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(PER press association.) Berlin, April 25. The Magdeburg Zeitung demands the punishment of the Samoans on the lines followed by England in Egypt, as the only means of permanently pacifying the Group. Parts, April 25. Envoys of the Great Powers will absent themselves from the ceremonies at the opening of the Exhibition as a protest against the commemoration of the Revolution. M. Prevet, Deputy for the Seine et Marno, referring to the charge made against General Boulanger in connection with the Australian tinned meat contract, declares that contract was publicly adjudged to M. Digcon, not Count Dillon, who, being :u want of capital, asked M. Prevet to cooperate.

Vienna, April 25. Socialists joined in the tramway riots which took place at the beginning of the week, and drenched the soldiers with filthy liquids. The troops were with difficulty restrained from firiug on them. The Committee of the Town Council has decided to fine the Tramway Company 50,000 florins, on the ground of irregularity in the traffic. The city is now quieting down. Naples, April 25. Mr Ashworth, British Vice-Consul in this city, has been found dead at the foot of a precipice near Vico, five miles from the Bay of Naples. It ia supposed to be a case of suicide. Belgrade, April 25. A meeting between Queen Natalie and her son, the young King, will take place in a fortnight. The Hague, April 24. King William of Holland has so sufficiently recovered from his severe illness that it is expected he will resume the functions of Sovereign, on the 30th instant. Berlin, April 25. The German press are protesting against Mr Bates, of America, being one of the Samoan delegates, owing to his expressed feelings against Germany. Prince Bismarck, however, has made no objection. Paris, April 26. The Committee of the Senate engaged in investigating the grounds of the prosecution against Boulanger, claims to have elicited the fact that he received large sums of money for promising to make certain alterations in the law so soon as he got into power. Bucharest, April 26. The Hitrovo declares that the stoppage of the frontier defence works will test Eoumania’s friendship for Russia. Warsaw, April 27. It is intended to have six days* manceuvres of troops, and it is believed, that an immense force will assemble. Vienna, April 27. Now that the tramway strike has ended peace is restored. Five hundred of those taking part in the riot have been arrested for committing a breach of the peace. During the riot 200 persons w-ere wounded, including 60 soldiers and members of the policy force. The damage to property ia estimated at 100,000 florins. Vienna, April 27. The Government have decided ta, place three complete army corps on tho frontier of Galicia, and intend to. double the strength of the Landwebn Cadres. Belgrade, April 27. The ex-King Milan will return to the city early in May. Trieste, April 28. The Post-office in this city has been robbed of 53,000 florins. Zurich, April 28. Four girls, tourists visiting Switzerland, have been drowned in Lake Zurich by the capsizing of a boat. The Hague, April 28. King William has been ordered abroad, and will leave shortly on a, tour. Paris, April 28. The liquidator appointed by the Government to inquire into the affairs of the Societe des Metaux reports the losses of the Company at 121,000,000 francs. Berlin, April 28. Prince Bismarck is receiving the American delegates to the Samoan Conference with charming courtesy. Welcoming them, he said he was delighted to meet Mr Bates, in whom he recognised a man with a most intimate knowledge of Samoa. Paris, April 28. Tho judicial report on the position, of the' Comptoir d’Escompte recommends the liquidation of the company’s affairs and the re-formation of the Bank on a new basis. It declares that the copper contracts are illegal. The Bank of France has agreed tn guarantee a new company. Berlin, April 23>. The American delegates ta the Samoan Conference yesterday paid a formal visit to Prince Bismarck. Mr Bates explained to Count Herbert that the articles on affairs at Samoa which have appeared in his name were written before the German Whitebooks on tho subject were published, and when it was not likely he would be appointed upon the present Commission. He had desired to suppress them, but it was too late. He regretted that he had given any annoyance to Germany. Count Bismarck was cordial in his manner, and hoped the Conference would not last long. St. Petersburg, April 28. Many Nihilists have been arrested

for plotting against the life of the Czar, who is afraid to appear at military or public parades. St. Petersburg, April 2S. It is reported that Russia is about to establish a coaling station at Deer Island (Corea). The Hitrovo newspaper states that Russia is bargaining with. Roumania to secure a right-of-way through Dobrudseha (near the mouth of the Danube) for Russian troops. Paris, April 29. The Drench general election has been fixed for September 22nd. Rome, April 29. The Queen of Wurtemburg had a narrow escape of a dreadful accident while out driving at Monaco, where she is sojourning tor the benefit of her health. The horses attached to the Queen’s carriage were startled by a passing train, and, falling over a precipice, were killed. [Fortunately the carriage-pole broke, or carriage and its occupants must also have been precipitated over the cliff. The Queen was unhurt. One of the footmen was slightly injured. Berlin, April 29. The delegates from America, England and Germany to the Conference to be held in this city on the Samoan question met to-day, but the strictest secresy was maintained as to the business transacted, which probably was merely of a formal nature. Berlin, April 30. At the opening of the Conference on the Samoan question to-day Count Herbert Bismarck, the President of the Conference, said it was the earnest desire of the Emperor William of Germany that an amicable settlement of the difficulty should be achieved. Germany, said Count Herbert, had no selfish or secret scheme of annexation or aggrandizement in the Pacific, especially at Samoa, and desired nothing for herself that was inconsistent with the existing treaties. He expressed an opinion that the deliberations of the Conference would result in a successful settlement of the question at issue. Sir E. B. Malet, the British Ambassador at Berlin, and one of the representatives of Great Britain at the Conference, heartily reciprocated these sentiments. Mr Kasson, the American Minister at Berlin, and one of the United States delegates, concurred, and hinted that the United States’ Government hoped that in settling the basis of tbe agreement the Conference would not interfere with the autonomy or independence of Samoa. Committees were appointed at today's sitting, and the Conference then adjourned to await reports from the Committees. The Emperor William is evincing the liveliest interest in the proceedings. Bucharest, April 30. The Roumanian authorities are pressing forward the construction of the forts at Galatz and in this city. Sofia, April 30. It is stated that Russian agents’ have been tampering with the loyalty of M. Stambuloff, the Bulgarian Pre mier, by asserting that a general settlement of the Balkan difficulty, favourable to Bulgaria, is possible, it only Prince Eerdinand is removed from the Bulgarian throne. The Premier however, refused to listen to the representations of the emissarms of Russia, and his loyalty to Prince Ferdinand is undoubted. St. Petersburg, April 30. Thd Czar'bas given orders for the constructin'. 0 w 0 gjg a °fr" c * ron c^3, Rome, April 30. Information has received to the effect that, under the P re ®s“ r ®.°/ the Italian war ships, tfo 190 Governor of Hodeidah (Africa) v/AS compelled to apologise for insulting the Italian agent at that place. Pabis, April 29. The son of M. Rochefort, ex-Otnn-munist, now a refugee in .London with General Boulanger, has, committed suicide iu Algiers. It i 3 reported that the Drench Senate has obtained full proofs of a Boulaugist plot against the Upper Chamber. BRUSSEL3, April 29. The Belgium railway officials assert that Boulanger’s luggage on his flight from Paris included several boxes or gold coin, silver plate, and jewellery. Berlin, April 29. The Berlin Post condemns Dr Peters’ proposed expedition for the tbe relief of Emin Bey as useless, and suggests it would be better to devote the funds collected for the purpose of assisting Captain Wi&sman in his efforts to ro-asaert German supremacy in East Africa

St Petersburg, April 29. In consequence of the discovery of a plot against the Czar, domiciliary visits by the police in this city have become general. Russia has reinforced her troops on theßokhara-Afghan frontier. The Samoan Conference will last a fortnight. It is expected that Germany will agree to a declaration of the neutrality of the islands. Berlin, April 29. The Samoau Conference will be conducted in English. Count H. Bismarck presides and Dr Krauol acts as secretary. SPECIAL. Vienna, April 24, The strike among the tramway hands has ended, and the men are resuming work. Cronstadt, April 24. Several naval officers have been arrested for complicity in the plot against the life of the Czar. The attempt was to be made during tbe Easter festival, but the route taken by the Czar was suddenly changed. It was intended to have used poisoned bombshells.

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New Zealand Mail, Issue 896, 3 May 1889, Page 25

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CONTINENTAL. New Zealand Mail, Issue 896, 3 May 1889, Page 25

CONTINENTAL. New Zealand Mail, Issue 896, 3 May 1889, Page 25