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The town was exceedingly busy on Christmas Eve, and seldom or never have the streets, been in a more crowded state. Christmas Day opened with most perfect weather, which continued all day, bub at night • rain clouds gathered round, and before _ Boxing Day had long dawned smart showers fell, and as the morning wore on it looked as if a soaking wet day would set in. The threatening weather prevented many people from carrying out their original intentions, and the earlier trains were not so well patronised. Toward 11 o’clock the clouds broke and glimpses of sunshine were seen, and the afternoon turned out remarkably fine. The principal attractions were the Foresters’ Fete on the Basin Reserve, particulars of which will be found on another page, and the Navals’ picnic at Somes Island, both of which were well patronised. The Government line of rail, woy carried during the day 2598 passengers, of whom 280 went through to the Wairarapa, and the remainder to Pitons and the Hutfc. The Mahawatu line carried about the same number. The trams during the day canied several thousand passengers. At night the

Opera House and Theatre were each crowded. No aooidents of any importance happened during the holidays, and the majority of people seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves, ■

(per press association.) Auckland, December 26. Beside the raoes at Ellerslie to-day, numerous water excursions, picnics, &c., were held. Rain fell early in the afternoon, but tho weather soon cleared and was excellent for the remainder of the day. Dunedin, December 26. The holiday to-day was spoilt by the wet weather. Rain fell about 9 o’clock, aud there were several showers during the day. A considerable number left town by train for the Taieri Show and Milton Races; others went down the harbour to the Maori Kaik raoes and excursions. The attendance at the Hibernian sports was only about 1000. The Hibernian Handicap, 300yds, was won by W. Aitken, 13yds, 1 ; Noel, 9yds, 2 ; McOwen, 16yds, 3. The Hibernian Society beat the Irish Kifles iH the hurling match. Tho regatta at Port Chalmers was fairly attended, hut some of the events had to be postponed owing to the weather. Chkistchurch, December 26. A close holiday was observed to day. The weather was fine till 3 30 p.m., when heavy rain began. The Druids’ sports at the Agricultural Show Grounds were attended by 8000 people. The sports were of merely local interest. (PROM OUR OWN CORRESPOND ENT.) Masterton, December 26. The Frioadlv Societies’ sports took place on the Park Oval to-day, land were largelyattended. The annual picnic of the Wesleyan Church also drew large numbers. 5 The oM year w?s seen out and tho new one ÜBhered in much in the same way as that very interesting obligation is usually recognised, but rather more quietly than has

happened during the last few years. From an early hoar in the evening bands of young men and boys, affliqted with a mild form of Innacy, paraded the streets singing appropviately foolish songs, and in other ways behaving themselves according to their limited tastes. Also there were numerous amateur Christy minstrels (fired, perhaps, with emulation of Mr Charles Hugo), who walked about in most humorous style. ■As the very witching hour of midnight arrived these ribald spirits became more exuberant, until, when the town clocks struck twelve and the ships’ beil3 at the wharves began a vigorous peal, they were oppreciablypnoisy. Apart from these gentlemen there were many more sober-minded ; people, who had stayed to see (in their mind’s eye) the New Year in, and also to observe the Fire Brigade’s torchlight procession. The procession staited from the Manners-street station shortly after 12 o’clock, headed by Mr Jenkins’ band, and I marched up Taranaki-street, thence by way of Ingestre, Cuba, and Manners, streets to Lambton-quay and Molesworthstreet, and back to the station. The only tableau was that representing the muchmaligned Darktown Fire Brigade, but that one was oxcellentiy contrived and managed. The march of the procession was enlivened all along the route by a display of coloured fire and rockets. In Taranaki-street an accident involving about £IOO worth of damage happened. Some boys were setting off crackers, and one of those pyrotechnical

luxuries got into the vehicle which carried the coloured fire. The result was the destruction of a great deal of stuff, and the cart was also damaged. The horse was got out of the shafts uninjured, hut the procession was greatly delayed, and thb display of fireworks along the route was pot what it otherwise would have been. The chimes of St. Peter’s rang out merrily soon after midnight, and other bells wero also pealed in honour of the occasion. Of fireworks fcheie were comparatively few. Some of the vessels at the wharves sent up a few reekets and burned coloured fires ; but the display of the enterprising Flockton was most notable. On " the whole the New Year was ushered in with due respect, and perhaps with less flarrikinism than there has been for a long time. Contrary to general expectation the big gun on Mount Victoria was not fired as the old year filed out and the new one was born.

NEW YEAR’S DAY. The new year came in cloudy and somewhat chilly, with every probability of rain before the day closed. At an early hour the streets were lively with excursibn parties, wending their way in various directions. Toward noon heavy rain clouds passed over town, and about 1 o’clock Gieavy peals of thunder were heard in the distance, but no ? rain fell in town. At Pitone and up the Hutt Valley a sharp shower of rain and hail accompanied a severe thunderstorm about 1 o’clock. Rain also fell up the Manawatu district, hut at Lowry Bay, ■ not very far distant from Pitone, only a few drops were noticed, and then the buo shone out brilliantly in a beau- { tifui blue sky. Toward 5 o’clock the clouds again gathered over, and between that hour and 6 o’clock rain fell heavily, causing considerable discomfort to the holiday makers, many of whom got drenched. Rain fell at intervals during the whole of the With the exception of a couple of boating casualties, reported in unother column, no serious accident occurred to mar the day’s pleasure. THE CALEDONIAN SPOUTS. The Baein Reserve was crowded during the day, and a vpry pleasant gathering was thoroughly enjoyed. The results of the Bports will be found elsewhere. In the evening the Caledonian Society’s concert in the Theatre Royal was well patronised. TBE DRUIDS’ PICNIC. The Druids’ annual picnic is always a most enjoyable gathering, and Wednesday’s proved no exception to the general rule. The steamers Stormbird, Mana and JETuia commenced running to Lowry Bay Boon after 9 o’clock, and from that time till late in the afternoon each trip the boats were crowded. At the Bay Jenkins’ brass band played during the day some choice selections of popular music. Swings were erected for the young people, and were exceedingly well patronised, more especially by the fair sex. Races for the youngsters, with any amount of toys as prizes, were provided. One great attraction was a baby show, for which there were sixteen entries. The judges were Mesdames Richards and Rollo, Captain Jones (of the s.s. Mana), Messrs H. Lepper and Gell. The Rev Joseph Berry also gave some assistance. The competition for the prizes was very keen, as the babies were so mnch on a par. The prizes were allotted as follows :—Finest all round baby (girl), Silva Dunstan, aged three months, fust prize £2 ; _ prettiest baby, Annie Dunn, 12 months, second prize £1 ; lightest baby, Robert Norwell, 11J months, third prize 10s. Mr Gell, in making the announcement of the awards, said he believed it was impossible to get finer specimens of babyhoed than were Bhown that day.

WESLEYAN PICNIC. The Wesleyan Sunday Schools held a picnioin Epuni’s paddock at Pitone. About 1000 children and their friends were present. Plenty of amusements in the shape of races , and games were provided, and a thoroughly pleasant outing would have been enjoyed had it not been for the heavy rainfall which drenched to the skin many of the pleasuretakers. PICNIC AND , GARDEN FAIR. A picnic and garden fair was held in the Rev Father Lane’s grounds at the Lower Hutt, and passed off very successfully. There was a very large attendance and all kinds of novel games were arranged for the children. There was also on the ground a Pandora box, the proceeds from which will amount to a considerable sum, to be devoted to the building fund of St. Joseph’s Orphanage. The several races were conducted bv Mr J. Robinson, who was assisted by Father McNamara. Slight rain fell during the day, and this had the effect of preventing a considerable number from attending. Much praise is due to Father Lane for his unremitting attention to

those present. Upward of 500 tickets were sold, and after expenses have been paid It is expected there will bo a handoome sura to hand over in aid of the building fund. During the day a band on the ground played some excellent selections of music, which greatly enlivened the pioceedings. RAILWAY TRAFFIC. The Government line had a large share of patronage r.n Welnesday. About 1000 upcountry visitors came into town, including *SO from the upper Wairarapa district. In the morning, the first train north took out 300 passengers for Wairarapa stations, and and there were during the day about 1500 passengers to the Lower Hutt in addition to tnose conveyed to the Wo-leyan picnic at Pitone. The Manawatu railway also conveyed large numbers of visitors to the various upcountry pleasure resorts. The morning through train to Palmerston was well patronised. The 10 a. m. train was the largest ever sent by the Company, consisting of a long line of cars drawn by three engines, About 1000 visited Plimmerton, and some 800 or 900 children were conveyed to Crofton and Khandallah. Paikakaiiki and Otaki were also visited by large numbers. The early down train brought a good many country visitors to town. The train arrange- 1 ments on both lines were well managed, and no accident is reported. Although the ; town has been unusually full of visitors, and plenty of money has been spent, very little drunkeuness has been seen, and the town has been in a respectable state of quietness. The Theatre and Opera House on Wednesnight were well patronised, the latter being crowded.

(IROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.' Masterton, January 1. The Caledonian Society’s sports were attended by about 1800 The Society’s Handicap was won by F. Cooper, of Blenheim. The chief interest, however, centred in the wrestling, in which Simeon, a local champion, was beaten by Huru, a Canterbury Maori.

(per press association.) QamaßU, Janaary 1. The annual games of the Caledonian Society began to-day. The weather was boisterous, but notwithstanding this and counter attractions the attendance was large. Bicycle races were the principal events. The maiden bicycle was won by Lawson, the two miles safety by J. Mitchell, the two mile roadster by T. Watson, and three miie roadster hy T. Watsou. The other events were fairly well contested. Christchurch, January 1. New Year’s Kve passed off here with v<ry little demonstration. No larrikiniem is reported. To-dav 60C0 people wont to witness the regatta, but the wet weather which prevailed spoilt the sport. Timaru, January 1. The Caledonian games (first day) were held in cold, showery weather. Two thousand five hundred were present. The generally were well contested. Now Year's Eve passed off very quietly. Dunedin, January 1. The atrocious, weather to-day put a stop to all amusements, rain, with heavy gusts of wind prevailing during the day. The Caledonian sports were postponed. Auckland January 1. To-day. beside the races at El'erslie Wstar, excursions and picnics were held. The weather was unfavourable, occasional showers falling and cold winds, blowing.

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New Zealand Mail, Issue 931, 3 January 1890, Page 13

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THE HOLIDAYS. New Zealand Mail, Issue 931, 3 January 1890, Page 13

THE HOLIDAYS. New Zealand Mail, Issue 931, 3 January 1890, Page 13