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THE CHRISTCHURCH TOURNAMENT. CHRISTCHURCH, January 16. Wellington bowlers were fairly successful to-day on the Christchurch green, where N. Bell (Wellington), Jas. Brackenriuge (Victoria), W. rr. Brightweil (Newtown), and J. D. Sievwright (Thorndon) snipped their respective teams. Bell had an easy win against R. Taylor, oi Soutiilanu, in the first game, winning bj e.giit prints, although the score could have been greater in favour of Bell, wnose team —Webb, Veitch and Bush — piayed remarkably well, especially Webb, whose leading was excellent. Bush was driving with fine effect. Bell also won against Murchison’s Caledonian (Dunedin) team. At the eighth head the score was Bell 13, Murchison 2. After lunch Bell’s team met Bishop, of Christchurch, whose team included Barnett, Gurney ariu A. Bruisson. This was one of the best contests of the day, the score being a tie on the fifteenth head. Bishop drew a ishot on the next and lost the head. Bell’s fourth game was with McLaren, of Dunedin, who also proved too many for the Wellington team. At the eightli head Bell trailed the jack and scored five, and then the score was Wellington 11, Dunedin 10. But alter this Bell did not score again, and Duneuin finished six up.

Br.ghtwelTs (Newtown) team played brilliantly against the redoubtable Brack-

enridges anil Barry, of Victoria. Pollock -was leading ior Brightweil; Sexton wars good on resting shots; and Underwood could drive anything. The game wa« by no means one-sided, at least after the tenth head, when Newtown was 1C to Victoria’s 9. At the fifteenth Head the score was 17 to 16, and on the last head Sexton lay. When the skips went down -brighiwell drew another, and won by two points. Next game tlic-y met S'ievwrigui's Tliornuon team —Mow bray, McMamtaway and Longton. Two heads from home Sievwngnt trailed kitty and gave JNewtoivn 4. Newtotvn got another on the next head, and the score was Newtown 13, Thorndon 14. Thermion (scored two next iiead, and won by three points. Victoria’s first game with Brigutwell has already been noted. The Victoria team’s play against Goidst-one’s (Waimate) players was superior. It was in this gam© that “possible” was scored. Gohlstone drove, took his own out, sent jack in the dilch, and Barry, for Braekenridge, measured all eight in—a phenomena] performance. Just before this the score was ten all, and V aimate never scored again, Braekenridge fin.shing 27 to 10. Victoria had a hard game against McLaren’s (Dunedin) team, los ng by one point on the last head, and fared much worse in the game with Greig s (Canterbury.) team, go,ng down by 7 vo 19. Thorndon iSieA-wrigiit’s team) managed to come home- with three wans and one loss on the day’s play. The first game tvas Avith \V annate, and play avus 15 all at the thirteenth head, but after that Goidetone faded to score. The second game Avas Avitli Newtov, n (BrightAveil) and u was Avon by three points. The Tan d team was met after lunch. This team, ail young men, are Aery keen players, and Mack e (skin) an excellent driver. The g-roe was even at the fourteenth head, and at the last TaieiTs th id player ran the jack back, and the Southern team lay live, Avhicdi tied the score of Thorndon. SievAvi-ight drove with his second bowi, successfully idle shot. 'This match was ably f’ougnt out. Thorndon Avont down badly in the next game to’s (Clir stchnrch) team, Avhieh so far has not lost a game. Ross’s (Thorndon) team Avon aga xist. Waimate (Co I tin an), lost to Erskine (Invercargill) by one point and fell badly to Newtown (Prince) and Green Island (Buchanan). Ross played Ave-il and consistently throughout the day. Prince’s (NeAvtown) team wanted three on the last head in the match against Green Island and got them. Price and Wise- lay one each, and Pr'nce drew another. This team also tied with Barlow's (Canterbury) team that nut down "Wood (Cbrfi-dchureh) by 15 to 4- but lo t by two points on the play off. PHnee. liOAvever, got home avHli three Avins, beating Monro (Canterbury) by 15 1o 9.

Gooder (Wellington) lost his first game to Wedclorsooon (of Roslvn) on the last and won easily all the other three. Gender's team —Thompson, Still, and JJ o, ni’tnii —nloped brilliantly all day. In the seeond round Neil Mr-Lean went do nn b°dly in tbe first came t.o Loch (ot Gore), but. scored a win against Sydenham. The St. Albans which is somewhat uneven, baffled McLean’s teas in the first game. The pick of the Wellington Club won. however, all other contests, coming home with three wins for the day’s performance. Bishop (Christchurch) and Taylor (Oaniani) won all their four games to-day, but some of the three game winning teams may be in the final. McLean’s Wellington rink scored the possible in one head of their match against McGallan’s (Sydenham) rink, all done by drawing, for MeGallan’s only drive missed everything. CHRISTCHURCH, January 17.

The bowling tournament in Christchurch is the largest yet held in the Australasian colonies. The secretary, Mr R. T. Wheeler, of Dunedin, deserves a wo>d of praise for its successful management. To ensure each team six games in rink matches, and still to enable individual players and pains to take part in these c >ntests, and to work some two hu udred and twenty players on four greens requires indeed some systematic management, and Mr Wheeler has been equal to the task, and given entire satisfaction to all bowlers. Mr J. C. MaddiBon, the president, i« very assiduous in his attention to visitors

There was somo fine play on the Christchurch green to-day. Among the Nortn Island players, the Brackenridges (3) ana Barry, representing Victoria, met Bell’s Wellington team, and defeated them rather easily by seven points. Bell was driving with success, but the fall of play was against him almost every head lie drove. His team was slightly off colour. Bracken ridge's team met Grerg’s Canterbury rink in the fifth

round, and the match was almost a gift to the Victoria’s red oubtable skip. The Victoria players therefore secured three wins out of six games. Charles Fraser (Dunedin), after suffering defeat at the hands of Taylor (Southland), sent Bell’s team down by four points in the sixth round. Bell's team was not so successful in the tourney as Avas expected, winning only two games out of six

BrightAveil had a phenomenal avlh against Greig of Canterbury. Brightweil put on three to start Avith, and AV.hen twelve heads were over Newtown had 21 to their credit against 3, and Avon by 27 to 5. Sexton and Underwood were draAVing splendidly, and this victory gave Bright well's team four wins.

In the next round Brightweil had the misfortune to meet Bishop’s Cliristchurcii team —probably the strongest team in the tourney—and went down by fifteen points. McLaren’s Dunedin team ran away from S.evAvright’s Thornd m team. The Dutmdin skip’s play was brilliant. McLaren Avent down in Ihe next round by two to one to Allnutt (Dunedin). Allnutt, wlm beat Bishop in the morning, fell badly to the Christchurch skip later in the day. The winners from all greens meet on Friday.

Sievwr.gilt’s team had a very even game with Tayior (bo ui ll land). On the Canterbury green the \\ ellington players were doing Avell, with the exception of Ross’s (Thorndon) team, Avliich had all the luck of the play against them. They, however, beat Sydenham on the last head. George Prince’s Newtown team were playing magnificently, in the sixth round they met that we 11 scarred warrior Sneddon, of Kaituna. At the tenth head Kaituna was nine to Newtown’s seven, but Prince was not to be denied. He put on one five and three two’s, and all hough Sneddon scored oil the sixteenth head Newtown came off easy victors. Again when Pr'nce met Mark Sinclair (Dunedin) his team showed splendid form. The score was fifteen all, Avitli one head to play. \\ lien Prime and Sinclair went down to play Dunedin was lying three. W'th his first Prince faced the back bowl out. Sinclair’s second lay short. Coining firmly, Prince dragged the jack back two feet, and secured a brilliant win amid applause. Prince and Barlow (Canterbury), ty'ng Avith live wins each on the Canterbury green, had to- play for the right to play in the final and again Prince ran out an easy winner by nineteen to ten. Tt was Barlow’s team that had displaced Gooder’s Wellington team for the right to nlay in the semi-final.

On the Sydenham green where the fourth section is comik-'Hng, Marvison of Ashburton, won all six games, and thus secured a place in the final. Those in the final contest are Prince (Newtown), Bishop (Christchurch), Harrison (Ashburton) and n ’nvk-r. This sc-" 1 -fin-l was not finished till late. Taylor’s team led Wellington’s best selection until the last head, when it became a question of having five to make to win for Wellington. Neil McLean’s drive failed to capture- the requisite number. Prime's (Newtown) team are the only North Island representatives left in the rink tourney, and they ought certainly to secure a place in the final.

In the doubles the. following games of interest to Wellington were fiir-hed tonight :—Bush. and Veitch (Wellington) we’-e draAVii against Still and Webb (Wellington), and the latter lost eight poii.ts It was strange that Prince and Wyee should be drawn against Roberts and (Tndei'AAood, also of NewtoAvn. Ihe former winning bv twenty-one- to tAveß'e. T lie Brackenridges (fa Her and son) were drawn against Melntyr© and Neil l (of Tnirri). The latter put Aip eight to the Brackenridges’ seven, but after that the Brackenridges put up twelve and their opponents failed to score again. Briglitwell and Sexton (Newtown) were successful against Bishop and Gurney (Christchurch), after a fine game, by five points.


Among Wellington boAvlers some interesting games were played to-day, and the northerners were conspicuously successtul. Ross and King met Brookie and Hannah, of Gore. The Thorndon representatives played splendidly. Ross was in fine form. At the last head but one the scores were Gore Thorndon 13. When Ross and Brookie went down to play, Gore was lying two shots. Ross drove and lay one, Brookie failed, and I toss drew another, making the score 15. all. Eventually Thorndon won by two points. In the next round Ross and King met the Brackenridges, and went down rather easily.

The Victoria Club’s men played a fine game against Chegwin and Denny, of Sydenham. Longton, of Thorndon, met Collins, of the Caledonian Domain gi-een, Dunedin, but the character of the play was not disclosed by the score, Longton going down bv fifteen to six.

Bell, ~of Wellington, and Mackie, of Taieri, gave the sp -ctutors an interesting display of bowls. For fourteen heads almost every bowl changed the aspect of each head. Bell, however, got on two fours, and Avon. Geddis and Moult, both of Wellington, are playing Avell together in the Doubles Contest. They met Hocking and Murchison this morning and after thirteen heads had been played, the Dunedin players surrendered.

Having put down Harrison and Craighead, of Ashburton, the players remaining in the final rink match Brown and Banting, Palmerston North met Moult and Geddis. who were far too strong for them.

Bell and Hamilton met McPherson and Sundstrum, of Kaituna, and after a very close fight, the Wellington players lost by one point. Hamilton Avon his singles against Bloomfield rather easily. Prince and Wise met W. Thomson and Bloomfield, and NeAvtoAvn’s veteran skip Avas again successful. Prince complained that Bloomfield’s boAvls Aver© narroAv, but at the exose of the match Prince, on trying them, confessed they Averc wider woods than his own.

E. J. Hill and Neil McLean were paired against Akhurst and McDermott. Waimate. At the last head Waimate Avanted

mie to Avin. McDermott drew tAvo fine shots. Akhurst dreAV another nice shot and Waimate lay three. Neil drove all four boAvls, and missed with every one. Gooder and Thomson are going wee! in the pairs. Gooder is playing brilliantly, lie won two games on the last head of each. Bush and Veitch put down Webb and Stdl. their Wellington club mates, but Webb had his revenge in patting down Taylor, of Oamaru, in a single-handed mat eh. Gooder had another easy Avin against Rowe, of Canterbury, in The singles. Thompson, of Wellington, mst his singles to ,J. Brown. l;sl year’s president oi the CanteTbury Club. Wise- and Prince,of N c-wtOAvn.had to meet Scoullar and Bemley, of Dunedin in ine i bird r-.und of the pa rs. One of the best exhibitions of double-handed bowling seen on the Christchurch ground was presented. Prince and Wise went away Avith a strong lead, scoring nine in the first four heads, including two threes. Seoulla and Bentley got seven sing! s successively. Then (hey put on one. three and two s ngles, while Prince and 'Wise scored one. Tim score was 1(> —12 at the hist head. Wanting two to tie Prince got one. He was rather Aveak with his last bowl, arid lost the match. Two other Newtown players, BrigVw.ii and .J. Saxton, seemed to have Avon, their game against Taylor and Miller. V\i>n twelve heads away Newtown had 13 on

against their Southland opponents’ 5, but Saxion broke up and Brightweil failed. Coining then with threes ami twos the South Tit players wen by two pc ills. Bury, of Victoria, won both his single matches again -L Gee and Greig, both of Can.erhury. 'Hie scores were Barry 20 to 8, and 17 to 7. Webb, who beat Taylor, of Oamaru an easily, lost to Woolf, of Canterbury, by one point, after a. very (excellent game. Bush, of Wellington, was rather an easy prey to Bunding, of Palmerston North, aiul Go der put up another win against J. Rowe, of Canterbury. Coo ler has had quite a series oi triumphs, and has established ..rnself as one of the best, players in the tournament. A former champion, W. McLaren, of Dun din, and one of the finest bowlers in the Smith Island, went down to < iooder after a hard light by four points. Gooder and 'Thompson also beat Collett and iveast, of Dunedin, in the pairs contest. The Bracken ridges met Joynt and liardie in the four;h round and won rather easily.

Cue of the best games this evening was that between M tilt and Geddis, of Wellington, and Lock and »* iison, of Goie. Gore led off whh one, and \i ellington responded in the next head wiih three. Lock was driving and drawing with great jmig cut, as also was Moult. Lock, in the third head got six, on the seventh head ills score was repeated, and on Die eleventh iiead Wilson was lying one and Lock drew all his lour, which Moult failed to disturb. \\ lien thirteen heads had gone, Wellington had a tend . f one point. Gore put on two in the next head anil the position was reversed. With two heads to go the game was in the balance. Dock Avith hie last bowl mi ned a three aga list him into one. Then Moult ran the jack ai d scored one—2o all, and one head to go. Wilson sent up a toucher, and Geddis drew three seconds. Moult drove ail four, and missed, thus Gore beat 'Wellington alter one of the best exhibitions of bowls semi in the tournament.

CHRISTCHURCH, January 19. FeAv North Island players were left in the pairs and singles at the commencement of play to-day, and it Avas unfortunate that so many of them liad to meet ea<-h other.

Geddis in the Singles led 'Sievwrßhr right through, putting on nine before his opponent scored, and finishing seven np.

Bracken Edge-, junr., and TTarrawnv — who played for NeAvtoAvn last yuir Avhen Wellington secured the Rmlc Championship at Dunedin —met in the Singles. At half game. HorroAvav was leading by 2 to 1. Braekenridge had scarcely impro\~ed his position at the end of the game, the score being 19 to 11. Tavo Victoria Club men —Braekenridge seiir., and Bary—also met in the Si ivies. Bary Avas seA r en down Avith four beads f o go. In these four heads the skip and winner of many hard contests, failed to score, and Barv tied on the sixteenth head. Tbe deciding head Aims in favour of Bary, by 1 point. ITr>"■; lton. of Wellington, in bis singles with Wilson, of C re, made a hard fielM. but Avas unequal to the task, and fell bv six points.

Geddis. afler a tough game Avitli Munro, of Canterbury, fell by Iwo points, and thus another North Island player was out of Die single-handed matches Bell, of Wellington, and lock, of Gore, displayed fine boAvling in their singles match. The score was- eight all on h];o nim.i head, but gradually Lock look o lead of three. On the last head Bell A\as lying tAvo, amd another bowl to go. Lock failed to alter the position, and Pell Avas too strong \vh h bis fourth bowl, and lost the match by one point. Another fine game avojs that- between young HarraAvay ami Sneddon, in which the veteran Avas outmatched, goi -g down by eight points.

Bary, of the Victoria Club, having run. into the fou' th round in the singles, wont doAvn to Woolf, of Canterbury. Wan If is a constant leader on his own green, and played well against Bary, avlio is a fine all-round player. Gooder and Thompson entered the fifth round in the pairs, Avith Fraser and Black, of Dunedin, on the Christchurch green. Thompson Avne leading well, and Gooder Avas in fine fo-rm. After the third head their opponei is only snored five times, and Goode-- put. on two 2’s. one 3. one 4. and one 6, and Avon oadlv.

The Brackenridges, still in the doublehanded tourney, played a fine game against McDougall and St rut her*. With mne heads gone the score Avas 9 all. Thou the Victoria players score' 1 . \ and 2. and McDougall g>t or. 2. The position then became interesting. At the last head the Brackenridges wore leading by three points. Strut hers drew thiee shobj, and Braekenridge, junr., burned head. in the next head the Victorias w m by one point. On the next rink Gooder and Tho wn-

ecu were fighting a difficult contest with Bentli y and Sboular, who led the Wellington bowleri by thirteen to one on the seventh head. Then Gooder put on 4; Gooder got i on the next head, and their opponents put on two. With six heads to go the U'ell.ngton players weie nine points behiiui, ami they never recovered. Lock, of Gore, and Itai away gave a spicndid exhibition of bowling. With two heads to go Harrava,- was lead ng by p ii.vs. ite put up a toucher, which L-.-ck tried to drive and then rake, but unsuccessfully. The Green Island bowler dr w others, and won. This? put Harraway into the sem.Miuals, wliore lie defeated Lock

THE FINAL GAMES. FIGIIT FOR TI-IE RINK CHAMPIONSHIP. WON by NEWTOWN. CHRISTCHURCH, January 20. This morning many bowlers, being fro-o, watched the semi-finals with increa ing mtomsb The Brackenridges iii tludr match wit lx Sneddon and Sunf;ers (Kaituna) took the lend with iseven points in the first- three heads, Then they tailed to score for t\.o heads, . nd Sneddon landed five. Three heads added three mere points to the Kaituna, players’ score, and the B r ackon r idg-es put on another three in two heads, the score standing on the tenJi head— Brackenridges 10, Sneddon and Sanders B. On 'ho and twelfth heads the Victoria pair scored one and three, and with 14 to 8 and four heads to go- tiro Bracken Edges seemed like winning; but their opnonents were- not to be denied. Sanders led splendidly, while tile eider Brackenridg-e wa.s driving rather wildly, and failed to score again during th-e remaining beads. Thus, with two two’s, a one, and a three. Sneddon deicated Victoria's- representative- players by two points. Harraway Lad an easy win over Neill in the final for the Champion Sing! -'s, .scoring 24 to jus opponent's 9. It is worth mentioning that, Harraway never drove once throughout the competition.

Sneddon and Sanders won the Doubles Championship by 2d to 11, beating Bentley and Secular. Gooder and Thompson secured third prize, beating the .Brackenridges by 31 to 17. Thus, the third pr.z-o in the- Doubles and the first in the Rinks go to Welling;, on player... THE RINK MATCH. Newtown’s team—W. Wylie. F. Wise, H. Price, and George Prince- (skip)— met Ashburton, skinned by Harrison, in the semi-final for the rink match. From the beginning it- was apparent that the Ashburton was- the weaker team. It was a full game of twentyone heads (all previous games in the tournament were short games ot sixteen heads each). When eleven heads had been played Newtown was leading by fourteen points, but then the Wellington team fell away. Prince had no In cl- with Ids firm drawing shots. For six heads Newtown failed to score, and Harrison, of Ashburton, obsei vecl, WVe vvill make a race of it yet.” ihe ecor-e, with four heads to May, was—Newtown. 20. Ashburton 17. It was at this s-t- go that the game turned in favour of the Northerners, who scored in. three consecutive heads, and got a lead cf seven noints. A.shburt-on secured two nn the twenty-first liead, the match by five points—Newtown 24, Ashburton 19.

Tho contest between Phoenix (Oamaru) —J. Taylor (.skip)—and Christchurch —Bishop (skin) —was exciting. During the first half of the game Bishoir scored four two’s and two three’s. Taylor responded with one throe, one two, and three singles. The score for eleven heads was—Christchurch 15, Giamaru 8. Splendid play was exhibited by the Oamaru players in the succeeding five heads. On the fifteenth and sixteenth heads Taylor faced Bishop's saving shot.-., and got four and five thereby. Oamaru was leading on the sixteenth he id by sove-n points. with five heads to rday. Bishon’.s men then played up, and in the next three heads reduced Oamam’s lead to two-, when Taylor said “Up and down jack" to his third player. The score was —Oamaru 21, Chr stehurch 19. When tho skips went down Oamaru was lying one, and Bishop drew another second; Taylor laced it and lay. Bishop, inking Barnett's ad view*. drove, and missed the last head. Christchurch was lying three when the skips Avent to play. Taylor got “rub" off bowl in Ins draw, and rolled c.-n to the jack. This Bishop could nog shift, and Oamaru won—2-1 to 19, tho same score as in the other leini-final rink match. THE FINAL. There Avas a crowded gathering of bowlers. visitors, and ladies on the {hristehnreh green to witness the final in the rink matches between Newtown am! Phoenix (Oamaru). XewtOAvn won tho to- ', and Wvlie (leader) gave the threw,ng of t in> jack to Blomliold, thus securing :Vn Prince the last bowl on the first Lead. h ire head wa ; a short one. Hewat uju.m.'.r!:) put up two good shots, end W e t-econd for Newtown) was st rung. Heron, third lor Oamaru. was hr.'! shart and (hen strong, and Prince devil e Hie*. Taylor wieked m elf hits ;> !, ; mi backhand, and lay the shot.

Prince did not disturb it, and Oamaru scored the first point. When the ships went down, Oamaru was lying thi'ee. Taylor drew another with his second bowl. Prince drew second shot, thus saving three points. Wylie drew a fine •bowl near the jack, but Swindley, with his second, put on a toucher, and had Wylie’s bowl for protection. Taylor then ordered the playing of the bowl, until Wise got a nice draw on the back of Wylie’s, and Oamaru’s shot went out, ■leaving Newtown with two. Heron drove, and following on, scored a giand shot near the ditch. Taylor drev another, and Prince took one out Oamaru 3, Newtown 0. Newtown lay three when the skips went down, a ayior, with his first, came on the face of Newtown’s three, and scored another, when Oamaru was lying one. In the next head, Price ran the jack, and lay four. Taylor saved two. Oamaru 4, Newtown 2, with five heads played. In the next bead, Price again ran the jack from Hew at, of Oamaru, and scored two. Prince drew another, and Taylor failed to disturb them —Oamaru 4, Newtown 5. On the seventh head, Newtown was lying five, when Taylor drew the fourth shot. He drove, and Newtown get one. Wylie and Wise drew three, and Price put up a toucher, prince drew another, and Taylor foiled with both draw and driver —Oamaru 4, Newtown 11. Again Newtown lay two shots, one on jack. Taylor drew a beautiful resting shot, and was warmly applauded. Prince had tried to block, but failed. The Newtown’s leads had •been playing much better than those of Oamaru, but on the tenth head Oamaru’s leads improved, with the result that the Southern team secured three. Blcmfield put on two, Price knocked one out, Heron drew two others, Taylor drew’ another, Prince drove, picking the sliob bowl off the jack, hut failed to draw. Score —11 all.

Hevat next drew a fine shot four inches from the jack. Price came, and resting Oamaru’s bowl out, trailed kitty, and got two. Prince drew another — Newtown 14, Oamaru 11. Newtown was lying four when the skips wentdown. Prince drew another, Taylor drew two magnificent shots, both scoring, amid applause. On the fourteenth head, Price, who was playing best of Newtown’s team, saved one with his first, and ran back into the ditch with his second. Prince drew another, and Taylor saved one—Newtown 16, Oamaru 13. The Oamaru leads left the skip a difficult position, and finally Newtown got two out of it. In the next head Newtown was lying, when Hewat wicked in. Prince drove and gave Oamaru another with his second. He saved oil©, and the score stood—Oamaru 14, Newtown IS, with five heads to go. Wylie trailed jack and lay with it four feet from the ditch. Prince added another, and Price measured third in (Newtown 21). Price played two fine shots, and got a shot from Oamaru. Heron, who was playing narrow, just touched the jack and secured the shot. Both Price’s bowls prevented Oamaru scoring, and Prince drew a spot off Hewat’s bowl. Taylor tried to drag kitty to his pocket, but just missed—Newtown 22, Oamaru 14.

On the nineteenth head Wylie put one on the jack, hiding it. Hewat discovered the jack with a half drive. Prince drew another. Newtown was now leading by ten points, and had the match practically Avon. Taylor put on two on the second to last head, when Oamaru was lying one on. The last head. Taylor drew another. Prince, hoAA-ever, clreAv a magnificent shot on kitty with his last bowl, and added another, amid cheers—Newtown 25, Oamaru 14. Both teams were heartily congratulated at the conclusion of the play. This is the second time Newtown’s veteiran skip (Prince) has piloted his team through to premier place at a Southern championship meeting. The officials congratulated him and liis team publicly. In the play off for third place, Bishop’s (Christchurch) team Avent down to Harrison’s (Ashburton) players. A smoke concert A\-as held to-night, when the prizes Avero presented. A presentation was also made to Mr R. T. Wheeler, secretary to the NeAA r Zealand Bowling Association. Mr Andrew Campbell, formerly of Wellington, and noAv of Melbourne, Avas lan interested spectator on the Christchurch green, to-cla.y. In the Goodcr-Braeken ridge match this afternoon father and son led till the twelfth head, Avhen Gooder got one six in. The failed to *core from the- eleventh head to the nineteenth head, when Gooder got in another six, and the Brakcnridgos retired. The tournament has boon a splendid success, and the weather pci feci. RINKS MATCH US. SECTION A. First Round. Christchurch (Bishop) 17 LA Kail nun (Payne) 15, Thorndon (Sievv-.wigh! > 2! beat Waimate (Gohistone) 1 *», Taieri Cliekie) 14 beat' Christchurch () 1 a mi i ir; > 7, Dunedin (McLaren) 2! beat (’ant orhtirv (Greig) 10, Wellington (Bell) ill brad Southland (Taylor) 11, Caledonian Chur-

chison) 19 beat Roslyn (Allnutt) 12, Dunedin (McLaren) 21 beat Canterbury (J. Greig) 10, Newtown (Briglitwell) 19 beat Victoria (Brackenridge) 16, Dunedin (Fraser) 13 beat Canterbury (Meikleham) 10. Second Round. Thorndon (Sievwright) 16 beat Newtown (Brightwell) 13, Canterbury (Greig) 18 beat Kaituna (Payne) 8, Christchurch (Bishop) 21 beat Dunedin (McLaren) 12, Roslyn (Allnutt) 14 beat Southland (Taylor) 11, Wellington (Bell) 16 beat Caledonian (Murchison) 10, Victoria (Brackenridge) 27 beat Waimate (Goldstone) 10, Taieri (Mackie) 16 beat Dunedin (Fraser) 11, Christchurch (Manning) 15 beat Canterbury (Meikleham) 14. Third Round. Dunedin (Fraser) 14 beat Victoria (Brackenridge) 13, Roslyn (Scoular) 15 beat Canterbury (Greig) 13, South land (Taylor) 22 beat Kaituna (Payne) 6, Newtown (Brightwell) 25 beat Christchurch (Manning) 12, Canterbury (Meikleham) 17 beat Waimate (Goldstone) 11, Thorndon fSievwright) 20 beat Taieri (Mackie) 14, Bunedin (McLaren) 14 beat Caledonian (Murchison) 13, Christchurch (Bishop) 17 beat Wellington (Bell) 16. Fourth Round. Kaituna (Payne) 20 beat V aimate (Goldstone) 15, Southland (Taylor) 20 beat Caledonian (Murchison) 9, Dunedin (McLaren) 16 beat Wellington (Bell) 11» Christchurch (Bishop) 23 beat Thorndon (Sievwright) 19, Canterbury (Greig) 15 beat Christchurch (Manning) 14, Roslyn (Allnutt) 19 beat Taieri (Mackie) 15, JNewtown (Brightwell) 16 beat Dunedin (Fraser) 15, Canterbury (Meikleham) 19 beat Victoria (Brackenridge). Fifth Round. Dunedin (McLaren) 27 beat Thorndon (Sievwright) 9, Caledonian (Murchison) 22 beat Kaituna (Payne) 5, W aimate (Goldstone) 14 beat Christchurch (Manning), 8. Newtown (Brightwell) 27 beat 21 beat Dunedin (Fraser) 14, Victoria Canterbury (Greig) 5. Southland (Brackenridge) 24 beat Wellington. (Bell) 17, Roslyn (Allnutt) 21 beat Christchurch (Bishop) 13, Taieri (Mackie) 23 beat Canterbury (Meikleham) 9. Sixth Round. Christchurch (Manning) 17 beat Kaituna (Payne) 7, Waimate (Goldstone) 19 beat. Taieri (Mackie) 17, Caledonian (Murchison) 20 beat Canterbury (Meikleham) 12. Victoria (Brackenridge) 25 beat Canterbury (Greig) 8, Christchurch (Bishop) 27 beat Newtown (Brightwell.) 12, Thorndon (•Sievwright) 16 heat Southland (Taylor) 11. Roslyn (Allnutt) 18 beat Dunedin (McLaren) 9. Dunedin (Fraser) 20 beat Wellington (Bell) 16. Section A —Tie. Christchurch (Bishop) 18 beat Roslyn (Allnutt) 12. SECTION B. First Round. Dunedin (Sinclair) 18 beat Canterbury (Munro) 13, Roslyn (Wedderspoon) 16 beat Wellington (Gooder) 13. Caledonian (Collins) 14 beat Waimate (Coltman) 13, Southland (Erskine) 17 beat Sydenham (Throp) 9, Canterbury (Barlow) 21 beat Green Island (Buchanan) 11, Christchurch (L. B. Wood) 15 beat Kaituna (Sneddon) 14. Canterbury (Munro) beat Dunedin (Sinclair) 13, Newtown (Prince) 26 beatThorndon (Ross) 17. Second Round. Christchurch (Wood) 21 beat Canterbury (Munro) 8, Thorndon (Ross) 15 beat Waimate (Coltman) 12, Wellington (Gooder) 13 beat Sydenham (Th>-op) 9, Canterbury (Barlow) 17 beat Caledonian (Collins) 7, Roslyn. (Wedderspoon) 20 beat Southland (Erskine) 13. Newtown (Prince) 16 beat Green Island (Buchanan) 15, Dunedin (Sinclair) 16 beat Kaituna. (Sneddon) 15. Third Round. Christchurch (Wood) 16 beat Roslyn. (Wedderspoon) 8, Canterbury (Barlow) 18 Ivat Newtown (Prince) 16, Dunedin (Sinclair) 19 beat Sydneliam (Throp) 14, Wellington (Gooder) 27 beat Caledonian (Collins) 3, Kaituna (Sneddon) 21 beat Waimate (Coltman) 11. Southland (Erskine) 13 beat Thorndon (Ross) 11, Green Island (Buchanan) 17 beat Cantei’bury (Munro) 12. Fourth Round. Waimate (Coltman) 21 beat Sydenham (Throp) 10, Kaituna (Sneddon) 12 beat Caledonian (Collins) 10, Canterbury (Barlow) 15 beat Christchurch (Wood) 4, Newtown (Prince) 15 beat Canterbury (Munro) 9, Green Island (Buchanan) 21 beat Thorndon (Ross) 10, Dunedin (Sinclair) 19 beat Roslyn (Wedderspoon) 10, Wellington (Gooder) 23 beat Southland (Erskine) 11. Fifth Round. Roslyn (Wedderspoon) 15 beat Caledonian (Collins) 14, Southland (Erskine) 25 beat Green Island (Buchanan) 6, Thorndon (Ross) 14 beat Sydenham (Thorp) 13, Newtown (Prince) 18 beat Kaituna (Sneddon) 13. Gooder (Wellington) 13 beat Christchurch (Wood) 12, Dunedin (Sinclair) 18 beat Canterbury (Barlow) 7, Canterbury (Munro) 20 beat Waimate (Coltman) 10. Sixth Round. Canterbury (Munro) 13 beat Thorndon (Ross) 11, Christchurch (Wood) 15 beat Southland (Erskine) 11, Waimate (Coltman). 21 beat Green Island (Buchanan) 12, Caledonian (Collins) 16 beat Sydenham (Throp) 15, Roslyn (Wedderspoon) 21 beat Kaituna (Sneddon) 17, Canterbury (Barlow) 18 beat 'Wellington (Gooder) 13, Newtown (Prince) 16 beat Dunedin (Sinclair) 15. Section B —Tie. Newtown (Prince) 19 beat Canterbury (Barlow) 10. SECTION O. First Round. Dunedin (J. Hunter) 18 beat Canterbury (G. S. White) 11, Kaituna (('. T. Paterson) 28 beat Christchurch (F. Smith) 19. Son ill land <•!. Haiti) 16 beat Sydenham (T. MeGallan) la. Gore (T. Lock) 17 beat Wellington (X. McLean) 6, Phoenix (.1. C. Tayl a ) and North Lnd (.1. O. Howie) a byo, Palmerston North (J. . Nash) 27 beat ( n te ibu ry til. Oakley) 15. Second Pound. Go; a (Lock; 25 beat Southland (llu in.) 19, \\ t i i i ngi on (McLean) 27 beat Sydeu-

ham (MeGallan) 7, Phoenix (Taylor) 19 beat Palmerston North (Nash) 9, Canterbury (Oakley) 29 beat North End (Howie) 7, Christchurch (Smith) 13 beat Canterbury (White) 12, Kaituna (Paterson) 25 beat Dunedin (Hunter) 16. Third Round. Dunedin (Hunter) 15 beat Southland (Ham) 13, Canterbury (White) 21 beat Sydenham (MeGallan) 15, Wellington (McLean) 13 beat Christchurch (Smith) 12, Phoenix (Taylor) 15 beat Canterbury (Oakley) 10, Palmerston North (Nash) 19 beat North End (Howie) 16, Gore (Lock) 18 beat Kaituna (Paterson) 8. Fourth Round. Canterbury (Oakley) 22 beat Sydenham (MeGallan) 7, Palmerston North (Nash) 19 beat Dunedin (Hunter) 15, Phoenix (Taylor) 15 beat Gore (Lock) 12, Wellington (McLean) 15 beat Canterbury (White) 14, Southland (Hain) 17 beat Christchurch (Smith) 15, Kaituna (Paterson) 15 beat North End (Howie) 11, Fifth Round. Kaituna (Paterson) 17 beat Phoenix (Taylor) 13, Wellington (McLean) 25 beat Palmerston North (Nash) 15, Gore (Lock) 16 beat Dunedin (Hunter) 14, Southland (Hain) 18 beat Canterbury (Oakley) 17, Canterbury (White) 21 beat Southland ( )- Sixth Round. Christchurch (Smith) 21 beat Dunedin (Hunter) 20, Phoenix ('Taylor) 17 beat Southland (Hain) 16. Gore (Lock) 13 beat Palmerston North (Nash) 12, Sydenham (MeGallan) 16 beat North End (Howie) 13, Canterbury (Oakley) 25 beat Canterbury (White) 10, Wellington (McLean) 17 beat Kaituna (Paterson) 10. Section C.—Ties. Phoenix (Taylor) 20 beat Gore (Lock) 17, Phoenix (Taylor) 17 beat Wellington (McLean) 5. SECTION D. First Round. Dunedin (W. A. Scott) 13 beat Canterbury (W. Jacques) 9, Christchurch (G. Lambie) 27 beat Sydenham (W. Calvert) 9, Timaru (T. G. Rowley) 18 beat Palmerston South (R. P. Porteous) 7, Rangiora (Rev T. Fee) 16 beat Kaiapoi (R. W. Wright) 12, Ashburton (W. Harrison) 17 beat St. Albans (H. J. Raphael) ' 11, Palmerston North (W. Bunting) a bye. Second Round. Timaru (Rowley) beat Palmerston South (Porteous) 7, Dunedin (Scott) 13 beat Canterbury (Jacques) 9, Rangiora (Fee) 16 beat Kaiapoi (Wright) 12, Asnburton (Harrison) 17 beat St. Albans (Raphael) 11, Christchurch (Lambie) 27 beat Sydenham (Calvert) 9, Palmerston North (Bunting) a b}'e. Third Round. Sydenham (Calvert) 16 beat Kaiapoi (Wright) 14, Canterbury (Jacques) 21 beat Palmerston South (Porteous) 9, Ashburton (Harrison) 16 beat Christchurch (Lambie) 13, Palmerston North (Bunting) 15 beat Dunedin (Scott) 11, St. Albans (Raphael) 15 beat Timaru (Rowley) 13. Fourth Round. Timaru (Rowley) 21 beat Dunedin (Scott) 20, Palmerston North (Bunting) 22 beat St. Albans (Raphael) 10, Ashburton (Harrison) 19 beat Canterbury (Jacques) 16, Christchurch (Lambie) 21 beat Palmerston South (Porteous) 6, Sydenham (Calvert) 23 beat Rangiora (Fee) 5. Fifth Round. Sydenham (Calvert) 13 beat St. Albans (Raphael) 11. Canterbury (.Jacques) 23 beat Rangiora (Rev T. Fee) 12, Palmerston North (Bunting) 19 beat Christchurch (Lambie) 10, Ashburton (Harrison) 13 beat Timaru (Rowley) 7, Dunedin (Scott) 19 beat Kaiapoi (Wright) li. The Canter-bury-Rangiora game was interesting. At the fourteenth head Canterbury was 13 and Rangiora 12. In the next two heads Canterbury scored five for each. Ashburton have won all their games. Palmerston North 4, Canterbury, Christchurch, Sydenham, and Timaru 3 each. Sixth Round. Dunedin (Scott) 19 beat Palmerston South (Porteous) 14. Ashburton (Harrison) 20 beat Sydenham (Calvert) 13. Canterbury (Jacques) 13 beat Palmerston North (Bunting) 11, Timaru (Rowley) 15 beat Christchurch (Lambie), St. Albans (Raphael) 18 beat Rangiora (Fee) 8. Semi-Finals. Phoenix (Taylor) 24 beat Christchurch (Bishop) 19, Newtown (Prince) 24 beat Ashburton (Harrison) 19. Final. Newtown (W. Wylie, F. Wise, 11. Price, G. Prince) 25 beat Phoenix (J. Bloomfield, R, Hewat, R. Heron, .T. Taylor) 16. For third prize, Ashburton (Harrison) 20 beat Christchurch (Bishop) 12. DOUBLES TOURNEY. First Round. Buchanan and McDonald (19) beat Gillies and Gilmom (11). Smith and Reid (20) beat Mercer and Rowe (15), Harper and Howie (15) beat Harrnway and Sinclair (12), Akliurst and McDermott (17), beat Goldstone and Goldstone (7), Porteous and Hain (13) beat Mowbray and Longton (11), Darton and Jeffery (17) beat Gee and Marriott (12), Barnet and Louisson (25) beat Nash and Clausen (17), Orchard and Manning (16) beat Barnes and Peake (13), Weddersnoon and Balk (22) beat Duggan and Rowley (5), Scoular and Bentley (16) beat Inkster and Wilson (11). Wyatt and Bastings (22) beat Man,son and Cooke (14), Sneddon and Sanders (24) beat Hunter and Mori-i-s (7). Coll man and Garrett beat Lambie and Parsons by default, Ferguson and Porteous (22) beat Smith and Cud don (20), Busli and I e.lcli (20) beat Webb and Still (14), Brinkman and Forrosier (12) beat <'ossgruve and Ilayman (ID, Mann, and Throp (17) beat Collins and' Carter (13), W iso and Prince (21) bent; Roberts and Underwood (12), Taylor and Oakley (17) beat McManaway and Sievwright (13), Barlow and Brown (13) |), at; iiyndman and Biown (12) Miller and .Vlhiul i (14) beat Scott and Hogg (12), Last and MeGallan (11) beat Storey and Munro (12), Woolf and Wilson (24) beat Calvert and Johnston (23), Brit tan and Letts (25) heat Dawson and Gebbie (5), BJlilp anti Scaley (23) beat Jacques and Stark (10), Scott and Bogg (17) beat Wy-

lie and Prince (16), Craighead and Harrison (14) beat Jack and Reid (13), Brow* and Bunting (22) beat Burnside and Crawford (14), Brackenridge and Brackenridg* (18) beat Mclntyre and Neil (9), Neave and Williams (17) beat Durie and Foster (15), Sundstnom and McPherson (15) beat Hamilton and Bell (14). Bloomfield and Thomson (17) beat Greig and Bunting (8), Ross and King (17) beat Brockie and Hannah (15), Hill and McLean (18) beat Barry and Brackenridge (10) Wilson and Lock (14) beat Dr Thomas and Seagor (11), Geddis and Moult (19) beat Hocking and Murchison (6). Second Round. Wedderspoon and Balk (18) beat Orchard and Manning (i2), McDonald and Buchanan (16) beat Taylor and Oakley (12) Reid and Smith (20) beat Harper and Howie (12), Scoular and Bentley (16) beat Wyatt and Bastings (10), Jeffrey and. Darton (17) beat Louisson and Barnett (11) Miller and Allnutt (21) beat East and MeGallan (16), Sneddon and Sanders (22) beat Woolf and Wilson (15), Bush and Veitch (15) beat Brittail and Betts (3), Phjlp and Sealey (2-4) beat Brinkman and Forrester (16), liardie and Joynt (12) beat Thomas and Dobbs (8), Strothers and McDougall (21) beat Payne and Sutcliffe (6), Thomson and White (16) beat McLaren and Short (14), Erskine and Thomson (17) beat Brown and Poole (13), Chegwin and Dennv (17) -beat Paterson and S.ueaion (15) Keast and Co-llett (13) beat Rennie and Taylor (12), Black and Fraser (21) beat Brunt and Meikleham (16) Mackie and Gibson (17) beat West and Gabites (12), Miller and Taylor (16) beat Smith and Wallace (14), Collins and Gooder (24) beat Miller and Young (13), Brightwell and Sexton (19) beat Bishop and Gurney (14). Brown and Barlow (16) beat Hain and Porteous (13), Shand and Heron (14) beat Grier and Pickering (12), Steans and Smith (16) beat Hewitt and Taylor (12), Brown and Bunting (20) beat Craighead and Harrison (15), Garrett and Colt man (21) beat Ferguson and Porteous (11). Clark and Lefevre (18) beat Craddock and Clark (3), McDermott and Akliurst (20) beat Hill and McLean (18), Brackenridge and Brackenridge (27) beat King and Ross (6), Neave and Williams (16) beat Sundstnom and McPherson (11), Gcddis and Moult (11) beat Mann and Tlirop (10), Wilson and Lock (16) beat Scott and Begg (13), Wise and Prince (17) beat Thomson and Bloomfield (10). Third Round. Black and Fraser (15) beat Gibson and Mackie (11). Balk and Wedderspoon (16) heat Darton and Jeffrey (2), Smith and Reid (13) beat Buchanan - and McDonald (10), Thompson and Gooder (17) beat Collett, and Keast (16), Miller and R. Taylor (15) beat Brightwell and Sexton (13), Sanders and Sneddon (22) beat Miller and Allnutt (8). ITardia and Joynt (18) beat Lefevre and Clark (15), Thomson and White (23) beat Erskine and Thomson (9), Steans and Smith (IS) beat Neave and Williams (11), Strothers and McDougall (16) beat Shand and Herron (14) Seoullar and Bentley (12) beat Wise and Prince (11), Blown and Barlow (21) beat McDermott and Akliurst (9) Geddis and Moult (25) beat Brown and Bunting GO), Brackenridge and Brackenridge (14) brat Chegwin and Denny (10), Wilson and Lock (20) beat Philp and Sealey (14). Strutliors and McDougall (16) beat Shand and Heron (14), Bush and Vfetch (12) beat Coltman and Garrett (11). Fourth Round. Thompson and G.ooder (12) beat Miller and Tavlor (11), Reid and Smith (20) beat Brown and Barlow (6), Seoul lar and Bentlev (21) beat Balk and Wedderspoon (12). Brackenridge and Brackenridge (21) beat Joynt and Hardie (9), Sanders and Sneddon (29) beat Bush and Veitch (15). Struthers and McDougall (18) beat Thompson and White (12), Black and Fraser (17) beat Steans and Smith (15), Wilson and Lock (21) beat Geddis and Moult (20). Fifth Round. Scoular and Bentley (20) beat Smith and Reid (6), Thompson and Gooder (23) beat Black and Fraser (12). Brackenridge and Brackenridge (16) beat McDougall and Struthers (12), Saunders and Sneddon (18) beat Wilson and Lock (10). Sem i-Finals. Scoular and Bentley (21) beat Thompson and Gooder (13). Saunders and Sneddon 16 beat Brackenridge and Brackenridge 14. Final. Saunders and Sneddon (Kaituna) 2< beat Scoular and Bentley (Roslyn) 11. For third prize. Thompson and Gooder (Wellington) 31 beat Brackenridge and. Brackenridge (Victoria) 17. SINGLES. First Round. Bell (15) J>eat Mackie (14). Bentley (16) beat Tavlor (12), McLaren (17) beat Keast (4) Munro (21) beat Wylie (11), Foster (20) beat Durie (16), Paterson (15) beat Howie (13) Harper (13) beat Seoullar (11). White (18) beat Allison (12), Erskine (17) beat Black (14). Hardie (13) beat Sutcliffe (9).. Balk (16) beat Young (14). F. Smith (111 beat Brightwell (12). Woolf (15) beat Gebbie (ID. ITarrawav (20) beat T. Bunting (10) Reid (15) beat Allmitt (7). Barnett (11) beat J- A. Miller (9), IleAvit (15) beat Gilmour (13), Hannah (13) beat Orchard (10) Dr Thomas (16) beat Ilogg (7). Barnes (15) beat Nash (16). Barry (19) beat Gee (16) Smenton (15) beat Louisson (18), Greig (12) beat F. J. Smith (11), G. Porteous (13) beat C. Goldstone (11), D. S. Thomson (15) beat Wyatt (13). Murchison (23) boat Jacques (10), Scott (IS) beat Buchanan (11), McDonald (16) beat Short (13), Sanders (18) beat Hain (16), Sneddon (21) beat Manning (10), Gooder (17) beat Rowe (14), J. Brown (14) beat W. G. Thompson (12), Mercer (16) beat Sinclair (13), Hamilton (22) beat Bloomfield (20), Collins (15) beat Longton (6), Rallinshaw (11) beat: Akliurst (10). Jas. Brackenridge (24) beat Veitch (9), Neill (19) beat Still (16). Burnside (19) beat Cosgrove (12), Webb (17) beat Taylor (14). V ise (16) beat Rennie (12). Prince (17) beat Goldstone (If), A. Miller (18) beat Hocking (16), Neave (14) beat W. Tavlor (9), Reese (14) beat Price (13), Storey (21) beat Hayman (10). Bunting (14) beat Bush (1). Harrison (14) boat Carter (8). Hill (19) beat T)ugg«» (10). McDougall (14) heat: Bastings (9), A. E. Smith (16) beat Heron (14)Greer (12) beat Chegwin (11),

Lock (11) beat Strothers (10), Geddis (20) beat Sievwright (13), Wilson (18) oeat Crawford (17). Second Round. White (16) beat Roberts (4), Bell (16) beat Hannah (15), Mclntyre (20) beat Hardie (12), Bunting (15) beat Bentley (14), Porteous (19) beat McPherson (9), Storey (20) beat Murchison (10), Barry (20) beat Greig (16), Woolf (13) beat Webb (13), Barnett (15) beat Smeaton (13), Neill (19) beat Barnes (15), Dr Thomas (20) beat Harrison (14), Hill (18) beat Brown (12), Go-od-er (15) beat McLean (11), Paterson (18) beat Rallinsbaw (17), Harraway (14) beat Begg (9), Sneddon (20) beat Harper (13), Scott (16) beat Reese (14), Neave (17) beat Smith (11), Jas. Brackenridge (17) beat Brockie (15), Sanders (13) beat Mercer (12) Balk (14) beat MeDougall (11), Reul (la) beat Collins (10), Burnside (13) beat Smith (6), Greer (13) beat Foster (12). John Brackenridge (19) beat Darton (2), Lock (19) beat Hewitt (14), Poole (14) beat Miller (13), Wise (11) beat Thomson (10) Prince (17) beat McDonald (8), Munro (12)' beat Geddis (10), Wilson (15) beat Hamilton (9). Third Round. Woolf (13) beat Dr Thomas (12), Scott (16) beat Neave (13), Erskine (13) beat Porteous (7), Sanders (13) beat Hill (12), Sneddon (19), beat White (6), Reid (20) beat Gooder (10). Harraway (19) beat John Brackenridge (11) Paterson (16) beat Bunting (5). Poole (16) beat Storey (15), Wise (14) beat Prince (8), Barnett (15) beat Burnside (9), Neil (15) beat Greer (14), Bary (15) beat James Brackenridge (14), Mclntyre (17) beat Munro (6), Wilson (18) beat Balk (11), Lock (13) beat Bell (11). Fourth Round, Scott (17) beat Poole (11). Wise (16) beat Erskine (15), Neil (16) beat Barnett (15), Woolf (14) beat Bary (13). Harraway (15) beat Sneddon (11), Reid (18) beat. Wilson (8), Lock (17) beat Paterson (6), Mclntyre (19) beat Saunders (14). Fifth Round. Scott (16) beat Wise (14), Neil (18) beat Woolf (5) Harraway (16) beat Lock (10), Mclntyre (14) beat Reid (13). Semi-Finals. Harraway 23 beat Scott 11, Neill 18 beat Mclntyre 17. Final. E. Harraway (Green Island) 24 beat T. Neill (Taieri) 9. For third prize, A. C. Mclntyre (Taieri) 19 beat \V\ A. Scott (Dunedin) 10. NORTH AND SOUTH MATCH. This match created considerable interest among all bowlers, and quite a number of spectators and visitors watched the play, applauding frequently. It was decided that the match should consist of eight teams from each island. As the Southern bowlers were most numerous, teams were picked fro n skips and third players of teams in rink matches. In some instances —as in Taylor’s (Oamaru) team against Bell (Wellington)—the combination was weakened; whereas by selection of the best of Thorndon’s representatives that club’s team was strengthened, aud in all cases the North Island teams had the advantage of knowing each other’s play. Notwithstanding this, North Island went down by fourteen points in the aggregate. Prince was poorly supported, and played indifferently against .bishop and Wood (Christchurch), who played remarkably well. The loss of thirteen jjoints by Newtown’s, team pract.cally covered the total North Island loss. Neil McLean also fell to Payne, of Dunedin, by five points, but Bell’s team was well handled, and Busli, as third, was decidedly effecetive. The combination of Thorndon men that faced AJlimit’s selection was strong. Both skijis were sure in both draw and drive, and several dead heads were made. Newtown’s second team, skipped by Bright, was too weak for Wedderspoon, and Mackie (Taieri) and Victoria’s representatives also went down to Hain, of Invercargill. Gooder, from being ten down with four heads to go, improved his position by masterful play, but was unable to overhaul Barlow, the Canterbury sk.p, and Gooder lost his match by two points. As will be seen from the subjoined scores, Bell, Sievwright, and Nash, of Palmerston North, were the most successful skips in this match. Results:—

1. North—Wylie, Wise, Price, Prince (skip), 11; South Lou is son, Manning, Bishop, Wood (skip). 24. 2. North—Geddis, Hill, Moult, Ned McLean (skip), 14; Sotxth—Eisk'ne, Porteous, J. Patterson, Payne (skip), 19. 3. North Webb, Veitch, Bush, Bell (skip), 24; South—Porteous, D. Cunningham, Harrison, John Taylor (skip), 16. 4. North—Longton, Mowbray, Boss, Sievwright (skip), 21; South—Philp, Hamann, Goldstone, Allnutt (skip), 15. 5. North—Pollock, Sexton. Underwood, Brightwell (skip), 17; South—Denny, Chegwin, Wedderspoon, Mackie (skip), 24. 6. North—Brown, Brackenridge, jnr.j Bary, Brackenridge, senr. (skip), 23; South—Murchison, Hannah. Young, Hain (skip) 27. 7. North—Pickering, Jack, Bunting, Nash (skip), 25; South—Morris, Gillies, Mac Lean, M. Sinclair (skip), 22. 8. North—Thompson. Still, Hamilton, Gooder (skip) 15; South—Munro Neave, J. Thomson, Barlow (skip), 17. Totals—North, 150; South, 164. SATURDAY'S MATCHES. WELLINGTON CLUB. The following games were played on the Wellington green:— K. Wilson, Woodman, Barron, Ames (s). 31; Edwin. Haslam, Blake, Whitehouse (s), 9. Fairbairn. Grady. Mallard, Heaps (s), 29; Short, Wilson. Barton, Allen (s), 11. Lawson, Hill, Creaee, Bussell (s). 29; Lockie, J. Smith, Brunskill, D. McLean (s), 19. Miller, Hildreth, Plimmer, McGill (b), 34; Morris, Knox, Drummond, Burns (s), 22. . _ Evans. Hodgson, Price, Knapp (s), 27; Davy, Harris, Haybittle, Caldwell (s). 21. Hume, Mowatt..' Brown, Berry (s), 22; Watson Purvis Boves, Churchward (s) 20. R. Mowatt, Focke. Grundy. Nancairow,

(s), 19; Morrison, Huretwick, Osborne, Remington (s), 15. THORNDON CLUB.

The following games were among those played on the Thorndon green on Saturday afternoon Moore, Wilson, Murdoch, Kilgour (s), 22; Chittev, Mason, Barraud, J. T. King (s), 16. ... Chambers, Stuart. Wiggins, junr., Mclverrow (s), 20; Blanchard, Letham, Barry, Freeman (s), 19. C. Barraud, Nimmo, Johnson, Gould (s), 22; J. McKendrick, Galvin. Quick. Jones (s), 12. Kane, Collins, Hey wood. Soulin (s), 16; Leighton, V. Dymock, McEldovvney. Rose (s). 14. NEWTOWN CLUB.

Four rinks from the Petone Club paid a visit to Newtown. The results of games played were as follows. Newtown being mentioned first in each case: — Sexton, Laughton, Danks, McLean (s). 27; Wilmshurst, Horne, Henry, Gilmour (s), 16. Alpo, Webb, Martin, junr., Brightwell (s), 34; Cooper, Mothes, McArthur. Johnston (s), 19. Dumbell, Swiney, Powell, Hendry (s). 17; Bidler, McLean, Carter. Coles (s), 15. Ramsay, Meyrick, Hemingway, Brogan (s), 18; Griffiths, McArthur, Castle, Wylie (s), 19. Totals. —Newton 9-3. Petone 69. Other cards handed in read:— Lomax, Bland. Shearer, McTlvvraith (s). 29; C. Martin, Salmon, Anderson, Bell (s). 23. Smith, Worboys, Shore, Kinniburgh (s), 26; Amoore, Howorth, Stewart, Richards (s), 13. KELBURNE CLUB. The following games were played: — S. G. Hamerion. Routley, White-ford, Jameson (s), 30; De Castro, Kreeft, R. C._ Hamerton, Waddell (s), 16. llislop Trophy.—F. W. Meyer, 23; Alexander, Jack, J. P. Campbell (s). 23; Hardy, Church, Thonroson (s), 22. "Hislop Trophy.”—l\ W. Meyer, 23; S. G. Hamerton, 22. De Castro, Routley, Jameson, R. C. Hamerton (s), 21; S. G. Hamerton, Kreeft, Waddell, Whitefo-rd (s), 13. The green will be open for play this aflernoon, being anniversay day. Next Saturday a good muster of members is expected, as a contest known as "’progressive bowls” will be played. VICTORIA CLUB. A match for the Hamerton badges resulted as follows: — Holders: —Anderson. Mayer, Redstone Hueston (s), 29; challengers: —G. Godbe-r Kirker, Norwood, Mack (s). 15. Other games:— Stevens, Dickerson, Marks, Snaddon (s) 26: Ewing, Duncan, Norwood, Trevor (s)’. 20. Kebblewhite, Mack. Varcoe, MacMorran (s), 35; Fowler, You.mans, Redstone, Keith (s), 15. . Higgins, Kelly, Godber, White (s), 24; Dement, Hampton, Guise, Mitchell (s), 12. Mayer, Hamoton. Avery, Hueston (s), 26; Fosette, Holroyd, Dixon, Anderson (s), 18 Menelaus, McLeod, Ford. Eckersley (s), 24; Henrv, Croll. Kirker, Hatch (s), 22. Five rinks from the Victoria Green are journeying to Carterton to-day by the_ excursion train. They will play the local club, and return to town in the evening.

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New Zealand Mail, Issue 1717, 25 January 1905, Page 53

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BOWLING. New Zealand Mail, Issue 1717, 25 January 1905, Page 53

BOWLING. New Zealand Mail, Issue 1717, 25 January 1905, Page 53