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Messrs George Thomas and Co., Hariris street, Wellington, report the following wholesale selling prices on the .Wellington marketf—Flour, £9 6s _to per ton; wheat, 3s to 3s 2d; bran/£3 ss' per ton; •pollard, £5 6s' to £5 lbs; wheatmeal, 10s 6d per 1001 b; ‘maize, 2s ;10d to 1 3s per bushel; short • oats, 2s to 2s 3d; long oats, Is lOd to '2s; • oatensheaf chaff, 80s to 90s per tonj baled straw, £2 10s to £3; baled hay, £5 15s per ton: McGill’s oatmeal, £lo 10s; crushed beans, 4s 3d; feed barley, 2s 9d; partridge peas, 4s; Prussian blue peas, 4s to 4s 6d; split peas, 15s per ;cwt; pearl barley, 15s per. cwt; Cape barley, I2s-9d per bushel; Derwent potatoes, £2 5s to £2 15s ; ■ onions, 90s to 110 s; factory clieese, s|d per lb; bacon, 7d; hams,: %% d; fungus, 4jd; swedes, 3s per cwt; ripe tomatoes, Is 6d to ss; parsnips, 4s 6d to 6s per sack; cabbages, 5s to 6s; cauliflowers, 6s to 11s 6d; lettuce, 3s to 6s per case; butter, 7d to 8d per lb; walnuts 3id to 4d per lb; cooking apples, 4 4s 6d to 6s, dessert apples, 5s to 10s; pears, 4s to 12s; pie melons, 4s per sack; pumpkins, 2s to 4s peF- sack; marrows, 4s per sack; grapes, «.J.s to Is 6d per lb; Messina'' lemons, 10s; fowls, 2s 9d to 3s per pair; ducks, 4s/turkeys. 7s to 12s; almond nuts, 8d per lbßarcelona nuts.Ud. - Freeman- R. Jackson and Cot (in conjunction with Abraham and Williams)' report on their-Johnsonville sale as; follows A full entry of bullocks the exception of a few , pens of medium quality, the yarding was .extra prime. •Reef made 19s to 20s per 1001 b, best bullocks £9, others £8 15s to £8 12s 6dtight £7 to £7 ss.' Sheep in fair numbers of good quality made—Wethers 18s £d, -other ewes 18s, 16s, maiden ewes Laery and Co., Limited, report the /following wholesale selling prices on the. Wellington market:- —‘Wheat, fowls’ -3s to 3s 2d, broken 2s 5d to 2s ; 7d; feed • oats Is lOd to 2s 2d , decoloured Is 4d to Is 8d; barley, 2s 6d to 2s 9d; pollard, £5 5s to £5 10s per ton; flour; £9 5s to £9 10s; Manitoban, £9 10s ; bran, £3 to £3 10s ; oatmeal, £lO 10s; rolled oats (s’s), 9s 6d, sacks ditto £l2; oat-sheaf Cape barley, 2s 9d per bushel; maize, 2s 10d to 3sj,fungus, 4£d per lb; potatoes, Derwents,-. '£2 5s to £2 15s; onions, 4s 6d to *6s; swedes, £2 to £3; tomatoes, Is 6d to ss; parsnips, 4s 6d. to 6s per sack; cabbages, 5s to 7s; .cauliflower, 6s to 11s 6d; lettuce, 3s ~\o 6s case; cheese, factory 5d to sid, " loaf , size 5Jd; butter, 7d to 8d for pastry, inferior 5d to- 6d; bacon, best factory 7d, rolls Bd, hams 8d a per lb; walnuts, 3d. to 4§d; split peas, 15s; , pearl barley, 15s; cooking apples, 3s * to 5s a case, dessert 5s to 13s; pears, dessert, 5s to JOs per case; pie melons, 3s to 3s 6d per cwt.; pumpkins, 2s to 3s per sack; marrows, 2s- 6d to 3s 6d; grapes, jls to Is 6d; Messina lemons, 10s ; hens, 2s to 3s; roosters, heavy, 3s to 3s 6d; ducks, 4s to ss; turkeys, liens 8S to 9s, gobblers, 11s to 13s, all at per pair; fresh eggs,4ls 9d to 2s, limed, tls 3d to Is 4d;ryegrass, 3s 9d to 4s 6d per bushel; cocksfoot, ma-chine-dresed, 5d per lb;' undressed 'cocksfoot, 3£d to 4d; . linseed; 12s; limbed cake, 6s 6d; Prusian blue peas, 4s to 4s 6d per bushel; partridge peas, 4s per bushel; wild ducks, 4s to ss; teal, 2s 6d to 3s per brace; hares, 2$ to 2s 6d. AUSTRALIAN MARKETS. . SYDNEY, May 25. To date nearly two million bags of wheat have reached Darling harbour, and 1,362,000 bags have been shipped oversea, V/ ' _ ’J ‘Wheat, chick, 2s 5d to 2s 7d; milling, 2s lljd to 3s. Flour. £7 10s to £7 15s. Oats, feeding, New Zealand, 2s 4d; Tartarian, 2s 6d; local white, Is- 9d; Algerian, Is Bd. Barley, Cape, 2s 4d to 2s sd. Maize, 2s to 2s Id- Peas, 3s 9d to 4s. Bran, 6i-d. Pollard, 7 id. Potatoes, Tasmanian, £1 10s to £1 15s. , Onions, £2 to £2 ss. Butter,best 7bd to Bd,. Bacon, to 9d. MELBOURNE, May -25. Wheat, 3s id to 3s Id. Flour, £7 5s ' to £7 10s. Oats, Algerian, Is Id to Is m. Barley, Cape, Is 6d to Is lOd. Maize. Is lOd to 1$ lid. Bran and pollard, 7jd. Potatoes; .£1 10s to £2 2s 6d. Onions, £1 IQs to £1 15s. - ADELAIDE, May -25. Wheat, 2s lid to 3s Id. Flour, £7 Ids' to £7 15s. Bran, 7d.; Pollard, Bd. SOUTHERN STOCK SALES. .4 i - DUNEDIN, May 25. .Burnside Market.—Fat cattle—l 43 head were yarded. Prime bullocks realised up 'to last. week’s rates, but as the sale : progressed medium quality steers and heifers dropped . 10s to 15s per head. Best bullocks £lO 12s. 6d to £ll 7's 6d, medium £7 15s to £9 ss, noifers, light', "£5 5s to £6 15s cows £5 to £6... Fat sheop—2477 were penned. The market opened :. alf about last week’s rates, but towards the close a reduction Is per head was noticeable. Best wethers, 20s to 255. one pen extra heavy * 295, medium 18s 6d to 19s, liglit-wejghts 16s to 17s, Vast ewes 18s to 20s, medium 16s to 17s 6d. Lambs—Only 317 were penned. Prices ranged from 15s to 17s 6d fox - best to 14s to 13s 9cT for others

Pigs.—The yarding was only medium, and prices were about the same as last week. .Suckers 9s to 12s; slips 14s to 18s, stores 20s to 265,. porkers 27s to 38s, baconers 41s to 525, choppers up to 58s. , .- .. .... . CHRISTCHURCH, May 25. Owing, to the rainy weather, the entries and attendance were very small at Addington yards. • V • . * Fat cattle—There was a yarding of 150 head of fair quality, biit .it included no lines of importance. The sale opened dull, and several lots were passed, but afterwards there was a slight improvement, the remainder being, fairly cleared and the .withdrawn pens sold privately. Steel's, sold at £6 15s to £lO ss, heifers £5 15s to £7 17s 6d, cows £5 to. £B, being at,the rate of 18s fcr cow to 225~6d for good beef per 1001 b. Fat calves sold at late values, makiug from 13s to 555. JStore cattle included only one quotable line of twenty-two .three and four-year-old bullocks, which were withdrawn at £6 10s. Dairy cows sold up to £lO 2s 6d. There was a very small entry of fat sheep. The entry, on the whole, was, of good quality, and included several lines of wethers, from Kaikoura.. ' The sale opened rather flat, but quickly rallied, the small supply being keenly competed for by both butchers and exporters. Wethers brought fully late rates, while prime ewes made a further advance. Prime wethers sold from 21s 6d to 23s 6d,extra to 27s 9d, lighter secondary 19s to 21s, prime heavy ewes 18s to 22s 6d, extra to 25s 3d, ordinary to good 13s to. 17s Od. Fiat lambs met' good competition at about'last weed’s rates. Tegs sold at ißs to 19s 4d, lambs at 14s to 17s Bd. Store sheep and lambs —There were few buyers, the rain checking the demand for turnip sorts. Prices, however, were fairly well maintained, the enti’y of lambs and wethers being of very fair quality. Wethers brought 16s to 18s 6d, ewes 11s to 16s 2d, lambs 11s 4d to 15s 10d. * Fat pigs sold well, but stores were dull. Baconei - s idealised 48s to ,62s 6d, or 44d to 4|d per lb, poi'kers 34s to 435, equal to s|d to s|d, stores 20s to 28s, suckers 10s to l£s. OTAGO PRODUCE MARKET DUNEDIN, May 26. Oats. —A limited export business has been done during the past week in Bgrade quality. A grade has fair inquiry, but few of the lines coming torward are sufficiently bright to be included in this class. Prim© bright Gar tons are also wanted fox - shipment, but holders of this class of oats evince little disposition to accept current values. Medium -and inferior qualities are without much attention. Prime milling, Is 44d to Is sd; good to best feed, Is 3d .to Is 4d; infex'ior to mediuin. Is to Is 2d per bushel (sacks extra). Wheat-—ln milling quality only the best samples. find favour with millers. Medium lines are almost neglected. Fowl wheat, which is not offering quite so freely, still has good demand for export af late values. Prime milling. 2sTod to 3s; medium to good, 2s 5d to 2s 9d; best whole fowl wheat 2s 3d to 2s 3)d; broken and damaged, 2s to 2s 2d per bushel (sacks extra). Potatoes —The market is more heavily supplied, and values have again suffered a slight decline. Best Derwents, £2 to £2 2s 6d; medium, £1 15s to £1 17s 6d: kidneys. Up-to-dates, etc., £1 10s to £2 per ton (sacks in). , Chaff —In the face of supplies coming forward during the past week it has been impossible to maintain late values, and in order to effect a clearance some reduction in price has to be made. Pi’ime oaten sheaf, £2 7s 6d to £2 12s 6d : choice, to £2 15s; medium to good,? £2 to £2 ss; inferior, light, and discoloured. £1 10s to £1 17s Od pei' ton (bags extra). Hay—The market is glutted and consignments ax ; e extremely difficult to clear. Best clover and ryegrass hay. £2 10s to £2 15sj medium to good, £2 to £2 7s 6d per ton (pressed). . .... Turnips—The loiv/ values reported last week .have had the' effect of retarding consignments, and slightly better, values could be obtained. Best swedes, 14s per ton (loose, ex truck). . CANTERBURY PRODUCE MARKET. CHRISTCHURCH. May 26. ' The following are the current prices paid tor farmers, free of commission, except where otherwise specified:— Wheat (nominal) —Pearl 2s 9d, Tuscan and Hunter’s 2s Bd, at oounti*y stations. Oats (nominal) —Heavy Canadians Is 6d, Garton’s Is 4d to Is sd,' short feed Is 3d to Is 3}d, heavy Duns le 4d to Is sd, f.a.q., Duns and Danish Is Id to Is 2d, at country stations. Barley (nominal) —Prime malting 3s, medium 2s 3d to 2s 6d, at country stations. ? . Beans—2s Bd, at country stations. Peas—Partridge 3s to 3s 3d, Blue Prussians 3s to 3s 3d, Blue Imperials 3s 6d to 4s, at- country-stations. Flour (millei's’ quotations)—Roller £8 10s per ton. Pollard —£4 10s. Bran—£2 10s. Oatmeal—£lo. Ryegrass—2s 6d to 2s 9d, Italian 3s to 3s 6d, at country stations. Cocksfoot—lolb to 111 b seed 3d to 34d, 131 bto 141 b 3£d to 4d; 151 bto 161 b machine dressed 4|d to sd, 171 b s^-d. white Clover —Superior 9d to TOd, good 7d to Bd. Cowgrass—7d to 7icL

Oatsheaf Chaff—£2 5s to £2 7s 6d 4 at country stations. /Potatoes —Derwents 20s, Early Rose 355, Kidneys 455, at country stations. Onions—£3 IQs, at country stations. Dairy Produce—Cheese, factory, 6d; dairy, 4Jd; loaf cheese, 6|d; butter, factory, local, 10|d ( farmers’ separator. 9d to 9£d; dairy, 8d to 9d for prime; salt (in boxes), 8d to 9d; bacon, 7d; hams, Bd, f.0.m.; eggs, Is 9d per dozen; OTAGO GRAIN MARKET. ■ DUNEDIN, Mixy 25. Wheat—The market continues dull, and little business is passing. Millers buy sparingly, and deal only with best samples. There is fair demand for fowl feed ip trade lots. Prime milling 2s lOd to 3s, medium nominal 2s od to 2s Bd, good whole fowl wheat 2s 3d fo 2s 4d, inferior 2s to 2s 2d, sacks extra. O'a-ts —There, are inquiries for prime milling and best shipping, hut there is a difference between buyers’ and sellers’ ideas of values. There is some business doing for B grade and best feed. Prime milling and best feeding lots ls.4d to Is sd, best feed Is 3d to Is 4d, inferior to medium Is to-Is 2d, sacks extra. SOUTH AFRICAN MARKET REPORT. The Department; of Industries and Commerce has received the following market report from Mr Gow, commercial agent for New Zealand in South Africa, dated Durban, 2'3rd ultimo:—• . Oats. Market clearing. Good stocks * with a fair demand. Wholesale dealers are buying to arrive.- Quotation's, 6s 3d A grade. Algerian no demand. Fodder.—-Fair inquiry. Australian, 87s 6d to 925, c.i.f. Lucerne.—No great demand in consequence of the good local crop of hay. nominal quotations are 4s to 4s 6d, c.i.f. Bran. —New Zealand quoted at 4s, c.i.f.; Australian, 4s 6d to 4s 9d. Fair demand. Maize. —Local arriving in fair quantities. Prime qualities, 10s per 2001 b. Little imported in stock. Quoted at 9s. • - Potatoes.—Plentiful locally. Wholesale prime, 11s per muid.. Australians, none sold forward during the month; best prices, £5 10s. c.i.f. Onions.—Fair demand. Spot value, I’d to l*d per lb f* Australians to arrive, £6 to £6 10s, in. sacks. Butter.—Market full. Victorian and New Zealand, Is 2d to Is 2|d. There has been a sudden rise in- Australian during the past week, though at the ftime of writing the advance is about "Rl ahead of last 'quotations. The choicest cloth and, parchment pats are not worth more than 10ld, f.o.b.,.Melbourne. Cheese. —Market stocks are light. Good Gouda, 9d. Canadian, in small proportions, same prices. Apples.—ln consequence of heavy shipments the stocks are rather heavy at present. Pxvime qualities selling wholesale at from 11s to 12s per case of one hundred and fifty fruits. Eggs.—ln consequence of heavy shipments from Ireland, prices have eased; quotations to-day Is Bd. Local up to 2s, fresh. Generally speaking, the tone of the market is hopeful. Frozen meat.—On 22nd last month, beef, 4fd; mutton, 4-id ;in consequence of recent shipments from Argentine ail'd Australia, prices have receded to beef, 3Jd, mutton 4d. A tax on meat is again spokfcn of. Poultry— 5s 6d to 5s 9d per pair.

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New Zealand Mail, Issue 1683, 1 June 1904, Page 70

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THE MARKETS. New Zealand Mail, Issue 1683, 1 June 1904, Page 70

THE MARKETS. New Zealand Mail, Issue 1683, 1 June 1904, Page 70