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By Electric Telegraph.—Copyright, (PER PRESS ASSOCIATION.) London, January 8. The press, commenting on Russia’s official protest against the Bulgarian million loan, on the ground that it is a breach of the Treaty of Berlin, call attention to the fact that Russia is arming forces at Batourn. The revenue returns show that the value of the year’s imports has increased by forty millions, and the exports by fourteen millions, as compared with the returns for the previous year. The action brought by Mr C. S. Parnell against The Times for publishing the letters forged by Pigott will be commenced next week. Prince G-eorge and Princess Victoria of Wales are suffering from influenza. The statement that Prince George and Princess Victoria of Wales have been attacked by influenza is denied. Mr Parnell denies that he was guilty of any improper conduct, as alleged in the documents filed in the action for divorce brought by Captain O’Shea against his wife. The Committee of the Pelican Club resigned, owing to the resolution passed by a large majority at a general meeting of the Club desiring that further inquiry should be made into Mr “Abington’s behaviour in connection with the recent Slavin-Smith prize fight. The Bank of England has declined a loan of gold offered by the Bank of Prance. The market rate of discount is 4 per cent. London. - T ' dnuarv 9 New Zealand ’ nemp in y poor ’ suffered a decline 0 . per ton. ¥ New Zealand frozen mutton, 4|d ; New South Wales frozen mutton, 3fd. New Zealand beef (hindquarters), 3fd. Tallow is firm. Best mutton, 27s 6d ; beef, 25s 6d. Best ox hides, to 3-fd. Arrived—Largo Bay, barque, from Auckland (October 3). It is reported that Queen Victoria will shortly pay a visit to the Homburg baths. It is reported that recent explorations have resulted in the discovery of Cleopatra’s tomb. '

j [Cleopatra, the famous Egyptian beauty, ] was a daughter of King Ptolemy Auletes, | and was born 69 B.c. She possessed an * erratic character and the power of fascinating all sorts and conditions of men. The Imperial Csesar received her with great magnificence in Home, and erected her statue in the temple which he had built to Venus Genitrix. At mature age she captivated Mark Antony, the Roman triumvir, who committed suicide for her sake. Cleo* patra’s death took place in August, 30 B.C. Her body was buried beside that of Mark Antony.] It is announced that Mr Peter Reid, a London merchant, is the donor of LIOO 000 for establishing a convalescent home in the city. The donation was formerly attributed to the Duke of Westminster. Four hundred men employed in the tea warehouses at the East India Docks have struck against the nonUnionisf s. The Americans in London intend to entertain Mr H. M. Stanley at a banquet on his .arrival. They will present him with a silken American flag and a massive silver shield, the latter pourtraying his moat notable exploits. London, January 10. It is reported that the Earl of Dunraven, acting in concert with Mr J. Chamberlain, will, next session, introduce an Eight Hours Bill in the House of Lords. The tea merchants and the wharfingers of the dock companies threaten to lock out the tea men on Monday if the dockers forbid non-unionists co work in the tea warehouses. If this step is taken, it will probably cause a strike of the whole of the dockers’ union. Lord Salisbury, though still confined to his house, is recovering from his recent indisposition. The esse against Mr Newfon, solicitor, charged with conspiracy in connection with tho West End scandals, commenced to-day after several ad journtnents. The evidence disclosed that Mr Newton purchased three passage tickets for New York, and that tis clerk, a man named Taylor, and his son accompanied the man Hammond, who was notoriously connected with the scandal, to New York. The Yorkshire County Cricket Club report asserts ✓ that drinking is the cause of the decline of cricket in the county. The leading rowing, clubs present a beautiful address to Searle’s parents, and propose to institute an annual “ Searle Memorial Race ” on the Thames. The weekly returns of tho Bank of England, published to-day, show the total reserves in notes and bullion to be L 9,830,000, being an increase of f. 522,000 as compared with the previous week. The proportion of reserve to liabilities is 30f per cent. Consols, ex dividend, 97. New Zealand 4 per cent inscribed stock is active at 106£. Australian wheat, ex warehouse, is very restricted at 39s 6d. New Zealand lomr-berried wheat, ex store, quiet at 38s. Sugar—German beet is steady at ils 6d. Glasgow pig iron is active at 645. It is anticipated that the gold withdrawals for River Plate will be de. layed. <. January 11. New Zealand hemp, L2B 10s to L2B 15s. Six thousand five hundred quarters of wheat, January shipment, wers sold at 35s 6d. T Mr Ayerst Ingram’s collection of pictures for the Auglo-Australian Society of Artists’ Exhibition at Sydney has been shipped. The collection includes contributions from Sir F, Leighton, R.A., Messrs Keeley, Halswelle, Dollman, Faed, R.A., Sir Oswald Walters Brierly, T. Goodall, R. A., J. Pettie, R. A., B. Riviere, RA,. W. G. Orchardson, R. A, P,-Q~nam, R.A. tended to construct new adjacent to the Victoria docks, at a cost of a million pounds. In Chambers the Judges declined to grant an application to compel The Times to disclose the source of the information on which was based the notorious articles on “ Parnellism and Crime.” The Dockers’ Union is forming a permanent United Labour Council in opposition to the London Trades Council. Captain Tyne F. Hamrnil, of the flagship Orlando, has been appointed Assistant Director of the Naval Intelligence Department. The British Museum has been lighted by electricity, and will be kept open to the public in the evenings. London, January 12. The lock*out of men jerorq the tea

warehouses has been settled, a compromise having been arranged. The London Trades Unions advise that pecuniary help should be afforded to the gas strikers. They also condemn the Government for supporting the Company wirhtheaul of the police. It is understood that the New Zealand Shipping Company are about to isbue -L300,000 worth of 5 per cent debentures, in order to liquidate the mortgage held by Mr Dawes and provide LIOO.OOO additional capital. It is expected that L2 per share will be written off for the purpose of enabling a dividend to be paid in April. The report of the Parnell Commission is complete, and in print. It will be presented to the Speaker at the opening of the session. The Marquis of Hartington is improving. The London edition of the New York Herald states on authority that Parliament will be dissolved as soon as Mr Gosehen’a Budget is passed. The R.M.S. Ruapehu left Plymouth on Saturday. London, January 13. Sir John Pope Ilennessy, late Governor of Mauritius, has announced that he will contest the West Waterford seat in the House of Commons in the Liberal interest. It is stated that Captain O’Shea is anxious to withdraw the divorce proceedings. Three months’ bills are quoted at 4a- per cent. Tallow —Medium mutton, 25s 3d ; beef, 23s 9d. Sheepskins have slightly declined. The English wheat market is lifeless, the Continental market is firmer, and the American market is changing a little for the worse. Colonial oats average 22s Gd ; beans, 35s : peas, 33s Gd. The New York Herald’s statement that Parliament would be dissolved as soon as the Budget was passed, is denied. The Marquis of Hartington is out of danger. Thirfcv-five tons of butter shipped from Melbourne has been sold at prices ranging from 88s to 104 s per cwt. London, January 14. The Prince of Wales presided at a meeting of subscribers to the National Leprosy Fund. He spoke in terms of admiration of Father Damien and his work. Seven thousand pounds has been collected. The demand for wool is improving. Arrived —Ofcaki, from Lyttelton (October 1G), and Kollo, from Kaipara (August 2J), SPECIAL. London, January 9. Mr Parneli has written to the Ennis Guardian advising the public bodies to treat Captain O'Shea’s divorce action with contempt. He says the littleness of his accuser is best shown by the ingratitude of his action. The Times has paid 40a into Court in satisfaction of Mr Parnell’s claim for damages in the libel action. It is rumoured that Lord Salisbury hss declined the suggestion of the Portuguese Government that the Pope should arbitrate between England and Portugal. The appointment of a mixed Commission is regarded as probable. The Daily Telegraph states that Portugal disavows Major Pinto, and apologises for the insult to tlie Byitifth flag by advice of Germany* The imports of Australian wine during the year amounted to 307,000 gallons, London, January 10. A general strike of dockers Vs imminent on account of the refusal to dismiss a man who ia in arrears his subscription to the Union. The publication of to the Ennis Guardian, purporting to be signed by Mr Parnell, has proved to be a hoax. An appearance has been entered in the divorce case. Mr Parnell deprecates the public subscribing to bis expenses. Captain O’Shea ia suing the Freeman’s Journal for libel. The Earldom of Caithness has been adjudged to Mr Sinclair, banker, of Aberdeen, London, January 11. Sir James Fergusson denies that he is in any way indebted to the Bank of New Zealand. Peter Jack on, the Australian pugilist, sails for America on Wednesday. Judge Kelly declined to receive a resolution of confidence in Parnell from the Clare grand jury. The Court of Queen’s Bench has ordered The Times to disclose the circulation qf the pamphlet entitled

“ Parnellism and Crime,” and the price paid to the author. The Times has appealed against the decision. London, January 12. The departure of tho Sail Francisco mail is postponed til 1.14 th January. The Marquis of Hartington is suffering a severe attack of congestion of the lungs, brought on by neglecting a cold.

At a meeting of the Council of the Imperial Institute, over which the Prince of Wales presided, it was agreed to establish a school ot Modern Languages. Professor Max Muller, the eminent philologist, in an eloquent address, supported the proposal. William Rignold, the actor, and his daughter, open in Sydney, at Easter, in “ Nowadays.” The action for wrongful arrest brought by Thompson, a man who was supposed to be a deserter from H.M.S. Calliope, against Captain Woodward, of H.M.S. Duke of Wellington, has been compromised, rThe Unions have decided to support the voting of subsidies to gas stokers on strike.

.London, January 13. Mrs Fitz George; wife of the Duke of Cambridge, is dead. Cardinal Manning wrote to Burns in November piotesting agaimt surplus strike funds being expended in indiscriminate chatity. He advised that the money should be handed to a -benefit society for the permanent advantage of dockers. Burns states that the Melbourne remittance has been vested in five members of the Union for the relief of distress.

The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) have received the following cable message from their London office, dated 10th instant :—Tallow—The market ia dull, and has declined 3d per cwt since last report. New Zealand Hemp—Market quiet. Prices have fallen LI per ton since last report.

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New Zealand Mail, Issue 933, 17 January 1890, Page 25

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ENGLISH. New Zealand Mail, Issue 933, 17 January 1890, Page 25

ENGLISH. New Zealand Mail, Issue 933, 17 January 1890, Page 25