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The industrial Exhibition whiph is held annually in connection. with the Sunday Schools of this City was opened at the St. Peter’s School, Ghuznee-SttCet; yesterday afternoon; At S p.’olpok ,a large fiiMat of the scholars and their. friepds assembled at the schoolroom. The proceedings .were to have been opened with an address from the Yen Archdeacon Stock (in the unavoidable absence of. the. Bishop), but subsequently the rev. gentleman, changed his mind, and decided to deliver an address at the closing of the exhibition to-morrow night. Of the exhibition itself, as shoeing What children can be trained to do if sufficient encouragement is offered, we can only speak in terms of warmest approval. It will compare favorably both for the number and quality of exhibits with any previous display of the kind ever held in Wellington. There are over 500 exhibits in all. both the artistic and the useful branches being well represented. The judges in the various classes are.. folfriW —Class plain sewing—Mesdamcs Stocli.. and lie Clore, Fancy work—Mesdamcs Stock and '-WillioBall. In this stall a somewhat difficult task was left for the judges to perform. The neatness and general excellence of the work done by the juveniles in plain sewing, including shirts, children’s pinafores and underclothing, &c., was a subject of general comment. In fancy work, while some of the exhibits are very good, and would not disgrace an exhibition of more pretensions, the work in this branch as a whole Is not up to former exhibitions, Thera is, however, a great variety; including plaques, poonah and handpaintod; haild-painted Silk bannerets, and silk and satin OUsHionS; ctoWel; Arrasoene and beaded work, Madfariie late, On d some very handsomely-dressed dolls. ClaaiSes B and C, models, joinery, carving, So,— Mr Didsbury. In tbia section of the exhibition the ages of the boys whose work is shown range from 7 to 16 years. There are a number of exhibits well worthy of special mention, notably a large model yacht built by a boy of 16, a wheelbarrow by a boy of 11, a handsomely-painted centre-piece for ceiling, and a great number of articles, both for ornament and practical use, too numerous to mention. A handsome fretwork mounting for a clock, and also a pair of fretwork brackets must not be forgotten. Class D, writing; plain and Ornamental —Mr 0. J, Hardy. . Class B aud G—Drawing, mapping; scrapbooks, &c. —-Mr F. de Clete, The exhibits in this branch are not mimerdiis, but some of them are very good, more especially the maps and pencil and crayon drawings. Classes F, H, and I are the “museum collection ” consisting of curios, plants, ferns, and fruits, which were judged by Mr T. W. Kirk. At this stall is shown a handsomely mounted wood picture, on which is carved the words “1 am the Bread of Life,” also collections of shells and seaweeds, specimens of New Zealand woods cut and prepared by the boys, eggs of all sorts, &o. The collection in these classes, taken as a whole, are very creditable, and are beautifully arranged. Class J., cookery, preserves, &o.—Mr J. Godber. The cookery is a special feature of the exhibition, and surprise "has been expressed on all sides at the excellence of the dishes. Some beautifully prepared jellies and dishes of a like nature have rather suffered from the intense heat, but on the whole the table looks very tempting. Thera are beside those already mentioned, a cumber of miscellaneous articles which could not be classed, of which Mr Didsbury is to be the judge, and a flower stall, inwhich some “dahlias,” kindly sent by Mr Joseph Dixon are very much admired, as also some very handsome “ fuchsias ” and a rather curious, fern plant exhibited as the “bird’s nest fern.” The exhibition is under the management of the Superintendents and Secretaries of the English Church Sunday schools of the .City, and the lady teachers in these schools are taking charge of the stalls in turn. On the stage at the upper end of the room the Hibernian band will perform selections each evening, from 7 to 9.30. . The exhibition was again well attended in . the evening, the hall being crowded. The Hibernian Band, whose selections were much admired, played for about half-an-hour outside the building, after which they went inside. A new item on the programme last evening was the introduction of a refreshment stall for the public, where light confections were dispensed at a moderate fee. Daring the evening this stall was largely patronised. The exhibition will be open this, and to-morrow afternoon from 2 to 5.30, and in the evening from 7 to 9,30. The following is the prize list I Class , A—Division L—Plain sewing : Grace 1. 1 under 10 years—lst prize,. Muriel Richardson, St. Raul’s Tioakon-road; 2nd prize, Grace Emily Halliwell. St. Mark’s, Sussexsquare; special prizes, Alice Sennett, St. Pauls, Sydney-street, and Bessie Halliwell, Bt. Mark’s, Sussex square; certificates of merit, Ethel Dourlos. St. Paul’s, Sydney-street, Jessie Roberts, St. Paul's, Flora iurner, St. Paul’s, Sydney-street. Grade 11., 10 to 15 years —Ist prize, Cissie Pike, St. Mark s, Sussex-square; 2nd prize, M, Twentyman, St. Peters; special prize, May Hickson, bt. Paul’s, Tinakori-road ; certificates of merit, Honor Moore, St. Mark’s, Sussex-square, and Tossie Sample and Eva Ashbolt, St. Peter a. Grade 111., over 15; years—lst pnzs. M. Fownes, St, Peter’s, Division 11. Fancy work; Grade I.j under 10 years—lst prize, Eva Dixon, St. Peter’s; 2nd prize, Emily Turner, St. Paul’s, Sydney-street; certificates of merit, Hilda Staples, St. Paul’s, Tmakori-, road: Annie. Adams. St. Paul’s, Sydney-street. Grade IL, 10 to 15 years-lst prize, Alice Muir, St. Paul’s, Sydney-street; 2nd prize, Nellie Sennett, St. Paul’s,. Sydney-street. Grade ll.—Certificates of merit, Lilia Gaudin, St .Mark's, Sussex-square; Eva Martin, St Peter’s. ; Division 111., Fancy < Work.— Grade X., under 10 years —Ist prize, _ May Hayes, St Peter’s; 2nd prize, Jessie Williams, St Peter’s. Grade IL, 10 to 15 years, inclusive—lst prize, Ethel Hayes, St Peter’s; 2nd prize, Dolly Gilmour, St Peter’s; special prize. Annie Holm, St Susaex-square; certificates of merit, Alice Ring, St Marks, Sussex-square; Ellen Ritson, St Peter’s. Division IV.—Grade I.—lst prize, Flora Turner, St Paul's, Sydney-street; 2nd prize, Florence Leech, St Paul's, Sydney-street: certificate of merit. Flora Turner. Bt Paul's, Sydney-street-Grade 11., 10 to 15 years-lst pnee. Poppy Price, St Paul’s, Sydney-street; 2nd prize, Lilly Topp, St Mark’s, Sussex-square ; special prize. Lottie Ward, St Mark’s, Sussex-square. Class B.—Division I.—Models; Grade L, under 10 years-—lst prize, Mary Young, bt. Paul’s, Tinakori-road. Grade IL, 10 to lo years—lst prize, Alfred Palmer, bt. Peters; 2nd prize. Frank Blundell, St. Peter’s; certificates; of merit, George ’Taylor, St- Pa-uls, Sydney-street. Frederick Edgar Martin, bt. Mark’s, Newtown. Grade HI., over 15 years—--Ist prize, Fortesoue Zohrabj St. Marks, Sos-sex-square. Class C. —Division I. Grade ii-, 10 to 15 years—lst prize, Henry Page, bt. Mark’s, Sussex-square; certificate of merit, Frederick Edgar Martin, St. Mark’s, Newtown. Grade 111., over 15 y e ? rß ~l ß . t prize, Reginald Stevens, St. Paul’s, linskonroad; 2nd prize, E. Beck, St. Fet er s; certificate of merit, E. Beck, St. Peters. Class D.—Division X.—Writing, plain, 19th Psalm: Grade 1., under 10 years—lst prize, Lydia Blundell, St. Peter’s; 2nd prize, Ethel Meek, St. Mark’s. Grade IL, 10 to 15 years inclusive—lst prize, May Young, St, Peters ; 2nd prize, [Nellis Taylor, St. Mark’s. Grade 111., over 15 years—lst prize, W. Pearson, St. Peter’s; 2nd prize, Frank Young, St. Peter’s. Division IL—Ornamental writing : Grade IX., 10 to 15 years Certificate of merit, Eva Ashbolt, St. Peter’s. Class E. —Division I.—Drawing, pencil. &c.: Grade IX., 10 to 15 years—lst prize, Fanny Crease, St Peter’s; 2nd prize, Blanche Douglas, St Paul’s. Grade 111., over 15 years—lst prize, Phil Mason, St Peter’s; 2nd, prize, Nellie Fownes, St Peter's. Division 11. —Mechanical drawing: Grade Xl.—lst prize, James Kayle, St Mark’s, Sussex-square. Division IV.—Map of New Zealand: Grade I, under 10 years—lst prize, Reg. Hill, St Peter’s. Class E.—Division IY.—Map of New Zealand : Grade IX., 10 to 15 years—lst prize, Harry Jessup. St. Marks, Newtown; 2nd prize, W. Pearson, St. Peter’s; certificates of merit—Nellie Taylor, St. Mark’s, Sussexsquare; Frank Taylor, St. Mark’s, Sussexsquare. Class F.—Division I.—Collection of Curios: Grade XL, 10 to 15 years—lst prize, Ellen Dunning, St. Mark’s, Sussexsquare ; special prizes —A. Betfcuno, St. Peter’s; O. B. Harton, St. Peter’s; Grade 111., over 15 years—lst prize, Keith Bethune, St Peter’s; 2nd prize, Fortescue Zohrab. St Mark's, Sussex-square; special prizes, Keith Bethune, St Peter’s; Fortescue Zohrab, Bt Sussex-square. - Division XT.—Grade L, under 10 years—lst prize.

Clauds Itedtfard, St Fcter’ 3 . : Grada ILIO to lo years—lst prize. EVClyil M** B ; St Marira;-Sussex-aquare. Class G.—Division . P books, &c. Grade I. “"der 10 years-lst pinto, Frank Turner, Bt. Paul s, Sydney-street, 2nd prize. Jams.’ Barker, St Mark’s Sussex. square. Grade 11. 10 to 15 Charles Beadnail, St. Feter’s ) Didsbury; St. Petet’s. Diviaiou 11, W» of ferriS, «d. Qfad« 11, 10 to iSjMn-lst pr ze, Millicent Mars Slmdoj; Qtaklj 2nd prize, Alice Goldfinch; St. Mark% . Bftmex-sqU"e. Class H.-Division I.—Plants in P?‘ 8 -pP ™ I;; under 10 years—lst prize, Stanley Pearee, S.i Fetet’a.; /nd prize, Fdpy Fearce, St. Peter’s. Grade 11., 10 to 13 ytard—lst prize, Louisa Meech, St. Mark’d, 2nd prize, May Hickson, St- Paul s, Tlnafcortroad ; special prize. . Bobert Sennett; St Pail’s, Sydney-street. Grade 111. ,qver 13 yearn -Ist triire; JJ, Hoffghtori. St. Peter£ ; 2nd prize, Kate Creast, St. Peter’s. N«W Zealand Feins—lst prize; A- Tutnef. St J>ul a, street. Class H.—Division IL—Bouquets ._ Grade U under 10 years-lst prize JenflJ Taylor, St Paul’s Sydney-Steert. Grade IL. 10 to 13 years-Ist prize (band bouquet). Ernest BKlndell, St Peter’s; 2nd prize (hand bouquet). Jessie Seed. St Peter’s : Ist prize bouquet); Mabel Blundiflj .St P? te ( ’ 2 of prize (bridal bouquet); Edith Clcpliain. St Paul’s, Tinakori-road; Ist (flower stand),Laflwlot Herbert, St Mark’s, Sussex-square. Grade 111., ovef lS years-lst prize, Fanny Crease, bt Peter’s. Class I.—Fruits m season : Grade 1., uridet. 10 years—r Ist prize; Percy- Pearce, St Peters; 2nd prize, William Ward, St Mark s, Sussex-square.. Gtride 11,, tq-15 yem? Ist prize, John, Plirqmor. StjPaffi ney-street;' 2nd prize, Claude Kafcbarit, St Paul's, Tinakori-road. Grade 111. over 15 years St Paul’s, Tinakori-road. Class J. Cookery i Grade 1.,' under 10 years Ist,prize, Ina Stuart, St. Peters: 2nd prize, Alice Bethune, St, Peter’s; special prize, Ada Hal), Sri ppter’ ? : certifkiate of merit Olive Pearce, St, Pete/'A jGfrp.O.e it. 10 to 15years • —lst prize, Ethel Evans, er . s * prize, Alice Mabel Evans, St. Peters ; cert.hcates of merit, Ada Hale and , -“uuy Bock, St. Peter’s ; special prizes, Mary Ann White, Ruby Book, and Amy I’urtong, St. Peter's; certificates of merit, Hilda Walsh and Alice Evans, St. Peter s ; I special r prize, Edith Clapham, St. Pauls, Tinakori-read. -Class K.—Miscellaneous : Ist prize (hand-sev/n .-FooteL Joseph , rip, bt, Mark’s, Sussex-square. Ist prizp (nettHig.and stumps). Cecil Hickson, St. Pauls.*[Sydqey’ street; 2nd prize (brackets), John Pliramer, St. Paul’s, Sydney-street. Ist prize (collection o£ woods), A. Bethune, St. Peter’s. Ist prize i collection of coins), Fortesoue Zohrab, bt. Mark’s, Sussex-square. Ist prize (stamp album) Walter Tripe, St. Peter’s ; 2nd prize, Winifred Didsbury, St. Peter’s; certificate of merit, James Kayll, St. Mark’s, Sussexequate. _

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New Zealand Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7995, 28 January 1887, Page 3

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THE SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. New Zealand Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7995, 28 January 1887, Page 3

THE SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. New Zealand Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7995, 28 January 1887, Page 3