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Secretaries of Clubs will pleas 9 forward programmes, also results of meetings to "Advance/’, P.O. Box 75. (BY ADVANCE.) FIXTURES—MARCH. 7. —Tariki Caledoniau Society. 8. Waitara Athletic Club. 14.—Strathmore Athletic Club. 14.—Gisborne St. Patrick's meeting. 16. —Wellington Hibernian Society. 18.—Blenheim Hibernian Society. 18.—Geraldine Hibernian Society. 18. —Timaru Hibernian Society. 18.—Rangiwakia and Pemberton. 18.®*Alfredton. 18. —Waverlev Athletic Association. 27.—Otaki Athletic Club. At a meeting held in Kimbolton on February 27th it was decided to form a Sports Club, to be known as the Kimbolton Sports and Picnic Club. Mr Hugh Mclntyre presided over the meeting, which was very well attended. It was decided'to hold sports on the cricket ground on Wednesday, March 20t-h, to be followed by a concert and dance in the evening. A good programme, to consist of athletic, horse, novelty, and general events was drawn up. It was decided to engage the Feilcling; Brass Band to play at the sports. Following officers were elected: —Patron, F. Y. Lethbridge, Esq., M.H.R.; president, Mr F. W. Ellis; vice-presidents, Messrs R. U. Harden, A. PI. Tompkins, J. A. Bailey, Dr Greig, A. Dick, C. Bray, R. Mcßeth,, A. C. Matheson,' H. Taylor, H. Towler, D. Howie, W. Johnston, W. Andrew; lion, treasurer, W. Hansen; secretary, W. G. Hicks; assistant secretary, J. W. Tompkins; handicapper and director of sports, Mr C. Bray; starter, Mr Pettigrew; judge of horse events, Mr J. D. McGregor; director of tilting, Mr R. B. McKenzie. V. .S. Jacobs, who surprised himself in the half-mile championship at Christchurch. showed good form at the Dunedin Cycling Club’s sports on the 23rd February. The races resulted as follows :—22oyards—V. S. Jacobs (oyds), 1 ; J. Stalker (Byds), 2 ; C. A. Cuff (scr), 3. Won by a yard. Time, 25secs. Halfmile —W. O. Kempthorne (70yds), 1; V. S. Jacobs (15yds), 2 ; J. G. Gow (50yds >, 3. C. A. Cuff (scr) was among the other starters. Time, 2min 7secs. The ‘‘Sportsman” correspondent thus refers to the Wanganui Amateur Club’s meeting : —The weather was simply perfect, but in spite of the fact that the meeting had been "well “boomed,” the public manifested little interest, the gate receipts totalling under £5. Ar-' tli'ur Holder was advertised to start, but failed to put in an appearance. Pat Webster journeyed from New Plymouth, and for the second time this season on Cook’s Gardens was credited with running the 100yds from scratch in lOsec dead. He also won the 250yds Ladies’ Bracelet, but no time was taken for this event. Webster is undoubtedly a pretty and speedy runner. S. Davison, who is an improving pedestrian, won the Club Championship, 440yds, in 52 sec, but as only two watches were timing the standard will not be applied for. The fields in the College events were large, and the finishes close. Hughie Good turned up promiscuously and appropriated the Putting the Stone, beating his only opponent, young Ritchie, of the College, somewhat easily. The officials all worked hard to ensure the success of the meeting, and a special word of praise is due to the secretary, Mr S. R* Williams. At a meeting of the Management Committee of the Auckland A.A. and C.C. on Wednesday last a letter was read from M. M. Roseingrave, intimating his willingness to meot George Smith in a 120yds invitation hurdle race at the autumn carnival if specially invited to town. He is at present in the Tipper Thames. Goldfields District. As the Irishman has left the matter until the eleventh hour—despite the fact that Smith in his challenge had notified that he must have two clear months’ notice for training purpose, and that he had been written to on the matter several weeks back, but failed to reply—the communication was merely received, as Smith has been out of training ever since the November meeting. It was, IroAvever, decided to invite the Irishman down to the meeting, and it was announced by Smith that, given reasonable notice', he would be still quite ready to meet Roseingrave over the sticks. CONTROL OF CASH RUNNING. “Sprinter,” in the “Sportsman,” thus refers to the above subject:—Commenting on the suggestions of “Advance,” that the government of cash running should be taken over by the League of New Zealand Wheelmen, and of myself that the New Zealand A.A.A. would be the better body, a writer in the Wei-lino-ton “Free Lance” adds his quota to the discussion by stating that the Associated Caledonian Societies are the proper body to take the matter up. I think the Caledonian Societies are the least suitable of the three mentioned.

In the first place, as the Associated Caledonian Societies exist at presentthey by no means represent the Caledonian" Societies of New Zealand, or even the majority of them. Before they could commence to control cash running all over New Zealand they would have to secure the affiliation of all the Caledonian Societies, and come to some arrangement with the various Hibernian and Friendly Societies, the League of Wheelmen and unaffiliated cash athletic clubs, for recognition of their suspensions. Still, this is not impossible of accomplishment, but it represents _ a vast amount of work, which I am inclined to thimr the Associated Caledonian Societies are not likely to tackle. To do so it would become necessary to entirely alter their constitution and ideals. Hitherto they have figured as sports-promoters pure and simple, organising and holding sports gatherings in various parts of the colony once a year. Their work in this diretcion has been a conspicuous success, but it by no means follows that similar results would attend an endeavour to pose as a governing body. To fulfil the latter function a permanent head of the Association, working all the year round, would have to be formed, controlling directly every cash running race in the colony. The simplest way to do this would be to issue licenses to runners and prevent lion-line en seel runners from coinpo’.ing. Moreover, it is not at -all certain that- the Hibernian and Friendly Societies which are in the habit or caterxitp! for cash atlilot-GS, would altogGtliGi relish the idea of their gatherings being under the control and supervision of the Caledonians, who would he able to grant and refuse permits as they chose, lam quite aware that cash running in iNew Zealand is largely responsible for its continued existence to the Caledonian Societies, and for that reason any body assuming the control of the sport- must gQOpi'o the co-operation of the ian Societies. But at the same time it must be remembered that the avowed raison d’-etre of the Caledonian _ societies has been the propagation of its national games and pastimes, and the special prominence given to cash cycling and running has been only a to ■an end. I feel thoroughly satisfied tnat the-Associated Caledonian Societies will have no desire to meddle _ with the government- of cash running if some other body will take it up. The proper boav to do this is the New Zealand Amateur Athletic Association. It has a permanent tribunal already appointed, and can, if it chooses, readily, adjust, its constitution to take in this additional branch of the sport. The principle of cash and amateur sport- being under one governing head is becoming recognised as thoroughly sound. I should like to see the matter considered and seriously tackled by the Association’s Council. GLADSTONE SPORTS. A sports' meeting was held at Gladstone on Thursday last. Following are the results: —District Maiden Race, lou yds.—A. Booth 1, W. Jackson 2, T. Harland. 3. Five entries'. Flat Handicap, 100yds.—\\ . A. Puce 1 Stempa 2, Jaro 3. Time 10-fsec. Handicap Hurdles. —Jaro 1, A. Tea. _. Time, 30secs. . . 0 Orange Competition. —T. Cooper {o oranges) 1, S. Mason (2clo), 2. Ten entries. - r , Flat Handicap, 220yds.—Tv. Pike ;lo yards) 1, Stempa 2. Time 234 secs. Threading Needle Competition. Ja(o (lmin) 1, S. Mason (lmin Glsec) 2. lv. Skerret (lmin 12sec) 3. Fourteen entries. Gladstone Boys’ Race, up tc- 12 --ears'. —Tuki 1, T. Harlan cl 2. . . Cigar and Umbrella Competition.— \\ • Hope, 29 l-ssec, 1; S. Mason, 30 secs, 2; Jaro, 31 2-sseic, 3. District Handicap Bovs Race, age 11 to 15 years.—Nine entries. A fine race, resulting in a dead heat bet ween D Harland ancl D. Thompson, who divided tne spoil. Girls’ Race, up to lo years.—H- Gram1, L. Johnson 2, Turarakiri 3, Pme i oto 4. . T , Apple-bobbing Competition. Jaro i, Mason 2, H. Douglas 3. Handicax) Running High -Jump. — Chamberlain, sft sin, 1; Jaro, 2. Girls’ Race, 11 to 13 years'. —L. Grant, 1, L. Johnson 2, Rangi 3, Nomana 4. Jumping Competition.—T. McMaster s Konini 1, R. Cooper’s Two-up 2, Hunter s Taratahi 3- r . Handicap Flat Race, 440ycls.—S. 1 ike;, 23yds, 1; Stempa, 23yds, 2. Time o? secs. -rtr a Mounting and Dismounting.— \V . A. Pike 1, A. Booth 2. Hop, Step, and Jump Handicap.--Jackson (2ft), 38ft Bin, 1; Jaro (scr), 40ft, 2; Pine (scr), 3. District Handicap Married Men s R, ace . —A. Booth 1, E. Cook 2, J. Grant 3. Apr- * Rdscue Race. —Cooper 1, Mitchell 2. Six entries. The Sack Race was won by Jaro, D. Harlan d 2. „ T ... Handicap Flat Race, 880yds—S. Pike, 30yds, 1; T. Oliver, 30yds, 3. Time. 2min 18seo. WEBER CALEDONIAN SPORTS. The above meeting was held on February 27th. Following are the results: 220yds Handicap; Ist 40s, 2nd 20s—■Ross 14yds, 1; Somers, 4yds 2. Robertson, 20yds, Cook 18yds, West 20yds, Breakwell 20yds, Ashley 22yds, Marshall 14yds, also started. The scratch man after a fine race was unable to get up by a- few inches.

Sword Dance, Ist, 3os; 2nd, 17s Gd— J. McKeehnie, 1; C. Campbell, 2. Bagpipe Music, Marches ; Ist, 30s and trophy ; 2nd 20s —J. McKeehnie, 1;D. Campbell, 2. 100yds Handicap, Ist, 30s; 2nd, 15s and trophy—Ross, Byds, 1 Marshall, 7yds, 2; Somers, scr, 3. Good finish, won by a yard. Irish Jig, Ist 30s, 2nd 15s —J. Davidson, 1; J. McKeehnie, 2. A. Campbell also competed. Ladies' Bracelet, 150yds; Ist 30s, 2nd 15s—Harkness, 14yds, 1 ; Cochrane, 18yds, 2. Wylie 20yds, Cook 16yds, Robertson 16yds, also started. , Won ea.sily. Best Dressed Highlander ; Miss Munro’s trophy—D. Campbell, 1. Bagpipe Music, Pibroclis; Ist 30s, 2nd trophy—D. Campbell, 1; J. MeKecimie, 2. . Shauntreaus ; Ist Mr Martin’s special, 2nd trophy—C. Smith, 1; IT. Smith, 2. McKeehnie, Campbell, and Davidson also competed. Consolation, 150yds: Ist 20s, 2nd 10s —-Somers, scr, 1; Marshall, 7yds, 2. Three others ran. Aggregate prizes—Dancing- (Mr N. McPhee’s trophy). C. Smith, J. McKecliuie, and B. Smith dead heat. Running (Mr A. L. Gordon’s trophy), Ross 1. Putting 16ib shot ; Ist 30s, 2nd 15s— Armstrong (3ft) 57 ft lOi-in, 1; Harvey (lft) 37ft 7in, 2. Dalton, scr, Cook 2ft, McDonald 2ft, and Ross 4ft, also competed. 120yds Hurdles; Ist 20s and trophy, 2nd Ids —Ross, scr, 1; Ashley, syds, 2. Harkness scr, Dalton oyds, Troy scr, also started. Dalton fell when in a good position, and Ross won easily. Bagpipe Music, Strathspeys and' Reels ; Ist 85s, 2nd 20s—J. McKeehnie, 1; D. Campbell, 2. Throwing 161 b Hammer, Ist 20s and trophy, 2nd 15s —Dalton (scr) 89ft lOin, 1; McDonald (oft) 78ft oin, 2. Harvey, scr, and McLean Bft, also competed. Boys’ Race, 120yds, under 16; Ist 10s 6d and trophy, 2nd 5s 6d and trophy— Franklin, 1; Herbert, 2. Mabctt was first but was disqualified for jostling. 440yds Handicap ; Ist 40s, 2nd 20s—Ross, 25yds, 1; Somers, 12yds, 2. Asliley 35yds, Murphy 20yds, also started. Close finish. -Dancing Highland Fling; Ist 40s, 2nd 20s—W. Smith, 1 • J. McKeehnie, 2. C ! . Smith, A. Campbell, and J. Davidson also competed. Hop, Step, and Jump.; Ist 15s and trophy, 2nd 5s and trophy—Mabbett •'2f-b 6ia 40ft Gin, 1; Ross (scr) 40ft, 2. Wrestling, Cumberland, 11 stone; Ist 30s, 2nd 15s—Cook threw Harvey, Wylie threw Armstrong. Cook threw Wylie and won. High Jump; Ist 255, 2nd 12s Gd Dalton (scr) sft 2in, 1; Troy (lin) slt, 2. McDonald, Wylie, and Breakwell also competed.

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New Zealand Mail, Issue 1514, 7 March 1901, Page 43

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NOTICE TO SECRETARIES New Zealand Mail, Issue 1514, 7 March 1901, Page 43

NOTICE TO SECRETARIES New Zealand Mail, Issue 1514, 7 March 1901, Page 43