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The gold returns entered for duty for tho quarter ending March Slat were 5C,8270z of the valuo of £146,385. The district returns are—Auckland, 16,5910 z, value £65,451 j NeNon, 80oz, value £320; West Coast, 20,0920 z, value £80,362 ; Ctago, C4oz, value £252,

The meat export trade in Wellington continues to develop at a rapid rate. On one day last week, tho Gear Company put through 2,300 sheep. The additions which are being made to the Wellington Meat Export Company's works at Ngahauranga, when completed will enable the company to slaughter 4,000 sheep per day. Tho money received by the Land Board for land sold since tho 2oth of February last is £5398 0s lid. The sum of £19216* 9d has been received in deposits, and £164 in survey fees. The total area of land eold during the twelve months ended 25th March, 1891, is 102,382 acres 24 perches, realising £101,090 0s lOd, In his report for the past year the City Surveyor directs attention to the new buildings on tho reclaimed land and suggests that some steps should be taken by the City Council to enforce a more or less uniformity in the buildings to be erected there in future, the present by-laws being not at all prohibitive in this respect.

His Worship the Mayor, referring to the water supply last week, informed tba City Council that it had only been by sheer hick that the city supply had not failed during the past summer, which, fortunately, had been a wet one. The Council, he said, would have either to put nut the electric light or decide upon providing moans foe an increased supply.

During tho month of March the number of arrivals in this Colony was 1172, and the departures 1980, Tho arrivals were From tho United Kingdom, 13G; Now South Wales, 583 ; Victoria, 327 ; Tasmania, 68 ; other places, 58- The departures were : To the United Kingdom, 219; Queensland, 2 ; New South Wales, 1155 ; Victoria, 481 ; Tasmania, 40 ; other places, 77.

A singular accident occurred ia Cambride Terrace on Thursday afternoon. It appears that about 2 o’clock a Mrs Wallman, wife of Charles Wallman, a wharf labourer, was walking along tho terrace when two dogs that were ebariug one another—one a St Bernard and tho other a greyhound—ran against her with such force thnt she was thrown down and her hip dislocated. Tho unfortunate woman was taken home in a cab and was attended by Dr Cole. A young man named Frederick liman, who resides in Ghuzueo street, was brought down from Palmerston .North by Saturday night's train suffering from sovero gun-shot wounds. It appears that ho was oat shooting when bis gun slipped through his hands, and tho trigger catching against something, the weapon exploded, blowing off one of his thumbs, and severely injuring one of his eyes. The unfortunate man on arrival was taken to the Hospital, were hia wounds were at once attended to. It is feared that the eight of the eye will be loit.

It ia with regret we record the death of Mr Charles Philip Sisson, whoso presence has long been familiar to those attending tho Supreme Court, he having held the position of “ Clerk of the Court ” for the past 14 years. Tho deceased was 69 years of age, and died on Friday after a short illness, having had to relicquish hia official duties about a fortnight ago and take to his bed. He served as lieutenant in the Taranaki Military Settlers’ Corps during the Maori war. ISC4-73, and was a brother officer of Major Messenger, of the Permanent Artillery. As an official he was obliging and civil, and many will regret his death. He leaves a widow and several children to mourn their loss.

The City Council estimates for the current year are as follow : —Receipts under general account: £25,703 0s 2d, ns against £25,839 6a lOd last year, while the expenditure is estimated at £26,907, as against £28,653 7a sd. In the water-works account the estimated receipts are £20,576 3a 4d, against £19,170 4s lOd, tho expenditure being expected to amount to £22,045 —as against last yeai’a disbursement of £16,558 10s lOd. The expenditure in connection with the city improvement loan of £IOO,OOO is calculated at £6900 for interest (G per cent.), charges, etc. The rate for hospital and charitable aid is estimated to bring in £3899 3s, while the expenditure is calculated at £3456 6s sd.

According to the City Surveyor's report, during the past year there were delivered from tho several Corporation quarries 22,513 yards of metal, two-thirds of which was used on account of general works, and the balance on loan account. Besides this there was supplied by Messrs Powell and Bayllss respectively, 7407 yards of first class metal. There were 335 chains of kerbing and 404 chains channelling laid, while 4300 superficial yards of aaphalte, 1613 yards of flagging, and 134 yards of block crossing pub down. During the year a length of 170 chains of various sized pip® drains, and 30 chains of brick culverts have been putin, together with all necessary connections, junction pipes, manholes, dec* At St. Poul’a Pro-Cathedral Church Friday evening (Good Friday) Sir John Stainer’s beautiful and devotional work, “The Crucifixion,” was sung with deeply solemn and impressive effect, tho solo numbers being allotted to Messrs R. J. S, Todd and C. Hickson (tenor), Messrs F, V. Waters and VV. Widdop (baas). Tho choruses were sung by the choir alone, the congregation joining in the special hymns with which the work abounds. The work was excellently given, and produced its customary powerful impression alike on all who were present, Mr Parker presided ably at tho organ, giving especial point and effect to the brief but masterly movemenbreprosenting tho “Darkness over all the earth.” The single uninteresting number tho rather weak and “patchy ” tenor air, “King ever glorious ” —was, as on former occasions, judiciously omitted. There was a very large congregation, the church being filled in every part. Tho Rev J. Still pronounced tho benediction at tho close of tho when the exquisite “Sevenfold Amen” (also the composition of Sir John Stainer), was sung by the choir.

The anniversary ot the Terrace Congregational Church was celebrated onTaesday, and the occasion was also taken advantage of to welcome the new pastor, the Rev. J. G. Alton, who has recently been minister to the Congregational Church, Pitt atreet, Sydney. At the tea which opened the proceedings close on 200 sat down to the tables, which were presided over by Meadames Burnes, W. Knowles, Williams, Grady, Lindsay, Cleland, Webb, Archibald, Haggott, Holdsworth, Knowles, Caloott, C. Smith, Barnes, Allen, and West. At a meeting in the church, held after tea, the following occupied seats on the platform :—The Revs J. G. Allen, Powell, Dnmbetl, Williams, Motr, Ogg, Paterson, and Messrs B. Smith, Webb, Lindsay, and W. Knowles, deacons of the Church. The Secretary, Mr J. C. Webb, read apologies from the Revs Laws, Redstone, Berry, and Driver, who were unable- to be present. The Rev. Mr Allen made a short speech, in which he thanked the officers and members of the Church and the visitors for their hearty welcome. Ho said he should have many opportunities of addressing them, and therefore ho would not ooonpy their lime that evening, seeing that so many able speakers were to follow him. The annual report and balance-sheet, which were read by the Secretary, proved to be of a satisfactory character. The Sunday.schools in connection with the Church are in a sound condition, as am the several Societies constituted by members ot the congregation. The report deplores the loss of the late Mrs B. Smith and Mr T. Brnnton, who always took the deepest interest in the Church. The retirement of Mr John Knowles, who has been a Deacon ot the Church for 2S years, is deeply regretted by his late fellow Deacons. Through the munificence of Mrs Captain Williams and her son, who have kindly promised to defray halt the cost of erecting an organ in the church, that instrument will soon bo placed in position, as a considerable sum has already been collected, and the order has been given. It was also stated that a sale of work in connection with the ohnrch will take place f’ncntly. The report and balance-sheet were adopted by acclamation. During the even ing aigresses wore given by the Revs Powell, Paterson, Stuart (of Knox Church, Dunedin), Williams, Ogg, and Elliott, all of whom iiade special reference to the advent of Rev Mr Allen. Votes of thanks were tendered tv the ladies for their services in connection wis* the tea meeting and to the choir, who mder the leadership of Mr R. B. Williams, rendered several selections daring the evening, 1V 3 W. G. Holdsworth presided at the harmoiLina. The benediction pronounced by the Vev J. Moir terminated the meeting.

The Harbour Board have received a lengthy opinion from their solicitors as to their power to borrow £39,000 ou loan, and it was decided at last week’s meeting of the Board that a committee, consisting of the Chairman, Messrs Pearce, Jack, Cock, and Mayor to© appointed to report on the ad. viaability of raising the money, and as to the works on which it should be expended. The opinion is to the effect that the Board have the necessary power to raise the sum. The monthly meeting of the Harbonr Bonrd was held yesterday week. Pie. sent—Messrs Booth (chairman), Heaton, Jack, Cook, Petherick, Wheeler, Speedy, the Mayor, and Captain Rose. Leave of absence was granted to Mr Pearce. The Chairman reported that the credit balance at the bank was £2585 17a 10d, and the amount on fixed deposit £20,000. The sum required for payment of accounts, &c., was £3741 8s 3d, made up as follows : Accounts and wages, £2293 0s Id; salaries, £420 18s ; progress on contracts, £IO3O ids 2d. On the recommendation of the Wharves and Accounts Committee it was decided that on the next alteration of the by.laws the license fee to be paid by masters of steam launches should be reduced from two guineas to ten shillings per annum ; that application should bo made to the City Council for au exchange of the present weighbridge site for a more suitable site at the southern end of Jervois Quay ; that three weeks leave of absence be granted to the Secretary, and that authority be given to Mr G. F. Smith, to operate conjointly with the accountant, on the imprest wages account during his absence. A letter was received from R. Carmichael and Son, asking for an extension of time within which to complete the erection of shed M. The contract should expire on the 31st July, and it was de* oided to extend the time until August 81st. A communication was received from the Town Clerk stating that the petition presented to the Governor by the City Council asking for the extension of the city boundaries, which would include land belonging to the Board, had been withdrawn. The Board went into committee to consider tenders, and on resuming it was reported that four tenders hod been received for carrying out alterations to four mooring buoys, but that the whole of them had been declined, and the matter referred back to the Engineer for further consideration. It was also reported that eight tenders bad boon received for effecting alterations to shed K, and it was decided that the lowest be accepted if found in order.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LII, Issue 9274, 21 April 1891, Page 2 (Supplement)

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GENERAL NEWS. New Zealand Times, Volume LII, Issue 9274, 21 April 1891, Page 2 (Supplement)

GENERAL NEWS. New Zealand Times, Volume LII, Issue 9274, 21 April 1891, Page 2 (Supplement)