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Medical. The frikart medical alliance, H, Brandon Street, Wellington (Permanently located). Established to bring HEALTH. STRENGTH AND VIGOUR To tbe Weak, Nervous and Debilitated, and til who sutler from Brain and Spine Affections, Fits, Paralysis, Sleeplessness (au early symptom of Paralysis). Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma, Liver and Heart Derangements, Gout, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Indigestion, Poor Blood, Eruptions on the Face, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Womb Affections, and all Chronic Diseases of Men ond Women. Success certain In all cases undertaken. Relief at once. CONSULTATION FREE. It matters not what your troubles may bo. Come and let ua examine your case. We cannot only help you, but permanently cure, if your case is curable at all. DR E. P. M. FRIKART, M.D., L.K.Q.C.P., L.M., &c. President and Chief Medical Officer, . Assisted by a Staff of Skilled Specialists. SPECIALITIES. SCALP AND SKIN DISEASES. 11l the way of bUok»heads, birth marks, barber's itch, dandruff, erysipelas, eczema, salt rheum, freckles, ffesh worms, falling out of tbe hair, moles, moth patches, pimples, pemphliga*, redness of nose, ring worms, scarry, and tetter of hands, arms and body, cured by a sure and harmless treatment that leaves the complexion smooth nud clear. KIDNEY DISEASES, Bright's Disease, Diabetes, and kindred maladies have been successfully treated at this Institute. These delicate diseases should be successfully treated by a specialist thoroughly familiar with them, and who is competent to ascertain the exact condition of the patient and tbe organs involved. If, therefore, you are afflicted aud seeking relief, come and Jet ua examine and help you. PILES, OR HEMORRHOIDS AND FISTULA of every kind, no matter how long standing, or hdw aggravated, are Positively Cured without knife or ligature by a perfectly safe and painless process. BLOOD DISEASES of every description, embracing tumors, scrofula taints, humors, sores, and all other Impurities of the blood, causing eruptions and blemishes on the face ond body, thoroughly eradicated, leaving the system in a pure, strong and healthful state, NASAL, THROAT, AND LUNG DISEASES. Those who are affected with asthma, bronchitis, or any disease of the respiratory organs, will do well and wisely to consult ua. We have arranged for the speedy cure of all these diseases by Medical Inhalent*, com* bined with Constitutional Treatment; also of Consumption, when the destruction of the tissue is not too great. MEN OF ALL AGES who Buffer from complaints showing, among other distressing symptoms, the following— Lassitude, Weakness of the Back, Pain across the Loins, Confusion of Idea, Defect tivo Memory, Aversion to Society, Deepen* denoy, Offensive Breath, Palpitation of the Heart, Incapacity for Study or Business, Spots or Specks before the Eyes, Pimploa, Blotches, &0., should consult mo at onoo. We thoroughly understand such troubles, and can speedily cure them. STOMACH AND LIVER. Diseases ia the form of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea, Tape Worms and Heart Burning, Sour Eructations, Flatulency, &0., treated with never failing success.

female: diseases. Ladies, yonr delicate structure,your highly organised seoßitive nature, combined with that of the fine material of which you made, demand that you should not, under any circumstances, Buffer any of the organa of the body to remain impaired, for fear of involving eerloce rotults. The continuance of our national prosperity depends in a measure upon yoar good health. There is uo need for you to suffer longer, no difference how long you have been afflicted, or how much treatment you havo taken, Come and consult us and wo will show you how easily your trouble can be removed when the right remedies aro applied. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. Hairs permanently removed from any part of the faco, neck, bands or arms, by an entirely now process, without personal inconvenience or the slightest dlscoloura* tion of the skin. CONSULTING ROOMS street, Wellington, ~ WHY SUFFER WHENHERE, RASSMOSSEN’B Tbs Celebrated Danish Herbalist's CELEBRATED HERBAL, REMEDIES Are obtainable in yonr own Capital HERR RABSMUSSBN has been re. peatedly requested by his numerous New Zealand patrons to open a depot in Wellington for the sale el bis Worldrenowned HERBAL ALFALXNE REMEDIES, ALFALINifi VITALITY PILLS Cure tbe Nerves. Boses, Ss 6d and 22s Gii ALFALIISE PILLS Cure the Blood. Boxes, 5s 6d and 22s 6d ALFALINE LIVER and KIDNEY PILLS Care Costiveaess and Indigestion and Biliousness. Boxes, Is ALFALINE RHEUMATIC FILLS Cure Gout, Sciatica and Rheumatism. Boxes, 2s 6d and 5s 6d ALFALINE ASTHMA and CODGH PILLS. Boxes, 2a Sd and 5s 6d ALFALINE HAIR RESTORER AND BEAUTIFIES Prsvents the Ha r Falling Off and Turning Grey, Eradiv cates Dandruff, aud Produces Rapidly Boards and Moustaches. Packets, 2s 6d and 6s 6d ALFALINE COMPLEXION BEAT7TIFIER Eradicates Pimples, Freckles and Black Head, and Produces a Beautiful and Enchanting Complexion, as well as giving Elderly Persons a much more Youthful Appearance ALFALINE EUCALYPTUS OIL —Excellent for Coughs and Colds, Rheumatism, Bronchitis and Consumption. Battles, Is HERR RASSMUSSEN'S POROUS PLASTERS—Excellent for Weakness over tbe Small of tbe Back and Chest Complaints. Price, Is ALPALINE OINTMENT-.Excellent for Sores, Pimples, and wonderful for Protesting the Skin against Severe Winds. Boxes, le and 2e THE • NATURAL DOCTOR ’—A Valuable Medical Work, by Herr Easamnssen, Price, Is. Brad Depot— HERR RABSMUSSEN, 547 George street, Sydney. New Zealand Branch— Lr.mbton quay, Wellington (Next Door to Cameron and Christie's). P.S.—Herr Rassmnsscn’s Remedies are Registered In New Zealand and all the Colonies. They have been awarded Gold Medals both at Sydney and Paris. They ore recommended by the Faculty, praised by the Press, and patronised by Sufferers throughout tbe World. They have Cured over 100,000 Sufferers, and are Guaranteed Purely Herbal. 712 TO THE WEAK AND NERVOUS. ARE yon* tired of. Internal dragging ? Have yon thrown away year means on advertised cares from other colonies, and have all failed ? If yonr life is of any value, and you desire to tegaln Health, Strength and Vigour, consult personally, or by post FREE— W. NOTMANN, M.E. ; Tbe 'Eminent Electrical Specialist, from Europe, who baa. made all chronic, diseases of men and women a lifetime study, and, to convince tbe most sceptical, will forward eleotrical appliances and concentrated treatment on Easy Terms op Payment. TESTIMONIAL. • Christchurch, Marob 20tb, 1893.—F0r many years I suffered from nervous irritabllity and weakness, always tired and weary, with sleepless nights; bat with pleasure X now inform you tbe weakness has disappeared. Snob epeody restoration I did not expect, especially after years of snfferlog and the many advertised belts and remedies I used. Yonr medicines and voltaic electric appliances are the only genuine in the colonies, as I unfortunately tried most of them. —H. Robinson.’ Free trials dally from 10 a.m. till 0 p.m. of the latest and only reliable and permanent core for rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, liver derangement, indigestion, buzzing In bead and ears, dizziness, weak back, tired feeling, specks before the eyes, all nervous diseases however canted, bladder and kidney troubles, loss of energy, varicose veins, and all weaknesses peculiar to men. Numerous grateful letters from both sexes can be Inspected. W. NOTMANK, M. E., Grander Square, Übrlstcburcb. FREE BY POST FOR SIX PENNY' (N.Z.) STAMPS. A MEDICAL BROCHURE ii by that eminent French Hospital Physician and Parieian Specialist, Prof. Joan Civiaie, showing sufferers bow they may onro themselves of all Nervous Complaints without consulting a medical man. Address Parisian Agency, P.O. Box 7i?6, Sydney. ‘A boon ta all desiring “ self-on re.”' — Medical Review. aiE'M REUTERSLITTLEFILIS FORTHELWERa s “ Guaranteed to core every dissaw of the Jiver, stomach and uuwe’f, also sick headache, &c. A safe cathartic for the weake«6» as veil as active enough for not afterwards constipate but by their pec*rai action please all who ; them. The standard Pill of the U, S. Medical Profess* I The smallest and easiest to take- Forty in a phial. <5

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New Zealand Times, Volume LV, Issue 9971, 4 August 1893, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 9 New Zealand Times, Volume LV, Issue 9971, 4 August 1893, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 9 New Zealand Times, Volume LV, Issue 9971, 4 August 1893, Page 4