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Medical INSURE YOUR HEALTH By Taking HOCKDTS mPBOVBI) 3EIDLITZ POWDER. It differs from the Seidlitz Powders usually sold in having all the ingredients in one bottle, is quite tasteless, and may be taken by persons of all ages as a cooling beverage, mild aperient, or brisk purgative, according to dose. Its extensive use during nearly half a century proves its valuable properties as a purgative saline, and the fact that the powder- retains its qualities for any number of years renders it a most reliable and efficient domestic medicine. It will be found invaluable to families, travellers, or emigrants, as a preventive or remedy in all cases of sickness, headache, bilious attacks, fevers, and the other ordinary ailments of life. IMPORTANT TO RADIES. HOCKIN’S RUBY MARKING INK. This beautiful Ruby Fluid is perfectly transparent and without sediment, changes from a crimson red to an indelible black on the application of heat, and can be used with a steel pen. See “ Note' from Queen newspaper enclosed with each bottle. Sole Manufacturers— HOCKIN', WILSON, AND CO., 3S, Duke-street, Manchester-square, London. Agents— KEMPTUCRNF, PROSSER, AND CO., Dunedin and Auckland. FELTON, GRIMWADE, AND CO., Wellington. Gruuult AND CO., PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTS, Paris: S, Rue Vxviekne S, Paris. DISEASES OF THE CHEST - CURED. GRIMaULT & CO.'S SYRUP OF HYPOPHO3 PIUTE OF LIME. We invito all who are ailing from Diseases of the Chest to resort to Grimault and Co.’s Syrup of Hypophosphite of Lime as the only pne yielding unfailing results in the treatment of Phthisis. Pulmonalis, Asthma, Bronchitis, and various kinds of Coughs. Grimault's Syrup of Hypophosphitc of Lime is of a rose color, is delivered in flat oval bottles and never in quadrangular bottles. Call expressly for said bottle, bearing the signature Grimault and Co. GRIMAULT E& CO.'S MATICO CAPSULES AND INJECTION. Renowned Physicians prescribe Grimanlt’s Matico as the most active and at the same time the most inoffensive remedy in the treatment of acute and chronic diseases. It has not, like Copaiba, the inconvenience of giving nauseas. DUSART'S SYRUP OF LAGTO-PXIOSPHATE OF LIME. Tonic, Roconstituent, and Digestive, of prime order, particularly suitable to feeble subjects, convalescents, old people, and rickety children, who find in them the calcareous elements entering into the constitution of the bones. Well adapted to Ladies in the family-way, and Wet Nurses, whoso milk it enriches. ASTHMA 1 ASTHMA! GRIMAULT & CO.’S INDIAN CIGARETTES. Asthma, Nervous Coughs, Chronic Laryngitis, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, Facial Neuralgia, and Insomnia, are rapidly relieved by using these Cigarettes. SICK HEADACHE 1 NEURALGIA GRIMAULT & CO.'S OUARANA. A single powder of this vegetable production ia sufficient to cure instantly the most violent Sick Headache. It is the most valuable remedy against Diarrhoea, Dysentery, and all disorders proceeding from derangement of the stomach or bowels. AGENTS. AuckIand—KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, and Co. Dunedin—KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, and Co., ELLIOTT BROTHERS. 6fc JTOE THE -BLOOD IS THE LIFE.’ C L A R K E ’ S WOULD FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE. Trade Mark—“ Blood Mixture.” THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORER For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities, cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and Soros of all kinds, it is a never failing and permanent euro. It Cures old Sares. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure Matter, From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS PROM ALL PARTS. Sold in bottles, 2s. Gd. each, and in Cases, containing six times the quantity, 11s. each—sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of longstanding cases, BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world. Sole Proprietor: F. J. CLARKE, Chemist, APOTHECARIES’ HALL, LINCOLN, ENGLANDAgents : KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, AND CO.. Dunedin and Auckland. Jg" AYE’S TV ORSDELL’S PILLS. THE GOOD OLD ENGLISH REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES. ESTABLISHED OVER FIFTY YEARS. KNOWN ALL OVER THE WORLD. For upwards of half a century KAYE’S WOES DELL’S PILLS have been esteemed as the best remedy for the prevention and cure of disease. Their use renders the doctor unnecessary in the family. Acting on the blood, they purify it from all humors, rendering the life-giving fluid healthy in its action, and consequently restoring and establishing the health of the invalid. These Pills are invaluable to emigrants, being a certain remedy for all diseases of the Stomach, Lungs, Liver, &c. Arc equally adapted for all ages, and either sex. Persons residing in the colonics, who cannot have recourse to medical advice, will therefore find them indispensable. The Proprietor has in his possession thousands of testimonials bearing witness to the wonderful efficacy of this invaluable medicine, a selection of which accompanies each box. Sold by all Chemists and other Dealers in Patent Medicines throughout the world, at Is. Ijd., 2s. 9d., and 4s, Ctl. per box. MAGNESIA. jINNEFOKD’S MAGNESIA. Tho Great Remedy For Acidity of tho Stomach. D INNEFOBD’S MAGNESIA. For Heartburn and Indigestion, For Sour Eructations, and BilliouS Affec tions. The Physician’s Cure for Gout. Rheumatic Gout tnd Gravel. DINNEFOBD'S magnesia. Safest and most Gentle Medicine for Infants, Children, delicate Females, abd the Sickness of Pregnancy. Sold by all Druggists and Storekeepers. Agents—Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co , Dunedin. ■TOTELL WORTHY OF NOTICE AS A CEETT TAIN CURE For Bilious and Liver Complaints, Indigestion Wind, Spasms, Foul Breath, Nervous Depression Irritability, Lassitude, Loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia Heartburn, Sour Eructations, Lowness of Spirits with sensation of fullness at the pit of tho stomach, Giddiness, Dizziness of the Eyes, Ac. DR. SCOTT'S BILIOUS AND LIVER PILLS STAND UNRIVALLED. As a General Family Aperient Medicine they have no equal, being mild in their operation, and grateful to the Stomach: they give a healthy tone and vigor to the different secretions, causing the necessary organs of tho Stomach and Liver to resume their activity, thus restoring the appetite, promoting digestion, and strengthening the wnole system. They can be taken at any time without restraint from business or pleasure, hence they are a most valuable domestic medicine. Heads of households should always keep a box of these Pills by them, to resort to ou any slight occasion of ailing on the part of those under their charge, as by paying attention to the regular action of the Stomach, Liver, and Bowels, many a severe illness is avoided or mitigated. They will be found in slight cases by a single dose to restore health to the body, with a happy frame of mind. Prepared only by W. LAMBERT, la, Verc-street, London, W., England. In Betties ONLY, Is lid and 2s 9d. Sold by all Chemists. IMPORTANT CAUTION.—Be sure to ask for “Dr. Scon’s Bilious and Liver Pills," in a green bottle, wrapped in green paper, and having the name and address, WILLIAM LAMBERT. 8, King William-street, Charingss, Cros Engraved on the Government Stamp. Do not, therefore, purchase without seeing the Government Stamp over the cork ef the bottle. DR. ROBERTS’S CELEBRATED OINTMENT CAILED THE POOR MAN’S FRIEND is confidently recommended to the Public as an unfailing remedy for wounds of every description; a certain Cure for ulcerated Sore Legs, even of twenty year’s standing ; Cuts, Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Chilblains, Scorbutic Eruptions, and Pimples on the Face, Sore and Inflamed Eyes, Sore Heads, Sore Recasts, Plies, Fistula, and Cancerous Humors, and ia a Specific for those afflicting Eruptions that sometimes follow vaccination. Sold in Pots at Is. lid. and 2s. Od. each. DR. ROBERTS’S PILULiE ANTISCROPHUL/E OR ALTERATIVE PILLS, Confirmed by Sixty years’ experience to be one of the best medicines ever compounded for purifying the blood, and assisting Nature in her operations. Hence they are useful in Scrofula, Scorbutic complaints, Glandular Swellings, particularly those of the Neck, &o. They form a mild and superior Family Aperient, which may be taken at all times without confinement or change of diet. Sold In Boxes at Is. lid., 2s. Dd., 4s. 6d., 11s. and 225. each, by the Proprietors, BEACH AND BARNICOTT, Dispensary, Bridport, England, and by all respectabl Medicine Vendors. Liver pills for india and the COLONIES. Dr. KING’S DANDELION & QUININE LIVER PILLS (without Mercury) are the best remedy for Bile, Wind, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Spasms. Giddiness. Hearttram, Nervousness, Gout, and all Disorders of the Stomach and Liver. They combine mildness in operation with the most admirable effects, and as an aperient cannot be surpassed. Manufactured by Jas. Rorke, 47. Mortimer-street, London W,, and sold all over the world by most Chemists and Medicine Vendors, at Is. lid., 2sl 9d., 4s. 6d., and 11s.. Agents, FELTON, GRIMWADE, & CO., We 1 llngton.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 5556, 18 January 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 5556, 18 January 1879, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 5556, 18 January 1879, Page 4