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•• J?R .• Ss&M U SirS M Hi 38| II « m w. I $s UH ®*s fe; W.)*, 9 3 & m ■: /.-. X# » M UN KvfSp? rn >*^ai “ SHAKESPEARE—The Greatest Genius who has ever yet iived "-taught of et. MERCY, of CONSTANT PATIENCE, of ENDLESS PEACE, of Perpexual Gentiene-s. v i , 1., jv.ey y; thesß things better than this man. show him !! HIM NOT .! .. .1 made him a FLAYER. “ I*lu — have BURNED HIM; as a POLITICIAN they would have BEHEADED HIM, but God mactemnt a jrrn Dawson. M.A. THAT KINDNESS IS NOBLER THAN REVENGE !1" ine ev- * Earthly power doth then show likest God’s When Mercy Seasons Justice, What higher aim can man attain And that Fftme prayer doth teach us all to render the DEEDS OF MEItOY."-SuAKiisriiAßK. Than conquest over human pain ? JEOPARDY- OF LIFE, THE GREAT DANGER OF DELAI. You can chain the trickling stream, hut not the Raging Torrent. TTTHAT EVERYBODY SHOULD READ—How important it Is to VV every individual to have at hand some simple, effective, and palatable remedy such as ENO’S FRUIT SALT, to check disease at the onset!! ! For this is the time. With very little trouble you can change the course of the trickling mountain stream, but not the rolling river. It will defy all your tiny etforts. I feel I cannot sufficiently impress this important information upon all Householders, Ship Captains, or Europeans generally, who are visiting or residing in any hot or foreign climate. Whenever a change is contemplated likely to disturb the condition of health, let ENO’S “FRUIT SALT" he your companion, for under any circumstances its use is beneficial, and neve. 1 can do harm. . When you feel out of sorts, yet unable to say why, frequently without any warning you “ I used my ‘ FRUIT SALT in my last severe attack of fever, and are suddenly seized with lassitude disinclination for°r mmtd exorttonj loss of appetite, sickness, pain in the forehead, dull aihing of back and coldness of the surface, and often shivering, etc., etc., thou your whole bou> is coiunessoi urn smiace, kindled, but vou do not know where nerhaDS 1 shall he better to-morrow whereas nau a supjuj SALT" been at hand, and use made of it at the onset, all ca.anutous results might have been avokled. What dashes to the earth so. many hopes, breaks so mauy sweet alliances, blasts so many auspicious enterprises, is . au ‘» I have every reason to say I believe it saved my life.” J. C. Ef J. O "W US? iO jSI. O 3KF. C. Prepared only ai ENO’S “ FRUIT “During the Afghan War, I verily believe Kandahar was won by us all taking up large supplies of ENO’S “FRUii oauT,’ and so arrived fit to overthiownanF ▲ DOZEN Atub Khans.’*— Prom “ Mess Stories.” bv “ Proteous.” vubl 1 -From “ Mess Stories," by “ Proteoui," published by Messrs. Simplin, Marshall d; Co. ... _ CAUTlON.—Examine each Bottle and see that the Capsule is marked Eno’s “Fruit Salt.” Without it you will have becii imposed a w t i Sold by all Chemists. Directions in Sixteen Languages—How to Prevent Disease. Protection in every Country. SALT” WORKS, POMEROY STREET, NEW GROSS ROAD, LONDON, S.E., BY J. 0. ENO’S PATENT .

JOHN DXJTHIE & Co., (LIMITED). WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IF.ONMONGERS AND IRON-MERCHANTS IMPORTERS of Bar, Sheet and Plate Iron, Cast, Shear, Spring, and Blister Steel, Pigj Iron, Horse Shoes, Putnam’s Horse Nails, Files and Rasps, Blacksmiths IMPORTERS of Galvanised Corrugated and Ellin Iron, Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc Ridging and Spouting, Ewbanks* and Wire Lead-Headed Nails, Roofing lelt, Builders’ Ironmongery of every description IMPORTERS of White and Red Lead, Dry Colors, Mixed Pamts, Raw and Boiled Oil, Methylated Spirits, Painters’ and Coach Varnishes, Painters Brushware, Window Glass, Putty. , IMPORTERS of Annealed Iron and Stee Fencing Wire, Johnson’s 4-barb GalvanisedA. ire, Rabbit Netting, Standard Iron Fencing Staples and Strainers, Rabbit Traps. IMPORTERS of White’s and Knight’s Portland Cement. " , IMPORTERS of Hedge Trimmers and Slashers, Bill Hooks, Fern Hooks, Spades, Shovels, Picks, Mattocks, Wedges. IMPORTERS of Hornsby’s Ploughs and Fittings, Simplex Harrows, Chaff Cutters, Corn Crushers, Reapers and Mowers, Reapers and Binders, Horse Rakes. IMPORTERS of Sharp’s and Mann’s Axes, Circular, Vertical, Pit and Cross-cut. Saws, Leather and Vulcanised Mill Belting, Saw Mill Machinery. MPORTERS of, and Agents for, ‘ HANSEN’S ’ PATENT CREAM SEP This machine is of Danish invention, is more efficient, easier to manage, requires much less motive power, and has a larger actual Creaming Capacity than any other Separator of corresponding size. .JOHN BUTHIE 00. (I^td.), VXT- ** "I - T, Y U!l£> _s,nd Victoria streets. "Wellington. BY ROYAL .»<■?* LETTERS PATENT LITTLE’S SHEEP DIP AND Z 3 €3 JES SFUCIFIC A NON-POISON ous oHEMICAL FLUID After four year’i Rial, this NEW NON-POISONOUS DIPPING FLUID is now universally admitted to he the best ever introduced. Its great superiority over other materials consists in its cheapness (costing less than £d per sheep); its undoubted efficacy m destroyi g all ticks, lice, and every insect that infests the skins of sheep or domestic animals, and in its clean’iness and absolute harmlessness to those concerned in its use. IT MIXES READILY WITH COLD WATER. ONE GALLON WILL MAKE 100 GALLONS OF MILK-WHITE WASH (Twice the quantitv made by any other Non-Poisonous Dip). SUFFICIENT TO DIP 200 SHEEP Being of an oily character, it is highly beneficial to the growth of the. wool, which it leaves „offc clean, and bright, without robbing it of the yolk-its natural nounshment-or leaving it harsh and dry, as is the case when alkaline mixtures, such as lime and sulphur or arsenical oremirations are used. It is entirely vithout the ruinous efiects invariably resulting from the tse of such materials. It is not only non-poisonous. hut may be used internally for worm in tne throat in lambs ; it will also effectually cure foot-rot, and as a specific for scab it has never, oeen known to fail. To those who dip in full fleece, this fluid will be found evaluable, for, being of ft warm and protecting character, sheep will not catch cold, theagh dipped m the depth of win er. On a station it will be found invaluable as a hca-mg wash for aJ wounds. It is certain cure for mange, ringworm, and all skm diseases which animals are subject to. . . . ft has been awarded a Medal of Special Men by the Sanitary Institute Great Britain amples will be forwarded on application, and will not be charged for, if it does no. effectually do all that claimed for it. .............. The following ‘•estimor.ials. which are from gentlemen who have tried it m thi3 district ally attest the value of Little’s Chemical Fluid for destroying Ticks, Lice, &c, Turekina, June 28, 1880.—Messrs Murray, Roberts, arid f.o , W elurunon -Gentlemen,—Yonrs of th_ 14th inst is before us, in reference to our opinion respecting ’ Little s Chemical Fluid. We have much pleasure in stating that we heve used it this season to clip over 10,000 sheep, and must say that we do believe tTo be the best Dip we have as yet tried. It is certainly a little dearer than the other dips we have formerly be»n using ; but considering the benefit we think our wool has gamed by using it. we are quito satisfied it is the best Din that has come before the public as yet, and all our neighbors that have used it this season are now of the 1 same opinion. There is no doubt now that when it has become known there will be a great demand for it next seasom The two drums addressed to us came safely to TsIMPSOX. r arterton N 7 -T,,™,?? 1880 —Messrs Murray, Roberts, and Co—Dear Sirs,—l have much pleasure in Certifying that Vhave dipped my sheep this year in “Little’s Chemical Fluid," and have inevery instance mind it to be most efficacious in destruction of treks, lice, fcab. and other parasites.. I wn-e the pine that t may induce owners sheep to use the “ Chemical O every case be thoroughly satisfied with the results. —I am. &c., feigned) PRICE* (in 40 g al - casks), ss. PER GALLON (And in 5 gal. casks), ss*5 s * » »» For full particulars, local testimonials, &c., apply to M URRA.Y, EOBEEiTS, & CO., WELLINGTON; JAMES COOPER. V'/hC Acidity ox zxi Tile bmvtirsa Ksadacbp, Heartburn, Indig-esHon, Sour Eruc'.r Milieus Affections. /0\ P - mwvi&ii tJ fe e The Physician’s Cure for Gout, Rheumatic Gout and Gravel: the safest and mo: gentle Medicine for Infantß, Children, Delicate Females, and the Sickness of Pregnancy. tr Os s\l i?« & u” y VL u 3) FLU IO ESIA r'y-ir? I SSf.:VZ '@a Bivr a wa n Hi v M Uf “. d I , Sold bv ail Druggists and Store Keepers PSNNEFORD-'S magnesia*

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New Zealand Mail, Issue 957, 4 July 1890, Page 32

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Page 32 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Mail, Issue 957, 4 July 1890, Page 32

Page 32 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Mail, Issue 957, 4 July 1890, Page 32