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Oriental Boating Club.— Two heats of the- Sehior' Pairs Lot the Oriental Boating Club was rowed Friday night, when- 'R. G. Renner (stroke), Cl Ge'l ibaw>, arid 1 A, Bend'all (co<x)' easily defeated C.’> Tringham (stroke); A. Tattle (bow), and S. Tringham (cox)i After half the distance had been gone the latter crew gave in owing to a mishap. The second heat was G, S, Hill (stroke), H, Thomas (bow), and A. Rendall (cox) v. A. Glover (stroke), J. Mitchell (bow), and S. Tringham (cox), which, after a very nice race, was won by Hill’s crew by three lengths. The course was from the Club’s shed to Magazine Point. Mr L. B. Jordon acted as starter, and Mr R. C. Renner judged the races. , Scullers. —Mr C. Stephensbn', thfi'sculler whcP is ; matched to' Hearn for "thp' championship of New froni Sydney by ! tpe s.g.' on accompanied by His trailer; Mr : Neil Mattfersonl ' They were met on the’ wharf by several loc£# rowing mep, arid takep to. the Rost Qflfice Hotel, where they will ppt up during their stay here. Btep.hensou wifi go into active training at once in view of the race, which ia to take place on the Ibs February. WT3VTT- — —IaNGTON ROWING CLUB. The Poverty Bay Rowing Club are anxious to try conclusions with the Wellington Club, and with that view have written to try and ar .^. n S e a match. The local Club are quite willing to meet them, and have agreed to do so uuder certain conditions. The race will probably be rowed on tbe same day as the Hearn-Stephenson match, in racing inriggers.

The visiting crew is as follows : —J. Nisbett, stroke, list 41b ; A. Sawyer, 3, list Gib ; G. Richardson, 2, ; T. Leslie, bow, lOst 21b ; while the Wellington Club’s crew will of course bo their champion four: THE JUBILEE REGATTA. Patrons—His Excellency the Governor Earl of Onblow, his Worship the Mayor (C. J* Johnston, Esq ; Rear-Admiral Lord Charles Scott, C.B. Commodore—W. 11. Levin, Esq. Vice Commodore—E. vW. Mills, Esq. Rear-Commodore—W. H. Quick, Esq. Judge of Sailing E. W. Mills, Esq., W. H. Quick, Esq., aud Captain Grey. Judges of Rowing—A. do B. Brandon, Esq., Captain Falconer, A. G. Johnson, Esq., and J. Rose, Esq, Starter and Timekeeper—-W. Widdop, Esq. Hon. Secretary—A. A. K. Duncan. Water Sports Committee—Dr Cahill, Messrs A. S. Patterson, J. McKenzie, Millar, A. G. Johnson, H. Hyams. Committee—Captains Rose, Holliday, Babot and Grey ; Messrs George Allen, George Mee, A. G. Johnson, R. C. Renner, J. McKenzie Millard, E. C. Mills, A. de B. Brandon, Dr Fell, Dr Cahill, A. S. Bis 3, J. R. Gibbons, H. Hyams, T. G. Osborue, W. Berry, H. Rawnou, E. C. Batkin, C. Tringham, L. B. Gordon, F. Moeller, George Martin, W. Bridson, E. Rose, L. A. Williams, George Campbell, W. F. Wheeler. F. Halse, W. 11. Field, J. Speed.

One of the principal attractions of the Jubilee celebrations was the annual regatta held on Wednesday under the auspices of the Port Nicholson Yacht Club. The weather was favourable in every respect, and the attendance was very large, especially in the afternoon. The wharf was crowded with interested onlookers, while the barque Thyntira, which had been secured as flagship, was largely patronised. Generally speaking, the regatta was a success, but its enjoyment was marred by an unfortunate drowning accident which resulted in the death of a well-known citizen, Mr Thomas Kebbell, during the progress of the first-class yacht race. Particulars of the unfortunate occurrence are given in another column. The several events set down on the programme for boats and crews belonging to the vessels of the Squadron now in harbour were struck out, as there were no entries. The same fate befel all the rowing events, the Wellington Club being the only one to enter crews. We understand that the reason given for the non-entry of the boats from the Squadron was that the ships were engaged coaling, The sailing races were good, aud special interest was centred In the second-class yacht race, as the Jessie Logan, an Auckland craft, entered into competition with local boats for the first time. The Auckland boat proved too good for her opponents. The firstclass yacht race would doubtless have been won by the Florence but for the accident already mentioned. The Xarifa eventually finishe >' first, about five minutes in front of tbe Girola. The latter vessel, however, win 3 on her time allowance. The usual “side shows,” under the able management of Messrs A. G. Johnson and H. Hyams, afforded no end of amusement, and the swimming races excited considerable interest. During th'e forenoon their Excellencies Lord Onslow and Lord Carrington paid a visit to the flagship, and were received by the Committee and other officials. The distinguished visitors remained for about half an hour. Gray’s Private Band supplied the music, and they have never been heard to better advantage., The officials, one aud all, worked hard to ensure the success of the regatta, and to no one more than the Secretary (Mr Duncan) is the credit of that success due. The onerous duties of starter and timekeeper were ably performed by Mr W. Widdop. The courses sailed were as follow : —No. 1 Course—Round buoy off Point Jerningham and Hinemoa’s or Stella’s buoy, off Railway Wharf. No. 2 Course— Round buoy off Point Jerningham aud Club buoy, off Kaiwhara. No. 3 Course—Round buoy off Halswell Point and Club buoy, north of Nganranga. A list of the racs and the results are as follow

Third-class Handicap Yacht Race. —Open to classified yachts of three tons and under. First prize, Mr John Young’s cup and £10; second prize, Mr H. C. Haselden’s-trophy and £4. Course No. 3. Once round. y ’ Mr T. G. Osborne’s lug sloop Dream, 2 tons (scratch) ... '» ... :.. 1 Mr R. Blacklock’s cutter Greyhound, ' tons (smih) ‘ ... ... ... 2 Mr W* Morrah’s sloop Northumbria, I 'ton (10min) ■■■ ' :.. ..! 3 The Pitone Naval’s cutter and Mr F, ; Carrington’s Vulcan al-o started. The boats were despatched punctually at 10 a.m., aud they arrived home as follows . Dream, lgkr lOmin lOsee; Greyhound, Sfirnih ; Northumbria, 12h'r SUmin. ’Rhe Vulcan did not finish/ * Sailing Open boats not exceeding 16ft on or below load water line. First prize, Mr Baillie’s trophy and £6 ; second prize, £l. Course No. 2. Twice round. Time allowance per foot. Mr R. C. Renner’s Muritai, 14ft.... 1 Mr G. S. Hill’s Oriental, 13ft 6im* ... 2 Mr G. Gell’s Maud (16ft) and Mr G. A. Tattle’s Erenora (16ft); latter boat- wgs lath i’ll starting!;- lint the others get aryay well together.’ The Muritai,'which' won the Same race last year, beat the Oriental by about half an hour. Th’e Maud ‘ did ho_t finish; and Erqnqta carried away her mast. First-class 'Handicap Yacht RacQ - Qpen to, a ! i yachts classed' a$ seven tons and aver. Rirst prize (fourth event), Downes’ rn--’ " leugo Cup (to be won t.” ; - or three t.i**’—• " - -* "• in succession . at intervals (Florence present bolder, Xarifa and Isca past holders); also, the Mayor’s Jubilee Cup and £35 in money. Second prize, J. and T. Young's cup and £ls; third prize, a “Friend’s” trophy and £3 3s. Course, No. 3. Three times round. Mr H. Rawson’s cutter Girola, 17 tons (25min) . ... ... ... ... 1 Mr E. C. Mills’ cutter Zarifa, 12 tons (12min) ... ... ’ ... ... ... 2 Mr M. Chapman’s cutter Thetis, 8 tons (I2min) ... ~, ~, g

The Florence (scratch), Jennie Reid

(40min), Alabama (20min), and Isca (7min) also started The Girola, Zarifa and Thetis got away well together, the Florence and Alabama next. The Isca was Over the lino when tbe starting gun was fifed, and in endeavouring to get round again she nearly came into collision with the Jennie Reid, which was then coming to the sta,rting line. The Rea was signalled to return, but no heed was taken of the signal. The Jennie Reid was several minutes late in getting away. Once the boats had got properly under weigh, the Florence assumed the lead, anil she was never caught afterwards. She passed the flagship the first time at 12hrs lßmin 2sec, the Zarifa next at 12hr 22min 20sec, then the Thetis at 12hr 23min, and the Girola at 12hr 24min 30sec. The time of the others was not taken. The Isca retired after going round once. The Florence led the second time round, and two minutes after passing the flagship the unfortunate accident referred to elsewhere occurred, and she then retired from the contest. The time of the finish of the placed boats was aa follow Xarifa, 3hr 54min 56sec ; Girola. 3hr 59miu 55sec ; Thetis, 4hr Oruin ssec. The Girola of course won on hortime allowance. Second-class Yacht Race.—Open to yachts of three tons and not exceeding seven tons. Allowance—Time for tonnage. First prize, vice-Gommodore E. W. Mills’ trophy and £ls; second prize, £7. Course No. 3. Twice round. Messrs Dixon and Villiams'cutter, Jessie Logan, 5 aons (scr) ... ... ... 1 Mr J. Coutts’ cutter, Carina, 4 tons (lmiu 20sec) ... ... ... ... ... 2 Mr C. McKeegan’s cutter, Iris, 3 tons (2min 40sec) ... ... ... ... 3 The Pet (scr) also competed. The Jessie Logan got away splendidly, the Carina next, and then the Pet. The Iriß was three minutes late in starting. The Jessie Logan went off with the lead, which she maintained throughout. The wincev finished at 2hr Smin 36sec, the Cariua at 2hr 39min 40sec, and Iris at 2hr 41 min ssec, The Pe\ was some distance behind the Iris.

Second Class Sailing Race.—Open to half, decked sailing boats not exceeding 12ft on or below load water line. First prize, Mr Pringle’s trophy and £5 ; second prize, £l. Course, No. 2. Twice round. Time allowance per foot. Mr W. Dixon’s Sylvia (12ft) ... ... 1 Mr G. Harris’ Rapid (12ft 2 These were the only starters. First Class Sailing Race.—Open to half-deck sailing boats not exceeding 16ft on or below load waterline. First prize, Mr Dutton’s trophy and £6 ; second prize, £1 10s. Course, No. 2. Twice round. Time allowance por foot. Mr W. Berry’s Defiance (16ft) ... ... 1 The Rata, Wave, and Vulcan (which bad given up tho Third-class Yacht Race in order to start in this event) also competed. The latter boat was about ten minutes lato in starting.,. Sailing Canoe Race.—Open to all comers. First prize, Messrs Hayman and Oo.’s trophy ; second prize, Messrs Lyon and Blair's trophy. Course, No. 2. Once round. Mr G Park’s Mermaid ... ... ... 1 Messrs Atkinson and Fitz Gerald’s lolanthe ... ... ... ... ... 2 Only these two started. Owing to a misunderstanding, Mr Park (who belongs to the Hokitika Canoe Club, and who recently performed the feat of travelling from Hokitika to Lyttelton in his canoe) did not start for several minutes after the other boat He, however, succeeded in overhauling her and won as stated. Ten or Twelve Oar Cutter Race.—Open to members of the Naval Brigades, Torpedo Corps, and Men-of-War. Prize, a trophy, valued £7, given by Wolfe’s -Schnapps Co. Two companies or corps to compete or no race, Course No. 1. Once round.

Captain Falconer’s Tanhiswau (Torpedo Corps) ... ... ... ... ... 1 Lieutenant Davy’s No. 1 Cutter (Pitone Naval Brigade) ... '... ... ... 2 These were the only competitors. The Naval crow commenced very badly, two of their number “ catching crabs.” The Torpedo crew, who pulled well all through, went off with the lead, and, when about a mile from home, they were about ten lengths in front. The Pitone crew, who had pulled' themselves together, made a great effort : to' catch the Torpedo boat; but they were unable to get nearer than' two lengths. The winners’/‘however, appeared to be rowing easy. ' • • '* •’ 1 " ' * " "One Hundred and Fifty Yards Swimming Race. I —T. Sullivan (Wellington Rowing’ Club), 1 ; F. Pullen (Wellingtdn Rowing Club), 2 ! ; Oi P. Luckie (Star Boating 1 Club), 3 Seven started. All the 'cpigpetitqrs started'from scratch;

Boys’, Swimrqipg Rape. sGyds,—Driscoll, 1 ; Seager, 2 ; S>aEmels, 3. Rescue Competition. —One try eaoh. Liying subjects,. Points —(i ) Tima oocupied fi'otn leaving the stage to return with subject ; (ii.) Seizing subjeot ; (iii.) Manner of conveying subject.—A. S. Paterson, 1 ; P. Burn, 2. Six competed. Headers ; three tries ; points—(i.) Leaving stage straight; (ii.) Entering water straight ; (iii.) No splash ; (iv.) Quick return to surface. —C. J. Cooper, 1; G. S. Hill, 2j K. B.un-. can, 3. Twelve others cpmpetpd.i *. Water Feats, — AUS. ußafeerstm, 1; G. S. ; Hill; 2 ; BP Ginderi),; 3: Seven competed. ' ri Thß ‘ Greasy Pole contests for "men w_4re won by Arnold.' The boys’, Grea*y Pole contests Were ' won 'by J. Gamble, and J. S,mith respectively-. The 'Opep Race 169, 150 and 2QQi yavds waa to by Leia. The on>--comPStRPSa Pullman. ' did—' , fI N ot bar tbe 100 yards

compete in the other two, jueiz accordingly swam over both dis* tances. Seahorse contests were won by Jorgensen and Arnold ; and Mr J. Itiley, the popular landlord of the Post Office Hotel, performed a number of clever and amusing feats, which were greatly enjoyed by the crowd. The number of paid admissions was 24J0, and the total receipts were doable those of last year.

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New Zealand Mail, Issue 934, 24 January 1890, Page 14

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AQUATICS. New Zealand Mail, Issue 934, 24 January 1890, Page 14

AQUATICS. New Zealand Mail, Issue 934, 24 January 1890, Page 14