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Rt BIiECTBio Telegraph.—Copekight.


(beuter’s -telhgpaks,)

London, ‘October 14. The steamship Liguria, which left Melbourne on September 3, arrived .at Plymouth to-day. London, ‘'October 14. The weekly .-returns of the Bank of: lEngland, ; published to-day, show the : ■proportion of reserve to liabilities to ■be 37 per cent,,4 per cent higher than last week. The total reserve in notes j sand bullion amounts ‘to £lO, or £IOO,OOO less than last week. Three per cent. Consols, 10Of. The: market rate of discount is 2# per cent. : .or x p er cent, below the minimum Lank rate. New>Zealand 5 percent 10-40 loan, 101£ : ; New Zealand per cent. 530 loan, 99f ; New Zealand 4 per cent, anscribed stoek.9B.. LesrooN, October 15..

Consols remain at IOOf. Colonial Breadstuffs Adelaide •wheat, ex store, -SSs; New Zealand., -28 sto 335. Adelaide flour, 245. The -total quantity of wheat afloat for the United Kingdom is 1,540,000 quarters, 80,000 less than last week. " Tallow—Australian, average quality, beef, 24s mutton, 26s 6d. New Zealand mutton* prime quality, remains at 4d to 4^d, London. October 16.

The Socialists of London are making arrangements for a demonstration on November 9, when a proeession of the unemployed will follow the Lord Mayor’s Show. A series of heavy gales, accompanied fcy floods, have occurred in England, and. ishipwreeks, resulting in loss of life, have occurred on the coast. London - , October 18. Three per cent Consols, 100|-. The market rate of discount is 3 per cent. The Bank rate remains unchanged, 3i per cent ; New Zealand Government securities are unchanged; 5 per cent 10-40 loan, 101 f; 4£ per cent 5-30 loan, 99f ; 4 per cent inscribed stock, 97. Scotch pig iron is selling at 43s 6d per ton ; galvanised iron, £ls. Adelaide wheat, ex store, 35s ; Adelaide flour, 21; New Zealand wheat, lowest 28s, highest 335. The mails per Alameda, which left Auckland on September 14, were delivered in London to-day, via San Francisco. The Peninsular and Oriental B.M.S. Clyde, which left Melbourne on August 21, arrived ac Plymouth today.

London, October 18.

Tbe Prince of Wales will meet the Executive Commission of the Colonial and Indian Exhibition at an early date, for the purpose of discussing the establishment of the Imperial Institute.

Rustem Pasha, the Turkish Ambassador, has addressed a communication to Lord Iddesleigh with reference to Egyptian affairs, but its contents have not yet transpired. London', October 19

The Chief of the Metropolitan Police has written to the promoters of the projected Socialist demonstration on the occasion of the Lord Mayor’s Show, on the 9th proximo, stating that the proposed procession willprovoke grave disorder, and probably endanger life, and that the authorities will hold the Socialists responsible for any consequences resulting from the projected procession. General the Hon. A. E. Hardinge, C. 8., has been appointed Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Gibraltar, vice General Sir J. M. A dye. Bio de Janiero, October 15.

The Shaw, Saviil, and Albion Company’s steamship Coptic, from Lyttelton "(21st September) left here yesterday morning for Plymouth. _ Her cargo of meat was in good condition. The New Zealand Shipping Com® pany’s B.M.S. Bimutaka, from Lyttelton (23rd September), arrived here yesterday evening. Her cargo of meat is in good condition.


London, October 13

Shares in the newly-formed Daydawn Mining Company are at a premium of 14s.

The New Zealand loan is expected to average 9S. Sir Hercules Bobinson will retain the Governorship of Cape Colony for a fresh teim.

London, October 14. Obituary —Mr Kennedy, the wellknown Scotch vocalist. Lord Charles Beresford’s memorandum regarding the condition of the

British Navy has attracted much attention. 3c is surmised that its object is to obtain popular support for the Government over-large projects 'they 'have >in >view. It is -stated that, during the Afghan scare, Russia had men-of-war stationed' in such a position as to cut the war-ions cables. It is rumored dhat Parliament will meet in November, to discuss the European situation. The Archbishop of Canterbury will consecrate the -Rev F. F. Goe rto the Bishopric of Melbourne in January. Mr Goe -.will sail for Melbourne in February. London, October 15.

The Timber Trades Journal states that from experiments made it has been shown that colonial woods will suit the English raarket, and are especially suitable for the manufacture of furniture.

The Scottish Australian Investment •Company have declared a dividend of 12| per cent. The balance-sheet of the Bank of South Australia shows the profits to be ££§,soo, of which £27,500 has been applied to meet bad and doubtful debts, chiefly the latter. It is unlikely that further withdrawals from the reserve will be made. It is proposed to open branches of the bank in Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane. The report was adopted. The Times, referring to the tweeds from New South Wales exhibited at the Exhibition, considers that they compare with the best English manufactures.

October 16.

A company with a capital of £120,000 is being formed to purchase Bucknall’s gold estate, Victoria. The wheat market is steady at late prices, and demand is limited. The Oxford has arrived with a cargo of wheat. For shipments, ex ship, 33s is offered.

There has been abundant rain lately. It is considered probable that 124,000 bales of wool will be available for the November series.

“ Les Debats ” admits that France has no right to establish a settlement in the New Hebrides, and asserts that their present action is a matter of policy. Mr Joseph Bosisto, president, and Mr Janies Thomson, Secretary of the Victorian Executive Commission of the Indian and Colonial Exhibition, will be entertained at a banquet before returning to Australia. London, October 17.

The colonials in England have not responded to the appeal put forth by Bishop Bedford. Germany, in replying to France, says that the latter has no cause to demand the date of the English evacuation of Egypt. By an innudation at Texas 200 persons have been drowned. The Duke of Manchester, the Earl of Carnarvon, and the Earl of Dunraven will attend the banquet to be given to Sir Anthony Musgrove. London, October 18.

The Earl of Dunraven, Undersecretary for the Colonies, speaking at the banquet to Sir Anthony Masgrove, said that if France intended to withdraw from the New Hebrides, it would be more satisfactory if she named a date. He thought the time had come when England could well afford to abandon the duties now levied on colonial produce. The Barcelona Gas Company has ordered several cargoes of Australian coal.

Cholera is spreading in Hungary and Croatia. , The. Daily Telegraph states that the recent rise in Queensland mining shares approaches a mania. London, October 18.

Shares in theßapanga Gold Mining Company, Coromandel, are being a!-, lotted. The amount of the capital (£80,000) has been subscribed for threefold. Shares are also being allotted in the Queensland Quicksilver, Company. Applications have been made on behalf of the museum attached to the Oxford University and the rnusems at Saltaire (Yorkshire) and. Newcastle for a portion ot the exhibits of Soutn Australia, at the Indian and Colonial Exhibition. A. similar request has been received by the New South Wales Executive from the Dublin, Saltaire and other museums. Another gang of Moonlighters has been captured in Kerry.


(Per s.s. Te Anan at the Bluff.) London, October 7.

Ifc is repoi ted tha". Lord Kaftiolph Churchill lius 1-fr. Fngland on a visit to Berlin, incog. It is stated that the visit was proposed by Bismarck, and that tbe object is to secure an iu-

terchange of views between the English and German Governments with reference to the present condition of affairs in Bulgaria, The announcement made by the New South Wales Premier during his speech as to the existence of trade depression in the colony, is pointed to as confirming the statements made by Mr Norton when endeavoring to discourage emigration from England to New South Wales.

October 8,

Tbe publication of the unexpected intelligence regarding a‘ serious deficiency in the finances of New South Wales exercised an immediate effect upon the price of that colony's securities, which at once fell 1 per cent., but when the first feeling of astonishment had subsided ifchey partially recovered. The Stan dard, referring to tbe cable announcement of the unsatisfactory condition of tbe finances of the colony, says : —“ It is incredible that there can be a deficiency of £2.000,000. , ’ The Times also refuses to believe that the matter is so bad as irepresented, and expresses the opinion that the existing depression an! its effects hare been overrated by Sir P. Jennings. In response to the note issued by the B ilgarian Government, the Earl of Iddesleigh has despatched a -circular to the Powers suggesting the desirableness of their giving their moral assistance to Bulgaria in the present crisis. Those electors who sympathise with the action of Russia in demanding 'a complete submission have determined to abstain from voting at tie elections for the Great Subranje or General Assembly.

The Chronicle expresses the opinion that the Emigration Bureau is pandering to colonial hostility against immigration to the colonies, and says that the alleged scarcity of employment in Australia will not deter suitable persons from emigrating. , October 10-

As a result of the trials of colonial timber, the Directors of the Great Western Railway have decided to use South Australian red gum sleepers in the construction of their new lines.

A number of articles of a violent character have appeared in the French Press in connection with the fisheries dispute that has taken place between French and English fishermen off Ramsgate. The former _ are alleged to have trespassed on British waters. The Pall Mall Gazette asserts that the statements of Mr Norton have been amply confirmed, and declared it is impossible for Sir Saul Samuel to deny that very strioua depression exists in the colony, The fact is partly due, it is stated, to frauds in connection with the Soudan expedition. It is the intention of the French Government to transport 310 recidivistes (who have been detained for Borne time past awaitiog the settlement of the question with Great Britain), to New Caledonia on 31st inst.

Much significance is attached to certain remarks made by Herr Tisza in a speech which he de ivered on Saturday. Alluding to the proposal that had been made for carrying out certain reforms in connection with tbe AustroHungarian army, Herr Tisza absolutely refused to discuss the question of army reform at the present critical juncture, when, as he remarked, the country was .quite possibly on the eve of a great war. The demand for the evacuation of the New Hebrides by the French troops continues to agitate public attention. The Chronicle ! declares, in an article which deals trenchantly with the ’ aubjsct, that firm and immediate ag’tation is necessary, otherwise the occupation will become permanent.


(beutee’s telegrams.)

Vienna, October 17.

Lord Randolph Churchill, who ha,s for some time been, on a vi.-it to this city, left for Paris to-day.



Capetown, October 15.

The New Zealand Shipping Company’s R.M.S. Tongariro left here this afternoon for Hew Zealand.



Ottawa, October 14.

The difficulty which had arisen between the Canadian and United States Governments by the seizure by the former of an American schooner, which had failed to report at the Customs, has been amicably settled. 1 Ottawa, October 17.

The Quebec provincial elections have resulted in a victory for the French party. Ottawa, October 16.

The victory of the French party in the provincial elections in Quebec is a defeat of the Government in that province.



Melbourne, October 14. The Union Company’s ss. Tarawera arrived this morning. Adelaide, October 14. The Orient Company’s B.M.S. Garonne, which left Plymouth on September 3rd, arrived this morning. Sydney, October 14. The Union Company’s s.s. Wairarapa sailed to-day for Auckland. Melbourne, October 15.

The Legislative Assembly has been sitting all night, the Opposition having stonewalled the estimates for the Educational vote. Sydney, October 15. New Zealand wheat is selling at 4s

3d per bushel; New Zealand oats, 2a lOd; maize, 3s 4d per 561 b; and the Sugar Company’s No, 1 pieces, £25 per ton.

Melbourne, October 15

The House of Assembly, which has been sitting all night, rose at 1 p.m. to-day. •

Sydney, October 15

The jubilee visitors were entertained this afternoon by Sir Patrick and Lady Jennings. Though the weather was inclement the attendance was large, and the proceedings passed off with great eclat. Adelaide, October 16.

Wheat, 5s to 5s Id; flour, town brands, Lll 5s to Lll 15s ; country, LlO 12s 6d to LlO 15s.

Melbourne, October 16. It is rumored that heavy defalcations have occurred on the part of an official in one of the local banks.

Hobart, October 16.

The Tasmanian Legislative Assembly has passed a bill providing for payment of members. Sydney, October 16.

At a Cabinet Council held yesterday it was decided that Parliament should be prorogued next Thursday.. The guests to the Municipal Jubilee have gone on a trip to the Blue Mountains to-day. Sydney, October 17. The Union Company’s ss. YVakatipu arrived to-day from New Zealand. Melbourne, October 17.

The rumor that defalcations have occurred on the part of an official in one of the tanks is now confirmed. The defaulter is one of the tellers in the Bank of Australasia, and his defalcations amount to. £IOOO. Melbourne, October 18. Obituary—Mr Agg, one of the Victorian Bailway Commissioners. A warrant has been issued for the arrast of Stodart Campbell, the teller of the Bank of Australasia, whose defalcations are now known to be nearly L2OOO. He has disappeared, and is supposed to have committed suicide.

Sybney, October 18. The Union Company’s s.s. Waihora arrived on Saturday afternoon. Per Merchant Shipping and Underwriters’ Association. —London, Oct. 16th—Arrived: Ship Oamaru, from Lyttelton (July 29fch). Albany, October 19.

The Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company’s R.M.S. Tasmania, which left London on September 10th, arrived yesterday evening.

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New Zealand Mail, Issue 764, 22 October 1886, Page 25

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NEWS BY CABLE. New Zealand Mail, Issue 764, 22 October 1886, Page 25

NEWS BY CABLE. New Zealand Mail, Issue 764, 22 October 1886, Page 25