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EW GOODS. a&mms.'wcsmswT OP THE nd Summer Season, : JSSS ■ A' T the commencement of another Season we beg to thank our customers generally, and particularly those resident in the Country for the increased amount of patronage they have kindly favoured us with during the past six months. We desire to assure them that more than ordinary attention will be paid to any orders they may entrust us with during the coming Season, as special assistants aye kept for this branch of our trade. to be able to state that we almost daily receive expressions of thanks and great satisfaction from many of our country patrons for the care aud r eat all times give to their commands. For the Spring and Summer Season now opening, at the time of writing this, we have received per the Steamships—. 12 Umses. Coptic 14 „ 73 ■ ■■ 34 „ 133 Totmi . - One Hundred and Fitty-five Cases of New and Fashionable Goods for the Season, all of which have been purchased direct from Manufacturers for PROMPT CASH. When Mi' Kirkcaldie was in Europe, in March and April 'of this year, he placed many large orders with Manufacturers in England, Germany, France, Switzerland and Saxony, and by so doing he saved—as we have on previous occasions pointed out to our Customers—the amount of profit which would have gone to the •‘Middleman” had these Goods been purchased from a wholesale warehouse; and now in every instance each article is marked at the lowest possible figure for PROMPT CASH, thereby making the burden of the increased tariff as light as can be for all our supporters. Now the Season is about to commence, doubtless you will be almost bewildered by the number of sensational advertisements wHiebuwill attract your attention —each one claiming to be the best and cheapest—but before purchasing anything we would most respectfully suggest that you send to us for patterns and list of prices of any goods you may require, and then by comparison it will be made abundantly clear to you as to which is the substance and which is the shadow. , ' '

One of the leading and most fashionable features in this Department is a splendid lot of Ladles’ Garibaldi Jackets in Striped and Plain Zephyr Cloth, 7s 9d each. Spot and' Striped Silk 18s 6d each. Plain Pongee Silk in all the newest colours, 22s each. In the Print Department Will he found an immense variety of patterns, all fast colours. ' Print, 3|d, 4d, 4|d, 4|d, sd, 5Jd, 6d, 6id, 7d, 7sd, Bd, 9d per yard. Drilletts, 7d per yard. Ginghams, 9d, 9£d, lOd, lid per yard. Zephyrs (Fancy), 9d, 9Jrd, 10a, IOJd, lid, Is, Is 2d per yard. . Zephyrs (Plain), 9d, lOd, IOJd, lid, Is, Is 2d per yard. Fancy Striped Tussores, lid, Is, Is yard. ‘ A very special line of 60 pieces of Galatea Stripe (Blue, Brown and Pink Stripes), 5Jd per yard. IN OUR COSTUME DEPARTMENT We are showing some very pretty and stylish Washing Costumes. COSTUMES. Creme and White Nainsook Muslin, trimmed with Ribbon and Embroidery, with Jacket Bodice, Round Bodice, and Body pieces, 33s 6d, 365, 40s, 495, 575, 60s, 84s each. COSTUMES. _ Striped Prints, with Yoke Bodice, ; in Gobelin, China,Ttuddigore, Fawn, and Black, and White, 18s 6d each. COSTUMES. Striped Prints with Jacket Bodice in v Grey, Pink, Navy, Creme, Red and Creme, and Black and White, 21s each, COSTUMES. Striped Zephyrs, with J acket Bodice, in Grey, Ruddigore, Sky, China, Blue, and Cardinal, 25s each. ; COSTUMES. Striped Zephyrs, with short, round, gathered Bodice, in Fawn, Blue, Navy, Grey, Turkey, and Black and White, 33s COSTUMES. Plain Zephyrs, handsomely embroidered, with Body Pieces, trimmed with Ribbon, in Pink, Grey, Sky, China, • Navy, Steel, Biche and Gobelin, 445, 60s, 65s 6d,. each. „ SUMMER COSTUMES: COSTUMES. Cashmere, Trimmed with Figured Silk, and Jacket Body, in Sultan, Chocolate, and Tobac, 35s 6d each. COSTUMES. Beige, Trimmed with Braid, Body Pieces in Steel, Fawn, and Light Grey, 45s 6d each. COSTUMES. Nunsveiling, Trimmed Spot Silk with Body piece, 455. COSTUMES. Slate Homespun, handsomely braided Jacket Body, 65a 6d. COSTUMES. Steel Cashmere, Trimmed Fancy Silk Jacket Body, 65s 6d. COSTUMES. Blue Cloth,- Trimmed Checked Silk Jacket Body, 84s. COSTUMES. Liberty Silks, with Body pieces in Tobac, Fawn, and Ruddigore, 5 guineas and 6 guineas each. IN THE Underclothing Department We have Ladies’ Print Skirts in Pink, Fawn, Grey, Blue, all light shades, some embroidered, tucked and plain, 3s 3d, 4s, 4s 6d, ss, 6s 6d, 7s, Bs, 9s to 12s 6d each. Muslin Pinafores, hand made, 4s, 9d, 5s 6d, 6s, 7s, and 8s each. Sun Hoods (White), 4s, 5s 6d, 6s, 7s 6d, Bs, 9s, 10s 6d, and 12s 6d.

Princess Cambric Night Dresses, trimmed with Torchon Lace, 16s 6i, 18s, 21s. Infants’ Cashmere Hoods, os 6d, 6s, 7s 6d, Bs, 9s 6d, 103 6d each. Ladies’ Silk Vests, 11s each Ladies’ Silk Combinations, 32s 6d, 38s 6d each ~ Merino Vests, 3s 3d, 3s 9d, 4s 6d „ ~ Combinations, 7s 6d, 10s 6d, 125,'14s 6d, 16s 6d Ladies’Cotton Vests (quite new), 3s 9d each Children’s Print Petticoats, 2s 6d, 3s, 3s 9d, 4s 6d Infants’ Bibs from 6d to 2s 6d each Pique Pelisses, 10s 6d, 12s 6d, 14s 6d, 17s 6d to 30s each Ladies’ Corsets (an immense stock) from 3s 6d per pair up to 20s, in the following celebrated makes : —Acme, Soudan, Y. and N. Thompson’s Glove-fitting, Truefit, Dr. Warner’s Izods Patent Biding Corsets, in Drab, only 6s 6d per pair SWISS • EMBROIDERY BEPASTIEBT. The undermentioned lines are made specially to our order in Switzerland, and are the best value we have ever been in a position to offer our customers : —• iin. wide, 2id, 3d, 31d, 4d, 4|d, sd, s|d, 6Jd per yard. : lin. ~ 3Sd, 3£d, 4d, 4id, sd, 51d, 6d to Is 9d ~ B|in. ~ old, 6d, 7ld, Bd, 9d, lOd to 2s per yard Sin. ~ Bd, 9d, lOd, Is, Is 2d, Is 3d, Is 4d, Is 6d to 3s per yard 3in. to 18in. wide, Is 6d, Is 9d, 2s, 2s 6d, 3s, 3s 6d, up to 6s 6d per yard VERY SPECIAL LINE, SUITABLE FOR PINAFORES, 1 inch wide, 3s 9d per dozen ; 2 inches, 5s 6d per dozen Muslin Embroideries in all widths and prices Coloured Embroideries to match washing dresses, 6Jd, 7d, 7Jd, Bd, B|d, 9d, lOd, lid, Is to Is 6d per yard Torchon Laces, Bd, 9d, 10d,ls, Is 3d, Is 4d, Is 6d, Is 9d, 2s up to 4s per dozen, warranted not to shrink Bulgarian Torchon Laces, 1 inch, 4-Jd yard; 1£ inch, 5Jd ; 2 inches, 7d per yard i Cash’s Lace Edge Frilling, f inch, 2s 6d per dozen; 1 inch, 3s per dozen ; 1J inch, 38 6d per dozen A very large and choice assortment of 100 dozen Ladies’ and Children’s Aprons, made specially to our order in Switzerland in the following materials :—Lace, Muslin, Print, Gingham, Lawn, and Canvas, from Is, Is 3d, Is 4d, Is 6d, Is Bd, is lOd, 2s, 2s 3d, 2s 6d, 2s 9d, 3s, 3s 6d up to Us 6d each A Bplendid line of Pongee Silk Aprons, handsomely embroidered, 17s 6d each FABRIC GLOVES. One thousand boxes (1000) made to our order in Saxony, consisting of Taffetas, Pure Silk, Milanese, and durable Silk Gloves. The largest shipment ever received by one firm in New Zealand • 12 inches long, lOd, Is, Is 3d, Is 4d, Is 6d per pair 14 ~ Is 2d, Is 4d, Is 6d, Is Bd, Is 9d per pair 16 „ Is 6d, Is Bs, Is 9d, Is lid, 2s, 2s 3d, 2s 6d, 28 9d 18 ~ Is 9d, 2s, 2s 3d. 2s 6d, 2s 9d, 3s, 3s 6d 20 ~ 2s, 2s 2d, 2s 3d, 2a 4d, 2s 6d, 2s Bd, 2s 9d, 2s lid, 3s, 3s 6d, 4s 22 ~ 2s 6d, 2s 9d, 2s lid, 3s, 3s 3d, 3s 6d, 4s, 4s 3d, 4s 6d per pair Within the last month we have receivod a large shipment of this delightfully perfumed and world-renowned Soap, which we are selling very freely at PEARS’ LONDON PRINTED PRICES, Thus bringing a luxury within the reach of all. Each tablet and ball bears the manufacturer’s stamped price. Compare the price we ask you with what you have been accustomed to pay for it. 6d Tablet Pears’ Transparent Soap, unscented, 6d

The Millinery Is Burpasßingly beautiful and all who have seen it are delighted with it. We regret very much that space will not admit of our giving our customers at a distance advantage of an illustrated catalogue, but we will mention Borne of the names of the leading shapes in bonnets and hats. A favourite bonnet for the season is sure to be the ‘ Toledo.’ It is a pretty, close-fitting bonnet, very comfortable and charmingly trimmed with Creme Ribbon and Green Foliage, with strings. ‘LA BELLA’ is a very stylish little pointed Bonnet, can be had in either Gold Leads, Tulle and Wire, or Fancy Straw and Chip, very becoming and dressy for Young Ladies ; worn without strings. ‘PREMIER,’is a large Bonnet worn without strings, • elaborately trimmed with pretty Spring Flowers ; this shape is also suitable for Young Ladies. • THE PEERESS ’ is another very handsome Bonnet, a little turned up in front, long in the back ; a very good fitting Bonnet, yet dressy and very stylish. THE * NORDICA ’ is a broad brimmed Hat turned up in the centre of the back ; medium crown, prettily trimmed with Marguerites, Daisies, and Green Leaves, very pretty and simple, and highly becoming for Young Ladies. lANTHE ’ is a large brimmed Hat turned up at the side going toward the front, which part is very handsomely -trimmedwithFeathers, Ribbons, Gauze orNet. ’TT.M APT?.V * o olnc» in or TT ah hnmp.d un in tllß KILMO’REY ’ is a close fitting Hat turned up in the back, flat in front, and high crown, very pretty trimmed with Feathers and Ribbons. * THE MANILLA ’—This is made of ‘ Manilla ’ as well as being named so, and is one of the latest and most becoming shapes ; it is exceedingly stylish and dressy; the brim is broad in front, turned up close to the crown at the back, and is trimmed either in front or back, which may best suit the wearer; Corn, Ivy and other Green Foliage are principally worn on this particular hat. THE KEW,’ ‘THE SPA’ and ‘RIPPLE’—These Hats are trimmed simply with Ribbon, and are suitable for Young Ladies. They are all sailor shapes, the brim, flat all round, affording a good shade* ‘THE HYDE PARK,’ ‘DESART,’ ‘SAN REMO’ and ‘ LILIAN ’ —These are all the newest shapes for children for this season. 1 THE SKIPPER,’ ‘THE ORIENT,’ ‘H.M.S. SIRIUS ’and ‘THE CLIPPER’ are the newest shapes for Boys. We have a charming assortment of Feathers and blowers; Marguerites, Grass Foliage, Ivy, Poppies, Violets, Roses, Cowslips, Daffodils, Polyanthus, Snowdrops, Mignonette, Pansies, Barley and Wheat. JET AIGRETTES. JET WINGS. COLOURED FANCY FEATHERS And an endless variety of Millinery Ornaments. IN THE MANTLE DEPARTMENT Will Be Found a Great Variety of Novelties. Ladies’ Fawn, Grey and Striped Cloth Jackets, 11s 6d and 12s 6d. . Plain Habit Cloth Jackets, 16s 6d. „ . Jersey Cloth Jackets, 20s. ~ Light Brown Cloth Jackets, 245, 27s 6d. ~ Fine Cloth, Red, Green and Blue, 27s 6d to s_ss. ~ Checked and Striped Dust Cloaks in Fine Lustre and Brocaded do, 22s 6d, 27s 6d, 32s fid to 5Cs. ",, Silk Warp Lustre Dust Cloaks, 465, 50s, 555,605. • ~ Tailor-made Coats in Checked and Striped Cloth, 29s 6d, 355, 42s to 65s each. , Jet Fichus, 24s 6d, 27s 6d, 30s, 35s to 84s. _ Silk Mantles with MoiriS Stripes, 5 guineas to 7 guineas. Lace do 58s 6d, 635, 70s, 75s to 7i guineas. A very large assortment Striped Cashmere Mantles trimmed with Jet and Lace.

We shall be happy when requested to forward Patterns of any materials, and charts for S elf-measurement for Men’s Clothing, and all orders shall receive our very best and prompt attention. J KIRKCALDIE AND STAINS, Tailors, Habitmakers, Outfitters, Carpet Warehousemen, and General Cash St, George’s Ball and H*>toii 'Wfiling-ton.

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New Zealand Mail, Issue 867, 12 October 1888, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Mail, Issue 867, 12 October 1888, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Mail, Issue 867, 12 October 1888, Page 3