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By Electric Telegraph.—Copyright. (press association.) London J uly 12. The Liberals gMn from the Unionists the Chestoi field Division of Derby, Mr Thos. Bayley ; Doncaster, Mr Fleming ; and the Woodstock Division of Oxford, Mr G. R. Benson ; and from the Conservatives, Egremonfc, Mr D. Ainsworth. The former members have been elected for —East Tyrone, Mr W. J. Ileynolda (IS) ; Fareham, General Fitz-Wygram (C) ; East Kerry, Mr J. D. Sheehan (N) ; South Division of Norfolk, Mr F. Taylor, (C); Rye, Mr Brookfield U ; Caithness shire, Mr G. B. Clark (L) ; LutoD, Mr C. Flower (L); NorthEast Division of Derbyshire, Air T. BoltoD, L ; Wellington Division of Shropshire, Mr A. H. Brown (U) j Newmarket, Mr G. Nownes (L) ; Knuteford, Hon A. Egerton (C) ; Torquay, Mr It. Malloek (0) ; Birr, Mr B. C. Molloy (N) ; Spalding, Mr H. Stewart (L) ; Ross, Mr It. McDonald (L) ; Ripon, Mr J. L. Wharton (0) ; Basingstoke, Mr A. F. Jeffreys (C) ; East Aberdeen, Mr P. Esslemont (L) ; Southern Division of Monmouth, Colonel Morgan (C) ; South Derry, Mr T. Lea (U) ; and South Down, Mr M. McCarten (N). Tory candidates have been elected for— Epsom, Mr Bucknell ; Leek, Mr Ball ; North Antrim, Mr Connor ; North-West Division of Stafford, Mr Heath ; and Sevenoaks, Mr Frost. Liberal candidates have been elected for —Morley, Mr Hulton ; Launceston, Mr Owen ; and the South Division of Somerset, Mr Strachey. (SPECIAL.) London, July 12. The Freeman’s Journal predicts that Mr Gladstone will have a majority of 60. It urges that Ireland must be made indepen-

dent of the domination of priests, and demands their legal suppression. Boston Irishmen have subscribed £2400 towards the expenses of the McCarthy party. D! Crilly, Nationalist, has been re-elected for Mayo.

(press association.) London, July 13. The polling continues to be unusually heavy. Tha Conservatives and Unionists have 'Obtained 1,518,131 votes and the Homo Rulers and Labour candidates 1,598,237. The neb gain of the Home Rulers is 30 seats. The Liberal-Unionists have lost 15, including Greenock, and won six. The Times expects a majority in favour of Home Rule of between 20 and 30. Grange demonstrations were hold all over ( Ulster yesterday to protest against Home Rule. A shot was fired at the returning officer at Newton, smashing the pipe in his mouth. There is an impression that it was intended to shoot Mr Leigh, the new member. (special.) London, July 13. It is believed that Mr Gladstone will have a large majority. The Times says there will have to be another election next year to a certainty, and the Unionists will have to prepare to do battle for the integrity of the Empire. Tha Chronicle thinks the Liberal revival is due to the impulse given by the Trade Unions. Speculation is already rife as to the new Ministers. Ifc is thought probable that Mr H. H. Fowler will be Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr Labouohere Home Secretary, Lord Carrington Secretary for the Colonies and Mr Shaw-Lofevre Secretary for Ire* laud. (press association.) London, July 13. In the Midlothian election Mr Gladstone polled 5750 votes, and his opponent, Col nel YVauchOj), 5077. The Liberals svon no less than eleven seats at t > day’s polls. From the Unionists they gain Colne Valley (for which Mr Kitson was returned), Rox* burgohire, the Hon M. F. Napier, and South Ayrshire, Mr E. YVason. From the Conservative Party they won the Accrington Division of Lancashire, Mr J. F. Leese ; Middleton, Mr C. H. Hopwood ; Gainsborough, Mr J. Bennett ; Radnorshire, Mr Edwards ; Houghton-le-Spring, Mr Fenwick ; Frome, Mr Barlow ; North Lonsdale, Mr Smith; the Eastern Division of Norfolk, Mr Price ; Dumbartonshire, Mr Sinclair ; Darwen, Lancashire, Mr Hunting, don ; and Maldon, Mr Dodd. The Tories gain from the Liberals Hexham, Mr Clayton, and North-West Lanarkshire, Mr White! aw, the latter having formerly been represented by Mr R. Cunningham Graham. The former members were re-eleoted for —Southport, Hon G. N. Cuizon, C, Political Seoretaiy for India; Tamworth, Mr. P. Muntz, C; Hornsey, Mr 11. C. Stephens, C ; Ince Division of Lanarkshire, Mr J. W. Phillips, L; Stratford-on-Avon, Mr FA Townsend, O ; Stirlingshire, Mr J. C. Bolton, L ; West Division of Dorset, Mr H. ii. Farquharson, 0 ; Hereford, Sir J. Bailey, C; Western Fifeshire, Mr A. Birrell, L ; Eastern Perth, Sir D. Currie, U ; Mid Division of Northampton, the Hon C. R. Spencer, L; Totnes, Mr F. Mildmay, U ; Ornaskirk, Mr A. B. Forwood, C, Secretary to the Admiralty ; Eastbourne, Pear Admiral Field, C ; Romford, Mr J. Theobald, C ; Hyde, Mr J. W. Sidebotham, C ; North Westmeath, Mr J. Tuite, N ; Montgomery, Hon F. Hanbury Tracy, L ; Chichester, Lord W. Lennox, 0 ; Thanet Isle, Right Hon J. Lowther, C, Political Secretary to the Foreign Office ; Whitby, Mr E. N. Beckett, C ; Buckingham, Mr R N. Leon, L; South Kilkenny, Mr P. A. Chrmco, L; Rugby, Mr H. P. Cobb, L ; Bodmin, Right Hon L. Courtney, ; U, Chairman of Committees in last Parliament ; Souih-oa t Cork, Mr J. Morragh, N; Haddingtonshire, Mr R. B. Haldane, L ; Newbury,'Mr W. O. Mount, <J ; Cirencest3r, Mr A. B. Vv interbotham, U ; Eastern Division of Carmarthenshire, Mr A. Thomas, L ; Mid Division of Glamorganshire, Mr S. T. Evas s, L ; and Elgin and Nairnshire, Mr J. S. Keay, L. Conservatives were elected for—Howrlen, Mr Todd ; JJroitwich, Mr Martin ; Nuneaton, Mr Newdegafce ; Epping, Mr Lockwood; Chelmsford, Mr Usborne ; and Dumfries, Mr Maxwell.

Mr Hayden, Parnellite, has been elected for South iioscummon, and Mr Mains, Nationalist, for North Donegal. Mr Colston, a Conservative, has been elected for Thorabury ; Mr Fulham, Nation, alist, for South Meath ; Mr Tim Heaiy, for North Wexford ; and Mr Wm. Redmond, for Hast Clare. Mr Giadßtone’3 majority was 697. The Unionists declare that is virtually a defeat. The former member for Carlow, Mr J. Hammond, N., was re elected. (SPECIAL.) London, July 13. W. Redmond beat J. R. Cox at Hast Clare bj 400 votes. The railway liue was cut near Clare to prevent a special train conveying voters reaching the place in limo. The precaution had been taken, however, to send a detached engine on ahead, and this saved the train. The engine was capsized, but thoso on board escaped unhurt. The Liberal cry throughout the Midlothian election was “ Vote for the Grand Old Working Man.’' The Conservative cry was “ Vote for a resident and the Church of Scotland.” The latter had a monopoly of the carriages and they claim a majority in Edinburgh. The miners, workmen and Irish voted for Gladstone and the churchmen lor Colonel Wauchop. (PRESS association.) .■London, July 14. The Liberals gain Argyllshire (Mr Mao farlane). The former members were re elected for— Renfrew, Bollington (Cheshire), Otley (Yorkshire), Harborough, Sunderland and Kinross. Mr Coningsby Disraeli, a Conservative, has been elected for Bowden (Cheshire) ;

and Mr Whittaker, Home Ruler, for Speu Valley (Yorkshire). (PRESS ASSOCIATION.) London, July 14. The Daily News, Daily Telegraph, and Standard refer to the Midlothian election as the most striking phenomenon of the election. The Times asserts that Mr Gladstone’s thinly-veiled hostility to the Kirk, combined with bis Home Rule proposals, accounts for a reduction in his supporters amounting to a defeat. The German and Vienna press consider that the advent of Mr Gladstone to power will not affect the peace of Europe. The number of votes pulled are—Unionists, 1,725,000 ; Home Rulers and others, 1,851,000. Tha Nationalists have elected 42 members and the Parnellitea 7.

Mr Gladstone, in addressing the electors, thanked them for choosing him under the circumstances, and he laid special stress on the difficulties he had to contend with throughout the election. Ha hoped that he would be able to strengthen the solid union of the Empire. The Libsrala gain from the Conservative Party the Wo lbridge seat, Mr L. Everett; and from the Unionists Skipton, Mr Roundel! ; Falkirk, Mr K Smith ; and tha Middle Division of Norfold, Mr Higgins. The former members have been re-elected for—The Weßt Division of Derbyshire, Mr V. C. W. Cavendish, U ; Rotheram, Mr A. H. D. A clan I, L ; Huntingdon, Mr A. 11. S. Barry, 0 ; Ramsey, Hon A E. Fellowes, C ; North Division of Monmouthshire, Mr T. P. Price. L ; YVesthury, Mr G. P. Fuller, L ; Banbury, f-ic B. Samuelbou, L ; Honifcon, Sir J. H. Kennaway, C j South Tyrone, Mr T. W. Russell, U ; Watford, Mr T. F. Halsey, C; Lewes, Sir H. Fletcher, C ; Stamford, Mr H. J. Gust, C ; Guildford, Hon W. St J. Brodrick, C ; Saffron Walden, Mr H. Gardner, L ; Richmond, Mr G. W. Elliott, C ; East Mayo, Mr J. Dillon, N ; Wigtonshire, Sir H. E. Maxwell, C ; Eskdale, Mr R. A. Allison, L ; Jarrow, Sir C. M. Palmer, L : Bridgewater, Mr E, J. Stanley, C; and Ludlow, Mr R. J, More, U. The following Nationalists have been elected : Leix, Mr McDonald ; West Wicklow, Mr O’Connor ; West Limerick, Mr Austen ; and South Kildare, Mr Minsk. The following Conservatives have been elected:—Appleby, Mr Savory ; Truro, Mr Williams ; Medway, Mr Walde ; New Forest of Hants, Mr Montague. Mr E. Blake, ex-leader of the Opposition in the Canadian Parliament, has been elected for South Longford and Mr Williams, L, for Mansfield. Mr Gladstone’s small majority Is attributed to the influence of the clergy, who are hostile to hia diaendowment views. It is reported that the Liberals hava agreed that electoral reform shall precede the discussion of Home Rule. Berlin, July 14. The Voseiscbe Zeitung thinks there ig little to guarautee that Mr Gladstone’s power will last long, and that hia return to theTiead of affairs will not affect the Triple Ailiauce. (special.) London, July 14. The Times, commenting on Mr Gladstone’s address In which he returned thanks to the electors who had voted for him, marvels at his continued capacity, but expresses the belief that he ia wearing out hia welcome, and add 3 that it will be interesting to count the time when he will lose hia majority. The Daily News thinks the address is too Imperial in tone for local patriotism. The Daily Telegraph a3Eer';s that the address will am»zj and disconcert Mr Gladstone’s followers, (PRESS* ASSOCIATION. ) London, July 15. Mr Gladstone is consulting with Mr Morley and Lords Spencer and Rosebery respecting the constitution cf the Liberal Cabinet. It is expected that Lord Salisbury will wait for an adverse vote before resigning, according to old usage and Mr Gladstone’s example some years ago. Moreover, Mr Gladstone’s party will be made up of fractions, eaoh of which will be smaller than Lord Salisbury’s supporters. The Premier also desires to indicate the Conservative programme in the Queen’s speech. Some of the planks of the platform wili be a broad system of county government fer Ireland, the total suspension of coercion and a wide labour program me. Mr Gladstone expects to be able to force through the Registration Bill before taking the final stages of the Home llulo Bill This measure will include one man-one-vote, and make a three mouths’ residence qualification for voting, bringing the masses thereby onto the electoral rolls, and preparing the way for another election in event of the defeat of JSoma Rule. Mr Hugh, Nationalist, has been elected for North Leitrim. The Liberals gain North Ayr (Mr Boiks my re) by a majority of seven. Thu former members were re-elected for Connemara, Eccles, Enfield and Roasendale. Dalziel and Snspe, Home Rulers, have been ejected for Kitlicaldy and Hey wood, and Mr Gillian, Conservative, for Widnes. Mr Morley denies that ha promised to resign unless elected by a large majority. At North Louth, Tim Haaly defeated Mr Callau. Tko Paroellites declare they will only support Mr Gladstone if Home Rule is granted according to their former Leader’s ideas. Mr Bruce, Q.C., M.P. for Holborn, has been appointed to a judgeship. Mr Ritchie, President of the Board of Trade, who was defeated for St George’s E., will probably contest the vacancy. (press association.) London, July 15. A bitter contest is going on for North Meath between Messrs Davitt and Pierce Mahoney, and much street fighting ka3 taken place. Mr Joseph Arch (L) has been returned for the North-west Division of Norfolk, and Mir Charles Dilko (LI for the Forest of Daau. The Tories g&iu cite Northern Divieiou <&£

Dorset, for which the Hon E. P. Portman (L) formerly sat, and Digby. The former members have been re-elected for—The Western Division of Staffordshire, Mr H. A. Bass, U; Wansbeck, Mr C. Fenwick, L; Bishop Auckland, Mr J. M. Paulton, L; Stowmarket, Viscount de Stern, L; Eastern Division of Northampton, Mr F. A. Channing, L ; Kings winford, Mr A. S. Hill, C ; Holmfirth, Mr H. J. Wilson, L; Leigh, Mr C. Wright, L; Cleveland, Mr IT. F. Pease, L ; Berwiok, Sir F. Gray, L ; Wokingham, Sir G. Russell, C ; South Kerry, Mr Kilbride, N; the Barkston Ash Division of Yorkshire, West Riding, Colonel Gunter, C ; Harwich, Mr J. Round, C ; Ashburton, Mr Seale Hayne, L ; and Eddisbury, Mr H. J. Tollemache, C. Nationalist members have been elected for North Mouaghan, Mr Dramond; and Ossory, Mr Cream. Tory candidates were elected for Northern Division of Hertford, Mr Hudson ; Eastern Division of Hants, Mr Wiokham ; andthe South Division of Worcester, Mr Leichmore. At the elections the Unionists gain Wick District (Sir John Pender), and the Liberals gain Inverness District (Mr McGregor). Former members have been re-elected for North Sligo, Camborne, Faversham, Essex (South-eastern), Linlithgowshire, North Tipperary, Brecknookshire, West Cavan, South Galway. Mr M. Davitt has been eleoted for North Meath. Mr Macguire, Parnellite, has been eleoted for North Clare. In the election for the North-west Division of Norfolk Mr Joseph Arch, Liberal, defeated Lord Henry Bentinck, the former Conservative member, by 1089. Sir Charles Lilke had a majority of 2490. .London, July 16. The Conservatives gain Wilton, Lord Folkstone. The Liberals gain Louth, Mr Perks ; Buckrose, Mr Holden. Former members were re-elected for— Flintshire, Western Division of Monmouth, Wisbech, Chesfcer-Le-Street, South Donegal, Ilkeston, Melton, Anglesey, Horsham, Aylesbury, Cockormouth, Merionethshire, North Tyrone, St Austell, East Glamorganshire, Cardiganshire, North Dublin, South Wexford, East Somerset. The Conservatives have returned members for - South-west Norfolk, Mr Hare; Kings, ton, Mr Temple ; Ashford, Mr Hardy. Nationalists have been eleoted at South Leitrim, Mr Tally ; South Fermanagh, Mr McGilligan ; North Longford, Mr Justin McCarthy. Mr McLaren, Home Ruler, has been elected for Bosworth.

The Hon A. J. Balfour, speaking at Glasgow, said he feared that a Gladstone Government would destroy the extension of the Empire in Africa. The outlook in Europe, he thought, showed that great events were at hand which were calculated to touch British interests disastrously, but if a feeble Government were In office the Unionists would be sufficiently strong to prevent any serious evil resulting to the cause of the Union. Messrs Keir, Hardie and Cunnighame Graham are organising Labour opposition to Mr J. Morley’s re-election. Mr Gladstone’s re-election is almost certain to be opposed. Messrs Cox and Vicary Gibbs were for the St Albans seat. The latter offered to retire in order that Mr Ritchie might be returned for the constituency. but Mr Cox declined to withdraw. The election, therefore, took place, resulting in the return of Mr Gibbs by a majority of 800 over his opponent, who stood in the Home Rule interest. Adelaide, July 17. The Irish National Federation has cabled the sum of £250 to assist the supporters of Mr Justin McCarthy at the elections. (special. ) London, July 16. The Daily Chronicle considers the fact of Mr Gladstone consulting with Mr Morley ominous, and disapproves of the inclusion of Whigs in the new Government. It suggests that the Radicals should be included as a binding contract with the new democracy. The Times declares that Mr Gladstone secured his majority by glamour and uncertain promises. It alleges that the majority of the people are against granting autonomy to Ireland, and without the Irish votes Mr Gladstone is in a minority. Therefore it considers that the Marquis of Salisbury is justified in not resigning. July 17. Mr Chamberlain, in the course of an address at Birmingham, said he was not dis l raayed by the defeat of the Conservatives. Mr Gladstone was now a mere creature of the Irish, and when the elections were over the promises by which he had bagged votes on the Eight Hours question would all be withdrawn. Mr Chamberlain was met with cries of “Judas,’' but ha replied that he had not got the thirty pieces of silver. The returns up to Saturday night give Conservatives ... ... ... 265 Unionists ... ... ... 45 Liberals and Irish members... 840 With 20 elections still to come, Government are in a minority of 30. The Spectator thinks the Newcastle programme explains the victory of the Homo Rulers. The Times believes the opponents of Home Rule will be strong enough to prevent any revolutionary measures beiDg carried into law, and they are resolved not to flinch from the task before them. Mr O’Conno’-, who was amnestied for treason in 1865, has been elected for Wicklow. The Labour Party is negotiating to unite the Parnellite and Unionist (? Rationalists) sections. The press is unanimous in the opinion that Lord Salisbury will remain in office until the result of the vote in the new Parliament is known. Mr Gladstone’s Party gain 78 seats, and their opponents 25. Ottawa, July 17. Thera is a belief in Canada that Mr Blake will succeed Parnell as leader of a section of the Irish Party. (PRESS ASSOCIATION.) London, July 17. Mr John Roche (N), the former member for JEkflfc Galway, was re-eleotecL

Liberals were returned for Shipley, York, shire (Mr Byles), and Sowerby, Yorkshire (Mr Mellor).

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New Zealand Mail, 21 July 1892, Page 33

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THE ENGLISH GENERAL ELECTION. New Zealand Mail, 21 July 1892, Page 33

THE ENGLISH GENERAL ELECTION. New Zealand Mail, 21 July 1892, Page 33