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Commercial News.

New Zealand Mail Office, Thursday morning. ~ Business during the past week has not been brisk, although an improvement is perceptible. Woolpacks are in good inquiry, and fully stocked. For wholesale parcels 3s 2d to Ss 3d. is quoted for full siae packs ; three-quarters are quoted at 2s 9d to 2s TOd. Galvanised iron is well supplied. No large sales are reported since our last. We quote L2310s to L 24 10s for 26 guage. The cable advices from London regarding galvanised iron are rather conflicting. Early in the week galvanised iron was quoted by cable at Ll 7 15s, and a few days later at L2O 10s was quoted for gospel oak ; these advices have, however, not affected our market. Fencing wire is overstocked, and a concession on our last quotation has been acoepted for a parcel. Four-barb fencing wire is in light supply, and sells at L 63 10s to L 54. Nails are, as usual, overstocked, and no improvement in prices is reported. Kerosene sells slowly at Is Old to is Id per gallon for test oil. Currants have a firmer tendency, and 5Jd to 5Jd is the current quotation, according to sample and , . description of packages. We anticipate a firm market for the next two months, with the possibility of a further advance. Eleme raisins are quoted at 7id to 7id, and Sultanas 7Jd to Bd. Figs and muscatels* in prime condition are scarce. Dried apples are dull of sale at 6d to 6}d. Salmon is quoted at 8s 6d to 8s 9d; lobsters, 8s 6d to » to 8s 9d ; sardines, halves, are scarce, and quoted at " 10s9d to lis 3d; oysters sell slowly at 6«to 6s 3d. Sugars have had keen competition, and values are not so firm : we quote, nominally, L4llos, L 37 10s, and L 33 10s for I. W. and I.C. and C respectively. JamsJohnson's, Teuk's, and Peacock's are quoted at 7s, with good sale. Bottled ale has good inquiry, and one or two good-sized parcels have been quoted during the week; Griffen's and Burke's light sparkling ale, and Forster's, are quoted from lis 6d to lis 9d. Hennessy's case brandy is quoted at 375, with good sale ; in other descriptions of spirits, such as whiskey, geneva, rum, and Old Tom there has been the ordinary trade demand. Colonial Produce.—Flour is unaltered ; oats are quoted at 3s 6(1 to 3s 9il, according to sample ; fowls'wheat is worth 4s to 4s 6d; potatoes, old, are quoted at L3los; the first of the new potatoes were sold last Saturday at 4d per lb.

The Customs duties collected at the port of Wellington for the week ending Saturday Inst, amounted to L 4329. George Thomas reports produce as follows:—Potatoes selling readily at L 3 10s to L 3 15s, now firmly held at these quotations; oats, feed,.3s 6d to 3s 7d; heavy and Tartarian, seed, 3s 8d to 3s 9d • flour, LH 10s ; oatmeal, Ll 6 10s; pollard, L 7; bran' L 6 ; wheat, milling, 5s to 5s 2d; fowl feed, 3s 6d to' :4s ; feed barley, 3s 9d to 4s ; maize, 4s 6d to 4s 9d ; chaff, L 4 ; onions have been coining in rather freely' and may be quoted at L 8 10s to L 9 10s ; hams, 9d ; bacon, 8d; cheese. 9d to 91d; eggs, 9id to lOd ; fresh butter, Is. At produce sale on Saturday a first shipment of new potatoes brought 4d per lb, and oocba« 'huts Is per dozen,

fiffi&rmM.l*i Wan- MM » • Ltlof:toL4; hiy,^t^L6.'nP.»^ o » 3g 9d - ; fowla . mioM«:X.l«\^lJ^'^ iMU#LWA r'W*i*« lod to u: SSjW^'*?*^. s * ; per dO T' aß *' poultry «w» i auetlon'rather - »4SS3^bSfSMW ha*' been flat daring th « u D tte r has fallen as low as 9d,and i morebrUk. .V2*»„„ ar ds. Bggs. .worth fld per doz, *%&■&s& 4* t 6 4r «i' p»r pair;!ducks. Js.ed:' SKSSSWiw QhWW.'Wt^^Ue/ ft j|p Aß t.9ft, *«qm but with very Uttle.demaod. TBams andbaoon,, andknpwn^ brands, Worth 8d toBd; •««./ Sr«ut« hard to quit. pticetafc auction ranging from Bd to Bd. Onion* are all but impossible tolplace, and while they arej nominally wortjh LlO. per Jon, ,a few, ton* offered for public auction,met with no response. Potatoes are.hardening in price, but no large transactions have feken place to really test values* as there an large' supplies in the Wairarapa. and Wanganui. HaseU and Co. report current rates of produce as under:—Flour, per ton. Lll 10s ; oatmealj ; pollard. L 6: bran, 105 JOs to 16; obaff, L3.10S to U; hay, WtoL6 ; potatoes, L 3 to L3los : onions, LlO, per ton ; oats, 3s 6d to.3s M ; fowls' wheat. 4s ; nialze, H6d per bushel; hams and bacon, guaranteed, BJdj farmers' cure, 6d ; butter, lOd to Is ; cheese; »Jd per lb; eggs, 10dper dosen. . Fruit and poultry scarce, and sill freely at full rates. The Butt ™>* etwaß . well attended, and cattle sold at very satisfactory Pl Laerv and Campbell brisk at their m«KaXteraayW being obtained for the. former. In Produce, fowls averted 4s 6tt per pair. There were no ducks or tKsinthemarkefi A small lot of,. is Id per dozen : eggs have been inquired for during-, the nrYs»nt week. Fresh butter brought o*d per lb. A smalfconslgnment'of Wairarapa potatoes rea sed 70s per ton! delivery taken by purchaser at the i tatlon; Jhl?were a very fine ■ample: In other produce there report, and all transactions are of ' * very limUed October 9. . The local stock-markets show very little signs of improvement, as the butchers' hav* full roppliesj ™a F the feed is not yet sufficiently forward to tempt natters to operate.; Ineheep. prices have been irregular, crossb ed» being a Ultle. more in request than merinos. At H. Matson and Co.'a last weeks sales erdssbreds brought 19s 3d to 20s andmerino wethers 18s to 14s 6d,' lighter weights . 16s 6d . to 18s. For storea the demand was brisk. Lambs realised 8s 6d to XOi, according to quality, scrubbers ss. •there Is every prospect of the supply of fat lambs this season-belng^ -heavy. _ Beef waa-ln small supply, ■ 2Ss MoJ 28s -being the general rate. Gloed linesot store cattle were inquired for, at. from L 5 to L5.10s per head: poor lines were comparatively neglected, even'at ridiculously low rates/ prices ranging from 15s to L 3 ss. Old cows sold, at LI and upwards. Messrs Robert Wilkin report sales of gb6u quality crossbreds at 15s each; prune lambs; at from i3s to 16s each ; good ditto, at 10»»d and 12*; a draft of about 300 crossbred hoggets at 12s; merino ewes, with lambs at foot, at 9s 7a.. Fat, bullocks'at LiO. Pigs—From llsOdto 28s, according to rise.' Messrs H. Bennett and Co. report prices at the piav poultry, and produce market:—Fowls, 2s 6a to 4s6d per pair: ducks, 4s tp r 55.: turkeys. 7s to 12s J 6d; geese, 6s to Bs. In pigs; anything good met with a ready inquiry, and was quitted at fall; market rates. Onions, potatoes, &c, unaltered, i

3HABE .REPORTS,, .--j Messrs" Williamson and .Co. report for, the week ending 7th October as follows:—Sales—Gold mines: Humphrey's Gully, 23s 6d ;" Welcomes,-105s. Quotations— Banks: New Zealand, L 23 -J2s 6d; Colonial, L2 7s 3d ; National. L3lßs to L 3 18s 6d. Insurance: New Zealand, L3*lßs; National. 29s'; Union,' LT; South British.' L 3 3s6d ; Colonial, 10s; Standard, lfls : New Zealand Aeoldent, 6s 3d. :' Shipping: New Zealand (Limited),.,L4, 17s _6d. ; .Gas: VVellington (Limited); Lll and L 5 10s., Coal:. Koramu, L4los—no buyers. Miscellaneous r Wellington' Trust- and Loan, 114 s -,'■'■ Wellington- 'Equitables, 114 s 6d ; Northern Land and Loan, 86s; Wellington and Mana-. watu Railway, 6d premium ;., New Zealand Loan and Mercantile, L 6; National Mortgage and Agency, 33s ; Mosgiel VTooUen, 82s «d ;, New iZealandDrug, 24s od.' Minings Homewards, &i 3d: -Welcomes,, 107 s 6d; Darks: 65s ; Humphrey's, 23s 6d ; Fiery Cross, 13s 6d ; Fleece*, 13e6d; Kess Fl*t*; 70S; NilDesperandums, 3s 6d -jTerawhiUrr-Wealths; la; Albions,'3s; Golden Crown,2s6d. ...,.•.!>' i*. L,-.'' *»ltiawi,.« The Sharebrokers'. Association have received the following advice 'from 'Reeftdir:-"Returns' for the week v Keep-It-Dark, 3950 Z amalgam from 17* tons of stone; Welcome, 3630 z amalgam from 90 tons stone" a i »■'-• '! : rf- - ■ - - Ihe Wellington Sharebrokers' Association report (7th)>-Sales tor week—Bank of New-Zealand* L 23 12s 6d: Colonal Insurance, 9s i lid to 10s; South British 63s 6d; Union, 20s ; New Z-aland; Shipping, 97s 6d to 97s ; Drug Cxi. 24s parcels'. 9d premium; Humphrey's'Gully (3rd), 23s 6d ; Welcomes (6th); LSlOi. i Sellera: Bank of New Zealand. L 23 16».; Colonial,,47aßd; NfationaL 77s ed; Colonial Insurance, 10s 3d ; New Zealand, 78s jSouth British. 62s 6d to 63s 6d t Standard. 16s 3d : Union, 20s 6d ; Ndrtherhs», L 4 o»\< tCeep-it-Darks (Reefton), 67s 6d. Buyers: Colonial • Bank; 48s 9d ;; National,. 76sttd ; Colonial Insurance,, 10s; Union, dent," 6s 3il; Welcomes, ,Ls'7* 6d. Quoted: National Mortgage, 82s Cd; Loan arid Mercantile, L6to L 6 3s; Mosgiel Woollen. 82s to 83s; Equitables of Welling-; ton L 5 14* 6d ; Trust;and Loan, L5.145.6d tOjLS 15s ; Homeward Bound (Reefton), 9s 6d. Deacon and Bushell, James Kiirton; John W. Stevenson, P. W. Telford, D. T. Stuart (Chairman). »'•:•--«

MONEY MARKET. Inactivity has prevailed in the share market during the last few weeks. The slight Increase in rates of discount which we notioed last month still rules, and has had a tendenoy to keep speculation In the back ground. The first phase of the European crisis having passed, has had the effect of lulling anxiety which wbb beginning to be felt with respect to coming hard times. The uncertainty of possible contingencies still keeps the market dull and heavy. We notice with satisfaction the telegram relative to the South British Insurance Company, in which is stated an inoreise of L 42.149 la premiums, as compared with the eorresponding period of last year, and the proposed dividend at thj rate of 15 per cent. Messrs Chas. Pownall and Co.. scriveners, report the position of the money market somewhat changed during the last month, the rate of interest now ruling being from 7 to 8 per cent, for sums in excess of £SOO,

notwithstanding that, for mortgage investments theimportance concluded. -/For amounts 7 percent, is now : generally required, 6j per cent, having beCn refused by an influential firm in Christchurch. Our Sydneynnd Melbourne correspondents,, however, on;er) to place money fuUy.l, per under present quota 7j tionsV and looking to the price of 3 per cent. Consols at*., IOOj (a'neverif ailing 'guide as to the' plethora of unemployed cipltal), we are at alOss.tO' conceive, in the absence of a, large demand arising, any substantiarreaßoh for present rates beirig npheld The rise in money value-can alone be- attributed Mi the co-operation, of the Banking interests to suit theh; Special purposes, otherwise it is unexplained. Pro-, pably the,'same causes may induce them shortly to again reduce it. "■'••■ ' '•.•;.■•;-.)• ! ' < .l/CT-TNIIKD FBESe ASSOCIATION. ,- Chribtohcroh, Octobers. I Wholesale pfdduoe prices 3s 3d to 1 ft*'6d!perbusheU ditto (malting), 4s to. 4s. 9d per bushel;; butter, Is'ld to Is I*4; cheese (old), 7jd. to Sjdper lb: new, 7d per lb ; fowls' wheat, 3s to 3s 6d per bushel; 1 flour, Lll to Lll 10s per ton; hams and bacon in! olotb,~ 8d per. lb; hams- and bacon out of. cWtli, 7idperlb; oats (feed), 3s t o 3s Id per bushel; Oats (mUing), Ss to 3s 2d per busheL; potatoes, 45s to 47s 6d per ton ; wheat,(milling), 4s 4d to 4s 6d per bushet wheat (seed), 5» 8d to 6s 6d per bushel.! Ketail prices: Fresh butter. Is 3d per lb ; cheese, 9d to lOdper lb; milk, 4d.per quart; beef, 2d topper lb ; mutton, 2d to 4d per lb ; pork. 6d per lb : hatri, lOd per lb: bacon/ 9d per lb; lamb, 33 6d aiid 4s per quarter. . - '■ ' i - ■ ' ; » ' rt ■■ ■ • ... ■-,. , Dunkdin, Octobero, Mr J. B. Bradshaw reports :—Bank New Zealand, L 23 12s 6d; National. L 3 17s : Colonial, L2 7s: Insurance—New Zealand. L 3 l7s;,National,Ll.Bs3d; Standard, 16*; South British, L 3 2s 6d ; Union, 20s ; I Colonial, 10s. Miscellaneeus—New Zealand Shipping, L4'l6s 6d; New Zealand Loan, L 6 ; National Mortgage, 335, i Now Zealand Drug, 245; Mosgiel Woollen; Factory, L 4 45.; ... ~-.., ■...:■ ; :|oL'i MARKETS, . From the Sydney "Tpwn and Country Journal,', of September 30, we make the following extracts : Wheat. There is not much prime wheat of New South Wales, Victoria, or Adelaide qualities to hand. Californian, Tasmanian, and New Zealand samples are i not in great demand, millers being disinclined to give the prices quoted; whilst stocks are accumulating', with prices at "Adelaide and Melbourne euier. Adelaide wheat, Cs 6d to .7s, nominal; New South Wales, 6s to 7s; Victorian, 65,6 d, nominal; New Zealand.' 6s to ss : 3d; Launceston, 6s 9d to 6s 2d; and Califomian, 6s to 6s 4id.per bushel. :- 1 ' ... t "FLOUR. [ ... ' This market Is dull, not much, business having transpired during-the week. Flour from Victoria, ' New Zealand, and' iCalifornia is-1 in plentiful supply, and we hear of Southern flour, b.eing offered at lower rate's to arrive. Holders of first-class brands, however, are making no cbnoessloh on their rates. Sydney mill flour /-superfine; Llslos to Ll6s ; household, Ll 4 1 10 s, seconds, LlB 10s ; ; New South Wa es, country . brands, LU 15s to ( LI6 16s ; Adelaide, Ll 4 10s to Ll 6 ; Zealand; Ll2 10s to Ll 3 10s ; Callfornlan. LIS 10s to Ll 4 -per" ton ; bran and • pollard, Is 4d to Is 5d per bushel. •''; ■■: ■ -■ ■ ■ ■' ■ - -■ '■■■-} ■ , j I ; .MELBQUJaNE MARKETS. Messrs Goldsborough and Co., in their monthly report for September, say:— . ■ • . Wheat has eased in price about 3d per bushel during the month, owing principally to a large holder being desirous to realise, but we look forward next month ! to an improvement in prices. At present, we quote - . 6s 9d buyers, and 7s sellers for all good milling parcels. Flour has been exported in considerable quantities to New South Wales and Queensland, and prices, in consequence, have kept firm at our previous quotations of Ll 3 15s to Ll 4 per ton. Oat*: A speculative demand for this cereal has set in, resulting in several thousand bags changing hands at from 4s to 4s 3d per bushel, with a prospect of further advance. Barley, of both malting and feeding qualities, is in very little [demand; our previous quotation Of 53 to 5s 3d remaining unaltered. ~; . ■ . .- The arrivals of wheat from San Francisco to both New tfauth Wales and South Australia are being gradually absorbed; and the season is likely to olo*e with a on hand than has been known for . many years past.. ~ • .. . . •'. -.: •. From all quarters the most favorable reports of the harvest prospects are received, and should present anticipations be realised, there is likely to be a large surplus. of grain for export from Victoria next season. "... ' ,- V. .-, •'■■' .. :. ~ '-, :f PRODUCE MARKETS. From the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company's report on the produce markets of the! colony for the past month, We extract the following items of information:— "• -j--! 'r. ■..' Wool. '■ u ' ■-' The result of the shearing now progresslngrin Aus- '■ tralia discloses a deficiency of 10 to -20 per cent- on the clip Of 1881. The, flocks throughout this colony look; well, and give indications of yielding large and sound fleeces. Shearing operations are now commencing in the North Island, and will soon be in full swi-'ig. ~-1 . .. ~ . ... Christchurch.—At a special sale, chiefly fellmongers' parcels, : following rates were realised : Greasy: Merino, 6|dto 7d ;.half-bred, 6Jd ; crossbred, 6d; lambs, 7Jd, Scoured: Merino, Is 2jd to Is 4|d; do.pieces, lid to Is Jd ; : crossbred, ll}d to Is 4}d ; do locks and pieces, 6jd to Is." ''" ' ."'" few small lots have been sold at public sale, realising 7 srl6d per lb, • i ;,.- ..; : -.-! Sheepskins.• jj -. i ■;. Christchurch.—The market has been well supplied,' the demand active, and satisfactory rates secured.' 'Present quotations :—Butchers' crossbreds, Ss 9d to 7s 6d ; merino, 8s 6d to 6s 64 ; country skins, crossbreds, 2s 6d.t0.6s 8d ; merinos, 2s 6d to 6s 9d ; pelts, 6d to Is 6d ; station skins, 5Jd to 6jd per lb; salted or limed pelts, Ss 6d to 5s 9d per dozen. Dunedin. —The supply continues equal to the demand Butchers' crossbreds, 3s 6d to 6s 4d; merinos. 2s 8d to 6s 6d ; station' and dry skins, up to 6s 2d for crossbreds, and 5s 4d for merinos. WaLLiNGTON.-rßusiness has been very quiet in this line, and oddments that have been disposed of can scarcely be regarded as evidence of values. Full--1 wool crossbreds are worth from 5d to 6d per lb ; station skins in bales, from 6d to 63d. Timabu.—A good supply during the past month, and full prices maintained, ranging up to 6s 4d for long wools, and- 6s for merinos. Gisborne. —Good number sold at 2s 8d to 8s 9d, and some fresh butchers' skins as high as 4s 3d. Auckland.—Sales have been made at prices ruling from 3s 9d to 5s Bd. Namer.- Fair number of skins sold, and good station parcels fetch high prices. Rabbit Skins. Dunedin.—Well-prepared, and in good shipping condition, sell at Is 3d to Is Sid, and as high as Is 4£d ! has been obtained for a very superior parcel. Invercarqii,!,.—Considerable parcels have been coming forward for direct shipment, but only few local sales have been effected. Prices realised have supported our quotations. Wellington.—Well-saved winter skins find ready sale at Is 6d per lb. Hides. Christchurch. A steady demand observable throughout the month at former rates. Dunedin. —All lots coming to hand meet with ready sale at, say, 4d per lb for 601 b-hides, and 3d to 3jd for medium and light weights. Auckland. —Values of this line remain at about last quotations, sales having been effected at 3*d Tallow and Fat. Christchurch.—The demand for rough fat continues keen. At one period of the month prices were forced up to 3id per lb. Current rates stand at 2d to 2Jd Weil-rendered mutton tallow is making 3is, and mixed, upto32s6dpercwt. - .' < Auckland.—Odd lots have sold at 20s to 28s per cwt. Prime is worth about 84s. '• Dcnkdin.—Tallow continues In good demand, at up to 32s 6d per cwt; inferior and butchers' fat at up to 20s 6d per cwt. .. . . , Invkrcaroill.-Some large shipments have been made through us to the neighboring colonies, where prices rule very firm. . . . Gisbjrne.—None offering. Small transactions at 27s 6d. Timaku.—The supply coming forward is small, and lots offered meet with ready sale. Napier.—Good inquiry for tallow, but high prices restrict business. Wellington. Demand good. Well rendered mutton L 33 to L 35 per ton; inferior to medium, L2B toLSOton. Grain. Ohristohurch.—Wheat: Quotations nominally 4s 7d to 4s 9d f.o.b. for prime milling; ,4s 4d to 4s 6d for ordinary; 4s to 4s 3d for seconds ; and 3s 3d to 3s 9d for chick-feed. The demand for flour has con-

siderably abated, and sto<>ksl ia're accumulating oh.- mlilers , r*.'haTlds;r"' Several- 'parcel* --have-- gone ] forward to, Australia, and some more heavy !shipments thence are contemplated. Oats.—Steady trade for local requirements. Stocks are extremely ;slender, and -prices must harden.. For inferior, samples, 2s lid ; good feed, 3s 2d, ex store, is obtain;*Mfj.' I Dunedini—Wheat: Not much demand except for prime milling, up to 5s ; medium, 4s to 4s 9d ; inferior and fowl feed, 2s 6d to 4s. As high as 6s has been, paid for seed purposes. Oats.—Very "little inquiry excepting for good bright heavy oats, but none offering. Present, prices—prime milling, 3s 2d to 3s 3d ; bright •feed, 3s id to 3s 2d ; medium, 2s6d to 2? lid. Barley.—' 'Good malting still in demand up to ss. 1 ,Timaru.—Wheat ::Trade during the past month has been brisk at up to ,4s 6d for Tuscan, 4s 5Jd for red chaff and velvet, all prime simples, ex store. Fair medium qualities can be procured at about 2d off these prices. Stocks now running low. Oats.— Large quantities are in the district, and selling at Pabout 3s for prime feed, up to 3s 2d for milling delivered at Timaru. _'. Wellington—Oats are in good demand at 3s 5d to 3s Bdper bushel. H .-, . Blenheim.—Wheat: I rices remain unaltered at 4s9dfor good Tuscan. Oats: Inquiry continues to be made for bright feed parcels, but none in stock. Nominal quolati'ms are-prime milling, 3s 2d to 3s 3d per bushel. Barley : Prime malting samples would find buyers at 4s 7d to 4s 9d per bushel. Nelson.—Malt: Steady bunness, and for good samples full rates are maintained. Hops : Great activity has been shown . during the month. Kates have advanced in sympathy with advices from Europe. have been effected at 2s 6d f.0.b.. , Auckland.—Oats are decidedly weaker. Sale* have been made at 3s 4d on terms. Barley : Malting is dull ef sale at 4s Bd. ' ' Napier— Wheat: At auction a small lot realised 4s lOd for sound, and 4s for slightly damaged. Oats: A fair business is passing at 3s 9d to 4s 3d for good r iNVBRCARGiLL.—Wheat: Sales effected to a moderate extent; speculation, however, has been very limited. Oats : Sales have been made at from 2s lid to 3S 6d for seed purposes. Barley : No change during the monch. ■ / . ' . , ~ Oamaru. —Wheat: market continues languid. Oats : Stocks are light, and well held. Barley : Seed samples at 4s 6d ; inferior, suitable for feed, 2* 6d to 8s; for good malting, a strong demand exists at quotations. . Grass Seed. Christohuroh. —Export demand for cocksfoot has been good, and quantity to be held ever is insignificant.. Quotations are 4s 3d to 5s for rye grass; cooksfoot cannot be obtained at less than 5Jd per lb little or no business has passed. The few sales transspiring show rates at 6s 3d to 6s 6d. In veroarGill.- Ryegrass : Large sales have been made at from 6s to 6s 6d per bushel for farmers parcels. Machine cleaned is selling at fully up to 6*. Cocksfoot has been in fair inquiry at 6Jd to 7d. Timothy: Farmers' parcels have sold at 7d per lb. Turnip Seed: Locally grown brings lid per lb, with fair inquiry.

STOCKS, SHARES, &C... lf ./•;*.,: ,: "6U»..6<?toBBR, 1882. ■ , ■ . ■ .,': . i/;< u'K . QwdlATIONS. g i l-J K ft S a'-c CourA.uiF.3. ':..- -• • ?h t* .2 8 p< 5 *«l B.S is This Last — g^-a *l month. month, g l.V*BANKS. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ £ s. d. Bank of New Zealand £10 23 12 6 23 12 8 If > 6 6 10 National Bank of 70s. 3 18 0 3 18 0 ' r 6 5 0 Colonial Bank of N.Z. .., £2 2 7 0 2 7 6 r 5 18 3 INSUJtANCB New Zealand £2 3 19 0 3 19 f 1 5 7 11 9 National of N.Z. lIOs. 19 0 19 6 2 D 6 18 0 do New Iisue 108. 0 1 6 Standard of N.Z. 163. 0 16 0 o ie 6 h 7 0 0 S.British of N.Z. £2 3 2.0 3 16 1 7 6 9 0 Union of N.Z. .. 15s. 10 0 10 0 1 3 7 10 0 Colonial of N.Z. 10a. 0 10 0 0 10 0 . •'• HiaOEIXAHEOTJS. N.Z.L. and M,A. ' Co.,Ld. .. 60s. 6 0 0 6 2 OK i860 National Mortgage & Agency Co.,Ld. £1 118 0 1 13 OK ) 6 1 0 Union Steamship Company, Ltd. £10 "12 10 5 0| $ > 7 4 0 N. Z. Shipping Co. Ld .. ',£6 417 6 * 17 6 1( > 10 5 0 "Wellington Gas Co., Ld. ■■•■:.. £10 11 0 0 11 0 0 11 411 7 2 WellingtonTrust, Loan, and Inveatmt. Co. Ld. £6 '614 e 6 14 6 J 7 17 0 Equitable Building and Inreatniant Co. ".. £6' 5.14 a 6 14 6 1 0 1 8 14 0 : *Ex DiT.

WELLINGTON MARKETS. Wholesale. Prices. FARM AND DAIRY. PRODUCE. £ s. d. £ s. d. Milk, quart - - : - 0 0 4 toO 0 7 Butter, fresh - r . 0 0 9 to 0 0 10 SaltButtor - , - - 0 0 0 to none Cheese, Col. • - 0 0 9 to 0' 0 * 9J Eggs, dozen • - 0 0 9i to 0 10 0 Lard, lb. - . 0 0 io£too 0 11 Ham, lb. (in cloth) - 0 0 8 toO 0 9 Bacon, lb. . 0 0 7£ to 0 0 8£ Fowls, pair - - 0 4 0 toO 4 6 Ducks, pair - - - 0 4 6 toO 5 0 Geese, each - - . 0 3 0 to 0 3 6 Turkeys, each - 0 4 9 toO 5 0 Hat and Corn Market. £ s. d. £ s. d. Maize, SydneyNone Maize, Poverty Bay . 0 4 0 toO 4 6 Oats, milling - Very Scarce Oats, feed - 0 3 6 toO 3 9 Wheat do - - - 0 4 0 toO 4 6 Carrots - • - 2 10 0 to 0 0.' • Hay, ton - 4 10 0 to 5 0 0 Oaten, ton - 4 15 0 to 5 0 0 Straw, ton . 3 0 0 toO 0 0 Chaff, ton - - 4 0 0 to 0 0 0 Onions per cwt - 0 10 0 toO 0 0 Potatoes .00 0 to 3 15 0 Flour Market. Wholesale. £ s. d. £ s d. Sharps, per ton - -70 0 to 7 10 0 Adelaide, per ton .13 10 0 to 14 0 Bran, per ton - 6 0 0 to 7 0 0 Colonial Flour -12 0 0 to 12 10 0 Oatmeal - 17 10 0 to 18 0 0 Seeds. . . £ s. d. £ s. d. Ryegrass, bushel • - 0; 6 0 toO 7 0 Cocksfoot, lb. . 0 0 5 toO 0 0 Wt. Clover, lb. - .0 12 toO 0 0 Red, lb. - , ■• ."-■ - 0 0 8 to 0 0 9 Alsyke, lb. - - 0 1 6 to 0 0 0 Cow Grass, lb. . 0 0 10 toO O'lOi Timothy, lb. • - 0 0 4Jto0 0 0 Rape, lb. • 0 0 4 toO 0 0

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New Zealand Mail, Issue 558, 14 October 1882, Page 14

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Commercial News. New Zealand Mail, Issue 558, 14 October 1882, Page 14

Commercial News. New Zealand Mail, Issue 558, 14 October 1882, Page 14