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Tuesday, Novembeb 18. The first session of the tenth Synod of the diocese of Wellington was opened on Tuesday with the service of the Holy Communion at St. Paul’s Cathedral Church at 11 in the f irenoon. The members of the Synod met in the Diocessn Library at 3 o'clock this after coon, when the President (his Loidship Bishop HadfieU) culled over the names of the Syuodsmen. The following members were present ; —Clergy—The President, Ven. Archdeacon Stock, Rev. R. Coffey, Rev. T. L. Tudor, Rev, W. 13. Paige, Rev, R. J. Thorpe, Her. J. Jones, Rer. T Pancourt, Rev. A. Daaent, Rev. 0. 3D, do Castro, .Hev, J, McWilliams, Rev. W. T Western, R*it. J. 13. Blackburne, lier. J. O. l)odwell, Rev. S. Cross ; Laity—Messrs W. H. Cuick, B. Hunter, F, de J, Cltre, G. Allan, 0. % Powles, J. A, Piimmer, R. C. Hamertoo, H. Gaby, G. Ashcroft. W. France, J. 33. Smith, K. Wilson, O. Zohrab, 0. O. Graham, and H- S. McKeUar, Hon. W, A. Fiiz herbert, Captain Hewitt. The President then delivered the following address Brethren of the Clergy an lof the Laity,—By the goodness of Almighty God we are permitted to meet aguin for tha coneideratipn of thp affairs of the Church in this diocese. Having only very Recently returned home, I have found impossible to attempt to lay before you anything Uko a review of has occurred during the past year, or ; even so carefully tp consider the facts that have been brought under my notice as to be able to offer advice in reference to them which could be of any value to you. Still, I have thought it Inadvisable, in opening a now Synod, to depart from the practice which has been usual here, however imperf-ct and Inadequate my effort may be, I shall make only a few brief remarks. It is oven possible that my inability on the present occasion to lay before you any definite expression of opinion on matters which may come under your consideration, may have at least this incidental advantage—that jt devolve upon you the necessity of taking the initiative as to any work to be dpnp, and will leave you

altogether unfettered by any opinion ef mine. Before I proceed, it is only due to you to say something as to my recent absence from the diocese. After recovering from my severe tilae-a which confine! me to a sick room for more than two months, I found myself to be, both mentally and physically, totally unfit for work. In these circumstances I was recom* mended by my medical adviser to seek complete change and rest by taking a voyage to England, It wap, for many reasons, with considerable reluctance that I followed this advice. However, after an absence of rather more than six month* I have, by the mercy of God, returned with renewed health, which I trust may enable me to remtne, and to a certain extent efficiently discharge my duties in the diocese. My thanks are due to my right rev. brother, the Bishop of Nelson, for having come shortly after my departure, to administer the right 0/ confirmation at thote pUces where I bad been unable to do so myself, It was his promise, Janaly given to me before I left* to undertake these duties that; led me to hope that my temporary absence, would not in this particular matter, seriously inconvenience any persons in the diocese. I have to return mr hearty thanks to the Rev. Thomas Fancourt for having allowed me to impose en him the onerous duty of acting as my commissary, and of baying discharged that to my thorough fifttu£ap&o;)» very kindly t kept me informed, while In England, of all he thought it needful I should know concerning what was going on in the ; diocese. I mention with much regret tbe death ; of Colonel Lcckle, who was for some tim a member of the Synod and of the Standing ■ Committee ; and also that of Mrs Taylor—to. whose personal kindness X have often been j much Indebted—the widow of the late Bey., R, Taylor, my earliest fellow-laborer la this i part of New Zealand. Dnriog the past year j the Rev, F, T. Fancourt has resigned thecharge o r £ St, Jamefc’ parish at the Hutt, on. being appointed diocesan secretary* * regret to say that daring ray absence tue RfiT, B.; J. Thorpe resigned the charge of the parish | of St. Paul la this city. I received bis reeig- [ nation while In England, During the same' period the following appointments hare, hegu made.: —Rev. W. F. Western, to Grey.towto gnsT o<rterton .; Rev, R,. T.: ( to Garfcektco $ Rer. Ni E. Copiogcr,, to Palmerston ; Rev, jf,’ 0, PojJwell, to; Sandoo, and 'Foxton; Rev. B. Whiteboas?, to pate% j and Rev. R, S. Cross, to tbe pariah of St. James and phj-Jst Church, Hutt. In December, I admitted the Rev, F. J. Py.rkes to tbg order of deacon. He has uiuce resided in tbs district, which is under the charge of th® Rev, Arthur TowgQ.jd, to whom py thanks are due for his kind assistance, offered to la yarioua ways, in connection with Mr Parkes, Tbp financial affairs of the diocese, which X hay® hot hitherto had time to examine, will b£ duly brought before the Synod, I regret to learn that tbe special fund baa sot received much support while I

have been absent I venture to hope that contributions towards it may yet be receiv-d. I am hippy fc “ l f '^ r,J that something like unanimity h-n bs»m arrive! at am mg the various branchy* of iho Anglican Onurch iu ref r*nce to a day of inttrccsJcn for forenga misniuny. St. Andrew’s Day is now agrsed upon as the day f>r that purpose, I hope to consult with the clergy as to the best mode of actiog in this matter this year, though vary little time is left for its consideration. I have received from the Primate a copy of a decision of the Standing Commission in a case submitted to it from the diocese of Dunedin, which will be Lid on the table. Various returns and reports will also be brought before the synod by the diocesan secretary. I venture to suggest that it would be convenient and highly desirable that noiic-’S of motion should be made asearlyas possible iu the Region. Time is sometimes lost for wantof sufficientmatter on the Order Paper, X venture to think that any subject which h,s not bee \ carefully thought over by a member of the Syn* d before its meeting cannot be of any pressing importance, and cm hardly have had the attention given to it which matters brought before the Synod ought to have had, I think the election of members for the Standing Committee should nob be deferred to the cb sing period of the Synod, when some memhers are occasionally, by unforeseen circuin- : stances obliged to leave for their homes. I must again ap< logise for meeting you with so brief and inadequate an address, but my time was so occupied yesterday that I foui.d it impossible to attempt anything more. Perhaps X myself regret this the less because J fear that on some former occasions I have, by my prolixity, unduly taxed the pa'ie. ce of the Synod. I tru-t that the blessing of Almighty God will n nv rest oa om* humble eff rti to do what we can to promote the wellbeing of the Church, by a t ruling to i s ex teinal organisation, and that, whiletivirg free (Xpre-siou to our opinion* ou whatever matters may come before us, we shall all remember that it is by ur,i y of purpose and hearty co-operali n, and by seeking giidan-e and g ace from the great Heal of the Church, that wo shall best p oraote the extension of Christ’s kingdom and the glo»y of God. The Synod then proceeded to the business before iL

It was moved by Mr Gaby, seconded by Mr France and carried, “ That the thanks of the Synod be given to tho President for hiaddress, and that Le be requested to allow is to be printed in the repoit of the Synod.” Moved by the Rev. W, E. Paige, seconded by Mr France and carried, ** That this Synod desires to record its thankfulness to Almighty God that th° president has beeu permitted to return to the diocese in renewed health.”

Moved by Archdeacon Stock, seconded by Rev. W. K Paige, “That Rev. T. Fancourt be appointed clerical secretary to the Synod.’ Moved b y Rev. J. Jones, as an amendment, and seconded by Mr Allan, “That the thanks of the Synod be given to Archdeacon Stock for his service* in the past as clerical secretary to the Synod, and that he be again elected to fill that office.”

The original motion was withdrawn, and the amendment was pat and carried. Mr W. H. Quick was appointed lay secretary to the Synod, Mr C. O. Graham chairman of committees ; Hon« C, J. Pharazyu, diocesan auditor; and Mr C. P« Powles, diocesan treasurer. Mr Powles read a petition from St. Paul’s parish. The petition set forth that the parish would be willing to pay the General Church Fund an annual amount of £2OO, and prayed that a sum might be placed upon the estimates as soon a« the Bishop should notify hw readiness to license an additional clergyman for the parish. Notices of motion were given by Ven. Archdeacon Stock, Rev, W. K. Paige, and Mr Wilion. The President stated that by the kindness of the chairman of the Athonmum, the Ath«j* njßum would bo open for the Synodamen during the present sea-ion. The Synod then adjourned till Wednesday at 7 30. Wednesday, November 10, 1884. Rev T. Pancourt brought up and read the reports of the Standing Committee and the Committee on Trusts, drawn up daring the recess by the ordering of the late Synod. The first report mentioned the fact that all the vacant districts had been supplied with clergy. The report on trusts gave a succinct account of the condition of all trust properties iu the Diocese, awd recommended that, wherever it was possible, that the moneys held in trust for school purposes should bo utilised by the erection of smaller schools than those intended by ihe trust, and not, as at present, funded for accumulation until KufiScleut funds had accrued to establish larger schools. At Porirna, for instance, instead of tl.o intended cottage, a small school for 26 Maori children could be established.

Rev T. Fancourt brought up aud read the report of the trustees of the Waogauui School Estate. The report showed that the school was iu excellent condition, that the attendance was very large of hoarders **ud day scholars, Mr Zohrah brought up and read the report of the Committee on Estimates and Appropriations, prepared during the receae, showing how the payments of the sums apportioned by the Synod hid been carried out. ' Nearly all had been fu'ly paid. Moved by Mr Zohrab, seconded by Mr .Graham, “ That the Report be printed for the use of the Synod/' Carried. Mr Powlos laid on the table the reports of the Poriraa School, Harrington, Papawai and Knilcokiri, Diocesan Board of Trustees, Diocesan Pension Fund, and Endowment Fund Trusts. Rev. T. Fancourt laid o* the table the eport of the General Church Fund, with the statement of liabilities aud report of the Maori Mission Fund. Moved by Archdeacon Stock, seconded by Rev. W. J. Western, “That leave be given to introduce a Bill to amend the Diocesan Pension Fund Act, 1880.” Carried. Bill read a first time.

Moved by Archdeacon Stock, seconded by Rev. W. E. Paige, “ That the Synod go into Committee to consider the scheme fora General Pension Fund, remitted to tfco Diocesan Synod by the General Synod.” Carried, Synod iu Committee : Amendment moved by Rev. 11, J, Thorpe to clause 1, “That a general pension be established," to the effect that a General Pension JFund was not desirable, but that tho same result would be gained if any clergyman from another diocese should be rated for pension purposes, aa it be had served in the diocese.

The Chairman of O.gmmittees reported progress, and asked leave to sit again. Moved by Kev, W. J 5, Paige, seconded by Rev, VV, T, Western, for leave to introduce a Bill to amend ActNo, 4* Billhead# first time. Notices of motion wore given by the Rev. T, Faucourt, Mr Oharleswood, Mr Graham, Mr Powies, Mr Clere, Rev. R. J. Thope, R. Hunter, and Rev, W. E, Paige. Notice was given by Rev, W. E, Paige That he would ask the president •onceruiug a school-building at Wbareama. Thoesdat, NoyKJiBBB 30. Proceedings opened with prayer. A petition from the parishioners of Ohriat Church, Wanganui, was presented by Mr Olere, and read to the Synod. Mr McKellar brought up the balance street of the Melanesian Mission. Mr Powies brought up and read the report of the committee appointed by the late Synod for investigating and reporting upou the accounts of the G neral Church Fund, and of the parishes and parochial districts for the year 13331884, Rev W, E. Paige asked the president who was responsible for the custody of the building erected on section 108, Whareama Block, for the purposes of a school. The President replied that he had no special knowledge on the subjects referred to in the question. Moved by Rev T. Faucourt, seconded by Mr Beetbam, “ That the report of the Standing Committee together with the report of committee on trusts and the terrier of property be received and printed in the report of tho proceedings of the Synod.” Mr Wilson obtained leave $o suspend standing order No. 25, to move without notice of motion an amendment, • Moved by Mr Wilson, seconded by Rev A Toogood, as an amendment, “That the terrier be referred to a select committees consisting of Rev T. Fan- i comt, Messrs W. H. Quick, G. Beetbam, J,; E. Smitlj, H, O. Field, and the mover.**; Moved by Archdeapon Stock, seconded by J Rev R Ceffey, “ That the Bill' to siqeud the Diocesan Pension Fund Act, I§§o, be read a second time. The principal alterations were that only the clergymen subscribing bo en-. titled to the benefits of the fund, and that clergymen not having charge of a parish or, district, and not, therefore; paying hi«; surplice fees and offertories collected j in his church should ■ make an annual payment of £lO into 1 the fund. Carried.; The Bill was commuted and progress reported,; The first clause lost was to the effect that '; only thoas cL?rgypien contributing to’the fund should shard In' its * s boqs§te, The second | clause wt s to the effect that a not j in charge of a parish or district should pay an ; annual subscription of £lO if be wished to: riceive the benefits of ths fqqd, Synod went ; again into committee to consider the gcqepal pinajon fund scheme remitted by the General S jiod, fijrat question was ’.that the first; cli.uie be ,cqt outT. Iff the Synod a cjotipo * urnst' 1 bq carried {jy all* the binges pf fho SypocJ, r faring resumed, it was moved by JJey EL W» £e>ge, hj the Lay Sepretaryy “Thaf the Bill to 4-mena Act N>. 4 bp peed a second time.” The Bill whhed only to change thfl date cf the annual mepling of payiahioneya from a day jn ijuly to* one in April, Jjost, Notices of motion were given by My McKellar, My Olpre, Rev A. Towgood, Mr Graham, Mr Field and Mr Powies, The Synod adjourned at 11.3.0,

Friday, Nov£3JBER 31. Pr'Mjei'linj/-; w*-re opened with prayer. Movod i»r K'jv T. FaiiC.mrfc, seconded by Rev E. S. “ Tint tin balance uf tho Maori Fan ! Ac-*.uuit ha printed in the report uf the Synod.” Tin Synod wont into Committee on the report, and it was resolved, “ That this Committee recommends that the Bishop should bo rep.dd his advance to the Maori Vnol from the General Church Foul, and th it at the eailiest date pos ibU the balance of the loan should be repdd to the Maori Mi-sion Account/ “ I'hat it is desirable that iu fu'ure ges'-ioos the bsUnce-.-heefc of the Maori Mission Fund be accompanied by a report of the work done by the oiHiion “That it be a recommendation to the Synod tha t - a report of tho work of the Maori Mission, exhibiting a* far as may be the epiiitual aspect of such work, be prepared under the direction of the Bishop, and printed and furnished to each clergyman in the diocese for distribution before May 3, 1885.’ The Synod resumed. Moved by Rev T. Fm* cuirt, seconded by Rev J. McWiiliun, “That the balance-sheet and other statements of the General Church Fund Accoint laid upon the table by the s* cretary be received and printed in the report of the proceedings of the Synod.” Carried. Moved by Mr Ciore, seconded by Mr Beetham, “ That a Select Committee, consisting of tho Rev T. Fancourt. Rev T. L Tudor, Captain Medley, Mr Arkwrigh*’, Mr Kiel Rev A, Towgcod, and the mover, bo appointed to consider the petition of certain parishioners of Christ Church, Wanganu*, regarding the division of their parish.” Carried. Moved by Mr Powles, seconded by Rev W. ,J, Western, “ That a. Standing Committee, to consist of four clerical and six lay members, be appointed for the ensuing year.” Carried. Archdeacon Stock obtained leave to suspend Standing Order No. 25 to move, without notice, the following resolution ;— 11 That it is desirable that a General Pension Fund be established for the whole Ecclesiastical Province.” Seconded by Mr Powles, and carried. Moved by Mr Powles, second'd by Rev W, H. Port, “ That the Standing Committee consist of Archdeacon Stock, Rev R. J. Thorpe, Rev T. Fancoort. Rev J. E. Blackhurne, Messrs Powles, Quick, Wilson, Hon. C. J. Pbarazyn, Ashcroft, and Oaptdu Hewitt.” Other names were added by the Synod ; Mr Graham, Mr Rous Marten, Mr Gaby, Mr Fitzherbert, Mr Beetham, Captain Medley, Rev R. Coffey, Rev, A. Daaent. R-jv J. Jones and Mr McKellar were appointed Fcrutineers. The scrutineers reported that the following were elected members of the Standing Committee :—Archdeacon Stock, Rev T. Fancourt, Messrs Powles, Quick, and Rous Marten. A second ballot having been taken, the Rev R. J. Thorpe was elected. Moved by Rev J. Jones, seconded by Hon. C. J. Phara*yn—“That the ballotting be adjourned until Monday.” Carried. Synod adjourned at 11.40.

Monday, November 24. The proceedings were opened with prayer. Rev, J. Jones read the report of the committee appointed to arrange the acts and resolu tions of this Synod Into the form of canons. Mr Clere read the report of the committee appointed to consider the petition of certain parishioner* of tha pariah of Christ Church, Wanganui, regarding the division of the parish. Rev. T. Fancourfc laid ou the table the balance-sheet of the Ghureh Chronicle. Moved by Mr Graham, sooondod by Hon. 0, J, Pharazyn, “That the Synod go into committee to consider the report of the Standing Committee, and the report of the Committee on Trusts.** Carried. Synod in Committee.-—The Chairman reported progress. (It appeared by the terms of the trust deed it was impossible to utilise the revenues of the trusts ; an establishment of any college would be 100 expensive for the funds ko bear,) The Synod resumed. Rev W, 3S. ??aige obtained leave to suspend standing order No. 25 to move as follow* j—-“ That the President be respectfully asked to prepare a statement of facts relative to the Porirua, Harrington, Papawai, andKaikokaikiri trusts, to be embodied in a future Synodical report.” Seconded by the Day Secretary and carried. Orders of the Day.— The resolutions of the committee of the whole Synod were put by the President : —1 That the balance due to the Bishop on the Maori Mission Fund be repaid. 2. That the loan from the Maori Mission Pond to the General' Church Fund be repaid. 3. That thebalancesheet be accompanied in future session# with a report of the work done by the mission, and that such report be sent to each clergyman of the diocese ou or before 1885. All the abova were carried. Ballot for Standing Committee, The President declai/ed that Rev E. Blackburns had been elected, and that Mr Gully and Mr Wilson had also been elepted, A further ballot wai required to elect one layman. No result having been obtained the question was adjourned. Mr Powlea obtained leave to suspend standing order No.. 35, to more the following motion ;—“That a committee be appointed to consider the estimate of receipts, and to draw up a schedule of appropriation of the General Church Fund for the year ending 30kb June, 1885, to consist of Mr Zohrab, Mr Cox, Mr Fitzherbert, and the mover.” Seconded by Rev R, J. Thorpe and carried. .Synod adjourned at 1i.12.

Tuesday, November 25. Pf caedinga opened with prayer. The Secretary announced that Mr Parker would give an organ recital for the members of the Synod at St Paul's on Wednesday, 28th, at at 5 o’clock. Moved by Mr blunter, seconded by lies J. Jones, “That it be a recomme«dation from this Synod that in the various parishes of the diocese greater efforts be made to secure a better and more strict observance of the Lenten season,” Carried, Moved by Mr Oharlewood, seconded by Rev A . Towgood, “That while gratefully recognising the efforts of those who have so largely contributed to the fundi of the Church in this diocese by the sals of their own work, this Synod is of opinion that great caution should be exercised in choosing tbs means to be' adopted for the disposal of ; such work, and that'th.e nsC Of lotteries for that purpose is open to "serious objection. From lapse of time the Synod proceeded to i the order of the day, to ballot for a lay member i for the Standing Qomtoittee. Moved by Rev J. Tljorpe, seconded by MrChsrle wood, “ That the ballot queatipu be adjourned.’.’ Carried. Moved ’by Mr McKellar, coco pled by Archdeacon Stock, “ That the” statement of accounts of the Melanesian Mission be printed iu the proceedings of the Synod.” Carried. Moved by Captain Medley, seconded by Rev A. Towgood, f.' That ip .the opinion of this Synod it is desirable that jCiburcu day schools should be established wherever practicable.” Carried. Moved by Mr Field, seconded by Rev J. C. Dodwell, “ That in the opinion of this Sypod it is desirable that a diocesan miseiouer be appointed,” Lost. Wednesday, November 26. Proceedings opened with prayer. Mr Powlea brought up and read the report of the Stipends Appropriation Committee. Moved by Mr Powles, seconded by Archdeacon Stock, "That the report be printed.” Carried, Moved by Mr Powles, seconded by Rev R. Coffey, “ That the report of the committee appointed by the last Synod, on acoouu ts of the general church fund, and of the parishes and parochial districts, be printed in the report of the proceedings of the Synod. Carried.” Moved by Mr Powles, seconded by Rev T. L. Tudor, “ That the Standing Committee be directed to prepare a form of statement of receipts and expenditure, to be sent, in the month of June in each year, to the Church officers of all parishes and parochial districts, with a request that the same may be tilled up as soon as possible after the close of the financial year, and returned to the Diocesan Secretary.” Carried. Moved by Mr McKellar, seconded by the Lay Secretary, “ That the Acts and Standing Orders of the diocese iu force at the close of this session bo'boumtup with the proceedings of the Synod.” Carried. Moved by Mr Graham, seconded by Mr Powles, “That the Synod go into committee to consider the report from the Sub-committee of the Standing Committee,” Carried. Synod in committee on the report.—Repbyt agreed to. Chairman reported progress. Synod vent info session. Moved by Rev J. Jones, seconded by Rev J. E. Blackburne, “That the Committee appointed to arrange the Acts and resolutions of this Synod into the form of canons be continued in office.” Carried. Moved by Mr Olere, seconded by Rev A. Towgood, “That an alteration of the present boundaries of the parish of Christ Church be made so as to include inthe Wanganui parochial district all that portion of the present parish bf Christ Church which lies west of fhp : )Vanvanui River, and north of ' Plymoui'fl-etreei, Victoriaavenue, and the Great North-western Road t.c the present north-western boundary of Christ Church parish.” Moved by Rev T. Fancourf, seconded by Rev }J, Coffey as an amendment, “That inasmuch as an arrangement for additional .clerical ministration in the parish of Christ ffimrch, WangaUH*!. has been niq.dp between tire Bishop and Rev. T, Lj. Tudor, the Synod considers that jt is unnecessary to make any alteration In the boundaries of the parish,” Parried, Orders of the Day.—-Suspended debate on Mp Oharlewood’s motion, “ That

while gratefully recognising tbn efforts of those who have so largely contributed to the funds of the Church in this diocese by tho sale of their own work, this Synod is of opinion that great caution should Vie exorcised in choosing the means to be adopted for the disposal of such work, and that tho uso of lotteries for that purpose is open to serious objection.” Moved by Rev T. Fancourt, seconded by Mr Field, “That the Synod proceed to the next order of the day.” Lost on division. Moved by Rev T. L. Pudor, seconded by the Lay Secretary, as an amendment, “That tho words ‘and that the use of lotteries for that purpose is open to serious objection 5 be struck out.” Carried. The motion, as amended, was then put and carried. Ballot on Standing Committee.—Moved by Lay Secretary, That Standing Orders 26 and 45 be suspended for the purpose of allowing a name which; had been rejected to be renominated. The Lay Secretary nominated Mr Graham as member of the Standing Committee. Mr Graham was elected on the voices. Moved by Rev R. Colley, seconded by Rev J. E. Blackburno, “ That Archdeacon Stock ba elected treasurer of the Pension Fund.” Moved by Rev T. Fancourt, seconded by Rev T. L, Tudor, as an amendment, “ That the past treasurer bo reappointed.” Archdeacon Stock withdrew his name. Tho amendment was then pub as a motion and carried. Moved by llev R J. Thorpe, seconded by Rev. W. J. Western, “That it bo a recommendation to the several bodies of trustees to appoint jointly a secretary who shall present to each meeting of the Synod a report of tho state of the several trusts.” Withdrawn. Moved by Mr Powles, seconded by Mr Wilson, “ That the prayer of the petition of the parishioners of St. Paul’s, Thorndon, be agreed to.” Carried. Three notices of motion were given, and tho Synod adjourned at 11.35.

Thursday, November 27. Proceedings were opened with praye r , Mr WiUon brought up the report of tbe Select Committee on terrier of Church property. Moved by Mr Wilson, seconded by the Lay Secretary, “ That the report be printed in the report of the Synod.” Carried. Moved by Rev T, Fancourt, seconded by Rev J. Jones, “ That it be an instruction to the Standing Committee to take into consideration, during the recess, the possibility of providing more adequate accommodation for the members of this Synod at its next session, and for the attendance of Church members thereat.” Carlied. Moved by Rev R. J. Thorpe, seconded by Mr Beethsm, “ That it be au instruction to the Standing Committee to revise the order for tbe election of Standing Committee and Select Committees, and present the same for consideration at tbe next meeting of Synod.” Lost, Moved by Mr Graham, seconded by Rev W. T. Western, That there be laid on the table a complete list of the various Church trusts, the object of such trusts, and the names of tbe various trustees.” Lost. Moved by Rev T. Fancourt, seconded by Mr Beetham, 11 That tbe thanks of tbe Synod be given to Mr Parker and the choirs of St. Paul’s, St. Peter’s, St. Mark’s, and Tinakori Churchroom for their kind and efficient services on Tuesday, 18th November.” Carried. Moved by Rev T, Fancourt, seconded by Rev H. S, Copinger, “That a Printing Committee be appoiuted, with power to print in the report of the Synod such matter asjjpiy seem to them desirable to be printed from papers, reports, and other documents laid uopn the table, and with power to confirm tbe minutes of the last day’s session, to consist of the President, Archdeacon Stock, Mr Powles, and the mover.” Carried, Moved by the Rev T. Fancourt, seconded by the Lay Secretary, ” That the thanks of the Synod be given to the chairman and committee of the Atheoraam for their kindness in placing their library and reading room at the service of the members of Synod during the present session.” Carried. Moved by Mr Graham, seconded by Mr Fitzherbert, “ That in future, in accordance with the understood principle ef the General Church Fund, it be au instruction to the diocesan treasurer, that all clergymen’s stipends bo paid equally, pro rata, from whatever funds may be rightly available for the purpose.” Lost. Moved by Mr Powles, seconded by Mr Wilson, “ That the Synod go into committee upon the report of tho committee appointed to consider tbe estimate of receipts, and to draw up a schedule of the appropriations of the General Church Fund for the year ending 30lh June, 1885” Carried. The Synod went into committee and proposed the assessments for tbe parishes and of the diocese, which were accepted *by the Synod* “Archdeacon Stock, Rev R. Coffey, and Mr Cfcuick were elected diocesan nominators. A committee was appointed to sit during the recess to investigate parish and district accounts. The President thanked the rpembers, and closed the Synod with the benediction.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 7342, 5 December 1884, Page 6

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DIOCESAN SYNOD. New Zealand Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 7342, 5 December 1884, Page 6

DIOCESAN SYNOD. New Zealand Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 7342, 5 December 1884, Page 6