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News by Cable.

" ; r v ,»* iiiMcriio tblxobaph—coPTakato. >*«r U-.-,d :-<i ii.u'-r JiJttJTiE'B TEtKGBAitB. ' - "*[ ! ■ lii'.lid WO) •<<! ■■' ;%*':;.!■■ ■■■■'. ■' •....•■-'0 111 -"• . \.lu- i, -a- "'■ ■■■■ "'■ ■■'■ i^. ! n 5. , V this morning'" iaaue to the effect that the English officers possess documentary evidence of Arabi's complicity in the - massacre of Europeans at'Alexandria and other places. '&■•:&»'? t n-s • .¥■> •* i >V/ i .' v (Received October 6, 4.30 p.m.) . ,"■'"',' ''■"'' London, Ootober 5. i The Corporation of the City of London has voted congratulatory addresses to Sir Garnet Wolseley and. Sir Boauchamp Seymour on the success of the British, military and naval operations in Egypt. Mr Dillon, M.P. for Tipperary, has consented to reconsider the question of his intended retirement from political life.- : ; ! '!- ■-•'• ■■■'- ""•••' ■■■■■ Consols Tiave advanced to 100|. New Zealand 5 per cent. 10-40 loan, 104 J ; 5 per cent. 1889- loan, 107 ; 4£ per cent. -187M9M~!oan,' : 101±. The wheat market is dull. Adelaide, ex store, remains at 46a, and New Zealand ditto at 42s to 45s 6d. Adelaide flour, ex ■tore, 90s. Australian tallow is quiet at 44s 6d for best beef, and 46s for best mutton. The stock of tallow in London on the Ist inst. was 14,300 casks. Best Scotch pig iron, f.o.b. in Clyde, 52a 6d per ton. Received October 7,1 a.m.) ' London, October 5. Consols have further advanced to 100 J. . New Zealand securities remain at yester- ' day'a quotations. The total reserve in : notes and bullion in the Bank of England is £10,000,000, a decrease of £1,400,000 as compared with last week's reserve. The Bank rate of discount remains at 5 per cent., and the market rate at 4£. There are no changes to report in the markets for colonial produce. : • (Received October 7. 3.10 p.m.) ; . London, October 6. Sir . Auckland Oolvin, who formerly occupied the position of British Con-troller-General of Egyptian Finance, is now returning to; Egypt. He has, it has transpired, been instructed to suspend the resumption of his former duties of: control, and it is expected that these will now be permanently abolished. ANOTHER AGrRARIAN OUTRAGE IN IRELAND. NEW UNDER-SECRETARY FOR POREIGN AFFAIRS. London, October 6. A daring attempt to shoot a grazier and two land agents has been made near Ballina, County Mayo, Ireland. The shots I fired were unsuccessful, and the intended I

I victims escaped. No clue has,yet been obtained to the perpetrators of the out r rage. ■'; . • ~. It is now officially announced that Sir Julian Pauncefote, Legal Under-Secre-tary,, has been appointed Permanent Under-Secretary of Foreign Affairs, vice Lord: Tenterden, deceased. Jo Consols have declined J tolOOf. New Zealand securities remain at last quotations—viz. : Five per cent. 10-40 loan;' 104£, ex div.; ,5 percent. 1889 loan, 107 J 4|.'per cent. 1879-1904 loan, 101 J. Adelaide wheat, ex warehouse, is quoted at 475, an advance of Id; New Zealand, ex..warehouse, 423 to 44s 6d. Adelaide flour, ex warehouse, 33a. The total quantity of wheat afloat for Great Britain is 1,950,000 quarters. ': Australian tallow —Best beef is unchanged at 44s 6d ; best mutton has advanced Is to. 475. Best Sydney copra is quoted at £l9 10s, an advance of 10a per ton. Galvanised iron, 26 gauge, remains at £l7loa. ■ Received October 11, 0.45 a.m.) London, October 9. Consols have further advanced to 101 J. New Zealand securities remain at the following quotations : 5-'per-cent. 10-40 loan, 4i-per-cent 1879-1904 loan, 10i£. . Adelaide wheat,, ex warehouse, is unchanged at 47s ; and New Zealand ditto at 42a to 44a 6d ; Adelaide flour, ex store, 335. .;• ..;. ' Australian tallow—Best beef, 44s 6d ; best mutton, 47 s. Galvanised iron is quoted at £2O 10s for Gospel Oak f.ob. s- 1 - • The homeward mails' via Suez and Brindisi, which left Melbourne August 20th, were delivered here to-day. ! BAD/HEALTH OF THE BRITISH i ARMY IN EGYPT. . GREAT FIRE AT SMYRNA. THE PHGSNIX PARK MURDERS.— DISCOVERY OF THE DAGGERS USED. INTENDED PRESENTATION OF WAR MEDALS BY THE QUEEN. AQJC SPECIAL PEE UNITED PBBSS ASSOCIATION. - l (Received October 5, 2.40 p.m.) London, October 4, 5.30 a.m. A grand military fete is being organised at Cairo; ' The health of the army in Egypt is generally bad. . A great fire has occurred at Smyrna, causing immense destruction of property. . Colonel Valentine Baker has proposed to the Egyptian Government to recruit the army by the enlistment of' Albanians. (Received October 5, at noon). .' r . London, October 3, 5.18 a.m. The British troops are embarking on their return Home. Fifty members of the Indian force proceed to England to personally receive medabrfrom the" Queen.-r- - \ The English Government are negotiating for a European Conference on Egyptian affairs, to lie held in London. '(Received'6ct'obersj 12.15 p.m.) London, October 4, 5.45 a.m. The daggers used in the Phoenix Park tragedy have been discovered in Dublin. The police believe that ten persons were concerned in the murders, and that they are still, concealed in Ireland. An embassy from the Native Government of Madagascar has arrived at Marseilles, Tenants throughout Ulster are objecting to the Court valuers. Mr Trevellyan has vindicated the appointmenta, and threatens to abandon the Aot if is found unworkable. ! A congress of Associated Chambers of Commerce has been opened at Gloucester. The. Queen visits Cannes shortly.

REMOVAL OP "THE HOLY CARPET" TO MECCA. DISCONTENT IN ENGLISH FACTORIES. DISCOVERY OF EXPLOSIVE BOMBS. RAID ON TUNIS BY ARABS. SERIOUS ILLNESS OF DUKE OF BRUNSWICK. INDIAN POLICE FORCE FOR ALEXANDRIA. (Received October 6,1.25 p.m.) London, October 5. The " Holy Carpet" is to be removed from Cairo to Mecca, and the troops at Cairo have been ordered to salute on the occasion. It is found very difficult to prove the complicity of Arabi in the massacre and outrages at Alexandria. Great discontent prevails amongst the factory hands in the English provinces, and the matter has become so serious that wholesale arreats have been made, and the priaons are full. In several casea explosive bombs were found ready for use. An Indian police force is being organised in Alexandria. An Arab force has made a raid on Tunis. (Received October 6, 2.40 p.m.) London, Octobers. William, Duke of Brunswick, is seriously ill. He is 76 years of age, and j succeeded to the title in 1831. Two arrests have been made of persons suspected of being implicated in the Mountmorres murder. LESSEFS ASSISTANCE TO ARABI. (Received October 7, 8 p.m.) London, October 6, noon. The Muleteers' Transport Service in

Egypt has been ordered to remain, Lord Dufferin protesting against their withdrawal, which he considered to be premature. M. De Lesaeps has wired to the Commiaaion, before whom Arabi ia being tried, that Arabi protected the canal. . European counsel in Alexandria decline to take up Arabi's defence. Germany is promoting the unison of the Powers. Sir S. Northcobe has received the freedom of the City of Glasgow. 5.15 p.m. Letters have been found which prove that M. De Lessepa assisted Arabi. The Powers agree to allow Greece to join the indemnity. The Commission decided to release the muleteers, and Lord Dufferin threatens to resign if his advice is disregarded. (Received October 9, 0.45 a.m.) London, October 8, 8 a. m. Mustapha, an accomplice of Arabi, has been executed at Alexandria. The feeling in Egypt is strongly against France. A great fire has occurred atßirkenhead. Germany ia watching Russian operations on the frontier. The Queen will visit Netley (sic). THE PORTE AND THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT. REINFORCEMENT OF FRENCH TROOPS IN TUNIS. MURDER OF A SIBERIANJGOVERNOR. (Received October 10,3.5 p.m.) London, October 9, 4.7 p. nv The Porte considers the reply to its note vague as regards the intentions of England in Egypt. In consequence of the Arab rising in South Tunis, the French have decided to reinforce the troops there. Serious faction riots are reported to have occurred at Aries, a town situated in the south-east of France. (Received October 10, 11 a.m.) London, October 9, 6 a.m. The Bedouins are looting the graves of those who were killed in recent engagements. The Governor ofJSchik, in Siberia, has been murdered. ABOUS SPECIAL PER UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATION. (Received October 5, 9.45 p.m.) London, October 4, 6.10 p.m. The jurors at the Bordeaux Exhibition have awarded eight gold medals and fifteen silver ones to New South Walea exhibitors of wines; but this award is subject to revision. The red wines are generally preferred, but the white of the . new vintage command a ready market, and large orders for both are being forwarded to Australia. The inferior lots of mutton by the Mataura from New Zealand only realised 4£d per pound, and the best only sjd. The Garonne's meat brought s|d. Archbishop Tait is convalescent. ARABI; DEMANDS TKIAL BY ENGLISHMEN PLOT AMONG DARTMOOR CONVICTS. RUSSIAN PRESSURE IN ARMENIA. (Received October 6,11.20 a.m.) London, October 4, 5.5 p.m. The "Times " states that Arabi has demanded to be tried by a tribunal composed entirely of Englishmen. A plot has been discovered amongst the convicts at Dartmoor for managing a general escape by meana of keys ingeniously made out of bones. It waa enly discovered just in time to be frustrated. Russia i 8 pressing strongly for reforms in Armenia. (Received October 7, 8 p.m.) London, October 6, 6.8 p.m. The unofficial report of the jurors at the Bordeaux Wine Exhibition on the Victorian wines is very satisfactory. Lleutenant-General Sir John Adye, K. 0.8., Chief of Staff in Egypt, sailed for England to-day. The Arab rising is principally confined to South Tunis. London, October 7, 11.42 p.m. The hasty recall of British troops has been severely criticised. The Radicals find their prestige compro mised by the cloture proposals. The French Press insist upon the conquest of Madagascar. The hatred of the French is general in Egypt. The colliers are conceding to the proposals of the mine owners, and thus a general strike has been averted. REPORTED ESCAPE OF MIDHAT PASHA. PROBABLE SEVERANCE OF EGYPT FROM IURKEY. (Received October 10, 1.20 a.m.) London, October 8, 7.30 p.m. It is reported that W. M. Johnson, Q. 0., Solicitor-General for Ireland, and Dr. Andrews will be raised to the Bench. The Governmet of Chili have declined to accede to concessions of peace made by the Peruvian Government, and in consequence the parleying which has been carried on for some time has ceased. London, October 9, 6.7 a.m. Australian and New York farms are reported to be selling at fabulous prices in Tipperary. It is reported that Midhat Pasha has escaped from the custody of English troops. The Assembly of Notables are likely te

agitate in favor of a severance from Turkey. THE NEW ATTORNEY-GENERAL FOR " IRELAND. (Received October 10,11 a.m.) London, October 9, 9.4 a.m. Mr Andrew Marshall Porter, Q.C., will succeed Mr Johnson as AttorneyGeneral for Ireland. The "Daily News," commenting upon the case of Arabi, says he should be treated as a common convict.

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New Zealand Mail, Issue 558, 14 October 1882, Page 19

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News by Cable. New Zealand Mail, Issue 558, 14 October 1882, Page 19

News by Cable. New Zealand Mail, Issue 558, 14 October 1882, Page 19