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(By Martini.)

FIXTURES. Juue 21— Hawkcs Bay Steeplechases. June 22—Town ami Suboiban Napier Country Meeting. June S3—Nelson J. C. Steeplechase, July 2J—N.Z Grand National Stcoplcch so. j u |y i —Wellington Steeplechase Mootiug. Declaration of Weights. June IC—Nelson Steeplechase. June 26 —Weights Wellington Steeplechase Meot--IDJune 30 —N.Z. Grand National Sto'plochase. Nominations, acceptances, sc. June 19—Nominations Wellington Steeplechase 8 -’ 23—Nominations N. ?. Grand National Steeplechases. 1 , 1 July ~7 —Acceptances N.Z. Grand National SteepleCll July 24—Final payments N. Z. Grand National Handicap and acceptances Grand National Steeplechase s'. *

by Musket— L’Orient, is advertised fpr private sale in iVJe.lboijrn.e. Rudiugs has taken Batty’s sfables at Caulfield,

The Sydney correspondent of the writes ;—I am sorry to say that J think we have seen the last of Metrailleuse as a racehorse. In the race for the Royal Stakes she broke down badly. The seat of injury is in the shonlder, and it appears to be a bad case. At the Sydney Water Police Court on the 29th May Wm. Gannon, owner of Arsenal, was charged on an information laid by tho inspector of the Animals Protection Society, with cruelty in having run the son of Goldsborough ia the A.J.C. Plate, .at the Autumn meeting at Randwicir on the 7tli of April. The inspector deposed that he Saw the race for the A.J.C. Plate, in which Arsenal made the pace for The Australian Peer, and after it was over looked at Arsenal again. Be j,ys| lame,' and blooding from the crack in the liseb * Jlie ‘horse‘walked the crack opened and shut, and m ’Jiis opinion'caused the hor3e pain. In hia opinion the fiope was not fit to run. Soma time afterwards h». had a conversation with the defendant, who, on learning the ground of complaint, said he did n'o.t think much' of the Band crack. The spre' heei was, he thought, the worst. JTn ■. examination by "Mr W; Gannon,-, Inspector syebber said he sid not notice Mr j I?kite's Carlyon. He‘£id not see that he was ! lame going out, and although hja examined Arsenal before the race he did not jiell Mr \ Gannon he was unfit to run. On a previous occasion he (Webber) had reported to his; committee (that Carlyon had been brutally spurred, spd bp W aa told not to interfere jjyith legitimate pppjrt jSe ,yas not taking ; in the present pase pn Jiij pwn ac-.j count. The bench. - after hearing eyidenpe j for the defence, dismissed the case. yfre car.e and caution exercised by the ; lata Mr. John ’fait are well illustrated, says j an Australian paper i» a stopy tpld of a: trial of one of several of his horses onp night j at Randwick. As he walked down in the dusk to a certain point from where lie was to time the three he bumped against another racing man, who was curiously watching the movements of the three horses. The customary exclamation of annoyance was followed quickly by the instruction, as he recognised a friend, ‘ Crouch down behind me, for if Stanley sees two of us' he won’t "wish the horse.’ The three rattled past, and I'pTshsi} the trial to good time kept by both watches, 'fetb, % crushing weight of 10st. Sib) up; leading ttojn'e, .* Son must, back the'black' horse in spite of lijs weight;’ 5 said Mr. Tait, and the black lioiae won,' though-the outside public had again put their money bn a stable companion. There was aptiting of the' ‘ win, tie, or wrangle’ in Mr. rabifig'tactips. The only protest he is , .known to haye judged Wjw iff the Sydney 1 'Cap of tpsS', when Mtsford prob'd g'plQDTi, • and ‘hooted him,’ tKefS yraa recoil j for it was shown In the faofc that Thompson,: the offending jockey, was disqualified for a One of the very few instances in which; Tie ioupd .ecmeppo t(?? clever for him was; TJbe Rarb rpet Tim, at Rand-• yrick, and beat him, bat when stajiley pope | to weigh in he was 2.1 b. short. Foul play yas suspected, and a reward of £IOQ offered i for proof of it. | ‘ papier in tjhe porting and Dramatic j maintains that Merry Hamptpn was ; got at before the City and Suburban, Aa; the horse came ia as dry as a bone, it is sug- ! gested that his nostrils were washed with belladonna, which would prevent him from sweating. Mazeppa considers Rothamstead decidedly the best of the Gortons we have seen.

Humors have been floating about that ( tjhgt there was something wrong with Pearl Shell. There has been no satisfactory confirmation of them, however. Jticcarton, tj)e son of Hornby and Marifcana, was sold lost week for 60s, says Mazeppa, and is now in steady work —■‘harnessed to the front of a tramcar, and learning the

difference in meaning between one and two strokes of tho bell.

Mr. James Cotton has joined the great majority in the Bankruptcy Court. Everyone will sympathise with Mr. W. H. Keith in Ilia loss of Allegro, winner of the steeplechase at Auckland the other day, in the Hawea wreck.

Allepo was backed in a good many quarters, I believe, to win the hurdles and not the steeplechase, but no doubt Mr. Keith knew what he liad got and disposed of his 'stuff’ accordingly. Messrs E. Yuille and N. Nathan have combined forces and gone into partnership. They are to be found now on Lambton Quay at Mr Nathan’s Shop, where you can back anything you take a fancy to and be as certain of getting your money if you win as of dropping it if yon lose. The firm report good business at the following quotations. Melbourne Cup.

100 to s—Carlyon and Australian Peer. 100 to 4—Niagara. 100 to 3-Cyclops. 200 to 9—Maxim. New Zealand Cup. 100 to 10 Loohiel, 100 to 10 - Carbine. 100 to 10-Sextaut. 100 to 10—Springston. iqO to 9—Artillery. 100 to 9—Silence. 101 to S—Redwoofi. ' 1.00 to 7 —SilvermajrJc. j.OO to 7—Escutcheon. In doubles the two cups have been lafd at I.QO to 5, the favorite Selection being M“?' m (Melbourne) and Sextant, Carbine and Sexr tent, garbine and .St ,Glair, and Silence, Australian Peer and Escutcheon, and Croabrook end Artillery,

Odds and Ends.

Kemp is willing to accept Teemer’s challenge to row for 2,500 dol, but stipulates that the match takes place on the Parramatta.

An inquiry was held in Melbourne reoently into a charge of rough play preferred against Houston, a crack local footballer, wbo was adjudged not guilty. Mr. Robert Ramsey, son of Dr. Ramsey, of Prahrau, a medical student of the Glasgow University, lias just carried off the large Oxford silver medal as tho champion athlete of the Edinburgh, Glasgow, and St. Andrew’s Univei sities. Tho medal is competed for annually by students of all three Universities, and for four consecutive years no one competitor' has ’ been able 1 to reach the high standard (96 points). Mf.'R'arrisey scored 94T points hut of 9; possible 106,'and when Principal Oaird presented the medal t6' Mr. Ramsey hearty cheers w§re given for the young Australian, as well'as for Australia. Tbo race tor the ten-mile Amateur Championship of England; which took place in April, was won by E. W. Parry, Salford Harriers, in 53min. 43 2-oths see.

Mr. Aleock, secretary of .the - Surrey County Glpbi has been interviewed on cricket. He says ‘ Giffen I think $e best all-round man in the colonies, or, in fast apywhere. Turner is undoubtedly the star of the tralian team. Bates, who has just arrived, tells me he thinks him good on any wicket.’ Mr. Alcock thinks Lehmann the beat allrojund ip England.

TO TELL THE AGE A HORSE. To tell the age of any horse, Inspect the lower jaw, of eo.urse ; The fropt sije teeth the tale \vill tell, And every doubt and fear dispel. Two middle ‘ nippers ’ yon behold Before the colt is two weeks old, Before eight weeks two more will come ; Eight months the ‘ comers ’ out the gum. The outside grooves will disappear ■ From middle two in just one year : In two years, from the second pair ; In three, the % ‘ comers ’ too are bare.' At two the middle ‘nippers ’ drop, At three tho second pair can’t stop. When four years old the third pair goes, At live a-full new set he shows. Thd deep l bj.kck spots will ppjg from vn w At si* years from tVvo. • The second pair afc seyen yews;' At eight the spot each ‘ comer ’ elfcgr3. From middle ‘ nippsrs’ upper jaw At nine the black spots will withdraw ; Tiie second pair at ten are white ; Eleven finds' tlje c - comers ’ '-4s time r 'gfoeg ,6n all h prs.omgg If no w, (The ovgtl|eetl) !f,ed j ’ They longer get, project before, 1 Till twenty, when wo knew no more.

The Wellington Steeplechase Club’s meeting'fs to be held at the Hutt on'Saturday, 7th 'July ? ’(end proinises, l from the interest Winced ■ in' it, t’p be yery successful. Nom'inatione are dxVe on Tuesday,"the 11th ihst,; for the' Trial Steeplechase, H ur<^e Rape, Flying Handicap .(fiat), 1 Wellington Steeplechase, and Wintor'Handicap By Eleoi'RlC Telkorai’ii.— Copy right. (per press association. ) London, June 10. The following is the result of the race for the Grand Prize of Paris, of 4000 sovr, one mile seven furlongs Stuart, 1 ; Crowberry, 2 ; Saint Gall, 3.

Sydney, Juno 9. At Tattorsall’s Club Meeting to-day Voltaire •yon the Grand National Steeplechase. London , J une 12. Tho race for her Majesty’s .Cold’Vase took plaoo to-day, and resulted as follows : Xtth CwtP Yai3J2, value 200 sova, given by

her Majesty, added to a swoepstake of 20 sovs each, w.f.a., with penalties and allowances ; two miles.—Dundauor (sic), 1 ; Chippeway, 2 ; Banter, 3.


(PER PRESS ASSOCIATION.) Auckland, June 9.

The Auckland Racing C.ub held their Winter Meeting to-day at Ellerslio. There was a moderate attendance. The weather was fine but cold. The racing was good, but surprises were the order of the day, aud excellent dividends were paid, the two backers of Catesby on the inside totalisator netting £lO3 10s each. Maiden Steeplechase, of 100 sovs ; two and a half miles.—Mr Williamson’s Artist, i2st lib' (FrewiD), 1; Mr O’Sullivan’s Revenge, 12st lib (Nolan), 2 ; Mr Sullivan’s Monitor, 12st lib (Rae), 3. There were two other starters. Dividend, £2 4s. llurdus Race, of 100 sovs ; two and a quarter miles.— Mr Williamson’s Shillelagh, Sst 91b (Hadfield), 1 ; Mr Gallagher’s Peter Osbeok, list 21b (Hope), 2; Mr Walker's Highland Mary, Bat 71b (McMinaman), 3. Five others also ran. Won by two lengths. Dividend, £4 4s and £4 13s. Winter Handicap, of 80 sovs ; one mile and a distance.—Catesby, 7st (Priest), 1 ; Friendship, 9st (Taylor), 2 ; Tamora, Sst 41b, Patterns), 3. The Squire, Pretender, Capella, Cat, Wapiti, Miss Alice, .On Guard, and Lioness also started. Catesby won a good race by a neck. Time, 2cuin 7see. Dividend—lnside, £lO3 10s ; outside, £75 ISs. A'protest entered by Kean, owner of Formo,' that ‘the 'horses did not start behind the post, was dismissed.'' Great is 1 orthijun ' Steeplechase, of 950 sovs, with a sweep of 10 sovs'each ; second horse, 40 sovs'; third lioj-se, 2Q so,vs out of stakes. About three and a" halt rpiles.— Mr Heith ? a Allegro, 9st (Edgecumbe),' 1 ; M>' Marshall’s Magnesia, IQst 101 b (Nolan), 2 ; Mr Rae’s Orangeman, lOst 71b, including 316 oyer (Rae), 3. Macaroni, Guy Fawkes, Huntsman', Ma Petite fille, Whalebone, Don, apd Recruit werp tpe pther stgriers. Won by five lengths, Magnesia bpjng a bead in front of Orangeman, who pad fought hard in the straight for spefind honors, Wfl a ' e * hone was fourth, Don fifth. The others did not finish. Time, Bm;a 44sec. Dividend — Inside, £6 9s ; outside, £7 6s. Novel Race.—Won by Revenge. Selling Steeplechase, of 80 sovs ; about three miles.—Mr Williamson’s Artist, 9st lib, 1 ; Mr Korn’s Huntsman, 9st lib, 2 ; Mr Dickey’s Recruit, 10st lib, 3. Won by two lengths. Dividend, £3 14s. Ladies’ Bracelet, 30 sovs for first horse, and bracelet, value 10 sovs, to second horse. One mile. Mrs Raymond’s St Michael, list 91b (Bell), 1; Mrs G, Wrighi’s Tamora, list 3lb, 2; Mrs Harrison’s Catesby, list 51b, 3. Six others ran. This race was run in the dark. St Michael won by a length and a half. Dividend—lnside, £SO 17s ; outside, £4O 103. -

Auckland, June 13. The steeplechasers Shillelagh,-Artist,: : and Magnesift are to be Shipped ito Napier to*morrow for the purpose of fulfilling their engagements ! at the • Hawkes -'Bhy Jockey Club’s Meeting. ''' 1 ‘ ' A 1 v

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New Zealand Mail, Issue 850, 15 June 1888, Page 13

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SPORTING. New Zealand Mail, Issue 850, 15 June 1888, Page 13

SPORTING. New Zealand Mail, Issue 850, 15 June 1888, Page 13