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By Electric TELEGAAFHi—Copyright. (per press association.) London, July 10. In a money-lending case heard in Court to-day, Bebzon (the Jubilee Jugginß), who was called as a witness, admitted having lost a quarter of a million of money on the turf. He also stated that he was about to publish a book of his experiences for the benefit of the ignorant.' [The London agent of the Press As® sociation is a veritable Hip Van Winkle. The particulars of JBenzonV losses on the turf have been known in this Colony for‘the past 12 months, and full particulars of the book he is having written for him were published in colonial papers several weeks ago.— Ed. N.Z Mail.] London* Juiy 11. Mr Parnell has decided to instantly establish a tenants’ defence league owii g to the combination of the laudlords to breakdown the Plau of Campaign. A national convention has been convened to approve his decision. The wheat market generally is 6d dearer. London, July 11. Sugar is declining. Lord Charles Beresford has resigned hia seat in the House of Commons, as the member for Marvlebone East, in order to take command of a warship. , ’ . Bishop Barry, late of Sydney, in presenting the -prizes at King’s College, Cambridge, declared that higher education in the colonies was far ahead of that at Home. The Earl of Dunravsn is mentioned as likely to succeed Sir H. D. Loch as Governor of Victoria. Sir William Bobinson, at present Governor of Trinidad, is reported as the probable successor to Sir E. £4. Broome as Governor of Western Australia. Sir Charles Bussell, leading counsel for the Parnellite party, informed the President of the Times-Parnell Com. mission to-day that the case for the defendants, so far as the evidence was concerned, would be closed to-morrow. The Shropshire Light Infantry and the Dorsetshire Begiment, now at Malta, have been ordered to Egypt. At the wool sales prices remain unchanged. Two hundred balee of New Zealand hemp have been sold. Good Wellington sold at L3‘2 per ton, and fair quality atL2S. ,/ New Zealxnd mutton has receded. It is now quoted at s|d ; lamb, 7-Jd ; Sydney mutton, sd. The quotations for beef are unchanged. Tallow—Mutton, 27s 6d to 28s ; beef, 26s 6d to 275. German beet sugar, 245. .LiONDON, July 12. In the House of Lords to-day the Bill providing for Responsible Government in Western Australia passed the second reading. In speaking on the Bill, Lord Knutsford said that until the colonies adopted a uniformity of government there was little chance of federation being accepted. Beferring to the Bill in question, he eaid

there waR no fear that the grauting of Responsible Government would exclude the Emigrants Bill, which would materially - assist in securing prosperity to the colony. Earl Derby said that it was evident that South Australia would be unable to permanently govern the Northern territory, and the Colonial Office, he thought, must, before any distant dale, decide the question whether the northern coant of Australia ought not to be divided into separate autonomous colonies. Referring particularly to Western Australia, Earl Derby declared that so colonial measure had ever received 2aore unanimous support from all parts &hnn the Enabling Bill which provided for Responsible Government for Western Australia. The Standard states that the Go-

•''rnment attach little importance to rv Defence League,, which * 6J3au *- • establish, and Mr Parnell intern** _ . cover believes it is intended to „ failure of the Plan of Campaign, bulk of the tenants, the Standard asserts, have stood aloof from the proposal, which was submitted to Mr Gladstone and Mr Morley before being announced. The total amount of the reserve in the Bank of England is L 13,764,000. The proportion of reserve to liabilities is 39 per cent. Consols, 9S|-. New Zealand 4 per cent, inscribed stock, 105-f-. Australian wheat, ex warehouse, 395; New Zealand long-berried wheat, ex store, 38s 6d.

No. 1 best Scotch pig iron, f.o.b. in the Clyde, 445. The Committee of the House of Commons appointed to inquire into the subject of grants to members of the Boyal Earaily consists of 11 Tories, two Unionists, eight Gladatonians, and two Irish Nationalists. Among the number are included Lord Harrington, Messrs Smith, Goschen, Gladstone, Chamberlain, Morley, Labouchere and Parnell.

Before The Times-Parnell Commission to-day Sir Charles Russell demanded the production in Court of the books of the Patriotic Union, which he was willing should be shown to the Court though not to political opponents. (Sir James Haunen, the President, declined to order the production of the books. Even if it were true that the Union had paid to promote the present inquiry, still the only question for the Court to decide was whether the charges were truo. Sir Charles Bussell replied that ho must confer with Mr Parnell as to the course he should follow in future. Thereupon the Court adjourned uDtii Tuesday. It was reported that Sir Charles Russell had decided to withdraw from the case. This was, however, subsequem Jy de nied. A meeting of Mr Parnell’s frieuds will be held on Monday to consider the course of act ion. The Parnellites contend that the books of the Patriotic Lnion will show that Pigott wrote “Parnellism and Crime.” Mr Geo. TVyndham has been returned unopposed for t he Dover seat, vacated by the death of Major Dickson. An Australian wheat cargo has been sold at 34s 10|d. New Zealand cheese is quoted at 445. There is no New Zealand butter in the market. London, July 13. Tallow, medium; rnuttoD, 24s 9d beef, 23s 6d. The English wheat market is changing a little for the worse. The Continental is dull, but the American steady. Foreign arrivals are liberal, but all off-coast cargoes have been disposed of. Colonial peas average 31s 6d. London, July 14. Continuing his evidence before The Times-Parnell Commission yesterday, Mr O’Brien declared that the chief feature of the National League was the creation of a national fund to save evicted tenants from the workhouse. The Magdeburg sugar ring has collapsed. German beet sugar is quoted in London at 21s 6d. London, July 15Information has reached here that Lady Mary Acton, eldest daughter of Lord Acton, of Shropshire, has committed suicide by throwing herself into the Tergen Sea, one of the lakes in Bavaria. Count Biumemhai, attache to the British Embassy at Munich, on hearing of the fatality, shot himself dead. Various stories are afloat, and the death has caused a great sensation throughout England and also on the Continent. Mr J. O’Ccmaor, M.P. for Tipperary,

while under examination before The Times-Parnell Comarssion, refused to answer several questions, on the ground that he was bound by an oath taken when a Fenian, although he had now ceased to be a member of that society. Sir J. Hannen, the President, said the refusal of witness to answer questions would necessarily influence the judgment of the Commissioners. As O’Connor persisted in his refusal, his examination was brought to a close. The Supreme Court* by a majority of two to one, has dismissed the appeal in the case of the Mogul Steamship Company against McGregor. Lord Esher, Master of the Rolls, in his judgment ruled that every trader was entitled to the free course of trade. The shipping ring, he contended, was guilty of acts beyond the limits of fair competition, and were liable for conspiracy and damages. Justice Sir .Charles Synge Bowen held that the ring had only pushed competition to the bitter end, and competihowever severe, if not attended ■?.*»' ' ~ , "''«tv and intimidation, Witu aiMKw. , caugl , of action. could give nee no 3 -pi -j In his judgment Sir Edward ■ „; n mere competition for purposes Of ’ if without actual malice, was fldt actionable even if it was ruinous to a rival company. Plaintiffs intimated their intention of appealing against the decision. Viscount Dunlo has created a sensation in Londou by marrying a musichall singer named Biltorj. Viscount . Dunlo intends to take hid Wile on a visit to Australia. The centenary of the taking of the Bastile was celebrated in London yesterday by the friends of Boulanger. General Boulanger, who presided, declared that the policy he was pursuing was in order to strengthen the French Republic.- T - The present series of wool sales closed with 8000 bales only unsold. Prices remained firm to. the last. Good fine wools realised 5 to. 10 per cent above May rates. Coarse and poor qualities remained about par. . American buyers have [alien about 10,000 bales. London, July 16. The Emperor of Germany will arrive at Osborne on August 1 and remain a week. The Freeman’s Journal asserts that all the beat of Australian political society coalesced with the masses in welcoming the Irish delegates on their ! mission to the colonies. Mr Garland, member for Carcoar, New South Wales, at a meeting in 1 Dublin, declared it probable that Henry George’s system of land taxation would be adopted in that colony. Mr Parnell and six members of his party have been appointed to frame a Constitution for the Tenants’ League The Bill granting Responsible Government to Western Australia has passed through committee. The Standard states that the whole of the Paraellite’s counsel have determined to withdraw from the Commission, . SPECIAL. (PER PRESS ASSOCIATION. ) LONDON, July 11. Reports are current to the effect that Servia is menacing Bulgaria. Baron de Worms, in reply to a question in the House of Commons, said no change had been made in the regulations respecting the use of the title “ Honourable,” but the regulations would be more rigidly enforced than in the past. Bubear has challenged Mattorson to row him. London, July 12. News from Hayti states that President Legitime is arming women. Lord Charles Beresford has resigned from the Federation League because he*disapproves the proposal to hold an Imperial Conference on the subject. It is reported that Major Lo Caron is missing. Neil Matterson has declined Bubear’s challenge. London, July 14. In thef course of an interview Mr Davitt said the National League would continue its operations and not be merged in the Tenants’ League. The Freeman’s Journal states that under the Tenants’ League one official will act for the whole party. Mr O’Brien, speaking at Tipperary, declared the new League would commend itself to the most honoured men in Ireland. In it would be the united strength of the whole of the Celtic races. Wilkie Collins,'; the novelist, is seriously ill. The New Zealand Loan and Mereau-

> tile Agency Company (Limited) have > received the following telegrams from ! their London office, dated 12th insfc.:— i New Zealand hemp—Medium quality l is worth L2S per ton. ; Tallow’—Market easier. > Frozen meat—Market easier. Can--1 terbury mutton is worth 5-f-d; Wellington, 5-g-d. Beef, market quiet; hindquarters, 4£d ; forequarters. 3d. July 15. Wool—The sales closed firmly this day. The followirg advances may b© noted as having taken place since the close ot the previous series :—Superior greasy merino, -|d per lb ; combing, -g-d to Id per lb ; clothing (washed), -|d per Jb ; scoured merino, Id to 1-jd per lb; fine greasy crossbred, Id per lb; fine washed crossed, Id per lb ; fine scoured crossbred, Id per lb; greasy merino lambs, per lb. Other descriptions are unchanged. The sales comprise about 315,000 bales; 9000 bales have been held over for future disposal ; 145,000 bales have been taken for the Continent, and 10,000 bales for America. Frozen meat —The price of mutton has declined i.l since last report. Canterbury lamb is worth 7id ner lb. F

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New Zealand Mail, Issue 907, 19 July 1889, Page 25

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ENGLISH New Zealand Mail, Issue 907, 19 July 1889, Page 25

ENGLISH New Zealand Mail, Issue 907, 19 July 1889, Page 25