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By Electric Tklegrath.—Copyright. ■ ENGLISH. (PER press association.) London, May 30. Copper —Chili bars, LSI ss. London, May 31. John Bright, who is ill with congestion of the lungs, is improving. It is stated that the French claim the Island of Maitre on the ground that it long has been a dependency of France. > The New Zealand two million 4 per. cent loan, with a minimum of 96|, for which tenders will be opened on the 7th, is quoted at a premium of 1 per C6 The Inish hierarchy have resolved that the Papal deciee affects morals only, and that the object of the Pope was to remove the obstacles to the ultimate success of the national movement.

it is thought that in consequence of the pledge given by the Parliament of New Zealand not to borrow in the London, market for three years the loan prospects are excellent. *' # By an* Order-iu-Council a certain portion of New Guinea has been created a. British territory. The weekly returns of the Bank ot England published to-day show the total reserve in notes and bullion at •£12,200,000, and the proportion of reserve to liabilities at 40 per cent., being an increase of £400,000 on the total reserve, and an increase ot 1 per cent, on the proportion of reserve to liabilities. , _ , The total quantity of wheat afloat for the United Kingdom is 2,540,000 quarter’s, "‘and for the Continent 600,000 quarters. . Mr Fergusson, leplying to Mr Henniker Heaton, said that the documents bearing on the Chinese question would be laid on llio table of the House shortly. He was not aware that these documents had been published in Australia.

London, June 1. In the House of Commons, Mr Macarthuri having stated in the course of his speech that the ex • King Malietoa was sacrificed by England in order to gain Germany’s support in Egypt, Mr Fergusson retorted that .it: was* not incumbent upon England to protect Malietoa. Mr John Bright is still very weak. The Standard spitefully attacks the New Zealand loan, and suggests that the money is wanted to meet the Budget deficit and sustain the mercantile credits. _ . , London, J une 1. Quotations for best tallovy (mutton) are 23s to 245; best beef, 23s to 23s 6d. The stock of tallowm London at date is 13,000 casks. German beet sugar and kauri gum are unchanged. . London, June 2. An Australian wheat cargo of 1000 quarters has been sold at 32s 4*d. * Mr James G. Lee Steere, Speaker of the Legislative Council of Western Australia, has been created a K.C.M.G. The stock of copper is 69,000 tons. Lord Salisbury has assured the London Missionary Society that the Government are earnestly urging France to formulate reasons for the expulsion of the Rev Mr Jones from the New Hebrides. Consols, 101 b New Zealand 5 per cent, 105£ ; 4 per cent inscribed, 97. In the House of Commons, Sir George Campbell has given notice of his intention to intercept the motion for going into committee of supply, in order that the Chinese difficulty may be discussed. • _ „ ,rs- London, June 6. The Magnet, a financial journal, considers that the New Zealand loan will be “ beared.” . , . . „ , The New Zealand Shipping Co. s Rimutaka sailed from Plymouth yesterday, via Teneriffe, Capetown, and Hobart. „ „ The ship Otaki has sailed from Loudon for Dunedin. The following ships are loading in London:-—Wairoa, for Auckland ; Orari, for Wellington; Mataura, for Lyttelton ; Wkupa, for D s”rJ D N t McKenna, M.P. for South Monaghan, has written to the press disagreeing with the resolutions passed at a Home;.Buie meeting in Dublin, which condemned the Papal decree. In his letter he defends the rescript, and accepts the Pope’s condemnation of boycotting and the Plan of-Cam-P *The Bajah of Sarawak and Sir Evelyn Baring have received the

honor of the Knights Grand Cross of St Michael nnd St George. - * London, June 4.

An Australian wheat cargo of 2000 quarters in an iron bottom has been sold at 32s 3d.

Tin is quoted at LS3. 4.t an immense gathering in Hyde Park tc-day resolutions were carried protesting against compensation being pa:d to publicans whose licenses may be cancelled under the clauses of the Local Government Bill. New Consols are quoted at 99. The market rate of discount is Is. London, June 5,

protesting against compeußnuuu pa:d to publicans whose licenses may be cancelled under the clauses of the Local Government Bill. New Consols are quoted at 99. The market rate of discount is Is. London, June 5, In the House of Commons, Sir James Fergusson denied that the French flag had been hoisted over the Island of Maitre. Mr Goschen has declined to modify the legacy succession duties in favor of colonists domiciled in Great Brita Lord G. F. Hamilton has admitted that the English navy is unable to guarantee absolute protection .to the whole of the commerce, and said that the country would never tolerate the demands made by Admiral Hornby for an increase in the fleet. Ihe press are dissatisfied at the statement ot the First Lord of the Admiralty. Mr John Bright is now much stronger. The House of Commons has, by a majority of 121, carried the vote for the protection of the ports and coaling stations. France is supplying her navy with details of the forts' and means of defence of the British colonies. SPECIAL. (PER PRESS ASSOCIATION.) London. May 29. It is expected that a few thousand of the carcases of the s.s. Selembria will be saved. London, May 31. Mr Henniker Heaton, in a letter to The Times, states that by forcing the colonies to co-operate with reference to the Chinese, Lord Knutsford is creating an Australian United States. He considers it would be bettor to confer with Australia and give the colbnies a voice in any treaties which affect their interests. The French have taken possession of Minquiers, a mass of uninhabited rocks between Jersey and the coast of France, which had hitherto been regarded as belonging to Jersey. The Imperial Government protestedagainst the annexation, to which the French Government replied that they were astonished at England’s claim. • London, May 31. "V In the House of Commons, Mr Labouchere said Lord Salisbury had insulted France by refusing to be officially represented at the Paris Exhibition. Mr W. H. Smith, in reply, stated that the action of England was amicably understood. There was, he mentioned, undoubted danger of a European war, but he trusted that an outbreak between Germany and’ France would be prevented, as both were allies of England. _ ' London, June 3. , Dr Stainer and Mr Charles Halle, the well-known musicians, have received the honor of Knights Commander of St Michael and St George. Owing to the stringency of the passport system adopted by Germany, a largo number of travellers have been prevented from crossing the frontier from France into Germany. H.M.S. Underwood and Iris are to be stationed in Australian waters. The new flagship Orlando will shortly sail to relieve the Nelson. She takes two torpedo boats w,ith her. The Financial „ News, referring to New Zealand, expresses an opinion that the threatened crisis is coming at last, and her attempt at borrowing is probably the last straw which will render the crisis inevitable. The article goes on to say that the primage on the imports, as proposed by the Government, ia a desperate remedy. It mentions that the debt of New Zealand is equal to one-fifth of the value of the total property of the Colony, which is now already fully mortgaged.

CONTINENTAL. (PER PRE3S ASSOCIATION.) Berlin, May 30. The National Zeitung announces that Henry Millard is organising a German Antarctic expedition. • Paris, May 31. The French people declare that Prince Bismarck and Herr Tisza ard endeavoring to create a panic in order to more successfully obtain credit votes for supplying the German and Austrian troops with Tramond-Lepel rifles.

Berlin, June 2. Emperor Frederick has gone to Potsdam. Paris, June 2.

One of the members of the Chamber of Deputies has introduced a Bill to enforce passport reprisals with Germany. It is believed that the measure was inspired by Geueral Boulanger. Berlin, June 4. A Government crisis is imminent m Prussia, in consequence of the Emperor hesitating to promulgate the Act prolonging the Diet until the freedom of the elections is guaranteed. It is reported that Bussia intends to raise the import duty on refined sugar to 60s per 100 kilos, and on raw 40s. Stt Petersburg, June 3. The Moscow Gazette, in an article on the relations of Great Britain and China, advises the Chinese to seek the friendship of Bussia if prohibited from emigrating to the colonies. Buda-Pesth, June 3. Herr Tisza denies that he had any intention of offending Framce by his reference to the Paris Exhibition ; on the contrary, he desires to maintain peaceful relations with that country. Paris, June 3. M. Faure’s proposal to make the consideration of the question of passport reprisals a matter of urgency, was defeated by an enormous majority. Paris, June 4. General Boulanger has demanded the urgency of his Constitution Bevision Bill, and declares that a serious crisis is impending. He considers that the presidency of the Bepubho is an unnecessary office. In the Chamber of Deputies, General Boulanger’s urgency motion was negatived by 377 to 18G. Seveial exciting scenes occurred in the Chamber on the result of the division being announced. M. Floquet, the Premier, taunted General Boulanger with aspiring to the Dictatorship. After tauutirig General Boulanger with aspiring to a dictatorship, the Premier, referring to M. CLemenceau, the leader of the Left Party, said the latter was anxious to be at the helm of the Government ship. Edinburgh, J une o. Severe snowstorms have been experienced throughout Scotland. London, June 5. It is stated that the copper syndicate is being reformed with, a limited capital. ' .’ , The resolutions dealing with the defence of the harbors and coaling stations have been carried. SPECIAL. (per press association.) St. Petersburg, May 29. The Bussian Government conceals the fact that famine is existing in the South. ~ nr. Paris, May 29.

The French press regards the German frontier rules as bellicose. Ihe German press, however, declares they were made in order to prevent quarrels arising. Vienna, June 1. The "amount of the credit vote asked for bv the Premier is 47.000,000 florins. . „ T , Parts, June 1.

In the Chamber of Deputies, M. Goblet stated that Hungary had a perfect light to abstaiu from exhibiting at the Paris Exhibition. She had nothing to fear from the breaking of pledges to exhibitors, but, if the neighbors'ot France prejudiced her interests, France would take her own time to retaliate. He mentioned that the policy of France was directed to the maintaining of peace in Europe. Paris, June 3.

M. Floquet, the Premier, has informed,the Revision Committee of the Chamber that the Cabinet will choose a time when to alter the Constitution. In consequence of the disturbed state of affairs both at home and abroad, they thought the present time was not favorable to the scheme. The Government, however, hoped to propose a scheme before the end of the session, but in the "-event of the Republican party being in a minority the Cabinet would resign. Clement Thomas succeeds M. Nonet as Governor of New Caledonia. Constantinople, June 3.

The Bussian Ambassador has communicated with the Porte demanding the arrears of the Turkish indemnity, and that the payments be made re gularly in future. Berlin, J une 3.

Owing to tlie Emperor Frederick’s action in adding a rescript to his assent to the Quenquennial Diet law urging that there should, be freedom in voting, the Ministry have threatened to resign rather than promulgate a law in the direction requested.

AMERICAN. (per press association A New Fork, May 30. It is reported that the Government have despatched four men-of-war to seize British sealing vessels said to be carrying on operations in Behring Strait. San Francisco, June 3. Sailed—Alameda, for Auckland. SPECIAL. - (per press association.) Washington, May 31. Mr Blaine has finally declined to be nominated for the Presidency. Ottawa, June 2. The residents in Canada are agitating in favor of restricting immigration from Great Britain, and ask the Government to legislate in the direction of preventing the introduction of paupers. t THE EAST. (PER PRESS ASSOCIATION.) Calcutta, June 2. Information has been received that the Thibetans are massing in large numbers in the Kapup Valley. AFRICAN. (UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATION.J Durbar, June 3. A conflict has taken place between the followers of the Zulu Chief Denezulu and the British forces, resulting iri the former being routed. The Chief Usibepu also encountered a small force of Dragoons, and two of the latter were killed. • Beinforcoments against Denezulu are being despatched.

AUSTRALIAN (PER PRESS ASSOCIATION.) Sydney, May 31. Locally made butter, Is 3d to Is 9d ; the supply is decreasing: Best imported in good demand at from Is to Is 3d. Cheese is in good demand at 7d to Bd. Bacon, 9d; hams, Is to Is Id. Oats, heavy milling, 2s 3d; heavy feed. 2s to 2s 2d,; the market is dull. New Zealand bran, 10c! ;local bran, 10-£d, market dull, there being large stocks on hand. Pollard, quiet at lOd. " Maize, plentiful at 2s 4d to 2s su. Warnambo'ol potatoes, 45s to 47s 61 ; circulars, 60s sd. New Zealand potatoes, 55s to 60s; supply equal to demand, market Bteady. Wheat —Milling, 3s 9d ; chick, 3s. Onions, L 5 10s.

The bushrangers who stuck up an hotel as Wargett on Friday have been arrested. They are brothers named Cain, and were tracked over 100 miles from the scene of the exploit by the police and black trackers. The death sentence passed on the aboriginal Denitt has been commuted to imprisonment for life. Since the visit of the Redmond brothers in 1884 the Sydney branch of the National League has remitted 1/10,500 as assistance to the Home Buie agitation. Sailed, yesterday —Ashleigh Brook, for Auckland. Mr McElhone, upon being arrested by the Sergeant-at-Arms, apologised to the House and withdrew his remarks. He was then released from custody. In the Council the Chiuese Bill was read a second time on the voices, and passed through the Committee pro forma. A company has been registered with a capital of L 1,000,000, with power to increase to L 2,000,000, to purchase or lease the tramways. It is anticipated that the Government will call for tenders for the purchase or lease within the next few days. Melbourne, May 31.

Wheat 3s 4id ; flour, stone made, L 7 ss; roller made, L 9 9s ; oats, Tartarian, 2s 7d ; stout, 2s lOd ; barley, brisk at 5s 6d ; maize, 3s od ; bran, lOd.

Adelaide, May 31. Wheat, 3s sd, f.o.b. ; farmers’ lots, 3s 3d at Port Adelaide, at out ports 3s Id to 3s 2d ; flour, stone made, L 7 5s to L 7 10s ; roller made, L 8 5s to L 8 7s 6d: braD, 9d ; pollard, 9£d. A number of armed blacks sre threatening the Lutheran mission station at Kopperamanna, near Lake Hope, Cooper’s Creek district, where they have murdered two native shepherds. A number of black t lackers and trooper’s have been dispatched to tothe'seene. Parliament was opened to-day. The Governor’s Speech referred to the improvement in the condition and prospects of the colony, which was mainly attributable to the bountiful harvestland the increase in the wool clip, and the encouraging results of mining. There was every reason to expect that the expenditure of the present financial year

would be well within the revenue. He hoped thepolicy of strict economy would render additional taxation unnecessary. The Parliament would be asked to authorise a special loan for railway extension, and* the Imperial Government would be invited to reconsider the question of establishing an Imperial coaling station and arsenal at Port Darwin in preference to Thursday Island. Bills would be introduced on the representation at the Federal Council, whilst recent events had emphasised the importance of amending the education and electoral laws. Notice was given of a Bill to legalise the totalisator.

Brisbane, May 31. Two miners, named Wilson and Benson, were blown to pieces to-day at the bottom of a mine at Charters Towers. It is supposed they were tamping some dynamite with a steel drill. Hobart, May 31. Arrived —S.S. Arawa, at 4 o’clock this afternoon. She sails at 2 a.m. on Friday for New Zealand. * She brings 76 passengers for Australia, and 64 for New Zealand. Sydney, June 1. Admiral Fairfax, replying to the Commissioner of Customs relative to the surveying of alleged dangerous currents in the vicinity of the Auckland Islands, with a view to liaving the charts amended, states that to undertake the work would cost a large sum of money. A survey, he mentions, has already been made by the New Zealand Government, and no representation has been made that the currents mentioned are more than ordinarily dangerous, while the Admirnlty directions and charts are as perfect as it is possible to make them. The Supreme Court to-day decided that Chinese naturalised in Victoria could only be held to be British subjects so far as that colony ia concerned, and could not therefore land iu New South Wales without paying the poll-tax prescribed by law. The Agent-General advises the Government that he cannot select a Chief liailway Commissioner for the colony at the salary offered, and that a considerable advance on the sum proposed to be paid will be necessary to secure the services of a satisfactory man for the position. Druict, the manager of the Commercial Bank at Tinonee, convicted a charge of embezzlement, has been N sentenced to three years’ imprisonment. Messrs Littlejohn, Thomson, and ( King have been elected Directors of the Australian Mutual Provident Society. A difficulty has arisen as to insuring the New South Wales exhibits at the Melbourne Exhibition, as none of the local offices will accept the risk. The Government have cabled to the AgentGeneral to ascertain on what terms he could effect insurance at Home on. £ LOO,OOO worth of goods. Melbourne, June 1, The Chinese passenger by the Afghan who was prevented landing has issued a writ against the Collector of Customs, claiming LIO,OOO damages. If the suit should prove successful 11 other cases will follow. Scott’s hotel has been sold for L 92,000. The sale does not include the furniture, stock, or goodwill. Henry George, author of “ Progress and Poverty,” contemplates a visit to the Australian colonies about Christmas. Captain Gione, of the barque Verona, has been arrested on a charge of starving one of the crew to death on the voyage from Brisbane to this port. A man named Hallier, who gave himself up to the police, stating that he had shot dead an aboriginal at Durham, was brought before the Court to-day and acquitted, it being shown that the native was in the act of throwing a spear at Hallier, who fired iu self-defence. Mrs Bappepoit, charged with embezzlement, was dismissed, on the ground that she was not accountable for her actions. Brisbane, June 1. The total yield of gold from the Croydon fields for the last 18 months is 64,6000 z. Sydney, June 2. The Government intend almost literally to carry out General Schaw’s recommendations for the improvement of the defences, and the military estimates will be submitted to Parliament next week.

A man named Burns, believed to bo Biley, the bushranger, who was noted many years ago for h lc desparate deeds, has been arrestt or horsestealing near made

tvyo desperate attempts to shoot Lontscablo Scomubage, who shot him. Silver stock last month, if capitalised, would amount to £2,031.000. Melbourne, June 2.

Bernard Sheridan, a publican near Be nail a, has been arrested on a charge of murdering his housekeeper, Mrs McGrath, by throwing her out of a . buggy. The sudden crash in silver stocks has resulted' in several stockbrokers suspending payment. Two have disappeared with large deficiencies. The Government have been asked to grant £3OOO toward the International Regatta. m Tlie first issue of tenders lor lrea Eury bills for £230,000 were opened to-dav, when it was found that the amount had been over-subscribed by £178,000. The principal tenderers were the local banks and capitalists. The prices ranged from par to £1 Ss did premium. Melbourne, June o. The Government have decided to accept the" offer of Captain Whitney for the establishment of a cartridge factory, subject, however, to the ratification bv Parliament. A syndicate have purchased the sole right of Liperuoeki and Bere s electric lighting system, and intend to erect a central station for lighting the city and suburbs within a radius of five miles. Sydney, June o. As the Guthrie was leaving for [Newcastle to-day her Chinose passengers made a desperate attempt to Rnd and severe fights with the police resulted. Ultimately the latter succeeded in overpowering, the Mongolians, Jmfc not without some ot their members receiving injuries. One Chinese eluded the .vigilance of the police and got ashore, but later in the day he was recaptured and again placed on board. Sailed— Wakatipu, for Wellington. It is understood that the Minister of Lands will shortly resign that posit*°n" Hobart, June 2. In the Legislative Assembly last nvrht the Treasurer delivered his financial Statement. The financial year of the colony does not close until the end of December: It is estimated that the revenue to the end ot Juno will be £606,800. The estimated deficiency to the end of December is £IS3 000- The revenue shows a good increase, but the expenditure has increased. The Treasurer proposes a halfpenny tax in the pound on personal estate, and the ad valorem duties are to be raised to 12% per cent A million loan is to be floated at 3 a pel cent. T „ o [Newcastle, June 2. Sailed Cabcrfeidh, barque, fur Auckland. , Adelaide, Juue 3. _ One of the trustees :d Lawson s estate intends taking Proceedings against the liquidators of toe Commercial Bank in connection with the £31.000 which the Bank alleged was paid by one trustee without the consent of the others. ' Brisbane, June 3. It is understood that the present Governor of British. North Borneo will bo selected as the first Governor of New Guinea. Jnne 4 . Thomas Strickland, a well-known merchant, was drowned in the harbor, near Manly Beach, yesterday, through a SStimearark 9 ,w1,0w. B th r Victim of the outrage m a police cell last week, is dead. . . A quantity of wreckage, comprising Jr casks of beef branded E the stern sheets of a boat made of kauri, and a Holmes distress signal, was f° the beach at Lord Howe Island on the that Mr Garrett, Secretary of Lands, intended to resign, jo officially denied. ' Thomas Sullivan, another _ bushranger connected with the stic.ung-up of The Waigett Hotel, has been, arrCsted’ Brisbane, June 4. A black trooper named Hubert has been arrested for a brutal outrage on a woman near Roma. , ' The body of a young woman named [flora Cartwright has been found at the bottom of a well at Charters ' Towers, and a young m an Thomas Donovan, with whom she had been keeping company, has been arrested on a charge of murder. Port Darwin, June 4 A party of blacks attacked the Chinese camp on the Roper River, killing one person. 3* Melbourne, June 4. The Budget this year will show a jsurpUs of half a million, Xhe tern-

torial revenue account shows an increase of £IOO,OOO. The Exhibition Building is approaching completion. The annexes have been constructed on the eastern and northern sides. Iho total area covered by the buildings is 3o acres, which fat eclipses the space occupied by the buildings ot the Exhibition of 1880. The place allotted for the electric lighting will be a marvellous exhibition of the advance, ot electricity. Great progress is being made with the German Court. The total deficiency of the absconded sharebrokers is £30,000. The silver crisis involves another to the extent of £14,000, while several others are arranging with their creditors. A desperate struggle took place between two robbers and some members of the police force early this morning. Ono constable was disabled by a stone. One of the robbers named Ryan fired six times at his pursuers before he was captured. Newcastle, June 4. Sailed —Schooners Sea Bird and Lady Mabel, for Auckland. A lrany, June 4.

Arrived —Liguria, with the following passeugers for New Zealand Messrs Ashley, Bancroft, IVliss Bau- : croft. The Marquis of Queensburv is also a passenger for Melbourne. Sydney, June 5.

Mr John Douglas, in his annual report on New Guinea, Bays he has received no contribution from the South Australian Government toward the cost of administration. With re gard to the future administration, he gays it will be impossible to apply British law in its technical sense to native affairs, and for many years to come a personal government must prevail to a great extent. During a heavy gale, the ship Berluce, from Melbourne, went ashore outside Newcastle harbor early in the morning. The ship became a total wreck, but the crew were rescued by the Rocket Brigade. ' McGregor, tho bank-note forger, h£is been sentenced to seven years hard labor. . ~ At the inquest on the body or Parkes, the victim of the outrage in a police cell, a verdict of murder was returned against Hewitt, who committed the offence. A committee selected from several of the Masonic lodges have agreed UDon a basis otl which to recommend the craft to adopt the formation of a united Grand Lodge for New South Wales. . The question of establishing an ammunition factory in Sydney, .which several local and English capitalists are prepared to do, is engaging the attention of the Government. A company has been formed iu the city, and have petitioned the Government for a favorable consideration of their application for a grant for a site. The Eiuance Committee of the City Council have resolved to recommend the Council to ask Government to introduce a Bill empowering the Council to borrow L 1,704, 000 for the purpose of paving the streets with wood, and a similar sum with which to purchase properties for the improvement and widening of the streets, the balance of the consolidation ot the previous loans. ■ , The Freetrade Conference opened to day. Messrs Crook and Mason, of Christchurch, and Mr Gale, of Wellington, are the New Zealand lepresentatives. lhe business tq-uay was only of a preliminary naturof , Melbourne, June o.

Advices from Foocho/v stale that the tea market opened on the 2nd of June. The official prices for best „ro P s are 'as follow: —Pakiums, 43 taels ; short Panyongs, 37 taels ; short Sarvunes, 27 taels ; short Suey Ruts, 23 taels . short Tong Fongs, 3j. taels. The quality of the present crops on the average is rather better both in leaf and liquor than the last.

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New Zealand Mail, Issue 849, 8 June 1888, Page 25

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NEWS BY CABLE. New Zealand Mail, Issue 849, 8 June 1888, Page 25

NEWS BY CABLE. New Zealand Mail, Issue 849, 8 June 1888, Page 25