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Business Notices Robert wilkes & go., Extortand Commission Merchants, 69, West Broadway, New York ; 60, Queen Victoria-street, Rondos ; Montreal, 196 and 198, McGill-street ; Toronto, 48 and 50, Yonge-street. All sorts of American and Canadian Manufactures and Products shipped from New York at the actual cash cost, with 3 per cent, commission charged and interest until the return of funds covering short drafts, with bills of lading. Drafts made direct on the consignees, and not on the London houses, unless specially desired. No discount lists issued, but the best possible done for our friends. Orders solicited from New Zealand Merchants desiring the very closest prices on goods. YEA RS’ UN PAEAL hELED OU SUCCESS have proved that ROWLAND’S TOILET ARTICLES are the best and purest ever made ; they contain no lead, mineral or poisonous ingredients, of which neairly all other hair restorers, cosmetics, and powders are composed, and which are therefore most dangerous compounds. ROWLAND’S MACASSAR OIL strengthens the hair, eradicates scurf, &c., and is specially adapted for children’s use. ROWLAND’S KALYDOR eradicates cutaneous eruptions, prickly heat, freckles, sunburn, &c., and produces a beautiful complexion. ROWLAND’S ODO-NTO whitens the teeth and prevents decay. ROWLAND’S EUKONIA is a new and harmless toilet powder. ROWLAND’S ESSENCE OF TYRE for dyeing red or grey hair to brown or black. Ask any Perfumery Dealer for Rowland’s Articles of 20, Hatton Garden, London, THE ONLY GENUINE. Wholesale Agents— FELTON, GRIMWADE, & CO. “ H.M. Gunboat Netley, Wick, “ Scotland. “Dear Sir,—Having had a most distressing and severe cough, which caused me many sleepless nights and restless days, I was recommended by his lordship the Earl of Caithness to try your most invaluable Balsam of Aniseed, and I can assure you with the first dose I found immediate relief, even without having to suspend my various duties, and the first small bottle completely cured me ; therefore I have the greatest confidence in fully recommending it to the million. “ (Signed) W. Linzbll, “ H.M. Gunboat Netley." POWELL’S BALSAM OF ANISEED. DUG DE MONT ABO K writes >- “ Chateau tie Montahor, Aveyron. Sir, —Having suffered for some time from an obstinate cough, accompanied with fever, continuous headaches, and sleepless nights, I resolved, after having vainly tried several other medicines, to have recourse to your Balsam of Aniseed. I cannot resist, sir, the desire of making you acquainted with the really marvellous results which I derived from it. From the first dose I felt great relief, the bad symptoms grew feebler, the irritation of the throat was calming down, and I recovered the sleep which nearly left me. The third dose delivered me completely, and I am ' now completely restored to health. “ Receive, sir, with the expression of my gratitude, the assurance of my distinguished sentiments. "Due db Montabor.” F F F F P OB COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, INFLUENZA, COLDS, &c. OR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, INFLUENZA, COLDS, &c. OR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, INFLUENZA, COLDS, &c. OR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, INFLUENZA, COLDS, &c. OWELL’S BALSAM OF ANISEED. “ Sir, —I have for a long time suffered from a severe cough, and tried all manner of remedies. Dr. Libereeht advised Powell’s Balsam of Aniseed. It cured me after a few days. You are at liberty to use this letter, in hopes that others may benefit by it.—l am sir, yours, &c., “Albert, Count Potocki. " London.” jpOWELL’S BALSAM OF ANISEED. INVALUABLE for BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. The Rev. Wu. Lush writes from Stixwold Vicarage, Hornoastle : —“ For the past 12 years I nave been in the habit of using myself, giving away, and recommending your Balsam. I should not be exaggerating if I said I have never known it to fail. Whenever I have had a cough I use it in preference to anything else, and again and again it has cured me.” WILL LOOSEN the PHLEGM immediately. The Dean of Westminster’s Verger writes :—“ I was advised to try the Balsam of Aniseed. I did, and have found very great relief. It is most comforting in allaying irritation, and giving strength to the voice.” Lionel Brough, Esq., the eminent actor, writes : —“ I think it is an invaluable medicine for members of my profession, and have always recommended it to my brother and sister artistes.” FfSRULY an EXTRAORDINARY EXJL PECTORANT. Mr. Edward M. Ullett, of Bury Hunts., writes to Messrs. Palmer and Son, Ramsey :—“ Having been in the habit of using Powell’s Balsam of Aniseed for a great number of years, I have great pleasure in bearing testimony to its incomparable effects as an expectorant. I always find a single dose gives immediate relief, and a small bottle effects a perfect cure.” ’ The effect of one teaspoonful taken in a little water on going to bed is extraordinary. No family should be without it in the winter. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World, at Is. 1 Id. and 2s. 3d. per bottle ; a great saving in taking family bottles, 11s, each. Established over 50 years. Prepared only by THOS. POWELL, Blaok-friars-road, London. SK FOR POWELL’S BALSAM OF L ANISEED. OLD by all CHEMISTS and STOREi KEEPERS. serve trade mark; “Lion, Net, and Mouse.” Wholesale Agents in the Australian and New Zealand Colonies—ELLlOTT Brothers ; MYERS and SOLOMON; FELTON, GRIMWADE, and Co.; P. and S. FALK ; PAULDING and Co.; ROCKE, TOMPSITT, and Co. ; ROSENTHAL and Co. ; KEMPTHORNE, PROSSKR. and Co.; S. HOFFNUNG and Co.; HBMMONS, LAWS, and Co.; BERKLEY, TAYLOR, and Co., and other wholesale houses. Proprietor, THOS POWELL, Blackfriars-road, London. JOHN BRINSMEAD & SONS’ GOLD MEDAL PIANOS— Sue column advertisement, February 8, 1879. Illustrated lists free, at the office of this paper, and 18, Wig-more-street, W., and the “Brinsmead” Works, Grafton-road, London, N.W., England. Agents wanted.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 5678, 11 June 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 5678, 11 June 1879, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 5678, 11 June 1879, Page 4