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Foreign Intelligence.

FRANCE. The Court of Assize has condemned (yt.vr contumace) Ledni Rollin, Maczini, Massereuti, and Campanella to deportation. When n jiulgmerit contumacy is pronounced, the intervention ol a jury is not required, and it i« customary to condemn the obseut ><> the highest punishment which has been inflicted on the accused v.ho were present. As, therefore, Tibsldi, was i«udemed to deportation, I.edru Rollin, Mazzini, Massereiiti, and Carnpatiella have bad the same sentence pronounced upon them. Although the accounts received from Pondicherry by the French government are qniie satisfactory, a reinforcement, consisting H eriilb ry end marines, is to be forthwith despatched thitber. The most petfert undemanding exists between the French and English governments on the subject of Chins. If the comt of Pekin does not give immediate satisfsclion tn Loid Elgin, war against the celestial empire will bideclared r.imulnneously by the two governments. The interview between the Emperor ol (lie French and tbo Emporor of Rmeia will take place at Stu'.tgsrdt. The Emperor and Empress of Russia will arrive on the 241 h ; the Emperor and Empress of the French on the 25th. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kean have passed through Paris, on their way lo Switzerland, for a few weeks’repose previous to tho re-opening of (he Royal Princess’s Theatre. The Emperor Ims provisionally suspended the execution of a decree that had been prepared, establishing free trade in butcher's meal in Paris. A repoit on the subject, addressed to bis Majesty by the Prefect of police, is utuJarsscod to be the cause of the suspension. Extensive changes are expected shmtly to lake place among the prefects of departments. lha ccnncils-general of departments ha»e closed their session. The councils of the BoucheMn-Rhone, the Nievre, Somme, Seine-et-Marne, Basses-P; Loire, and Dordogne, have passed a resolution in favour of M. Lasseps’ plan for culling through the Isthmus ol Suez. The council-general of the Nord has unanimously voted the following resolntinn.-— “ Protection is, and will he for a long time, the most imperious warn of French agriculture and

The King of Wurtemburg, who arrived in Paris on the sth from Biarritz, left on the 6th for Si'jttgardr. The Moniteur cf Sunday states that the Governments of France and Russia have determined that the treaty of commerce and navigation recently concluded between them shall take effect from the 14th of the present month. M. Pichon, the new French chargt d'affaires to the court cf Persia, has received orders to proceed immediately to his destination. M. Gobireau is the present French representative et Teheran, whom he replaces. The dssetnl/lt'e National lists re-appeared under its new name of the Speetateur. It is sard that M. Fottld, the minister cf state, before be quirted Paris to preside over the council-general of bis department, assembled several bankers to consult them on the best measures to be adopted to give mere anintation to the Bourse. It is further stated that th-bsnkers were unanimous in recommending that the entrance to the Bourse should again be declared frie, and that '.he new tax on ths transfer of nsgociable securities shoul-l be repealed. The last despatches received by the French government from Hong Kong contradict the announcement in the Arneriran papers that the United States squadron in the Chinese seas bed taken possession of the Island r.f Formosa, The squadron in question, according to these despatches, consists only of the steam-frigate Jacinto, cf 13 guns, aud the corvetta Levants, earryino 18. The Paris correspondent of the Times, writing on the 9tb, says : —“ Tbo papers state that mor*than 4000 old soldiers have applied for trie medal of St. Helena, in the department of the ArriMte, and 3500 in that of the D ome. If the same proportion were to be found in all the depa-t--menta of France—which rs not to le supposed—this would give on enormaur: number of survivors <4 the imperial* armies; to say nothing nf the claimants in foreign countries—in Gem any and Polsu-J, it: Italy, ar.J esin in Spain. Among the veter *nc who have presented then'selves ar. the ChatiCclJetie of the Lrg ott i f I Honour to claim lire meds!, was one who in-ha'-its the vtll-rge of Sr. Denis, He is 107 years of sge, am! still walks firm ami erect, wearing a while beard that descends to the waist.'* Ar* extraordioary trial in Algetic. !-..>» l.eer: exciting great interest io France. Captain Dcinoao, a French Government officer, was charged with n triple o.iassination ar Tlemceu and with various robbc-riit, in Algeria, and, r.lthough some of rhe Arab witnesses' cmrtradicted themselves in giving evi-lmrce, solemnly r-wimtimr on one d,y what litey denied on at-.o'ber, ■ captain has heeu found guilty ami ceutcr.c->1 io death. In o recent Council of Ministers M. Abmum i expressed himsvlf in term? c! great imiignatimt wtrli respect l.> the obu-es in Alzerii that have been revealed on the trill of Cuprain Doirt, ait and the Aral* cnlptirs. Marshal Valliant, in r reply,, <i tn exmnu.le ibe rmrtrer, ehI serving that in jud ir.g i. we mrs? m t h.?ck at it , exactly from the European ciut -if v •<-w, bui n’.aktf seine hn iln l prcali.-.r u;\uinstanc'd < i a recently conqn»>rr3 ccnn’iy, for H.c » chnr.vt r <4 the people tube dcalf. v;iih, clc. A mixeJ hi* anunititel to c’r.iW ; up n plan, to be submitted to (In* Emperor, fin <be re-organisation cd the Arm bmeaux. I' seems to be considered impossible to <ii'pcn«e , with them, Bgi h less military character will pro- ! bnbly bp given ’.o them. It is fittll repent'd that f Generals Montnaban nnd Beaufort will be rer moved from their present camnianda i<i consequence of the scandal this affair hus ocrasiondl. i Acrt-mns have been of ibe cel iindion I of high mass on the 30th at the camp nt Chalons, r Mass was pronoutK ed by Able L-iii.c, c'mpl. i . i to rhe Emperor ; after which the hand ef Guides • performed the overture to ‘ Norma.’ Suddenly

h'- drum? beat, tlir* trumpets sound, and the Emperor kneels. The order to kneel is given, ami the tinny obeys. A momentary silence ensues, and, according to the Pays, “ the united bands pour forth a stream of harmony which elevates the thoughts of all to the Creator—it is the ‘ Benedict on of the Daggers,' flora the ‘ [liigiienots.’ "

The letters front Paris mention that M. Auguste TLurneyssen, the well-known banker, and one of the directors of the Credit Mobilier, Inis beet: declared by rhe Tribunal of Commerce liable for the debts of Iris nephew, M. Cltarle.. Thnriteyssen, who foiled for more than .-£600,000, and absconded in May last. The judgment produced an unfavourable effect entire price of Credit Mobilier shares. lite Couucils-oeiieral have begun to pronounce in favour of M. de Lesseps’ plea for the opening of tbc Isthmus of Sues, which we may lie quite sure they would not do imlet-s the Government had sanctioned the demoostratiou. The ConncilGeoeral of the Nievre, pieoiied over by M. Charles Dunin, nnd the Council-General of the heathen do Rhone, have already drawn up their resnluiiono Tbe Emperor has issued the following order of the day to the camp :— “Soldiers! 1 have assembled yon hereunder my own command, because it is useful that the ;.rmy should, by living together in camp, acquire n common spirit, and receive the same discipline and insbueimn. .The euavd, as a d'e/tVe, ought more especially to make unremitting efforts fo maintain :he rank which it holds from old tradition, as well as by its recent services on the field of baale. “ Montesquieu soys that the Romans considered peace as a preparation for war; and the truth is that the successes obtained by young armies are in general but the result of assiduous exercises during peace. J do not doubt that both officers and soldiers will zealously co-operate with me in the course which I propose to pursue. To officers I recommend a paternal severity, to soldiers necessary obedience-—lo both a willing mind aud strict attention to discipline. For discipline is icspect to your uniform, and the uniform is the emblem of the’ noole prolesfiion of abnegation and self-devotion, of which you are justly proud. Lot us never forget that every characteristic sign of the army, beginning at tho fl, ?> rppres ents a moral idea which it is your duty to honour. This camp will not then he a vain spectacle offered tn public curiosity, but a serious school, which we shall turn to profit by persevering labour, aud the i esulta of our studies will be evident if ever our country shall want you. ( (A true copy.) “ NAPOLEON. General Hegsault de Saint Jean p’Angslt, “ Acting as Major-General.” The Council-genera) of the Department of Re llerault lias just belli its annual meeting, and has unanimously passed strong resolurians in favour of a revision of tire French customs tarill, with a view of carrying out free-trade principles. Paris, Friday, September 11.—The CouncilGeneral of the Department of the Gironde has pasted resolutions in favour of free trade ; but only two out of eighty-six departments have declared themselves favourable to this policy. NAPLES. From A’ienna we learn that the Neapolitan Government has addressed to ail irs foreign rcpresetnaiires a despatch relative to the affair o'. Cagliari. According to this mi;, the whole <•: the iudividira’s arrested have been .et at liberty, aud the vessel baa been placed at the disposal of the Captain. The Gaiette de le Bourse of Vienna contains the following:— '‘Notwithstanding the doubts entertained on this subject, we learn from a good source that diplomatic relations will soon be resurae.l between the Court of Naples anti those of Pari* and London. M. CaraiFa, tbe Neapolitan Minister cf Foreign affairs, having requested of Count Buol in a despatch in his can hirodwritiig.' that Austria would interfers in rhe re-establish-ment of Iriendly relations between the three courts, tbe Austrian ministers al the Courts ol London and Palis hare taken steps for this purpose, and we understand that they will result in a speedy settlement of the matter.”

AUSTRIA. The Austrian, Government has definitively se*tled that a stamp of one kreutzer (or above ball the cost price) shall be imposed on each copy of tbe non-efficial Austrian papers. Tbe Government wishes to diminish the number of readers of low degree, and its aim will be attained. The Vienna correspondent of the Times, writing on the 7th instant, says:— “ At n meeting of the repreaerttaiiv.’rj of the D.ti'.ubian liisiriei. ot the Protestant Church in I'.unimry, it was settled tbs', the theological seminary should be removed front Keeskenet to I’c.ih. Tbe assembly expressed its discontent d'.ti it was not permit e.l to discuss tbe private affairs of tire Protestant Church, except in the presence of an imperia! commissary, and it intends lo petition lite Emperor to uphold article 26 ot the law of 1731, which nays, that a representative of the sovereign is to be pre«cr.t only when the synod meets. A hall-promiee w.s given to rhe Hungarians that a Protestant synod .--hoi'.ld be convoked without loss of tim», but no thing Irn. yet been done in the matter. It created a great senssiion when one of (lie leading repre-soitt.-rivea of the Danube rose and announced to I' e as'C-mbly that £1660 bad been subsetibed ar Glriagow towards the estah'rsiitnent of a theological'riry nt I’estli, In a tro-rnemii-uslv loi.g letter his: Holiness the Pope iolorms ‘ bis belovi't* sia,,’ tlte Arcbbi-bttp of Cologne, that r.e h.s .-...a11y j.'i'tibibiiid the works ol another b. I'Vid o!,n, Anthony Gil.uber, the Ausiriua p I S', who was week ciuni. It to giro . ph ij-o bieal basis tn the R *miiii Catholicteli.i* n. As ytu were tol.. ~t H,e b.'gmniiig of tins j nr, the i. ajotriy of tin* Austrian pri sts are ’ Gii - th.■ri.i’i*.,’ fu ll mini iiriticn has »mw ivrn m ■ n.r din he has many d.-tri;.! ■■ , ; ,n-ng . n Rr'.J In trie tji.-c s.> ritlte I ...” Tim news ibi> Einyt-tors N. p.-i.-on and Al. X'lnib-r lo |V|> o'i i' t-tci.v.’ tn Gerni'in l .- ■-as produced an extr. rnely it*Jirotiur.'title impression on the Austrian Government, which tin explanations of rhe Baron tie Boitrquettey have failed lo remove. The Vienna pipers at'acl, great weight Lt the lac! thin an A.rotri... General had been sent it, Wtroro- p.,v ;,j, c•*. to t, e Emperor Aiex.-m i t r. W. t. 1,,.,., ~-y improvement, it is ar.tu'.i, in .| lf . Between Austria nnd Russia, a numbs,- ol rl;t ii.cyal tnmiiy, arid not n in* re ;■(■,.oral, would ii ivi itcttii despaUlied on such it missimt.

RUSSIA. Tbe Emperor left St. Pereisburg on the 3rd for Germany. His Majesty was attended bv Prince Gortscltakoff. A few days ago it was staled in a London newspaper that the Russian Government bad addressed to its diplomatic agents abrotd a circular, in which, after adverting to the prevalent rumours, it repudiated all participation in the Indiat. insurrection. The Nord is at the pains to deny that any such circular is in existence, and declares the statement to be altogether unfounded. The Northern Bee of St. Petersburg denies the truth of the rumour which for some time past has been in circulation, of tbe active cooperntion of Russia in the projec s ascribed to the Western Powers with regard to China. This jonrti tl explains, hy-the necessity ol’ trie service, tod by the usage of maintaining a permanent staiion in the northern part of tbe Pacific Ocean, ■he movements of the Russian navy which gave rise t.i the rumour of an understanding between Russia and the Western Powers on the Chinese The Government have decided that the German language shall be no longer taught in the public school et Irkoutsk, but shall be replaced by the English language, which, indeed, considering tbe tittle with America, is more requisite in that part of Russia. It is a curious fact that the Gazette de St. Petersburg, in promulgating that decree, calls tbe English language “la langue Americaine." The Emperor of Russia arrived at Warsaw on Sunday last, the 6th. The Emperor will be present at the inauguration of the Warsaw and St. Petersburg Railway, an extent of 150 versts cf that line being ready for traffic.

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New Zealand Spectator and Cook's Strait Guardian, Volume XII, Issue 1287, 2 December 1857, Page 4

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Foreign Intelligence. New Zealand Spectator and Cook's Strait Guardian, Volume XII, Issue 1287, 2 December 1857, Page 4

Foreign Intelligence. New Zealand Spectator and Cook's Strait Guardian, Volume XII, Issue 1287, 2 December 1857, Page 4