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Messrs Freeman R. Jackson and Co. report on their Johnsonville stock sale : Taking it altogether we had a dull sale. Fat cattle came forward more fully than anticipated, a small consignment of cows included. Majority of the bullocks, though light, were of good quality, remainder large framed anl plain. Bidding commenced less vigoursly than usual, and only a portion of the day’s entry was disposed of at auction. The prices offered for the largest consignment not being equal to owners’ value, we passed in the greater part, disposing of about half afterwards at rates barely equal to those

3- offered at auction. For all that, lioweVer, *b values were on a par with last market. An 5 extra entry of sheep Arriving at the last »- moment filled all the pens, swelling the numd bers beybnd the requirements of the trade. One fairly large entry contained a fair proportion of suitable wethers; the total quality being reduced considerably by others being inferior sheep. The remainder of those entered were below the clg,ss of good mutton, so that quotable rates show a reduction e upon late values. We turned out, unsold, a one line of inferior wethers. A few lambs, a too small and young to he of any service, were disposed of at nominal figures. Pigs . mustered in full numbers at late rates. / Very few bacon pigs entered. Bullocks, £5 . to £5 12s 6d, averaging £5 9s 2d, other r average £4 19s ; cows, £3 10s to £4 2s 6d, , averaging £3 los 2di -Sheep—Wethers, 14s . to 14s 6d ; others, 13s 6d to 13s 9d ; smaller, i 12s 6d to 13s ; light ewes, 10s 6d to 11s lOd. * Pigs - Baconers, £1 13s to £2 3s ; large pigs, ) 28a ; porkers, 17s to 23s ; stores, 7s to 16s. [ Ox beef, 15s the lOOlbs; wether mutton, . 2fd. Laery and Co. report sales for the past i week as follows :—Potatoes, 85s to 955; onions, £25 ; oats, 3s to 3s 3d ; pollard, £5 10a; bran, 80s ; oaten sheaf chaff, 85s to 100 s ; straw chaff, 70s ; oatmeal, £l4; maize, 3sßd, nominal; vheat, 3slodto4s; fowls' wheat, 3s 6d, nominal; malting barley, 3s 9d to 4s : beans, 3s 9d to 3s lOd ; peas, 3s 6d to 4s ; pearl barley, \ £18; flour, £9 10s to £lO 10s; bacon, DimoGk's cure, cure hams and bacon, Id lower ; cheese, 4£d to 5d for large size ; loaf cheese, 5d to 5Jd; fresh butter, 9d ; salt butter, 7d, nominal ; eggs, 8d ; turkeys, 6s 6d; geese, 6s ; duoks, 3s 9d ; fowls, 2s 9d to 3s per pair; figs, 7s ; dates, 4f d; inferior sorts, 4d ; apples, 8s to 13s ; Barcelona nuts, 6d ; almond nuts, 9d ; peanuts, to 3d ; oranges, 7s 6d to 8s Gd ; lemons, 15s ; cocksfoot grass seed, 2|d ; rye grass seed, 2s 6d to 3s 6d. The Customs duties collected at the port of Wellington for the week ending Saturday amounted to £7145 10s 9d. Beer duty, £B6 17a lid. George Thomas and Co. report produce prices as follows :—The closing of the winter season is having its customary effect upon the volume of business transacted in ordinary feeding lines. Oats are dull of sale in small lots for retail demand at 3s to 33 3d; seed do, 3s 4d to 3s 6d ; oatmeal, £l4 10s ; oaten sheaf chaff, £4 10s to £5 ; straw do, £3; bran and pollard are both offering this week by millers at considerable reductions on late rates—quotations here are £4 5s and £4 15a respectively; whole fowls' wheat, 3s 4d to 3s 5d ; broken, 2s 6d to 2s 9d ; roller flour, £lO 5s to £lO 10s ; stone do, £9 5s to £9 10s ; wheatmeal, £lO ; maizs, 3a 3d to 3s 6d ; feed barley, 33 to 3s 3d ; pearl barley, £lB ; peas, 3s 9d, beans, 3s 9d; potatoes, £4 10s to £4 15s ; onions, American, 3d to 3Jd ; cheese, dull, 4d to 4£d ; fresh butter, Sd to 9d per lb ; salt do. a glut, 4d to 6d for good samples, 2d to 3d for off sorts; eggs, plentifully supplied, 7d to 8d per doz ; fowls, 2s 6d ; ducks, 3s 6d ; geese, 6s ; turkeys, 6s 6d per pair. Hobart apples and Sydney fruits are the only lines in this branch to note ; the former command S 3 to 12s. Oranges, 8s to 10s ; mandarins, 8a to 14s ; lemons, Khto 12s ; Passion fruit, 10s. Messrs Edwards and Mcßeath report on the labour market:—We have been exceedingly busy this week, especially with country orders, both for male aud female. Messrs Arthur Warburton aud Co. report on the share market for the week : —Banks New Zealand (old), £7 17s, (new) £7 15s ; National, 38s ; Colonial, 445. Insurance— New Zealand, 70s to 725; South British, 39s to 40s ; National, buyers ISs ; Union, 26s ; Standard, 13s 6d to 14s ; Colonial, ss. Miscellaneous—Loan and Mercantile, 72s 6d; Laud Mortgage, 17s 6d ; National Mortgage, 12s; New Zealand Shipping, 60s ; Mosgiel Woollen, 79s ; Kaiapoi, 60s to 62s 6d ; New Zealand Drug 20s ; Westport Coal, 525; Wanganui Gas, £ll ; Wellington Trust and Loan, £6 10s ; Equitable Building, £7; Wellington Building, £6 10s ; Railways, sellers 15s; Wellington Gas, £ls, £7 10s, £1 10s; Geer Meat, £4 2s; Wellington Woollen, 405. ! Gold shares— Inkerman, sales 25s ; Nil Desperandum, sales Bs. Messrs Arthur Warburton and Co. report the following returns of amalgam from the Reef ton mines for the week : —lnkerman, 7150 z from 50 tons; Keep-it-Dark, 3920 z from 180 tons ; Globe, 3560 z from 190 tons. The trade of the past month has been of a quiet nature. Being the last month of the winter season this quietness is to be expected. The imports during the month have been fairly large and of a sorting.up order principally. The exports of flax, tallow, and mutton to Europe are on a larger sca'e than usual. Flax is coming forward freely, and freight is taxed to the utmost to get the quantity away. The frozen mutton trade is very brisk, especially in the Wellington district. As the present month advances spring weather is expected, and general trade will experience a revival. The building trade is fairly brisk in town and country. The demand for land is increasing, and lately 1 when Crown lands were offered in Wellington the demand was greatly in excess of the supply. The sugar trade is flat, and the demand is only for bare trade requirements. The first shipment of new season’s teas is to hand from China. The quality is an average one, but sales are slow at present. Except in rice there is very little difference in values. This line has moved up fully] £1 per ton, and supplies are scarce. Advices from Hong Kong state that the new Japan crop will not come to market in Yokohama or Hiogo before November, with exchauge against buyers’ drafts, and sellers stiff. In tinned fish there is very little passing. Quotations for salmon and sardines are unchanged. A few sales of ling are notified at 50a to 525. Currants are being sold, chiefly from parcels from the , other colonies, at 4-J-d to 4gd. Cocoas sell at agents’ rates, witn a fair inquiry. Vaa Houten’s is still quoted at 3s 3d to 3s 4-Jd, according to packing. Candles—Belmonts, 7§d to Sd. Hops have only been sold in grocers’ lots, and these chiefly in Nelson growths. Starch, to s|d, according to brand. Vinegar has almost dropped out for the present from the list of inquiry, la

pickles, of English iilakes, tbfefce is little doing, the bulk of . the orders Being filled from the colonial. Cement has seen a slight business, but prices rule wholly in favour of buyers. The mild winter just passed has been favourable for the wool clip, and it is expected that shearing will commence early. This season, so far as can be ascertained, there is every prospect of a heavy clip. Freeman R. Jackson and Co.’s Johnsonville stock report:—Cattle in fewer numbers thtn last week ;the bidding aud demand showed more animation ; fat bullocks were heavier and better worth. Not so many sheep were penned ; prices improved with the increased dethand which also existed fob this class of stock. The entry was comprised principally of wethers. Lambs in full supply at steadier rates. Figs in average supply, of good quality throughout, almost all baconers and porkers, which were sold at full values. Bullocks, £5 2s 6d to £6 10a, average £5 15s 7d. SheepWethers, lls 2d to 15s Gd ; ewes and wethers, 14s 7d ; store wethers, 10s 9d; lambs, 8s 2d to 10s. Pigs—Large baconers, £2 163 6d to £3 12s 6d ; smaller, 25s to 35s ; porkers, 15s 6d to 21s; small do, 11s. Ox beef, 15s 6d the lOOlbs ; mutton, 2§d to 3d. Mr D. T- Stuart reports on the share market for the week to date :—Bank— Colonial, 44s 6d. Insurance—Colonial, sellers 5s 6d, buyers 5s Id ; National, )8s to 18a 9d ; New Zealand, sellers 708 6d ; South British, sellers 39s ; Union, 26s to 26s 3d. Financial —National Mortgage, 11s 6d ; New Zealand Loan and Mercantile, sellers 72a Gd ; Land Mortgage, 17s 6d to 18s ; Equitable Buildings, buyers £7 ; Wellington Trust and Loan, £6 10s; Wellington Building and Investment, sellers £6 10s. Sundries —New Zealand Shipping, £3 ; Wanganui Gas, £ll ; Wellington Gas (£lO paid), £ls to £ls 5s (£5 paid), £7 10s to £7 12s 6d ; Manawatu Railway, 14s to 16s ; Gear Meat, buyers 82s ; Wellington Woollen, sales 38s, sellers 40s. Gold shares—lnglewood Extended, sales (3rd), 2s Id ; Nil Desperandum, 8s 3d to 9s ; Scotia, 16s to 17s 6d; Inkerman, buyers, 26s ; No. 2 Dark, sellers ss.


£ s. d £ 8. d Milk, quart • 0 0 4 to 0 0 0 Butter, fresh lb • - 0 0 6 to 0 0 10 Salt butter - • 0 0 7 to nominal Cheese, Col.' # 0 0 4S to 0 0 55 Eggs, dozen . 0 0 0 to 0 0 8 Lard, lb. - 0 0 5 to 0 0 6 Bacon, lb. • . 0 0 6i to 0 0 75 Ham, lb. . 0 0 7-5 to 0 0 95 Fowls, pair - 0 2 9 to 0 3 0 Ducks, pair - 0 3 0 to 0 3 6 Geese, each - 0 3 0 to 0 3 0 f:rr'<eys, pair 0 7 0 to 0 8 0 Hay and Corn Market. a s. d. £ s d Maize, Poverty Bay • 0 3 6 to nominal Oats, feed - . 0 2 10 to 0 3 1 Wheat do . 0 3 7 to 0 4 2 Carrots . 1 10 0 to 0 0 0 Hay, ton . 3 0 0 to 0 0 0 Oaten, ton - . 3 0 0 to 0 0 0 Straw, ton . 2 10 0 to 3 0 0 Chaff,— • . 3 15 0 to 4 5 0 Oaten hay - . 3 10 0 to 0 0 0 Wheat straw . 2 0 0 to 0 0 0 Onions - 25 0 0 to nominal Potatoes, per ton- - 4 5 0 to 4 10 0 Flour Market. £ s. d £ s. d Sharps, per ton - 5 0 0 to 0 0 0 Bran per ton, 4 0 0 to 0 0 0 Colonial Flour 10 0 0 to 10 10 0 Oatmeal 14 0 0 to 0 0 0 Pearl Barley 18 0 0 to 0 0 0 Seeds. i 8 d £ s. d Ryegrass, bushel • 0 4 0 to 0 4 6 Cocksfoot, lb. . 0 0 2 to 0 0 25 Wt. Clover, lb. - . 0 0 10 to 0 0 0 Red, do . 0 0 s to 0 0 9 Alsyke, lb. - - 0 0 10 to 0 0 C Cow Grass, lb. - . 0 0 7 to 0 0 9 Timothy, lb. - 0 0 6 t: 0 0 0 Rape, lb. - 0 0 2 to nominal Linseed, per cwt. • 0 14 to nominal

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New Zealand Mail, Issue 914, 6 September 1889, Page 12

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COMMERCIAL NEWS New Zealand Mail, Issue 914, 6 September 1889, Page 12

COMMERCIAL NEWS New Zealand Mail, Issue 914, 6 September 1889, Page 12