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H m m 1 1 g - -v m m mm wgfoMzzp. 'mi x. CTs VM mMM Afe siSWfcj THE YEREX and JONES COMPANY OF WELLINGTON. Aroeric&o * !reporters NATrONAL CASH H KGfSTER. THK 111! KATKS' MOX K Y-M A K HI. OF THK A OK. t He TYPEWRITER. T .»©►„ . . ' jfF Jb :u, y v tCg« / ■ & ms m T 3 Y’ t i H H&f ’HE BEST TYPEWRITER THE YOST. I n these da vs of keen and increasing com poiit hm. t o ignore :headva nt ages ot Re ' nlinu . m mu |s, ° " hell ini I the times, and the Imisi in -ss man win >in -gh -ef s such a Inn - it imar■ ‘n n '.i n><>t i' l u< 1 n .- * x ! 11 111 1,11,1 is sadly lacking in prescience and acumen. If lias Keen before? the New Zealand Public fort lie la-t live vears. It was met with prejudice, but irs welcome presence in hundreds of the leadin- Mercantile Kst a 1 dish metit s. dozens of Government (dimes (including Hansard I )ep irrmenf). and many Professional (Mims and Private houses, show how t I,oroitjrhly it is appreciated. The Yost has came to st av. Its strong- points are SO strong and so many that it east \ tu ts the comma tiding position of the world’s host Typewriter. These are the Strong’ Points — 1, —The Alignment, owing to Centre (J nide.i< a I iso 1 11 1 el v]ie r n amen t and pert ect. \\ e(h i not know ol an \ other tvpe-bar machine of which this is trite. The No. I YOST is the latest and most marvellous Writing .Machine the World has ever seen. It is product of the tinest inventive talent of the aye. combined with exquisite mechanical skill. 2. Direct contact of tvpr with the paper, thus enabling the cleanest and most heatltiflll work. The Ink Ribbon discarded. This means much. Less expense, less dirt, less power, cleaner tvje, In work. • (.. Great st.renythand weariny qua 1 iries. The first Yosts ever made are still doiny yio I service, o. Kasiest learnt : Cniversal Keyboard : and simplest and cheapest to maintain. If Ii is ihe ideal machine for writing on lines and for t a hula ted work. 7 || is the handsomest, most compact, and most convenient for travellers. S The No. (i brief Yost is bv far the liest for legal work, beiny specially strony and suitable. tin them MANY HENRY GEORGE carried the “ Yost " around the World, and DR. NANSEN took it on his Menu i everywhere. SIR WILLIAM ARMSRONG (Great dun) says : “It is the Koval Road m writing. NY and other Crowned heads. A dopted by the English, French, Indian and New Zealand (.Tovernnients. his Memorable Voyage to the North Pole. You see Used by the EMPEROR OF GERAwarded i*2 Gold Medals. 'vktLltrCTON OFFICES OUR HKA 0( t UJ ART Kits. THE COlaU |VI 1317^ Is built bv the Pope Mannfacruriny Cont]iiuiv of Hartford, Connecticut. C.S.A. Colonel Allien A. Pope the head of the Company, was the founder of the manufact are of bicycles in America m ISm. and the pioneer of tin* yreat: movement in favour ol better roads. . *• Pope - and “ Columbia ” are lnmsehohl words in America. The Pope ( ompany set the fashion m bicycles for the entire world. No other machine has been so much copied and imitated, nor no other Company so watched to set* what new features they will briny out. . Columbia bicycles are for those who must have the best that money can buy the best that highest skill, infinite care.’ finest materials and ample capital can produce. , To those who are waiting for tlm prices to come down we bey to say that the lope (ompany have already announced that their prices for 1597 will be strictly maintained. Min know full well, ami s<. does everv practical bicycle man. that it is utter nonsense, and dishonest to boot, to claim t hut a cbiss fen nine bi<di grade wheel can be turned out for one cent less than t'2 o. 1 hey cannot and a " ” ...... • . sav t ) i;it ( oinm'l’liese are a few of the special features that have mad enviable title of “ Standard of the World Ist. The frames are made of Nickel-stool the toughest known material. jJnd. Patent self-oiling chain. Clean, simple, effective ;no necessity for year ease, brd. Unique Crank Shaft, with no nuts or copper pins to catch garments or get loose (immense) f-t 1i . ball Henrinys, made under special processes, and noted foi their smooth and friet ion less o Columbia at L'27 is the cheapest machine in the market, by far. It is no exaggerat ion t bias are worth at least Co more t ban any other bicycle brought into New Zealand from any source Kngland, France, Germany, America or Japan. ... This statement, is made in cold blood, and we challenge the cycling experts of New Zealand to < improve it. Why be satisfied with a bicycle, when you may have thr bicycle Wherein lies Columbia superiority ? It is difficult to specify so as to be clear to 1 lie ordinary observe! It requires expert knowledge to fully appreciate. Columbias famous, and won lor them the ot h vV v* < • c No. I CALI (J R A PH, (it h. Columbias are built in the most modern and best equipped bicycle factory, by the highest trained corps of mechanical experts and inventors in the world. The svst.em of testing everv Columbia before it leaves the factory is absolutely unique in the bievele world. Five hundred and eighty-four (oSd) inspections are required upon a Columbia and" its component parts, not including the final inspection and examination of the finished bievele before shipment. fIIUM BIAS ARK KCIKT RIGHT.” WHAT IS AL NATIONAL GASK IR EGISTER m ti, ; ’•/Si. 3m rs «> C-s / m ■ s Hu mM r ■ sir P.KI.SS AND HKAI'TY OX A OHJ'M HIA, There's tin* walking talking girl, And the girl with girl ami the J But th<- piarl of pearls, tile girl of girls I Is tlie girl that rifles a wheel, lerves of steel : j machine itself is only the centre of a unique cashier too. It cannot make mistakes. It never s lies, never y< >es on st rik <*. ami i*eq u i res n< > sa Ia t v 11. sav ■m >rs to L'l per day r elianye. P It is something more than a mere machine. 1 I business system. It is a cashier, and more than abv comes late to business, never has a headache, never ti after the first cost. i • i i Who are they suitable for r Kverv retail storekeeper be he butcher baker, grocer or chemist. hardware or draper, t'hev suit all businesses where goods are. bought or sold Ihe National <-ash heyistei Company of Dayton, Ohio, U.S.A., make over <><> dilTeret.t styles of ( ash liegisters suitable for any kind of business. As its name implies, the Register was at first designed to record cash transaction.-, onl.>. Afterwards, however, the principle was extended to embrace all kinds ot transact ions that lake place m a retail establishment. A cash Register will take care of all cash sales and all credit, sales as well : will keep a faithful record of money paid out and money received on account., or all aecontmodal ions such as changing a note or cashing a cheque. it tells how many customers enter your shop during the day. and what time i lie shop wa.s ojx-ned in t lie morning, or closed at night . If is so simple a child can work it. No writing. No complicated rules to remember. Maclmierv beats the human mind. If is the greatest business reviver ev ei known Gust outers are delighted with it. as it protects them from overcharge <: sa yes one from one t' i t wo lion rs I iook - kce pi ng per da \ . These are all facts i hat may bo corroborated by anyCasli Register user. Me eonfidentlv releryou To any of t hem. No user of a (avsli Register will take twice what lie gave for it and be without. We do not s-ell the R.egister as a detective merely, bn! as a business system. M bile 11 is a detective and puts a check upon everv transaction, it does more. If sysf emises your business. It. prevents «,l.e mistakes that always do happen somehow, but are always hard to find, and harder to prevent It prevents making wrong change and forgetting f«» charge credit sales. It - ‘ slops I lie leaks that occur intentionally or u n ino ■n t ional Iv. if it is all this, arethev " catching on ” r They are. We have already sold about New Zealand. and sales are increasing steadily. The N.G.ii. Company turns out on an average a finished tmwlnne everv S', minutes from the factory. . Tln-v have eg! >( >.( HM ) invested in it - plant . Its daily ex pern iii ure is over U l-< >< >. I hey make not lung but National ('ash Regist-i rs. These are a few opinions of New Zealand users , r lam still very pleased with tin- Cash R‘ - gisier I bought from you. Me balance our cash dadvyo a i.ennv otiite a new exoerienee for me. I wish I had had il a dozen years ago. ~ 1 ' 1 ' .). p. Stkvknson. (iroeer. Wanganui-- •• | ;nil more satisfied with the result of my cash since using the ( ash Register than 1 have her duiin”' the previous D> years of mv business experience. IT KI I, PATH !CK , Faislev Tea .Mart. Wellington. •• [ pleased wit h it . and heart ih recommend it to anyone in business. G [•; Ja.vsox. Grocer and Provision Merchant. Wellington. -•The price is nothing“to the gain von receive by them. It is a worry saver and also a cash saver. ' .J. T. Hai.i,, Newtown, Wellington* «• [ t has given me every satisfaction." H. Phitch AKI-, Grocer ami Provision Merchant. Wellington, f, , - s the best investment 1 have made since I began business. Ihe more I use it the better lai pleased with it.” , . , . . * ... i M.. I ‘ .... - Loo cmii/ui K/uttrlif ti yppnrul MllWhlTlf* I r m A' Ii m l . -- v m TOODKKS' FIRST I.FSSON ON A ('OKU MHI A.

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New Zealand Mail, 3 December 1896, Page 21

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Page 21 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Mail, 3 December 1896, Page 21

Page 21 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Mail, 3 December 1896, Page 21