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, Within ten yeard bur Pottery has become one of the finest in the \ Southern Hemisphere, The plant is. of the most modern and powerful type, permitting of the moulding of 6in Pipes in a few seconds, and of 24ih.' Pipes in, less than a minute. ', From 11 entplovees the nambe r has jumped to. 60, and among them are expert men in every department. A fine group of. buildings constitute the works, arid there side by. side i ■ with the inventions of modern genius is the Potter’s Wheel of the gyptians.v V ; works are always open for public inspection, and will be found replete in all the latest } modern machinery and .appliances. r/ : V-: ' ’ - . VV ' : 0.,V m Wm '•m mm mm m m Wwjjsjim S m ■ • - m ■mm wmmm i? m mm •.v,?; « i aaßaj ' •: i ' V H ggn mm KmrTi| B iis m mm m ;11 mm %mm | M§ II B IS § : ■ m ! 1 ' -r. ■ I I ?m. mt M B9BHI i m ■:-y. H B B « 1 *. Sag “A*'.' SS“t Lilianufaeture exfcerisively and h '^ndess - .hilly Bricks, Tdcs, Sanitary yA\ ard ritf all descriptions., 1 Ilrain Pi pes,; apd Ornament al anCltilitaHa.ii Pottery o*’ every kind. Ornament off J x Jugs, . ars,- -Flower Pot«, • Bristol Stonewa,rek Hemijohns, '_{ erra Cotta Figures,) &e. s ; . V ;sf. Government. :J.udges. uh . \ ., t cv 3cV;’c -/v v- • Exhibitions;- and: the' general public; bestow unstinted praise on.all our man ufaetures. Y -We are also Sole* Agentsyfor Go.\s celebmted Star . ' llrarid ’Port land Cement. * We also "stock! hi me, Plaster Paris, Fireclay, iiFirebr,idles and -

PI LLS For Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and Fain in the Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness,'Fulness and Swelling after meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushingsof Heatj Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Gostiveness, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, &c. The first Dose will oive belief in twenty minutes. This is n© fiction. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be “WORTH A GUINEA A BOX.” ■ BEECHAM’S FILLS, taken as directed, will quickly restore females to complete , health. They promptly remove any obstruction or irregularity of the system. For ® Weak Stomach; Impaired Digestion; Disordered Liver ; they act like magic. A few doses will work wonders upon the Vital Organs ; Strengthening tho Muscular System: restoring the long lost Complexion; bringing back the keen edge of appetite, and arousing with the Rosebud of Health the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are “facts” admitted by thousands in all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to th© Nervous and debilitated is that Beecham’a Pills have the Largest Sale of any Patent Medicine in the world. Full directions with each box. • Prepared only by THOMAS BBHOHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire. England. - Sold everywhere, In Boxes, ,«■ Is. l|d., and 2s. 0d each • "

IS " LEGAL. i_Y QUALIFIED ' . : jmd.duly're^^tei^T^iMßho,^ : ':: N. S. W. GOVERN MENT Medical Board. This eminent Specialist, Chief Surgeon to the long established and- f avourably known Medical Institute and Private Hospital which hears his name, received his medical training- In the leading’ Colleges and Hospitals of the world. Pte has devoted a life-time to the study of. COMPLAINTS M.D., Etc., Etc., EtO., SERIOUSA N DCOMPLIGATED He has by profound research thoroughly investigated their origin, traced their’deadly aouroea and insidious dissemination, and ascertained the surest and safest methods by which they may be healed. With these universally recognised qualifications, combined with unswerving faithfulness to bin patients, he has, during his extended practice, attained, a well deserved pre-eminence in their treatm<ent.'' His practice embraces maladies which , probably cause more "unhappiness than any other idlasS cKf trouble which afflict mankind. Therefore, if you experience any of the following • , . -A.3C. -A- it mac x]»roi s -sr mac pu*o nc s : Enervation, Fear of Impending Danger, Timidity, Numbness or Prickly Sensation, Twitching of the' Eyelids. Dreams, Inability to Keep Your .Thoughts off Unwelcome Subjects, Inclination to Throw Yourself Down when over Water, Fear of Insanity or Suicide, Hacking Cough. Giddihess, Neuralgia,«o*lng of Saliva from the Mouth during Sleep, Bad Feet, Weak Back* Bashfulnesa, Lassitude, Desire for Solitude or Drink, Wind, Bad Taste, Constipation or Relaxation of the Bowels; Piles, Dullness of Intellect,' ILSIWICIffi-; erf®s - ;3K3C!OiXnia'-3E3 - XiCMOft Sallow or Pimply Skin, . Weak, Sore, Sunken, or Dark-circled' Eyes, Impaired Memory, Sborthevßc- of Breath, Blushing, Palpation,' Indigestion, Flatulency, Foul Breath, etc.; etc. , should consult him either' personally or by niail, for he has mastered these'difficulties. He will; .on receipt of sixpericeln gtunpt l , send a complete Medical Work containing more than 100 Prescriptions for Home Treatment, entitled — “ 1 ' ' which will prove! a valuali*-; companion, Ita general information\ and , perfect health, even though your case has been pronounced-incurable by your me rtioris will astlst you to lical adviser. f.: V v'.-" to send or bring for Remedies .necessary to cure any Ordinary Complaint. Should you reqdire/mttjUcal - treatment, as procrastination is sometimes dangerous; it would be advisable for y ou tp w*ite to Or call upon the Doctor, detailing every experienced symptom. . He will on receipt of' such information furnish a candid opinion of your case. If you are unable to describe your malady; send for list of carefully prepared questions which will enable you to describe your ailment. ~ . . ( /*>, 1 All Communications should be addressed— ' Dr. CRITCHETT CORRICK, 151 Elizabeth Hyde ParK, Sydney, Please mention this paper when writing. . \;7'\

No Humbugging Offers op Conditions TO COMPLY WITH. * FREE In order to introduce dor goods into every . hotue. a Ladies or Cent’s Mexican SilverWatch Chain and Pendant will be present* ed' entirely free to each Purchaser of orfe pa ir of our specia 1 Cuff Links, price 4s 9d. Please note that we send mfe' YCdtch Chain and Pendant complete in rase ;; with warwmty along with, the Cuff Links, immediately we receive your P.Q. dr stamps for 4s 9d. If three staiiipd'textra are Enclosed, goods will be sent by Roistered Post,.and thereby eawe any risk of; breakage. Address: Introducing Company, Box 45SL Auckland, New Zealand. v._ TESTIMONIAL. - Cuba street, Dear Sirs,;—T received your Cuff Links, also Watch Chain and Pendant. I must confess I did not expect to get'the Watch Chain and Pendant, as there are, so many misleading advertisements in the papers now. However, I enclose 4s 9d for another pair of Cuff Links, along with a Watch Chain and Pendant, for a lady friend of mine.—R. MOORS.

MiOAi/I'H ASSURED. The Suffering and Ailing can on obtaining .Belief by Consulting PEOF. NOTMANN, ME., E.M.G., / New Zealand Electropathic Institute. 231 Gloieestef street, Christ church. Prof. Notmann is a Medical Electrician and Botanical Expert, and treats-his natients with Nature's own remedies with wonderful success. You can be treated successfully at your own, home. He .has had twenty years' European experience, and has been largely consulted since h# commenced practice in New, Zealand seven years sirce, and to convince the most sceptical will forward Electrical Appliances * • ' TESTIMONIAL. Stirling• (Otago). Prof. Notmann. i Jan. 20, 1899. Sir,—l have carried out the instructions contained in your, first letter, and the results have been satisfactory. Before I wrote I thought I would not be cured. I, had tried so many remedies. I atn thankful to he able to inform you’that I have improved every day since I. placed myself under your concentrated treatment. t am now fully recovered. I trust you will accept my thanks for your prompt attention throughout, and also, for/the great benefit I have received from you. 21® ■ IP. D. CLAEKB.

f cLaci/i€ttr&. J IMMEDIATELY RELIEVE ■ 2>.i *3 CHB^okcHITIS One Cigarette irOtantly relieves tht* worst attack of the above. Sufferers at night find them invaluable* OF ALL LEADING CHEMISTS. WONDERLAND OF NEW ZEALAND. ROTORUA AND HOT LAKES* DISTRICT. Tourists and visitors from «m» South intending visiting the North Island and the Hot Lakes District 'ill find every comfort, attention and convenience at the various Hotels in the District of Rotorua, viz., the Grand, Geyser, Lake L-ouso and Palace, the Grand being the finest hotel in New Zealand. All Communications addressed to th® Managers of the above Hotels will have prompt attention*--- <

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New Zealand Mail, Issue 1523, 28 February 1901, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Mail, Issue 1523, 28 February 1901, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Mail, Issue 1523, 28 February 1901, Page 2