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A A. A.——_ -A A. -A. -A A.— =^^sg CALV pi B*aa I o iVSp ’\ jtgri CARBOLIC PREPARATIONS. -A A- -*h. EXTRACTS FROM REPORTS AND OPINIONS. 2»/Tw qO_3 ? LIGHT .A A ift> . rf> Ai art tfh VS ■ A AA A A rffpfci A CALVERT’S In Is. Metal Boxes and 3s. Cd. 1-lb. ~ Per Cent. SOAP Gairdner Blackmore, Esq , Wellington, New Zealand, says:— “1 find your Medical 20 per cent. Soap a most valuable article. When travelling through. Australia, inland and in the hottest weather, v.'e used it to anoint places on the body where bitten by large Ants (Bulldogs) and Centipedes ; it quickly healed the spot and drove away the pain. We also found it to be the handiest remedy for horses’ sores and galls on camels. I have met hundreds of Australian bushmen, drovers, and gold prospectors who had learned the value of this soap.” N.B.—Owing to the high percentage of Carbolic Acid (Phenol) in the Medical Soap it is very soluble and should not be left in water, or freely used on tender skins. CALVERT’S CARBOLIC NURSERY Dr. Alexander Milxe (Late Vice-Presid SOAP ent Edinburgh Medical Society), says that this Soap “ Is one of the best that can be used for an Infant's Skin, curing or preventing the eruptions which so often break out. EXTRACTS OF A FEW REPORTS ON GALVcRT’S Is. 6d. and 2s. Cs. Bottles. DENTOPHENOLENE Extract from Health, June 27th, ISS4 : —-“An elegant and agreeable Tooth Wash must be mentioned as included among the preparations: of Messrs. Calvert. This fluid forms a most efficient means of strengthening the gums in cases of tenderness; and for ridding the mouth of the aroma of tobacco the Dento-Phenolene is most effective.” CALVERT’S in 131 d. Large Pots. CARBOLIC W C. Fitzgerald, Chemist, fit HR| TT |UI CR| T Wellington, New Zealand Ulil lif I LI” 8 writes:—“l would not he without it on any account. It cures Burns, Scalds, and Cuts with far less trouble than anything I have ever used. ’ It is very useful against Sunburns, Insect Bites, Stings, Earache, Colds on the Chest or Throat, Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions, Chilblains, Piles, &c. Numerous favourable reports on it have been received. CALVERT’S 3d., 6d. and Is. Sticks (ft A DDO3 or Tablets in Boxes. UfUIDULSU SHAVING & TOOTH F. i.e Gbos Clark, Esq., F. R. S., SOAP F. R. C. S , &c., Consulting Surgeon to the St. Thomas and Great Northern Hospitals, London, says: —“l was so pleased with your Carbolic Tooth Soap that I recommend it to my patients. It leaves a delicious freshness and makes it a pleasure to brush the teeth with it.” FOE LATJNDStY & DOMESTIC TJSE. CALVERT’S 4hd. per lb. Bar. 5 CARBOLIC Will be lound superior to ordinary soap SOAP ... cleansing and purifying Clothing, Blankets, Bed-linen, <fcc. It can be used equally well with hot, cold, hard, or soft water, and a trial will demonstrate its great utility. it is guaranteed to contain 4 per cent, of Calvert’s No. 5 Carbolic. The MATRON of Leeds Industrial Home for Girls, savs :—“We have used the No. 5 Carbolic Soap a considerable time for the Girls at this Home for Lavatory bathing, and scrubbing purposes, and I have much pleasure in stating that since using we have been entirely tree from Ringworm and Sores of the Skin." CALVERT’S CARBOLIC SOAPS AND TOOTH POWDER. CALVERT’S CARBOLIC Excel all others in antiseptic hy- SOAPS gienic, and disinfectant properties. Valuable against Skin Eruption, Perspiration, Prickly Heat, Insect Bites, &c. (See circulars.) Used by H. R. H. the Prince of Wales, in India, under eminent medical advise. - Calvert's Carbolic Soaps are of various qualities, each containing a guaranteed proportion of Genuine Carbolic Acid, which is the true antiseptic principle in Coal Tar. They are valuable as preventives of contagion, also for destroying un pleasant odour from the skin, and keeping it healthy and free from prickly heat or other irritation, as well as for washing soiled or infected clothing, and floors, walls, or animals infested with insects ; the Domestic Laundry, and Soft Soaps being specially suitable for the last-named uses. In warm climates these Soaps are almost indispensable; the Tbilet & Prickly Heat Soap were supplied for use of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales during his Indian Tour. The Soft Soap is also very useful against greasy heel and mange, and it prevents cattle from annoyance of flies. The Tooth Soap is said to allay Dental N euralgia. (that originated principally in consequence of abruptly changing their food from the dry steppe grass to that of the fresh cut pasture land), hy using Calvert’s No. 5 Carbolic Acid, carefully mixed in 400 parts of water, for drinking purposes, in the regular troughs. The Sheep wash gave a surprising result, for after two washings with same, dissolved in 60 parts of water, I entirely destroyed all signs of Scab in 400 Merino Sheep, which previously were very bad with the disease. The Wash is decidedly the best remedy yet tried on this estate. (Signed) FEODOR PARLOFF LIACHOFF. Kavalerslraya Estate Farm, River Don Territory. I have the pleasure to inform you that Calvert’s Wash is a radical cure for Scab. I made my first experiment on ten rams (which were very bad) hy dipping them twice-with the Wash diluted in 60 parts of warm water,, allowing ten days between each application, and the Scab entirely disappeared. My second experiment was-on 100 Merinos also very bad, and after dipping twice with same system the Scab was quite destroyed:—it must be here noted that the Rams are more difficult to cure of this disease than any other class of Sheep ; further, the dipping with Calvert’s Wash is a very simple process, and actually less expensive than with decoction oj tobacco, hitherto used here. lam of opinion that it will bo of great value to tho Sheep Farmers of this territory. (Signed) YAKOFF PEROHOFFSKY. T. SLOAN MORPETH, Esq., Petoni, New Zealand, writes : —“I recommend all who wish to free their dogs from fleas to use Calyert’S Carbolic Soft Soap. ” From FRED. I MOUAT, Esq., M.D., late Inspector General of Prisons, Bengal, and formerly Professor of Medicine in the Medical College of Calcutta ; “For some time before I left India I used your Toilet and other Carbolic Acid Soaps, with much satisfaction and advantage ; indeed, I ceased to use any other. I found none so detergent and so soothing to the discomfort caused by prickly heat, profuse perspiration, and other sources of dermic irratation. Professor W. WILLIAMS, of Edinburgh Vet erinary College, says:—“l still use your Carbolic Soaps largely both for horses and dogs, and can testify to their excellence.“ CAPT. G. TODD, Kingston Vale, Lond., S W , writes: —“I had a horse with a very bad and infectious skin disease treated in ordinary manner without success, and I was at last advised to kill it, but a friend suggested trial of Calvert’S Carbolic Soft Soap, with which, in warm water, I washed all over its body twice : when dry, I rubbed in Carbolic Oil ( Calvert's). This entirely cured the horse, and the coat came on in a short time soft and glossy as ever." FRICESToilot Soap, 10 per cent. Acid. f . 6d. Tablets Household, Bath, and Prickly Heat Soap 10 per cent. Acid 6d. and Is. Bars Nursery Soap, 5 per cent. Acid 6d. Boxes Medical Soap. 20 ~ ~ ls.Tabletsi& Domestic Soap, 6 per cent. Acid 6d. lb Bars Soft Soap 10 ~ ~ in Jars, lib., Is. ; , 2 lbs . 2s ; Tins, 4 lbs., 3s. ; 7 lbs., 5s each Laundry Soap. 4 per cent. Acid. 4jd. per lb. Bar Dog Soap, 10 per cent. Acid 6d Packets Shaving and Tooth Soap 6d. and Is. Sticks Tooth Powder(Perfumed)..6d, Is.,and Is. <fe 6d. Boxes Tooth Paste 6d., Is., it Is. 6d. Pots CULVERT’S CARBOLIC SHEEP WASH. J. MORSE & SON, Nurserymen, write :—“We have tried your Carbolic Soft Soap on Roses, Fruit Trees, Pelargoniums, &c., and have found it perfectly efficacious in destroying green and black fly, mildew, &c., and on a large Scale, far cheaper than the ordinary insecticides sold at present.” From Royal Botanic Gardens, Dublin.—Mr. F. W. MOORE says:—“Your Carbolic Soft Soap effectually destroys green fly, thrip and scale. The Solution has not injured the foliage on any plants, including ferns.” From NEWTON CRANE, Esq., late United States Consul, Manchester : —“ . . Your Carbolic Tooth Powder is the best I ever used. In this opinion I am joined by all the members of my family. " SYDNEY R. BROWN, Esq., Army Commissary, says of the Tooth Powder : —“I have used it for the last two years and can highly recommend it, and. having previously suffered much from tooth-ache and sore gums, I can vouch for its efficacy.” Dr. E. M. Harrison, of Queenstown, South Africa, writes : —“I congratulate you on the excellence of your Tooth Powder, it is a Compound that nobody has been able to imitate, and also unique in the preservation of the teeth. A lady writes:—“l have been asked to send out some of your Carbolic Tooth Powder to Natal, it being the only dentifirice obtainable there which will preserve the teeth. THIS Fluid cures Scab or Mange, and quickly destroys Lice, Ticks, Fleas, &c., if applied as directed ;it can be very safely and easily employed, and it is very cheap in the using on large flocks ; it has been for some time much used in South Africa, California, New Zealand, and South Russia. It readily mixes with warm or cold water, thoroughly cleanses the fleece, and greatly improves the value ; it does not cause harshness or loss of weight, and the drip will not harm the sheep, the dip being free from arsenic, and non-poisonous when diluted as directed. The following are a few Testimonials received about Calvert’s Wash after trial against I>ips of less first cost : From J. B. EVANS, Esq., Rielfontein, SOUTH AFRICA. Your Carbolic Sheep Dip is quite a success, and no Stock Farmer ought to be-without a supply. Several who have used it upon my recommendation speak very highly of it. N.B.—Mr. Evans is a well-known breeder of firstclass Sheep. From RANCHO DOS ALAMITOS, DOS ANGEDES CO., CADIFORNIA. After faithful use of it (Calverts Sheep Wash), and also of all and ever; one of the remedies generally used for the Scab, I have no hesitation in saying it is par excellence, the best, cheapest, and most efficacious Sheep Wash in use. . . . Yo say “ this Wash can be used cold." This may be true, but it is beyond all dispute so much more efficacious if used in water of a temperature of say 114 degrees to llr degrees Fahrenheit, that any one is bound to succeed with it. Our Agent in SAN FRANCISCO writes that “ a Sheep Owner in Sonoma Co. ha* dipped 5,500 tunc in 37 gallons (diluted) with most satisfactory results." On all original Packages our Trade Mark should be found over the oork or Bung. THE SHEEP WASH To Editor of '‘HOBART TOWN (Tasmania) MERCURY.” Sir, —As many sheep owners are in doubt a 3 to the best and cheapest dip for Scab, I send you the following account of experiment with Calvert’s Carbolic Dip used in the strength of 1 to 60:— The sheep were put in the Dip, and let swim out after being ducked over head, all spots of Scab having been previously hand-dipped that the Carbolic might sooner penetrate to the skin. The flocks were dipped as they were shorn, and have been in the yard three times since, and no fresh spots can be seen on them. One flock was dipped four weoks after they were shorn, and when X got them in the yard three weeks after there was no sign of fresh Scab on any of them. All my sheep were Scabby before shearing and after being dipped were put back on the same runs again, so that the Carbolic Dip 3 appears to be not only a cure but a preventive, of Scab. The cost is far less than any other specific, 2U gallons having tn this instance dipped 6,500 sheep and being used cold there is less trouble and expense in making the dip. I am certain that two dippings in three weeks would cure the most scabby flock in the colony, and equally certain that Carbolic does not injure the sheep in the slightest degree. (Signed) T. L. GELLIBRAND. To the Agricultural RU ty USSIA at ODESSA. . Louisville Estate Farm, River Don Territory. I -beg to submit details of results obtained by the curative action of Calvert’s Carbolic Acid and Sheep Wash, which I find very useful in farm management for Cattle in general, but more especially for sheep, both as internal and external remedy. In not more than two days I arrested the illness of 6,000 Shoep affected with a severe attack of Brain Itch or Sturdy Contains a high and uniform percentage of CALYERT’S GENUINE CARBOLIC, selected by the Royal Commissioners as the best preventive of contagion or infection, and proved by numerous experiments to be also the cheapest. The spent wash is of sufficient strength to disinfect and purify stables, cowsheds, or drains. Bulk, ss. per gallon, package extra. CALVERT’S NO. 5 FLUID Ribbed Bottles, Is. and 15.6 d.; Trade Mark Sealed Tins, 25.6 d. 45., 75., & 13s. each; in bulk, ss. per gal., package extra. CARBOLIC (CONCENTRATED). Unquestionably the most powerful antiseptic agent ?-et discovered, and, when properly diluted in water, he cheapest disinfectant that can be used to> prevent all Fevers and infectious diseases to which men or animals are liable. It will keep insects and serpents or other reptiles from all places where it is used, and it will destroy weeds or moss on garden walks, cellars, yards, &c. It is also the best wheat dressing—to keep away in sects, rust, or blight. Full instructions for use are on each label. For cure of lung worm and bronchial worm in sheep it is very effective when fumigated in close sheds. Details sent to applicant by post. Professor Tyndall says:—“Carbolic Acid isa-dead-ly foe to disease germs."— British Medical Journal, January 27tli, 1877. In a report to the Director-General of Prisons, Dr. R. M. Gover says;—“ Carbolic Acid is the most certain and powerful of the numerous substances used as antiseptics and disinfectants. The preparations of Carbolic Acid supplied by Messrs. Calvert &:Co. are, in my opinion, much superior to tlioso of any other manufacturer. N B.—See Trade Mark over each cork or capsule, and avoid low priced “ Crude ” Carbolic Acids which are usually Tar Oil Preparations almost worthless fere disinfection, and have a very low commercial value.. From M. MENIER’S Chocolate Plantation, Nicaragua:—“ In 1567, Cholera spread rapidly in this country, and decimated all the 1 pueblos ’ one after another. M. Menier sent me 600 bottles of- Carbolic Acid (Calvert’s No. 5), with which all corridors and interiors of our houses were watered every day (a tumblerful of acid in a garden can of water), and we were without a single case amongst our population, which is never less than 300 ; whilst at Nandaime, a village half a league from Valle Menier, several inhabitants were each day interred. The period of my using Carbolic Acid coincides with the disappearance oj intermittent fever, which attacks us four, or five, times yearly, and all fleas, chiques, flics,. &c.,have, disappeared completely from hero. (Signed) A. SCHIFFMANN.” A Report from ACAPULCO, MEXICO; says:—“l employ Carbolic Acid in preference to any other known disinfectant. That it does drive away, all kinds of vermin-ants, hugs, spiders, cockroaches, centipedes, and scorpions—l have proved, beyond all doubt, by repeated trials ; it is an invaluable agent in all tropical countries.” Mr. LUCIEN BIARD, in-speaking-of the invasions of the large Ants of Mexico, says:— “When one of their battalions threatens my house, I sprinkle a little Carbolic Acid in front of it, and tho army immediately makes a detour to avoid the obstacle." Sir JOSEPH FATHER, M. D , C. S-1., &c., says : Carbolic Acid is most deadly and disagreeable, to Serpents, and its application to walls, timber, and apertures by which they effect entry into a house would be useful in keeping them at a distance, and as a means of getting rid of them.where they have taken possession. ’ Rev. J. H. TIMINS, Vicar of West Mailing. Student of St. Thomas's Hospital, Hon. Treasurer Kent Nursing Institution, in his pamphlet on disinfection, says:—- * Calvert's Carbolic Acid has been throughly tried by the nurses who attend infectious cases, in-numer-ous outbreaks in Kent of small-pox, scarlet fever, and diphtheria, and ihave never known it to jail to destroy the specific poisons of infection ; it is the most perfect disinf ant. Terebene (a prepartion of Turpentine) was tried asa disinfectant in small-pox, when it failed. Sanitas (another preparation-from Turpentine) and other like substances may neutralise some effects of vegetable decay, and yet have noappreciableinfluenee in destroying the infective power of communicable diseases." A CHEAP AND EFFECTIVE PLAN FOR DISINFECTING A ROOM. Place a houseshovel over the fire until thoroughly hot (but not red hot ) ; them take it to the centre of the room and pour on the shovel an ounce (back of each bottle is graduated in ounces) of. No. 4 or No. 5 Carbolic ; lean the shovel so that no fluid can run on the floor, and the Carbolic will be given off in vapour sufficient to fill- an ordinary room. This will thoroughly disinfect the air of the room, .and as Carbolic (more properly called Phenol or Phenylie Alcohol) is not a mineral corrosive acid, the vapour will in no way injure pictures, metals, or fabrics. It is beneficial in many infectious diseases, and having been scientifically proved to benefit, lungs affected by tubercle, it may be safely inhaled to a reasonable extent. The No.. 4 fluid can be more; easily tolerated because of its extra purity, and to. many persons its odour is decidedly pleasant, if not excessively employed. Daily use of this process is strongly recommended when infectious diseases are present or feared, to destroy miasma and morbid germs,, and it will be found serviceable in cases of; Whooping Cough, and lung or bronchial ailments ; also. to drive away mosquitos and other winged insects,. The vapour is not at all inflammable unless the-shovel be held within two foetof fire or light, and the fluid will not injure carpets ; but it should not be allowed to run off the shovel upon oilcloths, painted or varnished woodwork or furniture.. N B.—lf any raw Carbolic Aced- should fall on the skin it must be promptly rubbed off with a dry cloth, and the affected parts well rubbed with oil. If taken internally by mistake, sweet oil and castor oil should be at once administered in large, doses, and no water used. i w w w w mi’ w w m ■ "E n i n 1,1 m ■ i n ii ■ ii ii n m F. G. CALVERT & GO., _tr£de MANCHESTER, ENGLAND, OX3OZXA2. MAHUFACTVRERS OF CARBOLIC ACID, ARB COVERITMEITT PURVEYORS, Awarded First Class for mark: Special Merit ” (Highest Award) Melbourne, 1881 ; and 41 other Prize Medals and Diplomas. 3PAMPHLETS, WITH DETAILS OF THE NUMEROUS FARM AND GENERAL USES OF CALVERT’S PREPARATIONS, WILL BE SENT BY POST TO ANY APPLICANT.

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New Zealand Mail, Issue 761, 1 October 1886, Page 32

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Page 32 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Mail, Issue 761, 1 October 1886, Page 32

Page 32 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Mail, Issue 761, 1 October 1886, Page 32