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LONDON, September 27. ‘Tho Times,” in an article explaining the weakness iri investment securities, refers to the realisation of three large estates of deceased person# bringing three-quarters of a miUioii CbnsoLs into the market.

The journal adds: —(“Owing, to the large amount of colonial and municipal stocks hqld by syndicates on borrowed money, every fall necessitates fresh realisations to provide further cover.” LONDON, September 28. Ascending at Saint Cloud, near Paris, in a steady but light south-south-easterly breeze, a balloon carried Count Dolavaug and two companions across the English Channel, along the eastern counties, and over the town of Hull, in Yorkshire. At 11 o’clock next morning the party alighted in the vicinity of Hull. In tho course of an interview, Count Delavang stated that his party crossed the Thames between Greenwich and Chatham. There was every prospect, when in the vicinity of Hull, of reaching Scotland, as they had 230 kilograms of sand in reserve, but the wind changed, threatening to cany them out to sea and compelling them to descend. The Admiralty has orcferecl a cruiser of the Duke of Edinburgh type to .bo built at Govan, a second at Barrow-on-Funless and a third at Newcastle-on-Tyne. It has been decided to re-arm tho cavalry with a new light, straightthrusting sword. The Gun Committee has adopted a 15-pounder quick-firing field-gun for firing effectively- shrapnel at 6500 yards to 10,000 yards. The gun is considered the best of its kind in Europe. Lieutenant-General Sir Archibald Hunter, who, it was reported, had been appointed in command of the Madras forces, has been transferred to the Bombay command in succession t# General Sir Robert Cunliffe Low. The “Daily Mail’s” Paris correspond ent says that an arrangement bet Britain and France has been effected, with the acquiescence of Spain and the knowledge of Italy, to establish ft French Protectorate in Morocco. Provision is made for a neutral strip along the coast; Britain bo be compensated elsewhere in exchange for the arrangement.

There are, adds the correspondent, indications, that 'France is ready td intervene t-o help the Sultan of Mlotooco.

The “Mail’s” Berlin states that under the arrangement Italy receives Tripoli, while Britain’s Piw. tectorate in Egypt is recognised _ artdf strengthened, Germany being satisfied with commercial privilege® in Morocoa and the open door to trade. PARIS, September 28.

“ Le Temps ” says that the pourpa<rvr lers over Moroccan affairs havg not ye% led to any precise result. CALCUTTA, September 28. Lord Curzon, Viceroy of India, during next November, escorted by warships, will visit Muscat and Persian Gulf ports. SYDNEY, September 28. Speaking at the laying of the foundation stone of the iioav Redfern Railway Station, the Chief Railways Commissioner Avarned the Government against loading the capital of railways beyond their earning povrer, and thus putting the railways in the position of being unablo to pay their way. To do so would disturb the minds of English capitalists, to whom they had to look for money. At the stock stales at Homebush today sheep were in heavy supply and prices easier. Best wethers - scJd at 19s 6d to 22s 6d, good 18s to 18s 6d; best ewes 19s to 20s, good 17s 3d. Cattle sold at advanced rates. Best bullocks fetched £ll to £l4, good £IC 10s; best cows £9 to £lO, good £7 15s Best beef realised 27s 6d per 100 Tb. Dr Parkin, of Canada, representative of the trustees of the Rhodes scholarships, says there is no place in the world where he found a more keen and intelligent interest shown in "the Rhodes scholarships than in New Zealand. Miss Crossley, who sprained one of her ankles on Saturday, is making satisfactory progress. Her second ..concert was a splendid success. The gale which was racing yesterday has abated, but the sea is sc ill boisterous. ’ Excepting in the far. west, where the fell light, there was soaking rain over the* whole State. For the forty-

eight hours ended this morning lOin was registered at Raymond Terrace, 7Jin at Newcastle and 6Jin at Maitland- r lho records in all the northern, districts ai'o very heavy. The low-lying lands along the Hunter and other rivers are under water. lA number of residents were compelled to leave their houses. The river Hunter is falling. Cxi cat damage is reported to have .been- done to crops. BRISBANE, September 28. There was a largely-attended special sitting of tlio Full Court to-day at which citizens and members of the legal profession bade farewell to Sir Samuel Griffith-, Chief Justice of Queensland, who has been appointed Chief Justice of the High Court of the Commonwealth. Replying to congratulations on his appointment. Sir Samuel said ho was going to fill the highest office in Bri-

tish dominions outside of Great Britain. It was an honour that any man might well he proud of. SPORTING. WELLINGTON RACING CLUB. " ' The following nominations have been Received for the spring meeting of the Wellington Racing Club, to be held on Wednesday and Friday, 21st and 23rd October: FIRST DAY. October Hur die Handicap, of 100 so vs; one mile and three-quarters :—Killarney Slow • Tom, Osborne. Levant. Evening, Puritan a . The Dauber, Mourner, Kohunui, Boko. Romany Lad, Smithy, Defiance, Dr Bill.. Ofcaio Tradewind. Shorts Handicap, of 100 sovs; five furlongs.—Platypus, Gladsome, Pure Silver, Matuku,. Regiment, Full Cry, Idea, E'nna, Rawiri. Gold Crown Gold Seal, Te Taia>-£ hai Green-sleeve, Wind, Field Battery, Glory, Auratus'. Miss Hamilton. Cyclas Parva, Starshoot. ~ Wellington Handicap, of 400 sovs: one nile and a quarter.—-Shrapnel Shell,

• Pallas, Black Reynard, Winchvliistle, Kingman, Shrapnel, Royal Fusilier, 1 Battleaxe, Okoari, Perfection, Bandmaster, Menura, Provost Marshal, Idea, Canteen. Ghoorka, Exmoor, Hinetaura, Halberdier, Terrapin, Mehvood, Optimist, Benefactor, Kelburn, General Symons]. Heroism, Float, Plaidie. Rimutaka Hack Handicap, of 80 -sovs; ! se.ven furlongs.—The Romney, Cats paw, j Australasia, Tile Guesser, Iniwa, Stepson, Black Squall, Scrip. Manawani, Creusot, Sandy, Contingent, Repulse, Trent. Position. Sir Galahad, Hamuai, R-oseal, White' Ribbon. Apprentice. Cu- ! mulus, St. Winifred, Hydrant, Bom bastes, Lass c’ Govrne, Thunderer, Cyclas Parva, St. Evangeline. Wainui Handicap, of 10u sovs: seven furlongs.—Platypus', Lclah, He la Key, Fakir, Perfection. Bandmaster. Repulse-, Sea Lion, Rawin', Reclaimer, Betsy,Wind, Li as a, Will -o ’-1 h e-W is p. Fie lea, Defiance, Count of Kolmar. Maro. Hinekoa,. Seagull, Freeland. Romany Lad. j Nursery Handicap, of 120 sovs; four fur-

Longs.—Master Alix, Possibility, Unawares, Solution. Sir Percivale. Galahad. Forest Ranger. Novgorod, Valois, Stepmar, Companion, Veneer, Musketry —Fatigue- colt. Promotion, Albafera. Flying Handicap, of 150 sovs; six furlongs.—Pallas, Lolali, De la Rey, Pure Silver, Black Reynard, Matuku, Regiment, Madrigal; Full Cry, Okoari, Elina-, Idea, Glicorka, Rawiri, Gold Crown, Gold Seal. Field Battery, Will-o'-the-Wisp-, Auratus, General Symons, Pari tutu, Seagall, Starshoot, Tattle, Livonia. Spring Hack Handicap, of 70 sovs; five furlongs.—Gatspiaw, St. Alba,. Waipai, Good Spec, Delight, Scrip, Tiuha, Manatwaru, Rose Madder, Sandy, Contingent, Chant, Clovelly. Hamua, Reikura. Waikakaho, Link Lock, Motai, Count Gordon. SECOND DAY. Petone Hurdle Handicap; of 100 sovs; one mile and a. half. —Killarney, Slow Tom. Osborne, Levant, Evening, Puritama* The Dauber, Mourner, . Kohunui, Boko. Romany Lad, Smithy, Defiance, Dr Bill, Otaio, Tradewind. Tararuai Hack Handicap, of 70 sovs; seven furlongs.— The Romney. Catspaw, The- Guesser, Iniwa, Stepson, Good Spec, Black Squall. Scrip, Manawaru. Creusot, Sandy, Repulse, Trent, Sir Galahad, Ha-

' mua, iWhite Ribbon. Apprentice, Hydrant, Pokeka, Cumulus, Lass o’ Gowrie, Thunderer, Cyclas Parva, St. Evangeline. Pearce Handicap, of 300 sovs; nine furlongs.—Shrapnel Shell. Lolah, Pallas, De la Rey, Black Reynard, Windwhistle. Ringman, Shrapnel, Royal Fusilier, Battl'eaxe, Okoari, Perfection, Bandmaster, Menura, Provost Marshal, Idea, Canteen Ghocrka, Exmoor. Rawiifi, Hinetaura, Hal.bardior, T'errapiu, Me 1 wood, \V i 1 i-o’-the Wisp, Optimist, Benefactor, Kelburn General Symons, Maro, Heroism. Hinekoa, Float, Plaidie. liutt Park Handicap, cf 150 sovs; seven furlongs.—Platypus, Lolah, De la Rey, Gladsome, Fakir, Pure Silver, Black Reynard, Maluku, Full Cry, Okoari, Perfection, Bandmaster, Idea, Buna. Rawiri, Gold Crown, Gold Seal, Reclaimer, Betsy Melwood, Field Battery, \Vill-o’-the~Wis]>_

Fleka, Livonia, Count of Kolmar, Paritutu. Hinekoa, Seagull,- Freeland.

Rualiiue Hack Handicap, of 80 sovs; six furlongs'.—St. Alba, The Romney, Cats-

paw, Australasia-, Waipai. Iniwa. Stepson, Good Spec, Delight, Scrip, Mauawaru, Rose Madder, Sandy. Contingent, Repulse, Trent. Clovelly, Re seal, Position, Reikura-, Waikakaho, Pokeka, JLiink Lock, Bo m bast es, La ss o' Go wide, Count Gordon,. St. Evangeline. Juvenile Handicap, of 100 sovs; five furlongs.—Gladsome, Master Alix, Possibility, Unaware*?, Solution, Sir Percivale, Galahad, Forest Ranger, Sea Lion, Gold Crown,, Valois, Stepmar, Companion, Auratus, Miss Hamilton, Musketry-—Fa-tigue colt, Promotion, Albafera. Nainai Handicap, of 100 sovs; fice furlongs.—Platypus, Gladsome, Pallas, Pure Silver, Matuku, Regiment Madrigal, Full Cry, Okoari, Idea, Enna, Rawiri, T'e Taiaha. Green sleeve. Wind, Glory, Miss Hamilton, Starshoot* AN APPEAL CASE UPHELD. The judges appointed! by the Racing Conference to hear the appeal case of J, Mai one and D. Hepburn, of Gisborne, who were appealing against a decision of the Hawke's Bay Joekey Club have upheld 'the appeal. At thie Gisborne Racing Club's meeting in February last M. C. Rhodes's A.B.N. won the Summer Handi-

cap, with J. Malone’s Craftsman second!, and M. C. Rhodes’s Itoseplot won the Grandstand Handicap, Avith D. Hepburn’* Lady Raven second. Messrs Malone and 1 Hepburn pretested against the owners of A.B.N. and Roseplot receiving the stakes on the g.round that the owner Avas in the forfeit list at tho time of nomination, the ‘protests Aver© dismissed, and an appeal was then Lodged with the Hawke’s Bay Jockey Club, under rule 71, Avhich provides that so long a- a person is in tho unpaid forfeit list no horse can be entered of Avhich he is Avhoiiy or partially owner, or which shall )>e proA'ed to the satisfaction of the stewards to be under his- care, management, training or superintendence. Mr F. Rhodes’s name appeared in the unpaid forfeit. on January 7th for an amount due to the Wellington Racing Club. Prior to and: since that date Roseplot and A.B.N. ran in Mr F. Rhodes’s name. The appeal juugo disqualified A.B.N. and Roseplot for the races they Avon and awarded the stakes to'the oAvners of the second, horses.

TRAINING AT WANGANUI. WANGANUI. September 28. It was an off morning on. the - course to-day. Treadmill went a mile, five furlongs of which was covered in Imin ssec. Quarryman and Windwliistle did a mils together in lmin 48sec. They were not extended. Opaea traversed four furlongs in 52sec, and Sympathy five furlongs in' 65s>eo. A host of others did useful work. PARIS, September 27. W. Wright, the leading steeplechase jockey in France, was killed in an accident while riding in a race.

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New Zealand Mail, Issue 1648, 30 September 1903, Page 31

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CABLE NEWS. New Zealand Mail, Issue 1648, 30 September 1903, Page 31

CABLE NEWS. New Zealand Mail, Issue 1648, 30 September 1903, Page 31