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Commercial News.

The amount of Customs duties received at this port for the week ending January 9th was as uuder: —

We report a fair trade in imported goods during the week, in spite of the general complaints of dull times, but prices show no improvement. On Wednesday Mr. J. H. Bethnne sold under the hummer, by order of the "Victorian Sugar Refinery Company, 320 mats of sugar No. 3, at £25 per ton in bond, and SOS mats of No. 3at £25 10s per ton in bond. The lots were taken in two separate 1 nes by two Wellington firms, the b ddings being wanting in spirit - A ship, ment of Van Dieman’s Land jams was also taken at 6s Sd per dozen. The New Zealand Mercantile Loan Agency’s wool sale was not well attended on Thurs day, and most of the wool was withdrawn, m biddings reaching the limit; an offer of S-J-d per lb. for 34 bales of greasy cross-bred, which had been bought in at 9d. was held over for a consideration. The locks and pieces were sold at from 1-Xd to 4£d per lb.; skins, 5d per lb. In colonial produce we report dull trade and little or no change in prices. Butter in kegs is comparatively neglected, and is quoted at Sd to S£d per lb. for prime cure. Cheese, light stocks of Canterbury make, and worth Sd per lb.; hams and bacon in fair demand, at 9d to lOd per lb.; flour, full stocks of Canterbury and Oamaru flour, at £lO 10s per ton, with very little trade doing, as most of the bakers are fully stocked ; Adelaide flour is worth £lB to £l9 per ton, there being none in importers’ hands. Oats continue firm at 4s 2d to 4s 3d, with fair trade doing: fow-1 wheat is worth 4s to 4s 3d; maize, 5s to 5s 3d per bushel; potatoes, £6 10s to £7 per ton; bran, Is per bushel; pollard. £6 10s to £7 per ton. Mr. George Thomas reports selling at auction on Thursday:—Black Swan tobacco in bond. Is 3d ; do duty paid, 38 6d; white herrings, duty paid, 10s per cwt; Canterbury hams, 6£d per lb; currants (casks), 2jd; cheese, 6d to 7s; tether lines, 9s; clotheslines, 7s; wheat, 3s; 1W sugar (Melbourne). 403; 1C do do, 395; Morton’s pickles. 9s; do salad oil, pints, 103 3d; do do do, half-pints, 6s: Lea and Perrin’s sauce, 12s 8d; Bell and Black’s plaid vestas, ss; Column's starch, 4Jd; O. Jones' do, 3sd; Gape raisins, 4dGeorge Thomas reports markets as follows :—Flour (Adelaide) very scarce, £lB to £lB 10s; colonial (Oamaru), £lO 10s to £ll ; oats, 4s 3d to 4s 6d; bran, Is; wheat, 4s to 4s 3d; hums. lOd; bacon, 9d; cheese, Sd, scaroe; maize, 5s to 5s Od; pollard, 7s; butter, Sd: potatoes, 7s to Ss per cwt. Mr. Duncan’s land sale on Thursday afternoon was well attended, and the bidding was spirited. Mr. T. K. Macdonald kindly officiated, in the unavoidable absence of Mr. Duncan. The sales effected wre as follows:—Lot D. corner ef Webb and Hopper-streets, 80ft and 40ft frontage, with six roomed house, threeroomed cottage, and stable, £775, R. Port. Feilding —Section 1, Young, £SO; section 2, Beard, £32 10s; section 3, Waldegrave, £3O; section 4, It. Port, £27 10s; section 7, Waldegrave, £27 10*: section 13, Young, £32 10s; section 14, Young. £3O; section 26. Beard, £3O; section 28, Lewers, £3O: section 29, Young, £3O; section 41, Waldegrave, £3O.

BY TELEGRAPH. AUCKLAND SHARE MARKET. (from our own correspondent.) AUCKLAND, Thursday. Mr. Alexander Saunders reports :—Sales : Bank of New Zealand, new issue, £2l; Sash and Door Co.. £lO 2s 6d; Auckland Gas, £lO ; Loan and Mercantile, £5 12s 6d. Sellers : Union Bank. £57 ; Bank of New Zealand, new issue, £2l; Colonial, 525; National, 70s; South British, 67. Buyers : AJburnia, ISs, Kurunui Hill, 7s 6d. THE WELLINGTON MARKETS Wholesale Prices. Farm and Dairy Produce. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d.

Building Materials. Timber. —Boards and Scantling, 100 ft., 9s. f;o 15s. 11s. Gd. at mill; planed, tongued and grooved, 11s. Gd. to 12s. sd. ... ~ , Red pine palings, 12s. per 100 : red pne timber 16s per 100 feet ; kauri timber, 18s. per 100 feet ; red pine, tongue graved, 225. per 100 feet; totara posts, Is.

4d. each ; birch rails, Bd. each ; white pine shingle*, 16s. to 18s. per 1000. Hobarton timber and fencing material Shingles, lOs.per 1000 ; palings, from 16s. to 183. per 100 ; rough spokes, 255. per 100 ; felloes, from 100 s. *© 200 s. per 100 timber, 14s. to 16s. per 100 feet, superior; posts,; £4los. per 100; rails £3 3s. 4d. per 106 Coal and Firewood Market. Coal.—Newcastle, £2 5 0 per ton. Firewood. —2 foot rata, 365. to 40s per oord ; 1 foot wood, 455. per cord ; 4 foot wood, 365. per oord; 6 oot wood, 365. per cord. BONE DUST. Bone dwst, No. 1, £7 to £8 ; bone dust, Ncl 2, ££* 10s. to £8 10s.; bone dust. No. 3. £6 to £6 10s. J. M. TAYLOR’S SHARE REPORT. Wellington, January 10, 1879.

In the share market then[« mtinuei to be exfessirc dulness and depression, and me prices of all bank and insurance stocks have a downward tendency, our Quotations being merely nominal. There is no lack off sellers at our quotations, but owing to the pressure in the money market, there is apparently no disposition to invest. GOLDSBROUGH’S MONTHLY CIRCULAR. WOOL. A large business has been transacted during the month, 42,731 sales having been catalogued, and 32.472 bales sold, thus making a total of 120,278 bales c rialogued, and 83,157 bales sold since the opening off the season on the 9tli October. This is in excess off the quantity offered at the corresponding date of last year, thus furnishing evidence of the steadily increasing popularity of this market. Probably 30,000 or 40,000 bales more would have been offered had the prices been higher, but during the earlier portion off the season growers could not realise the reduction in value, and hence many of them who otherwise would have sold here, preferred to chance the English market. The unsatisfactory reports of the progress of the November and December sales in London had a depressing effect on prices during the earlier portion off the month, but- during the past fortnight, owing to the receipt of more satisfactory news, a somewhat firmer tone has been prevalent, and, although we can scarcely quote an actual advance in prices, a greater proportion of the wool offered has been sold. Ou sales of the 11th and 18th mstant especially passed off well, and we sold over 4000 bales each day, being an unusually large proportion of the quantity catalogued. The sales held during this last week have also passed off s itisfactorily, and quotations are now about the same as were current at the departure of last month’s Suez mail, being Id to l£d less than at the opening of. the season. Unwashed wools have ranged from <5Jd to 13d, and washed fleece from Is 2d to 2s 2d per lb, the latter price having been obtained for a choice lot of 134 bales from the Glenisla station, beautifully got up and in light condition. Superior lots have, as usual, commanded the most attention; inferior descriptions, badly gor-np parcels, and cross-bred.s being comparatively dull of sale. The Western District and Tasmanian clips are now coming forward, most of the Riverine and Northern flocks having been shipped. There are also considerable arrivals from New South Wales and South Australia, this market having become thoroughly established as the premier wool depot of A ustralasia. So far there has been but little demand for America owing to the depressed state of trade in that country; but another new market has taken a further quantity, purchases having been made to the extent of 600 bales in fulfilment of orders from Japan, and the Kassa is now laid on to sail in a few days for Yokohama direct, with the above cargo. The clearances to date for London are 183,273 bales, being 9?13 in excess of the quantity shipped at the corresponding date of last year. Of this quantity SS94 bales have been forwarded during the month per steamers Northumberland, Hankow, and Cuzco, via Suez Canal, chiefly for the February »nd March London sales, and for direct transmission to the manufacturers. The total shipments from Victoria last year, ending October Isf, 1877, were 312,566 bales ; and this year a slight increase may be expected, though the effects of the drought will not be made up for fully another year. Our advices from the country districts continue favorable, this being a splendid season for both feed and water. The sheep generally are in excellent condition, and will no doubt yield superior fleeces next shearing if moderately favorable weather prevails. Wool continues to arrive in large quantities, and there will be considerable sales throughout next month. Freights to London, per sailing vessels, are g-d for greasy and Ad for washed, per pound. The steamers via Suez Canal reduced their rates after the departure of last month’s Suez mail, and took cargoes at quotations ranging from gd to Jd. for greasy, and id to Jd for washed.

£ s. d. £• s. a. Spirits .. 1530 10 11 Goods by Oigars.. .. 116 3 C weight . 498 IS 0 Tobacco .. 488 17 0 Ad valorem . 1987 0 4 Wine .. .. 206 17 10 Other duties . 194 7 s Heer .. .. 156 19 0 Light dues, shipToa .. .. 723 11 4 ping. &c. .. 623 9 4 Coffee.. .. 47 1 0 Sugar.. .. 623 3 3 £7197 5 2

Batter, fs, lb 0 10 to 1 0 Lard, lb .. 0 0 to 0 0 Butter sit. lb 0 0 — 0 0 Bacon, Pro.. 0 7 — 0 0 Retail Price. Milk, quart.. 0 4 to 0 6 Fowls, pair.. 6 0 o 7 0 Butter, fs., lb 1 0 — 1 0 Ducks, pair.. 7 0 — 8 0 Butter, salt ..1 0 — 0 0 Geese, each.. 7 0 — 8 0 Cheese, Col.. 1 0 — 0 0 Turkeys, do. 6 0—10 0 Eggs, dozen 1 9 — 2 0 Bacon, lb .. 0 0 — 1 0 Bard, lb .. 0 0 — 0 10 Ham, lb .. 1 2—1 1 Rabbits, pair 2 0 —0 0 Carrots .. 4 6 — 5 0 Cabbages, dz 2 6 — 3 0 Potatoes .. 0 0 — 7 0 Turnips, doz 2 6 — 3 0 Bread, 4d. to 5d. 21b. loaf. A’d veg’bl, dz 2 0 — 2 6 Flour Market. Wholesale. £ s. d. Suoerfine Flour, silk dressed, per ton £16 0—15 ' 0 0 Flour, ditto, household .. *lo -14 0 0 Seconds, per ton.. 0 0 0 Sharps, per ton .. 8 0 0 Adelaide, per ton 17 0 0 Oamaru ditto ... 12 10 0 Dunedin, dit 11 0 0 Canterbury, ditto • • 10 0 0 Bran, ner bushel / .. 1 6 — 1 8 Hay and Corn Market. ■ s. d. s. d. £ s. £ s. Maize, Sydney 0 0 to 6 0 Hay, ton .. 7 0 to 0 0 Do. Crushed 6 6 — 0 0 1 Oaten, ditto 0 0 — 6 10 Oats (South).. 4 6 — 4 9 t Lucerne, ditto 0 0 —5 0 Wheat (fowl) 4 6 — 0 0 Straw, ditto 5 0— 0 0 Potatoes .. 100 0 — 0 0 | Chaff, ditto 9 0—0 0 Seeds RyegTass, bah. 7 0to8 0 Alsyke, lb. . .1 2to0 c Do. Pov. B.,do.S 0—0 0 Cow graas, do...l 3—0 0 Cocksfoot, do. 10 0—0 0 Rape, do. ..0 6 —0 0 Wt. clover, lb. 1 2—0 0 Lucerne, do. . .1 6- 0 0 Red do. do... .1 0—0 0 Timothy, do. .. 1 0—0 0 Retail. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Maize .. 6 6 to 0 0 Peas .. 5 0 to 0 0 Oats, ditto ..5 0 — 0 0 I Do. crushed 5 6 — 0 0 Bran, ditto 1 8 —0 0 Lucerne, cwt. 0 0 — 7 6 Wheat (fowl) 4 3 — 4 6 Oaten, ditto 5 10-0 0 Hay, cwt. .. 7 6 — 0 0 Straw, dit o 6 10 — 0 0 Beans .. 5 6 — 0 0 Chaff, ditto 7 10 — 0 0 Do. crushed 5 6 — 0 0 O’Sheath’s do. o 0—0 0 Brocolo from 0 — 0 0

Company, Capital. CD 5-4 c3 X! Amount paid up. Quotations T* S3 O 2 £ £ £ £ % Bank of ]NTew Zealand 725,000 10 10 450/ 16 Union Bank of Australia 1.500,000 25 25 60 16 National Bank of N. Z. 1,000.000 10 3* 77/ 6 Colonial Hank of N. Z. 2,000,000 5 2 50/ 7 New Zealand Insurance Co. 1,000,000 101 Q 80/ 16 South British Insurance .. 1,000,000 20 2 65/ lb National Insurance .. 1,000,000 10 10/ 25/ 20, Standard Insurance .. 10 15/ 19/ 13* Union Insurance 2,000,000 20 l2As 41/ — Colonial Insurance .. 1,000.000 10 5/ 4/ — New Zealand L. and M A.. 2,000.000 25 2.V 5,} U» New Zealand Shipping 100.000 10 5 85/ — Wellington Trust and Loan 200,000 10 5 55 10 Do. (2nd issue) 30,000 10 22 M 28/6 — Wellington Gas '30,000 10 10 340/ 15 Do (2nd issue) 20.000 10 1 28/ — Wellington Public Hall 9,000 30 30/ 35/ 10 Te Aro Theatre 10,000 10 5 IT 40/ — West Wanganui Coal 50.000 5 15/ — —

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New Zealand Mail, Issue 361, 11 January 1879, Page 13

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Commercial News. New Zealand Mail, Issue 361, 11 January 1879, Page 13

Commercial News. New Zealand Mail, Issue 361, 11 January 1879, Page 13