. Two first offending drunkards. Were punished in the usual manner, by Mr Martin, S-.M., at til'C Magistrate’s Court ..yesterday-. ■ Three drUftkards were brought before His Worship at the Mount Cook Police Station, one being a first offender. John Bright, a second offender, was fined IBs, or 48 horns in default, and Michael Scully was fined 40s, with tho alternative of seven days in gaol. Prince Adolphus of Teck, brother of the Duchess of York, married Lady Margaret Grosvenor, third daughter of the Duke of Westminster, in tho private chapel at Baton Hallon December 12th. The ceremony was conducted by the Eev A. G. Robins, Vicar of Bcoleaton, Chester, the Rev Canon Gerris, Chaplain to the Duke of Westminster, and the Rev Andrew Carr Glynn, whoso wife, Lady Mary Carr Glynn, is first cousin of the bride. Dr Bridge’s choir sang the musical portion of the service, which was fully choral. A notable feature of the wedding was the presence of Mr and Mrs Gladstone, who drove over from Hawarden, a distance of six miles. For some years the Duka of Westminster and the ex-Premier have been on very distant terms indeed, the Duke carrying bis spleen to such an extent as to sell Mr Gladstone’s portrait by Millais,, which cost him, it is stated, £3OOO.

Sitting in civil jurisdiction yesterday the Stipendiary Magistrate entered up judgments for plaintiffs in the following cases Empire Loan Co. v. F. W. Poole, £lßl4s, costs£lJo3i same v. 0. Higgins and G. M. Gardiner, £6 oa, costs £1 15s; same v. H. Beaumont, £9 0s 6d, costs £1 8s; same v. W. Thomas and J. Ryan, £4 os, costs 12s; same v. W. Davies, £-1 16s, costs 9a; same v. D. Mahoney and J. Lingard, £6 4s, costs 15s j Dresden Piano Co. v. 14. J. Stavoley, £5, costs £1 Is 6d j Cookand Laing, V. H. C. O’Leary, £6 5s Bd, costs £1 10s 6d; Wellington Loan Co. v. A. and B. White, £9 2a Bd, costa £1 10a 6d.

The Czar; the Vienna correspondent of the Daily News telegraphs, has held a consultation with the Grand Dukes on the subject of the secret Court police, which he intends giving up altogether, because, as he says, if it is liis fate to be killed, the secret police will not be able to protect him. He, declared openly that he was in favour of establishing the freedom of the press, as.a means of having the abuses of high and low officials exposed and put a stop to. Itia believed that great changes will take place in the Council. General Bounakoff, commander of all the Cossack regiments, will probably bo appointed War Minister, M. Abadonnoff Minister of Communications, and the. Imperial Secretary, von Plowe, Imperial Controller. When the sßmperqr' received the Ministers he spoke long and with much interest and amiability with M. do Giers, Minister of Foreign Affairs; and with M. Pobiedonostzeff, Pro-curator-General of the Holy Synod. It is also state'd that the Czarewiteh George will bo-appointed Governor' of the Caucasus, where the state of his health obliges him to reside. ■ . . ‘ The following tenders have been accepted by the Manchester Road Board;—Metalling 202 chains of Waituna road, W. Horn, £1 ;10s . per chain; . metalling 47 chains Paske’s road, A. Managh, 19s 4d per chain; trimming and metalling 145 chains McCrae’s road, J. Horn„£l 6s 4d.

• The Hawera Borough Council have adopted a report of a committee in favour Of the lighting of the town by electricity, arid have resolved “to grant the privilege of lighting by electricity- to any individual or company; that in their discretion they may elect, upon- the condition that the Council are to possess the right of taking over tho plant and everything connected therewith upon giving six months’- notice of their intention and paying the value (to be ascertained by arbitration). of the same, plus 10 per cent.” In the report; drawn up by’tho Mayor and town clerk, the comparative cost of .gas, electricity arid kerosene was stated to bo somewhat as follows: —Gas, at 16s per 1000, costs £2-12s 6d per annum per 12 candle-power burner 5 eieotrioit-y, 20s per annum for each lamp of 8 candlo power, or 35s for 16 candle power j kerosene, at 13s per case, costs £3 10s pier annum for each 80 candle-power (reputed) lamp, actually about -10 caudle power. -

■ An inset relating to the partnership sale at To Aro Houso is published with this italic.

The Hon Thos. Byrnes, Attorney-General ox Queensland, Mr Virgil Power, Q.C. (a leading member of the Queensland bar) and a party of their friends from thesame.'colony are engaged in making a holiday tour through Now Zealand. They are at present in Auckland, but may be expected in Wellington very shortly. Mr Byrnes has ' had a notable ’ career; NAs a,'pupil of tho National School at Bowen ho won a scholarship, - and pursuing his. studies he comploted a distinguished scholastic course by graduating at tho .University. His career at tho bar and in politics has also ■ boon very successful, and by v T rfuo of hie position as Attorney-General ho is now' lender of tho Queensland bar- '

;. A useful desk almanac has hoen. received from the local agents for tho North British and Mercantile Insurance Company. A neat wall calendar issued from the Excel; aior Printing Works (Mr C. F, Corlott) is also to haqd.

There was a large audience at the Opera House last night, when the pantomime of “ The Forty Thieves ” was again produced-. Playgoers are reminded that to-night villi be the last occasion on which the very fine production; will tie staged, as it will have to be withdrawn in favour of “ La Fille du Taihbour Major,” which has. been in rehearsal for some time, and promises tp. be one of the finest spectacular operas Witnessed here Tor a long, Gate. The whole length of the is to be utilised to .allow fif thb entrance of tho French army tn tho Ikst act.

The Labour Department has been honoured of late by calls from a number of stonebroke individuals from the country, who, having come down to toftu fbt the holidays, arid Wasted Hfei’r pufistaheo .in riotous livlff;-, 'Wished a paternal.Gqyo'ruKtontto furnish .'them with railway jtSSsea back to their rural haunts. Hilt the officers df "the'department keep a wary eye on all snefi eh»racibrs. They have had.nothing lo give them but excellent advice. They were complimented Upon theie .bodily vigour, which even tho liberal gratification of holiday thirst, had n'Ot impaired, and they were reminded that the weather was •balpw, roads good and free from tollbars, and that walking tours afforded a wholesome exercise, in which even many pleasure-seekers wore glad to find their recreation.

The . expressman Jofih CtoigfiitfflJ-, wfio .was admitted ,tC. thcnjldspital. tori days :tinde suffering , from; mju'riec. to Inis head, has Aotjyet rCcoihted 1 .feopsciousness. .\t“. teeeting of the Delaware, Salisbury, Pohangiua aud Urautoi Small Farm Associations, at Ashuret, to consider the demand for 13 months’ rent uow made by tho Land Office, it was resolved, according to a correspondent of the Palmerston Times, to approach the Land Board at its hSxt irieeting.’and submit that-, as no leases, have yet been placed before tfeo Scttiets for Signature, they have no ag’reom’eitt wi(li Government ; that tho acsDcffitiphs have .not; received, bf.tlifl various clauses, of I t)ie Laiid aot of Is92,being gazpt-ted ; and VTiattho first men the’, rent not having boon called up iu duo eoafes, many members are riot firiv/ in a position to pay 12 monthi’ rent in one call. It was decided 'to ask the Government to hand tho yearly interest accruing from tho 3s per acre added to the capital value of tho laud for road-making to tho Pohangina County 'Council, to be spent on tho roads of the block from which it is paid. A resolution was passed to tho effect- that tho levying of interest for all time on the 3s per acre is unjust, and that the rale Cf interest should be; altered to 3 pCr.ieent. ifistead of 4, and made payable tor -jfß )yctirh. . The Paiffierston North raiA fair is to take -place on Thursday and Friday, 3lst instant and Ist February. Entries Close on Thursday, 24th instant, at 9 p.m., with Mr C. C, M'leSj secretary of tho Manawatuand West Coast Agricultural and Pastoral Association, under whose auspices the fair is to bo held.

, Popular, prices drew a large audicuco to tho Theatre Royal Jast flight) when the Cyril Tyler Concert Coiripafly gave the last but OUO of their performances ih Wellington. Master Cyril Tyler’s 'Openirig dumberWas “ Sing, Sumoti Bird)” tot which lie, was loudly applauded, iio also saug f" Kitty ’Pyrtoll,” Which uiis promptly encored, and Goflnod’s “ Ave Maria,”, with' 'cello obligato arid ..organ /arid., jMflb, UeCompauimeut. Tlio Uppreciatiofl of the aildjofloo was uffiply slioWU by the loud applause Which greeted the singer, who also .‘received a' very handsome floral tribute. -Herr Gerard Vollmar’s 'cello solos were as usual one of the most pleasant features, of the evening. They consisted,,of the ifltfoduotion and riuqts.of the first concerto by .Riridncr' " £dul!uice, tf by Leubeck; and , fa) “ Cantilena ” (Goltermann) ; and (b) “Sptingbrunuen” (Davidoff), the latter piece.Jbeing promptly encored. Mrs E. W. Oldham received a unanimous encore . for her singing of “ Tho Gift” (Behrend), and sho also sang KutohlsoU’s “Pierrot” 'with Ulhcli. sWbetndsS; . Mr R. Nitschke’s poWCljliil Voice iVjls heard tfi gfeatadyaritago . in,jlipu aft My Queen ” (Heiizenroeder), arid Tcsti’s “ For Ever and ForEvor,” for tho latter of which he was recalled. Two • Mrs Oldham and Mr Nitsohke completed a very enjoyable programme. This.eveniilg tlio company make their last appearance in Wellington, when Master .Cyril Tyler will sing *• Hoittoj Sweet Home,” arid ■ Her! 1 Gerard, yollmar will play Max Bruch’s aacted ttebreffi melody “ K6l Nedrei)” With brgah and piano accorilpaflinjflnt, iind “The Last Rose of SuffitUer ” with variations. - 'Letters of naturalisation have been issued to Dr C. J. Russell, Christchurch, and Soren Christian Poulsen, baker, Wellington. ,

Dr Wilkinson has been appointed a public vUcciflator for the district of FCxtoh, and Dr Macallam for the districts of Ormondville and Norsowood.

Railway accidents, such as that which occurred a few days ago at Che’ford, England; shocking as they are, should, however,- remind us of the thousands of people carried daily without accident of any sort: aud it is interesting to know whether railway casualties aro increasing or decreasing. A report published recently by tho British Board of Trade on the railway accidents that occurred during 1803 shows that 10! 1 persons, including passengers, servants and'other persons, Were killed, and 100-injured. In addition, the companies have returned 80 persons killed and 4687 injured from accidents that happened on their premises, but were not connected with the movement of railway vehicles, ,Thb total number of passenger journeys, exclusive , of' journeys ,by season-ticket , holders, was 873,177,052 for the year .1893, or ; 8,741,064 more than in the previous year. Calculated on these figures, tho proportions of passengers killed and injured during tho year 1893 from all causes were 1 in 8,237,519 killed, and 1 in 716,132 injured.. In 1892 the proportions were 1, in 6,701,049 tilled, and 1 in 645,273 injurod. Tho numbers, it is said, show a satisfactory decrease ; but, in spito of this, the figures aro considered as far from 'satisfactory/ and this subject is receiving the earnest attention of the Board of Trade. • ■ Shareholders of the Wellington Woollen Manufacturing Company are reminded of the adjourned extraordinary meeting on the 9th inst., at- 8 p.m., in the. Exchange Hall, and. of tho extraordinary general meeting immediately afterward for the ■election of seven directors.

; ; 'The appointment of Mr Joseph Shepdiefd,' of Ohau, as an officer under the 'Fisheries Conservation Act, within the counties of Hutt, Horowheuua, Wairarapa North, Wairarapa South, Pabiatua, Ofoua and Manawatu, has been gazetted.

Tho Hon. .Mr Garrard, the New South ' Wales Minister of Public In■struction, ' who is coming to’ New Zealand with the special object of making'personal enquiry into the working of '.the village'' settlements in this Colony, arrived a't Auckland • yesterday by the Mararoa. Sir J. P., Abbott (Speaker -of the New South .Wales Legislative- Assembly) is a passenger by the same steamer. Mr J. E. March, Superintendent of Settlements in this Colony, has been instructed to act as cicerone' to'the Hon Mr Garrard with a .view ■ of' facilitating his mission. MiMatch leaves for Auckland to-day, for the dual purpose of meeting Mr Garrard, and of making his annual inspection of the Northern settlements. It may, be mentioned in this connection that the visit of inspection made by the Victorian Minister of. Lands (Hon John Mclntyre) to our special settlements last year was productive of good results for New Zealand, as .the .account which Mr Mclntyre gave of his’*visit, the means of attracting settlers to this Colony, and even now Mr, March is in communication with Victorian farmers possessed of capital who ace desirous of acquiring land in this Colony. The Hon John Want, Attorney-General of New South Wales, who arrived some time since by the mail steamer at Auckland, wont on to Honolulu, and will come back by her,return trip. -, ■ One of our New Year gifts is a bottle of Sir John Power’s Pot Still whisky, received from Messrs T. and W. Young, the local agents,-.- The special member of our staff whoso duty -it is to . sample attractive presents of this kind pronounces the whisky mellow, and everything else that it should be. • The Gazette notifies that the close season for seals extends to the end of Juno, aud that any person taking seals during the prescribed season is liable to a penalty of not less than £25, nor more than £SOO

' Members of . the Orchestral Society are. reminded that the usual weekly practices will bo.resumed this evening, at the usual place and time.

a-A imeoting of shopkeepers who favour Wednesday for the half-holiday is called, to-be hold at the Exchange Hall to-night, at 8 o’clock. -

Abraham and Williams hold a sale at the pabiatua yards at I to-day. '■ fA. -G,; Taino and Co.’s Lower Hutt stock -salo-takos place to day, at 1 o’clock.

. iTbo .Piano Company axe offering speciaT indacomants to .purchasers of pianos and pagans during January. English pianos atelA specialty with the Company. . 'JI. and. J. Ba-illia, Cuba street, publish a list of now books for sale.

Piauos or furniture may be oblainod on deferred payment terms at tho D.I.C.'

- . Ai -G. Taine and Co. hold- a clearing sale of.fuinitnro on Friday, Tlth, at 2 o’clock, at their rooms. - y.

An unreserved sale of choice pictures, photogravures, oleographs, &n., is to bo held by Taine and Co. at their (rooms on Friday, 11th, qt 3 o'clock. Taine and Co. hold a special sale of pianos on'- Friday, 11th, at 2.M) ■ o’clock, at thoir. rooms.,, ■ A notice relating to the firm of F, G. Roach and Co. appears elsewhere. A, saddlery business in Otaki, established for 14 years, is for solo.'

| Storer, Meek and Co, aniiiiiffice. that they ■ have removed too to their rooms in Queen’s ( Chambers to large and more suitable premises iff Bannatyne’s Buildings. George Thomas and Co. sell .clothing and personal effects at their rooms, to-morrow, nt 11.30 o’clock. ,

George Thomas ,imd Co..sell fruit at 9 o’clock far-liiorrow morning, in Harris street. A. G. Taine and Co. hold a stock sale at Manakan to-morrow. A lady’s gold watch, lost, is advertised for, Taino and Co.’s Saturday horse sale la advertised.

A country livery stable bristnbka is for tale.

Dwai Bros, have a hotel arid. 140 acres of irind for sale.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LVII, Issue 2403, 8 January 1895, Page 2

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NEWS OF THE DAY. New Zealand Times, Volume LVII, Issue 2403, 8 January 1895, Page 2

NEWS OF THE DAY. New Zealand Times, Volume LVII, Issue 2403, 8 January 1895, Page 2