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Having re-opened the Masonic column m the Maxi, under the supervision of a Master in the Graft, we shall he glad to receive Irom Secretaries of Lodges, and brethren generally, short reports of Lodge meetings and Masonic events of all kinds likely to he of interest to nemhers of the craft. All correspondence for this column to he addressed to the Masonic Editor, New Zealand Mail.

ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. Freemason.— Many thanks for yonr kind-

ness. Inquirer. —The colour has not yet been decided, probably blue will be chosen. X.P.T. —There are three Masonic bodies working harmoniously in France. FAVOURS RECEIVED. Aurora Escozzasa, El Siglo, Masonic Repository, The Kue ph and Die Bauhiitte. LEINSTER LODGE. The annual meeting of the Leinster Lodge, N.Z.C., waß held on Monday evening, 23rd June, at the Freemasons’ Hall, Boulcott street, the oocasion being the installation of Bro. T. P. Coveney as W.M. foi the ensuing year. The officers invested were as follow :

S.W., Bro. T. F. Bnlford ; T.W. Bro. A. A. Bowley ; Secretary and Treasurer, Bro. J. M. Goldfinch, P.M ; S.D., Bro. F. J. Taylor ; J.D., Bro. H. Arden; 1.G., Bro. W. C. Watson ; J.S., Bro. W. Mo Gill; Tyler, Bro. H. Erith. The installing officers were Bros. J. M. Goldfinch, G. C. Fowne3, and R. Q. Hamerton, P.M’s. The visitors included many prominent brethren from North and South, amongst whom were Bro. Joyce, M.H.R., Grand Registrar, N.Z.C., Bro. Feldwick, M.H R., Bro. Lawry, M.H.R. (Manulcau Lodge), Bro. Meadoworaft, P.G.S. W. (Victoria), Bro. Robert Mowat, P.G.J.W. (Malta), Past Masters;Bro.Harkness, M.H.R. (Lodges Victory and Forest Nelson), Elliot, Coltman, Alfred Masters, and Greig; Bro. Fisher M.H.R. (Pacific Lodgs), Bro. Hutton (Canterbury Kilwinning), the Worshipful Masters and brethren of the Waterloo, St. Andrew, and Ulster Lidges. After the business of the Lodge was concluded an adjoimnent was made to the refreshment room, and honour done to the usual Masonic toasts. In the course of an address by Bro. Joyce, strongly advocating the cause of the N.Z. Constitution, reference was made In very graceful and eulogistic terms to the magnanimity of those brethren who, after having done so much towards the consummation of the object referred to, had voluntarily resigned all claim to office. These sentiments were cordially endorsed by Bros. Harknesß, Lowry, and others, aad in due course ended one of the most successful and instructive meetings held for some time past.

GOOD-BYE TO BRO. G. S. GRAHAM. A large number of members of the Craft met Bro. G. S. Graham,- D.G. M., of Auckland, E.C., at th 9 Freemasons’ Hall, Wellington. on Thursday, 26th June, for the purpose of bidding him good-bye. The chair was occupied by Bro. G. S. Cooper. Past D.D.G.M. of Wellington, E.C., who in a few well-chosen remarks proposed Bro. Graham’s health, and on behalf of the Freemasons in the Empire City wished him suecess and prosperity in Auckland. Bro. Graham, who on rising was received with acclamation, returned thanks in feeling terms and assured the brethren that he . was very grieved at having to leave after a sojourn of nearly 14 years in tbeir midst. He hoped that the Craft would prosper and that he might be permitted to meet them all again at no distant date. Mrs Graham’s health was also drank in bumpers, find was responded to in a hearty manner by Bro. Graham. The toast of * the Chairman ’ brought the proceedings to a oloss at 6 p.m.

LODGE PONSONBY, N.Z C. A meeting of the members of Lodge Ponsenby, S.C., was held on the 3rd of June, in the Lodge-room, Pompalier Terrace, Auckland. There was a large attendance of brethren and some visitors. The 1.P.M., Bro. W. Anderson, S.D.G.M., S.G., presided in the absence of the w.M. Three initi itiona took plaoe, also a raising. Some discussion then emmert r-garding the advis ability of Lodge Poneoubv joining the Grand Lodge of New Zealand. A motion was brought forward to that effect, but the Acting-Worshipfnl Matter refused to put it to the brethren, on the ground that the Provincial Grand Master had forwarded a circular forbidding it. This matter was die= cussed at great length, and finally a resolution was passed re-affirming the desire of the lodge to unite with the Gra* d Lodge of New Zealand. It was also decided to ask the Provincial Grand Master to forward an appeal to the Grand Lodge of Scotland regarding his own interpretation of rule 163, re three members holding a charter.

What t’.e New York M<sonio Chronicle says :—‘The winter season will soon be upon us with its short days and long nights, of which advantage should be taken by intelligent craftsmen to revive animation in their labours, so that It bo rendered not a winter of discontent, but rather gloriqus summer within the portals of a lodge. Ordinarily among the profane the weariment of a season wherein, physically, Nature slumbers daring absence of the sun’s invigorating force, is enlivened by entertainments, social, intellectual, and literary. Wo see no good

reason why this excellent example be not imitated by members of our Fraternity, especially in the matter of instruction by lodges, inviting discourses, lectures, and literary exeroises from brethren of oulture and intelligence, who would, we imagine, be pleased in being afforded opportunities, to retail, in a familiar manner,’ information acquired through arduous and persistent study. Baoon has told us that knowledge is power, a most truthful observation as far as intellectuality is concerned, inasmuch as a man of education, if not of erudition, imperceptibly governs through his information those of inferior faction and mental training. In Europe lodge communications are rarsly confined to transactions of routine business, as, on the Continent, the supplementary supper, customary with the English lodges, is superseded by a literary re-union, a practice we would recommend for adoption by the Fraternity of this enterprising country.

LODGE ARA, N.Z.C. From the N.Z. Herald of 25th ultimo, kindly forwarded to ns by Bro. W. H. Cooper, Assistant Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of New Zealand, we are enabled to give the following information : The annnal meeting of Lodge Ara, the premier Masonic Lodge in New Zealand, and the first to -hold an installation of officers under the New Zealard Constitution, was held last night in the Freemasons’ Hall, Princess street. There was, notwithstanding the unfortunate dißpnte existing, and the absence in consequence of many Masonic brethren who desired to be present, a good attendance of 73 in the lodge. Among those present were the following Grand Lodge officers : —Bro. A. S. Rnsaell, D.G.M. ; M. Nicool.G.S. ; A. Kidd.G.P. ; W. H. Cooper, Assist. G.S. ; J. Craig, G.S. ; Page, G.S. ; and P.M.’s Allen, Vosper, Anstin, Franklin, and Parkinson. These represented the Grand Lodge. There were also present Bro. W. Lyell, W.M. of Star of the Far South; Bro. Brufort, W.M., Mauukau, and his officers, Bro. Page, W.M., and officers of Lodge St. Andrew, and the master and officers of Ledge Albion. Bro. Rathborne, J.W., of Beta Lodge, Hamilton, represented that lodge. A number of visiting brethren from other lodges were also in attendance. Bro. S. P. Hanna, the W.M.-elect, and re-eleoted, presided at the opening of the lodge, and the business was then taken over by the Grand Lodge. Bro. A. S. Russell, R.W.D.G.M., and Bro. M. Niccol, G.S., presided as installing officers, and Bros, G. H. Powley, and W. Parkinson officiated as Presenting officers, with Bro. A. Kidd as Grand Pursuivant. Bro. Hanna was reinstalled with the most impressive ceremony, and the following officers were invested :—I.P.M., Bio. W. Parkinson; S.W., Bro. W. M. Ohapman; J.W., Bro. James Boskill; Treasurer, Bro. A. S. Russell, D.G.M., (re-elected) ; Secretary, Bro. G. H. Powley, P.M. (re elected) ; D. of C., Bro. A. Kidd, G.P. ; S.D., Bro. D. Robertson; J.D., Bro. W. 11. Mahoney, organist; Bro. A. Hanna, I.G. ; Bro. J. H. M. McFarland ; S.S., Bro. W. R. Cook ; J.S., Bro. H. L. Poeseniskie; Tyler, Bro. E. Tonge. The investiture of Dr. Kidd as Chaplain had to be postponed owing to his unavoidable absence. The address to the W.M. was given by Bro. Powley, that to the Wardens by Bro. Parkinson, and that to the brethren by Bro. Nicool. The address of Bro. Niccol was more of a general reference to Masonry than the ordinary discourses. After the officers were installed, congratulations were received, and the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet prepared by Bro. Robson of the Commercial Dining Rooms. The toasts of ‘the Queen and Craft’ and of * H.R.H, the Prince of Wales ’ were dnly honoured. Bro. Powley, as toast master, and acting for the W.M., then proposed the toast of Bro. H. Thompson, M.W.G.M. of N.Z., and on rising to propose it he was received with applause. He said he could only speak o' Bro. Thompson from his biography, but he was a true and worthy Mason, who took a deep interest in the buildiug up of the Craft. It was the first time the health of their Grand Master had been proposed on an oooasion of this kind in New Zealand, and he asked them to drink it with hampers. Bro. Cooper, Assistant Secretary, responded. Bro. Powley, in a neat and eulogistic speech, proposed the health of Bro. A. S. Russell and the Grand Lodge officers. Bro. Russell responded, and returned hie hearty thanks for the honour oonferred on him. The toast of the W.M. was responded to by Bro. Hanna, and the other routine toasts were duly honoured. There were several nice musical intervals, and oue of the most interesting was a zither performance by Mr Heinitz.

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New Zealand Mail, Issue 957, 4 July 1890, Page 6

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MASONIC. New Zealand Mail, Issue 957, 4 July 1890, Page 6

MASONIC. New Zealand Mail, Issue 957, 4 July 1890, Page 6