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ISSUED AS A SUPPLEMENT TO THE “ NEW ZEALAND MAIL," JANUARY 25. 1905. istralian Widows’ Fund LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, LIMITED. JRELY MUTUAL. NO SHAREHOLDERS. ulated Funds Exceed *al Revenue Exceeds £1,600,000 £250,000 ae most complete system of Assurance, LIFE, DENT and SICKNESS in one policy. In case of : by accident, Double the Ordinary Sum Assured is ble. aximum of Protection Minimum of Cost! rite or Call for Prospectus, containing Full Par rs and Conditions. HEAD OFFICE FOR NEW ZEALAND: , Customhouse Quay, WELLINGTON. CHARLES HUME, Resident Secretary. Dyes all Colors. DR. MCLAUGHLIN’S A'l! ML Offices: Melbourne. Sydney, Wellington, Adela Brisbane. Launceston. ' Mlf -MAY SOAP SHES A m ELECTRIC BELT. For Home Dyeing. No Mess. No Trouble. nlv. It tophi liked, the Electric F< id vitality. !•'< Beautiful Illu the Dr. ItlcCaugblin £o., WILLIS ST., WELLINGTON. BAKER BROS. Auctioneers and Estate Agents, WELLINGTON. PETONE & HUTT. Sipped in the -Morning By Hundreds of Women. DELICIOUS TEB It is Pure! That's Sure! is pure, honest Ceylon Tea. an itced not blended with India any cheap or inferior teas. KEENE LANP AND ESTATE AGENT, WELLINGTON. * 9 OFFICE: MANNERS STREET. 3R. SALE: LAND IN TE ARO, NEWTOWN, KILBIRNIE, ISLAND BAY, BROOKLYN, &c. Call and Inspect one of the Largest and moat complete PROPERTY LISTS of City and Suburban Lands, consisting of Business Premises, Private Residences, and Gentlemen’s Residential Building Sites. to Lend oo Good Freehold Security in Towa or Country Please to Note Address : Next door to the Opera House, Manners Street, Wellington. mutual Cite Association of Australasia. SPECIAL FEATURE: COMBINED LIFE &. ACCIDENT ASSURANCE )l'i ICI. IN Till-: WORLD ?l*or TABLKS. Ac., applv to anv of the Agents throughout the Colony. Head Office for New Zealand FEATHERSTON SuBRANDON Sts., Wellington. C. A. RICHARDSON, Secretary. . INCOME ... £750,000 ' Tr RESERVES - - £750,000 i I’o More than any other Accident Company. .< L 5. A'ONTEFIORE, Manajor and Attorney lor flew Zealand. ACCIDENT AND GUARANTEE CORPORATION LIMITED The Largest, Wealthiest, and Most Progressive Accident Company in the World classes of Accident Business, Combined Accident and Sickness, rom harassing conditions. World-wide as to travel. Send for Prospectus Head Office for New Zealand : COLONIAL MUTUAL BUILDINGS, Customhouse Quay, Wellington. LINGTON MONUMENTAL WORKS ESTABLISHED 1872. NO. 59, Manners Street,, Wellington. J. HELYER., Sculptor. SCULPTOR FOR THE BALLANCE MEMORIALS) . Tombs, and Monuments worked in Stone. Marble or Granite. Cast and Wrought-Iron Railings of various patterns. Eafraviag a Speciality. Workmans*/? Quarantssd. Northern Assurance Co. Established 1836. ACCUMULATED FUNDS, £6,523,000 Head Offices: LONDON AND ABERDEEN. Chief Agents and Attorneys. BADHAM & BISS, Customhouse Quay, WELLINGTON. Harcourt & Co., ICTIONEERS. LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. SHAREBROKERS. WELLINGTON. tni\ Assurance Co., Ltd. Estaiii.isbkd 1782. laima Paid Exceed - - £28,000,000. ice fer New Zealand: Customhouse Quay, Wellington. M. SIMPSON, General Manager, SRBERT G. SMITH, District Manager. Cbe United Insurance Co., Ltd., FIRE AND MARINE. N.Z. Branch: Hunter St,., Wellington. JAMES S. JAMESON, Resident. Secretary. OCEAN MAIL SERVICES VIA SAN FRANCISCO. UTWARD. INWARD Mt\ i. Mav 1* Nov. -J X„ 7.1 BRINDISI. P & O. OUTWARD. INWARD. IVI., 7 Mn £Hardian assurance anal uiaii co„ £) m jtcd. ESTABLISHED 1821. >al Funds Exceed - - £5,200,000 -ire Insurance Effected at Moderate Rates. G. TURNBULL & CO., General Agents. Vorksblre fire insurance Go. Current Rates. CAPITAL -= £1,810,000 F. Pownall, District Agent, 9. JOHNSTON STREET. tralian mutual Provident a. The OLDEST-ESTABLISHED Australian Mutual Life Office, y. ant tha ONLY ONE that declares. .. . A bonus every year. ZD FUNDS - - - TWENTY MILLIONS STERLING. H BONUSES DIVIDED, over £10,949,642. H BONUS for ONE YEAR, 1902, £587,764. NEW ZEALAND BRANCH. HEAD OFFICE: CUSTOM-HOUSE QUAY, WELLINGTON. LOCAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Hon. Charles J. Johnston, M.L.C., Chairman. Alfred de Bathe Brandon, Esq., Deputy-Chairman. Hon. Edward Richardson, C.M.G. : John Duncan, Esq.; Joseph Joseph, Esq. EDWARD W. LOWE, Resident Secretary. Zealand Insurance Co. FIRE AND MARINE. Established - 1859 tEMIER COLONIAL COMPANY. Wellington Branch : ER LAMBTON QUAY and GREY STREET CHAS. A. EWEN, Manager. London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co. Subscribed Capital - - - £2,127,500 Security ----- over £3.496,444 MESSRS. JOHNSTCi: & CO., LTD., Agents and Attorneys. ways ask for Staples’s Sparkling- Ale. We invite all who enjov a good glass of BEER to ask for STAPLES’S BEST, on draught at almost all Hotels in the City and surrounding district, and confidently anticipate their verdict will be that Staples & Co. have successfully removed the Reproach that Good Beer could not be brewed in Wellington. STAPLES & Co., Ltd., Molesworth and Murphy Streets. YGENIC STEAM BAKERY, Taranaki Street,. W. A. KELLOW S to return his sincere thanks to his numerous Customers and the Public generally for the very liberal Patronage accorded him in the past, and assures his Customers that they may still depend ng served with Good Wholesome Bread made by practical tradesmen. POSTAL RATES. LETTERS AND LETTER CARDS. II I-.: 1. r it 4 • h C. • rr.,l Afc:., I* t>i. North I •or:-.. •>. r.rn-li P—l . 1 I . 1.1.1 Kllllg Td lda:i*l. I .sf r liPirutu ( .il.ilur •N« v jti'l o: l -.rr.,.. ...'* M‘.r ti.h l'n* Ag. , r •»;. I'.cagttay. I', ns. Pit* urn Port - 'J . . -Jr in - v.i'.i! /Ft Mat!,is •Crena l.i. Gi.-midm. -. St. Luc:. NEWSPAPERS. PRINTED PAPERS Including Books PARCELS POST. RE-DIRECTION. . l ed. r tt* d Mu MACAZINES «KrgiM» r«d). •Jonyatid Australia except Qtieen-jhird and ’At* ./-. to s o/s., td.. each additional 4 iI. ..her places. Li. each = o/s. BOOK POST. Commercial Paper ,v within theColonv: Delivery from Ortir.* at POSTAL NOTES BRITISH POSTAL ORDERS MONEY ORDERS. Id fot wl. affidavits, lulls of t allowed, bur no rn furmsof mst -»|»t foi id other public cou.p t orders for gods (sent by Commercui Travelle TELEGRAMS HOUSE OLEAINIIVQ. (Houses Cleaned from top to bottom. Carpete Beaten and Re-laid, by the ELLINGTON CLEANING CO j-£,:T OFFICES £< lUNTER STREET. « N.Z. Times, Lithographic Printers j N.Z. Times | Commerci?! Printers. 0 <s> $ -ac *4* ESTABLISHED 1845. 1905 -- CALENDAR == 1905 F. J. McLean & Co., ♦♦ Photography^ Wholesale Timber Importers and Exporters, Chronicle Buildings, Pctone, J. N. ISAACS, Victoria Studio, Manners St. Are prepared to deliver all classes of Australian Hardwoods AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. Cable Address: “ ftIAWHAK-E,” PIiTONIi. A.B.C (lode, 4th Edition. 3anuarp THE mm w < <cZ t THE “ GILRUTH ” CALF FOOD Contains 20 per cent. OF FAT, and it is the ONLY perfect substitute for whole milk. THE “ GILRUTH ” HORSE FOOD For Horses in poor condition. THE “ GILRUTH ” A Great Hgg Producer. A Great Egg Producer. POULTRY CONDIMENT SUCROSINE ” Manufactured by— THE A. AND P. FOOD COMPANY, Ltd., Office 7, FEATHERSTON STREET, WELLINGTON. Agents BEATTIE. LANG <Sb CO., WELLINGTON & PALMERSTON NORTH. BEATS THEM ALL rhQDCj fhocn / H; ftoup-' gUg' h K PPF y m; MB' gg; SHI' hOUU lhauglkQULy IijOULyIkOUUIWjUIJU-QUUIkQUU OjOUU I hauoIhOUUIhOULf man fl am faring rfiann moan fttan □ fkaan moan firana ko n Q mQ Ir-inr- 1 i I lnnn ( f'nnn I Hnnn I t I t lr,nn ( t \M DD (HcjOn (f]gCD U WDO U tlklDD uSss cSs cSs cSss ////✓// / / / / / 'A>\aao mass /IflgoD aBHH WA THREE . tySTAR : m 0 'fME Am /L>,noS rfiaan / A kvi:rj ✓lS® 'rt^S. WHISKY, kte ikfe m, kfe jlagust 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 September 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 W' AUCTIONEKR. LAND SALESMAN. H. EILNEST LEIGHTON, FEATHERSTON STREET, WELLINGTON, ..... and LOWER HUTT. A Special Selection of City, Suburban, and I "arm and Station Rn perties for sale on terms. AUSKXTKKS KKPKICSIiNTKII. COKKKSI’ON RHNCK I XVITKD. I'KOI'F.KTY VALUATIONS MAKE. ... Y-rr' Februarp October 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 December 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 Mandel’s New WILLIS AND VICTORIA STREETS, WELLINGTON. JOSEPH MANDEL - - - Proprietor. Tims Hotel, rebuilt and furnished in the most complete and up-to-date style, i now open for the reception of visitors. New Sample Rooms, light and com modious, with Strong Room for Valuables. Letters and Telegrams receivi prompt attention. fampire Hotel. / \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ N ■ SjyZ". S / / S /. S /.//.////■ / / / / Only Competent and Careful Men Employed. Ring up Telephone 956. Keir’s N.Z. Forwarding Agency - 12, Featherston Street.. CAKTAME rOATIIACrOR. ( I STIMIS. .. . leniHe-e Packed and Forwarded to any Address. Storage Accommodation in Brick Building. SAMPLE ROOMS TO LET. lOAL COAL ■DEL MOWN, C ~' « Merchant. .. : M, 194,114, 941,101. Ulellington electro plating wniis an<l €ngraning ulorks. f Send your old Spoons and Forks. Salvers. See., ollvCl* to be Re-Plated equal to new. [ BICYCLES RE-PLATED. Quality of Work guaranteed. Every description of Engraving at Lowest Rates CHAS. H. WILLIAMS. MORRAH & CO. its, M and 56. WILLIS ST. ■ n.u. . c, k.u ***:■■, P .• W. J, GRUDIN & SON, Coal, Wood & Produce Merchants. 26, Ghuznee Street, Wellington. *5 Telephones, * 271 & 434. •J OATS. CHAFF, STRAW, POLLARD, MAIZE, BRAN, < HAY, POTATOES. FOWLS’ WHEAT, ETC. MAIZE, OATS, BEANS, ETC.. CRUSHED FOR THE TRADE. THOR LEY’S FOOD FOR CATTLE. WADE’S PATENT SKYLIGHTS. BALLINGER Bros., Ma " utacturers - NEW LINE: Hydraulic=Drawn Lead & Corapo. Pipe. Waring Taylor Street. Telephone 99. Box 18. UlDat Is Industrial Cite Assurance? Industrial Eire Assurance is a System or Assurance conducted tip the CITIZEINS’ LIFE ASSURANCE Co., Limited. It is it System which brings the great benefits of Life A: Aiding, as it does, a policy for a child a few weeks old. o: It is a System by which any sum front Ao upward* It is ° * --* x — ’ ' • be ; is tx System whereby the burden of payment is made light, the premiums being payable at option by monthly, fortnightly, or even weekly instalments. ■ t iu Q System which obviates the trouhle of payment to the poiicvholdcr, the premiums being collected by a regular stafi of collectors at the assured’s home. ■t is a System which is kind, generous, anti philanthropic, and which is interpreted i broad and liberal spirit by the NO OTHER AUSTRALIAN LIFE OFFICE HAS SO MANY MEMBERS, HAS MADE SUCH PROGRESS IN ITS TIME, OR HAS SUCH GOOD PROSPECTS FOR INDIVIDUAL POLICY-HOLDERS AS THE “ CITIZENS’.” CITIZENS’ LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Head Office for New Zealand, Customhouse Qnay, Wellington. J. Frankis Lane, Resident Secretary. Westport & Greymouth Coal & Produce Co., Ltd. COAL, and PRODUCE. LOWER CUBA STREET. (LATE WESTPORT COAL COMPANY.) LARGE Stocks of Coal and Firewood always on hand. Best Westport. Newcastle, East Greta and Greymouth Nuts. Best quality Oats, Chaff, Bran, Wheat, Pollard, Hay and Straw at Lowest Rates. Goods delivered promptly to all parts of the City and Suburbs. We have several properties, town and country, for sale. Telephone 222. W. C. GASQUOINE, Manager. north Queensland [ I i r s c ur n a n n a cc ,, S i : inc Capital - - - £250,000 * —* HEAD OFFICE FOR N.Z.: WELLINGTON. D. A. ABERCROMBIE, Secretary. Cbe manebester Assurance Company. United with the ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY, Ltd. Fire Insurances effected at Lowest Current Rates. Inspection made free of charge. Claims settled without reference to Head Office. J. G. WARD & CO., Attorneys for Wellington and District. THOS. W. PILCHER, Manager. WELLINGTON AND MANAWATU RAILWAY TIME TABLE. soitm. ■/.../ s // s s // s s s s -yy.; Y S:./■ / / / /: / s / / s s s s-s / Address : Dixon Street, Wellington. WELLINGTON TelophoneM t OHIO*, 244. Milk D*p*rtm*nt, 11M. FRESH FOOD & ICE Co. LIMITED. HSBy) □□By) SEjßw) BPM aoOKd aaDKa oaOKJ aaDKj □npc<] Purveyors of Fresh Milk BaSß^ Cream Butter, Ice Eggs and Poultry. io = clO 7 !*• V g >•> THE PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE OF NEW ZEALAND. can it i:i> i»y thi: stati •ship of tin* Wills of IV v appoint the Public 4-The Administration of the Estates of Lunatics. it ion of Trusts and • s—The Management of Property as Attotney or Agent for the Owner, tstres and Executors. * 6-The 1), posit of Wills for safe custody when the Public Trustee if appointed Executor. •ce-sar*. numerous and expensive deed* not required bv the Public Trustee’s Administration, which has the estates. The Public 1 rust Office, although a department of the State, is absolutely tree from political td its work, apply to any of the Office Agents, or t*» the undersigned at the Public Trust Office, Wellington. J. W. POYNTON, Public Trustee.. SoutD Britisl) Fire $ marine INSUKANCB COMPANY. CAPITAL £1,900,000. ACCUMULATED FUNDS EXCEED £430,000. Fire and Marine Insurance of livery Kind at Yerv Lowest Kates. Chas. W. Benbow, Manager. Office, 27 Lambton (,>tiay. Wellington. Commercial Union S™ cc c ° FIRE AND MARINE. Capital (fully subscribed) - - £2,500,000 Total Assets exceed - £6,500,000 Total Annual Income exceeds - £2,500,000 NEW ZEALAND BRANCH: Hkad Oimi k : Corner of Lambton Quay and Grey Street, Wellington. FRANK ALLAN, GENERAL MANAGER, branches and Agencies throughout N.Z. WE ISLINGTON-NAPIER RAILWAY TIME-TABLE. SOUTH. WELLINGTON TINWAR.E COMPANY, SPECIAL MAKERS OF ALL Travelling Trunks, named “ Rotomahana," Dairy Factory Requiremeots, COAL VASES and every kind of JAPANNED nnl pHC nnc PfC* and BRIGHT TINWARE V dlo, O, “THE CRYSTAL PALACE,” ,09 \b a !?T °" a y’ Opening Thursday, January 26th, 1905, With a select stock of the latest productions in CHINA, GLASS, and EARTHENWARE. We invite you to inspect the latest in Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, and all lines in China, Glass, and Earthenware. RITCHIE & CO., Proprietors. WELLINGTON - HUTT SUNDAY TRAINS. TIMIvTABI.I J.i.i :u i l o •.» l t; l • Welling!; Tt* Aro TIME-TABLE. in. p.m. 1' in. l».m. p.m. p.m. 1.15 ; 5.0 5.15 ! 5.40 7.20 ! 5.40 Ll 7 l.~»2 5.17 .T 57 tTiT 5.57 1.5:1 l.:l-i 5.2:1 ... ff. 3 7.43 1 ‘J.:i at H. Imont, Hit id set down pnssengo; Che national mutual Funds and Reserves, nearly £4,000,000. Annual Income, £716,442. Chief Office : CUSTOMHOUSE QUAY, WELLINGTON. AUCKLAND- _ CHRISTCHURCH—CATHEDRAL SQ., clliwcll. DISTRICT OFFICES UN NEW ZEALAND * QUEEN STREET, J. Kcw Harty. District Manager | OTAGO—LIVERPOOL ST.. DUNEDIN, R. H. Collmin, District Manager . id Agencies Throughout the Colony. District Mteoajprr First Office In the World to keep Policies in force out of Surrender Value. . f the Sumodw Vi - - ■ - - --- mm

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New Zealand Mail, Issue 1717, 25 January 1905, Page 80 (Supplement)

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Page 80 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Mail, Issue 1717, 25 January 1905, Page 80 (Supplement)

Page 80 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Mail, Issue 1717, 25 January 1905, Page 80 (Supplement)